

1489 Uppsatser om Message source - Sida 2 av 100

Konstruktion och implementering av mobil prototyp: The Lovebomb

The idea for the thesis ?Construction and implementation of a mobile prototype; The Lovebomb? originates from doctoral candidates Rebecca Hansson and Tobias Skog from PLAY Research Group at the Interactive Institute in Gothenburg. The object of the master thesis is to construct two working LoveBomb prototypes, one mother console belonging to the LoveBomb and blueprints for both. The LoveBomb (the picture to the right shows a possible design) is intended to encourage people to express themselves emotionally when situated amongst strangers in public spaces. Two buttons control the device, which contains a radio transceiver.

Mail Exchange Protocol (MEP): Ett utkast till nytt protokoll för elektronisk post

SMTP, the current protocol for sending electronic mail (e-mail) over the Internet, has for many years suffered from several problems and limitations. When it was designed, well over twenty years ago, the requirements for e-mail were very different from those of today. A message was a text message in English, and both user and machine were explicitly named in the address. The protocol was not designed to transfer other types of messages, and no mechanism was included to verify the identity of the sender.In order to solve these shortcomings, a new e-mail protocol needs to be defined. This report specifies a basis for what such a protocol may look like.

Att skapa nya rum : Roomservice - en annan form av marknadsföring

Due to the technical development the enterprises of today are forced to creative thinking when it comes to marketing of their products. An example of one of these new methods are the development of product placement which has come to an interesting turn namely advertiser funded programming (AFP). Instead of the product just being a small part of the storyline it has become the story itself. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the advertiser funded tv-production Roomservice, a Swedish home styling program, communicates with it?s viewers as well as how they perceive the message.

Komplexiteten i ett event : Kommunikationskanalen som leder till relationer

Events are a growing channel for companies and organizations to reach out to their customers. The com-munication channel opens up to satisfy all human senses. Which are required for a message to go into the receiver and be memorized. The research gap we decided to contribute to we made a case study of an event that is not sport related and looking at both the transmitter perspective and receiver perspective. Thus, the purpose of our study is to increase the understanding of how the transmitter should be able to convey the purpose and goal of the event to the receiver.

How do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlate with each other in open source software development?

Open source is growing outside the boundaries of hackers, amateurs and software development, creating a humongous potential in many different areas and aspects of society. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drives open source have been in the subject of much research recently, but how they affect each other when paid and unpaid contributors come together is still hidden in obscurity. In this study I investigate how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlates with each other and how those correlations affect paid and unpaid open source software contributors. The literature synthesis is based on of systematic reviews through searches in library databases, identification of articles by searching on the Internet and by reading relevant books. My results indicate that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations continuously affect each other and that paid contributors are more vulnerable since their extrinsic motivation in terms of money is reached only when many other motivations are fulfilled.

Säker grannupptäck i IPv6

The IPv6 protocol offers with some new functions, one of them is auto configuration. With auto configuration it is possible for nodes, i.e. hosts and routers, for automatically associated with IPv6 addresses without manual configuration. Auto configuration it is another protocol as it uses Neighbor Discovery protocol (ND) messages (ND is mandatory in the IPv6 stack). The main purpose of ND is that nodes can discover other nodes on the local link, perform address resolution, check that addresses are unique, and check the reachability with active nodes.There are exactly the same vulnerabilities of IPv6 as IPv4 and is now exception, ND if not properly secured.

Open Source, Pedagogik och Teknik : rekommendation av pedagogisk OS-programvara

Syftet med denna undersökning är att erhålla relevanta frågeställningar som ska utgöra engrund för att ge en rekommendation på en pedagogisk Open Source-programvara som stödjere-learning. En utvärderingsmodell skapas för att få fram ett relevant resultat baseras på svarenpå dessa frågeställningar. Utvärderingsmodellen tillämpas i en fallstudie för att visa enpraktisk användning av modellen. Det framgår vad som är relevant att tänka på vidinförskaffande av en Open Source-programvara som ska vara så pedagogisk som möjligt..

Den utan socker : En undersökning om skillnader mellan generationer då det gäller inställning, tillförlitlighet och påverkan av tv-reklam

The first company to send TV-commercial was the American company NBC, it was in the year of 1941. In Sweden, TV-commercials were first shown in 1987/88. TV 4 was the first channel to send commercial in Swedish television.TV has the advantage of showing both sound and picture, which makes TV the strongest channel of communication to mediate a message between a company and the consumer. Although TV-commercial is the most expensive choice to mediate a message, it is also the most effective one. (Persson, 1993)Almost everyone is exposed to TV-commercial daily.

Laga läckan: De verkliga effekterna av kreativa mediaval på kort och lång sikt

The media arena is becoming more and more crowded by various brands and different commercial messages. At the same time, consumers learn how to screen marketing communication and their cognitive ad filters enable them to avoid message elaboration. Thus, new thinking and new communication executions are required in order to surprise the consumers and break through the clutter. In the present study, we have investigated how the choice of media affects attention, memory and several communication effects that the ad can generate in the short as well as in the long term. The study is conducted on a well-known brand within a low-involvement product category.

Ett enhetligt budskap? : En textanalys av publikationer från Skolverket kring sambandet mellan resurser och resultat

There is a general conception among those who are involved in the school-sector that there is a relation between resources and results. Better qualified teachers, smaller classes and schools with more finacial funding are regarded as better learning and development conditions for pupils (Gustafsson 2008). In spite of these widespread understanding, educational and economic research studies at the beginning of the 20th century had reached the verdict that resources have no bearing on educational results (Gustafsson 2008). The Swedish board of education (Skolverket) have published several reports, studies and surveys regarding the relation between resources and student outcomes.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the message of six publications from the Swedish board of education around the relationship between resources and student outcomes on the basis of the decentralization of the Swedish school in the 1990´s. The central question at issue is whether the Swedish board of education has been consistent in their message about the relationship between resources and results in the six publications between 1994-2009? I have also attempted to answer the resulting questions of my conclusion.This study is based on a qualitative text analysis.

How do intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlate with each other in open source software development?

Open source is growing outside the boundaries of hackers, amateurs and software development, creating a humongous potential in many different areas and aspects of society. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that drives open source have been in the subject of much research recently, but how they affect each other when paid and unpaid contributors come together is still hidden in obscurity. In this study I investigate how intrinsic and extrinsic motivation correlates with each other and how those correlations affect paid and unpaid open source software contributors. The literature synthesis is based on of systematic reviews through searches in library databases, identification of articles by searching on the Internet and by reading relevant books. My results indicate that intrinsic and extrinsic motivations continuously affect each other and that paid contributors are more vulnerable since their extrinsic motivation in terms of money is reached only when many other motivations are fulfilled.

Open Source i småföretag

Vårterminen 2006.

Torsby kommun kommunicerar för en yngre befolkning : En kvalitativ undersökning av en av kommunens målgrupper

AbstractThe purpose and vision for the municipality of Torsby are to connect with a younger population in the municipality by the year of 2012.This study is a qualitative survey of the target group ?the young ones? within the municipality of Torsby, which is the population between 17?35 years old.Because of the size and the different intrests between the individuals in this group it has been divided into three smaller groups.? High school students, 17-19 years old.? Returning seasonal workers, 20-26 years old.? People who has moved to Torsby and are now living in the municipality, 27-35 years old.The results of the study show that all the respondents believes that with the right communication channels a positive and strong communication between the municipality and the target groups can be reached. The message and the significance of the message are as important as the communication channels and all the target groups together would like to see a wider range of leisure pursuits that will suit the respective target group.The analysis and the results also show that the communication with the target groups should come about in different ways to be successful, both when it comes to fundemental reasons and choices of communication channels.The two youngest target groups has an adjacent and a similar need of well-founded and entertaining communication and information to rach a long-term result.The older group needs communication that will give them opportunity to reflect and concider the message, which means that the municipality of Torsby needs to adjust both the message and the communication channel for a quicker respons. This target group is also in need of further studies so the municipality of Torsby succesfully can plan a more detailed communication, this because the target group is a less homogeneous group than the two other target groups..

Server Message Block : En undersökning av potentiella prestandavinster mellan SMB 2.1 och SMB 3.0 i ett befintligt nätverk

Examensarbetet behandlar en jämförelse av Server Message Block 3.0 och föregångaren 2.1 i ett befintligt nätverk. Jämförelsen utfördes i fyra laborationsmiljöer bestående av fyra operativsystem: Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 ochWindows 8. Sammanlagt har fyra tester utförts: Förstudie, Test 1, Test 2 och Test 3. Förstudien utfördes för att testa nätverksprestanda mellan två datorer. De andra testerna satte SMB 2.1 och SMB 3.0 på prov.I Test 1 ansågs SMB 3.0 prestera sämre än SMB 2.1, för att bekräfta resultaten kontaktades Jose Barreto på Microsoft.

Reklam med god kvalitet : ? en studie av fem guldäggsbelönade annonser

In this thesis, high quality adverts are examined from the perspective of the advertisement contest Guldägget. The study discusses award-winning advertisement, both in terms of content and design, according to Guldägget?s jury members, industry experts and various theorists. Semiotics is used to analyse Guldägget?s winning adverts.

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