126 Uppsatser om Mergers and Acquisitions (M - Sida 2 av 9
AstraZeneca : Vikten av intern marknadsföring och kommunikation i samband med fusioner
In the society of today it?s very hard for companies to succeed with mergers. (A.L.Pablo, M.Javidan:2004) This study intends to elucidate the importance of internal marketing and internal communication with mergers. The intention with this essay is to study and analyse the merger between the two companies Astra and Zeneca and study the employers at the time when the merger took place in 1999.I have chosen to do this study on the basis of an employer?s perspective.
Användarstyrt förvärv vid tre högskolebibliotek
User-centred acquisitions at three academic librariesA new way of developing collections has been adopted at a number of small academic libraries, user-centred acquisitions. The method implies that the main way of building the collection is by means of receiving suggestions of titles from library users. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate changes in acquisitions of monographs. At a more detailed level it seeks a deeper understanding of what user-centred acquisitions is and how the method effects the acquisitions process. Changes in stock management and the reason why the libraries have chosen the method is investigated as well.
VD-hybris i samband med företagsförvärv: en studie på den svenska marknaden
In this study, we examine the presence and consequences of CEO overconfidence in the Swedish market. We identify overconfidence with two insider-trading based measures and find that overconfidence is apparent among one third of CEOs in companies listed on the Swedish stock market. We also find that these CEOs are more prone to carry out acquisitions, as the probability of conducting an acquisition increases by 27 % if the CEO is overconfident. However, we do not find evidence that acquisitions by overconfident CEOs are more value-destroying. This finding contradicts results from previous studies conducted on Anglo-Saxon markets that suggest that overconfidence has a negative impact on the value-creation in acquisitions.
Värdeskapande i samband med förvärv: - om nyckelfaktorer i en förvärvsprocess
The acquisition process as an object for research and empirical studies have increased in importance during the past decade. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate this process further. This was done by reviewing previous research covering the area of mergers and acquisitions. Seven key factors that should be considered in an acquisition process emerged; acquisition project management, planning, communication between the acquirer and the potential target, goal alignment within management, company-cultures, a trade-off between a certain speed in integrating the companies and consideration of the employees, and finally the follow-up. These factors have been shown to increase the likelihood of value creation in acquisitions.
Företagsförvärv : en fallstudie av tre bankers förvärv
Mergers and Acuisitions are becoming increasingly common. This can be explained with the fact that the competition is increasing. Therefore many companies are forced to join other markets.
This thesis inquires into the process of Mergers and Acqusitions when one company buys another company. The main focus is set on how three different banks handle the process of Mergers and Acqusitions and what results this leads to. These are: Kaupthing Bank, Nordea and Citibank.
Försvarsstrategier och strategisk trovärdighet vid fientliga övertagningsförsök - En fallstudie av Scania och Skandia
Background: Mergers and acquisitions have evolved from initially almost exclusively having been an American phenomenon, to becoming a common occurrence throughout the world. Companies though, are not defenseless against hostile bids, but must take many factors into account when selecting defense measures. Purpose: This paper aims to enhance the understanding of acquisitions through hostile bids on the companies studied. More specifically, this study aims to create a deeper understanding in how Scania and Skandia have chosen their defense measures, or could have chosen, before and during their hostile bidding processes with specific concern for their strategic credibility. Method: This paper is based on two companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange exposed to hostile takeover attempts in a similar time period.
Regelbördan på Stockholmsbörsen - En studie om regleringars inverkan på avnoteringar från NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
DefinitionerInitial public offering (IPO)Den första försäljningen av ett företags aktier på den publika marknaden.AvnoteringHändelsen då ett börsbolags aktie tas bort från marknaden.Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)Ett omfattande och för ämnet väl undersökt amerikanskt regelverk.Private Equity (PE)Aktiekapital som inte är börsnoterat, investerare som investerar direkt i privata bolag eller köper ut publika bolag från börsen.International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)Internationella regler som styr rapporteringen av olika typer av transaktioner och händelser.Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)Förvärv och sammanslagningar av bolag.Definitioner hämtade från http://www.nasdaq.com/investing/glossary/.
?Vi läkare är inte utbytbara!?: - en studie om identitetsskapandevid fusioner i sjukvården
During the last 20 years, the Swedish health care system has faced major changes. One of them is the increasing pressure to generate economic profit due to private businesses entering the market. Health care units are forced to make some structural changes in order to become effective and efficient. As a result merger and acquisitions has become a part of the health care sector, and seems to be an increasing phenomenon. Mergers and acquisitions have mainly been studied in the industry.
"Local roots, Global reach" : En fallstudie av Pernod Ricards förvärv av Vin
Syftet är att analysera integrationen i förvärvsprocessen mellan Pernod Ricard och Vin&Sprit genom att göra en fallstudie för att se vilka förutsättningar de har för att lyckas.Undersökningen är en fallstudie och har en kvalitativ ansats. Metoden i denna uppsats kommer att bestå av intervjuer och skriftliga källor. Till största delen används primärdata men även sekundärdata kommer att förekomma.Erfarenhet och tidigare kunskap om internationella förvärv spelar en stor roll vid internationella förvärvsprocesser. Kulturella skillnader verkar inte spela en så stor roll som det ofta sägs. En decentraliserad affärsmodell kan dock förhindra att de eventuella kulturella skillnader som finns inte påverkar förvärvsprocessen negativt.
Värdering av varumärkesstarka företag i samband med uppköp: - en empirisk studie av fem svenska företagsförvärv
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how a valuation of a company preceding an acquisition can be affected by the fact that a strong brand is attached to the target company. Techniques to value a company and theories of brands are well developed, but the link between them is partially missing even though the needs to value brands have increased. A case study of five Swedish acquisitions is conducted to identify possible complicating and simplifying factors and how these are handled in the context of a valuation of an acquired company with a strong brand. Important findings are that a decreased volatility of future earnings can lead to more accurate prognoses and valuations due to the existence of a strong brand. A strong brand can, on the other hand, also make the valuation of the target company more difficult due to the fact that it is a subjective asset which increases the overall risk of the company.
Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster
Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altogether. There are various reasons for this development, such as Information Technology making it possible for librarians to compare prizes and services from different retailers. Another important reason is the need for public libraries to meet new needs from their patrons, while remaining on a restrained budget, which often causes a need for reorganization of staff and resources.As a way of meeting the new needs for libraries, Bibliotekstjänst has created Profile Services (profiltjänster), a service in which a library outsources its acquisitions to Bibliotekstjänst. The staff of the library, in dialogue with Bibliotekstjänst, design a profile for the acquisitions for the library in question, in order to determinate which types and genres of literature the library and its patrons are requesting.
Att rusta sin borg. Förvärv och bibliotekssamling i Vadstena kloster 1374-1595. En studie av resterna.
This paper is a study of Vadstena monastery's book acquisitions and book collection 1374-1595. Studying catalogue descriptions of manuscripts and incunabula in Uppsala University library, the author has aimed to examine the development over a period of time, concentrating on way and place of acquisition, and desired types of texts.A short description and history of the monastery and its library is given. The study opens with the author stating there must have existed a plan for the book acquisitions and collection. A survey investigation shows, that the usable material is too small and somewhat nonrepresentative of the monastery library to form a basis for a fair analysis. Further investigations give material to form a basis for some careful statements, saying that book production and also acquisitions concentrated on sermons literature, and that this type dominated the library collection throughout the time of development, followed by the philosophical-theological university literature..
?I valet och kvalet? Urvals- och inköpsstrategier på svenska folkbibliotek
This essay focuses on strategies for acquisitions in Swedish publiclibraries. The topic has been occuring in the public debate off andon since the70s. The dominant view has been that librarians haveallowed demand direct the purchases of media and thus haveignored quality literature.This debate has caused me to reflect on the librarians constantdilemma when purchasing media. Are they supposed to chooseliterature that are in demand, or should an evaluation made bylibrarians be the decisive?The previous research has shown that the library profession istraditionally characterized by a non-judgmental approach.
Identifiering av immateriella tillgångar : En studie om redovisning av tillgångar vid företagsförvärv på svenska MTF:er
An accounting issue that has received attention is the issue of identification of intangible assets in acquisitions. This is because the company's result can be different depending on how much the company chooses to identify intangible assets separated from goodwill. As the practice for identification of intangible assets lacks clarity, companies are able to account for this in different ways. In this study, the manner in which identification of intangible assets are managed by companies listed on Swedish multilateral trading facilities and the manner in which companies distribute the purchase sum on net tangible assets, intangible assets and goodwill in comparison with listed companies is examined. The study emanates from a systems approach and is descriptive.
Underskott vid gränsöverskridande fusioner : Utgör de svenska reglerna en inskränkning i etableringsfriheten?
This Bachelor?s thesis focuses on those terms that, from a Swedish perspective, have to be fulfilled to entitle deduction for definitive losses in a cross-border merger situation. The thesis analyses one of the ten rulings from the Swedish Supreme Administrative Court which were published in 2009.The ruling is analysed in the light of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, the merger directive and the Court of Justice rulings in Marks & Spencer and Lidl. The purpose is to examine if the Swedish rules concerning cross-border mergers is compatible with the EU-law. The Swedish rules concerning mergers are found in chapter 37 in the Swedish income tax act.