

1388 Uppsatser om Meetings and relationships - Sida 4 av 93

En kär lek : En studie om gymnasieungdomars uppfattning av kärlek och kärleksrelationer

This essay is a part of a project called ?Young peoples representation of love and relationships? and was initialized in Barcelona in January 2006. The University of Barcelona cooperates with the University college of Södertörns Högskola to compare perception of love among youths in both countries. The project focuses on teenagers between 13-19 years of age. The project uses four types of questionnaires with questions about love, feelings, empathy and relationships witch were compiled by research workers at the University of Barcelona.?A Love-ly game? is a qualitative study that is based on a questionnaire-investigation made in a Gymnasium-school in a suburb south of Stockholm.

Professionella möten i Göteborg : Vad utgör ett bra professionellt möte?

Background: Human beings have been living in the city of Gothenburg for thousands of years. The city was founded in the year 1621. During the years, it went from being an industrial city to later on, a city of events, education and business.Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to find out what makes Gothenburg a good city for professional meetings and what should a good professional meeting include.Questions at issue:Why is the city of Gothenburg an attractive alterative for a business traveler?What makes Gothenburg a magnet for professional meetings?What elements should be included in the meeting?What can the meeting organizer do to achieve a wow-meeting?Method: The Authors have used a qualitative method where primary and secondary data have been useful. In this paper the authors have done personal, electronically and phone interviews to be able to answer the stating questions in the best possible way.

?Det är ju lättare med svenska föräldrar? : En kvalitativstudie om sex förskollärares upplevelser i mötet med föräldrar med annan etnisk bakgrund än svensk

AbstractSweden has over the past years grown into a multicultural society which has caused that people with numerous variances of religion and cultures have to interact. This essay will be based on several primary school teacher?s experiences with immigrant families. The purpose of this essay is finding out how they are introduced and integrated in Swedish primary schools by the teachers.I?ve interviewed six primary teachers that shared what they?ve experienced with immigrant families.

Vad har jag gjort för att förtjäna detta? : En studie av kvinnors upplevelser i våldsutsatta relationer

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of women who have been abused by their partners. The study also examines how violence takes shape in a relationship. Based on a qualitative text analysis of three autobiographies and one novel, we have obtained the material for this study. The three selected autobiographies are; "I have not told you everything" by Jessie Andersson, "The nightmare" by Maria Dahlén and "It would be a pleasure to kill you" by Magdalena Graaf and the novel "Hidden" by Liza Marklund. To gain a better understanding of this topic, we have used the following theories; the process of normalization of violence, gender and masculinity.

Mötet, ett dilemma eller en möjlighet? : - En kvalitativ studie av myndighetspersoners beskrivningar av individer med ett socialt funktionshinder.

This is a study with a qualitative approach and a social psychological perspective. Our purpose is to describe and analyze authority officials descriptions of individuals with a social disability and their perception of how the interaction in the encounter with its implementation. We are interested in how they experience their power as authority representatives. The following issues are highlighted.? How do people in authority describe individuals with a social disability?? What is the authority officials view on the interaction in meetings with individuals with a social disability?? How do authority officials experiencing his or her position of power in relation to the meeting?Our results are based on semi-structured interviews with five persons in authority, which is active in Insurance and Employment Service in Örebro County.

Att umgås eller inte umgås, det är frågan! : Socialt umgänge och utveckling hos människor med psykosdiagnos

Background: A common view about people with diagnosed psychosis is that they are socially withdrawn and that they neither cope nor want to engage in social relationships. Newly published specialist books on this subject also support this view.Aims: To unveil further dimensions of the phenomena by explorative analyzing consumers? own depictions about their ?social relationships".Method: The material is taken from a larger study that followed consumers regularly during a lapse of 3 years. Within this material 15 interviews from three respondents were chosen, a selection which gives maximal spreading concerning age, sex and background. The interviews where analyzed by methods based on Grounded Theory.Results: Three main dimensions were identified: supportive relationships, difficulties and social withdrawal.

Utan den andres bekräftelse är jag ingenting : En studie om kvinnan i kärleksrelationer och relationer

The aim of this essay is to analyse young peoples view and thoughts about women. I have studied how young people ?create women? in an opinion poll about love relations and relationships.The survey has been answered by high school student in a suburb in Stockholm. My main question is: What conceptions of the women are presented in love relationships and relationships in general?To analyse the data, I have used a qualitative method which means that I have tried to understand and interpret their answers.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

Föräldrar i fokus! En studie av småbarnsföräldrars informationsbehov och barnbibliotekariers intentioner med föräldraträffar

The aim of this study is to examine present forms of interaction between Child Welfare Clinics (Barnavårdscentraler, BVC), and libraries. The study departs from the user?s perspective, i.e. how the parents evaluate the information they are given about the library and its resources to provide information they want in their present and new situation. In two local communities the survey looks into how parents of babies are informed about the library in meetings arranged as part of the information and support program provided by BVC.

Bystämman som en mötesplats för jordägarna : En lokalhistorisk undersökning om de gemensamma resurserna inom Benestad byalag åren 1886-1928

This study examines the organization of the village society in Benestad, in southern Sweden, during the period from 1886 to 1928. The study focuses on the commonly owned resources in the village and how the landowners there came together and shared the resources. By studying the records of the societies? meetings, and in particular the cases that concerns the common resources, a categorization has been done. The results of the study show that the landowners in Benestad shared pasture lands, milk carriage and other resources with one another. Overall, the village society had a strong organization with at least two yearly meetings about the commonly owned resources.

Volvo-Fordaffärens påverkan på Volvos leverantörer

Background: The literature concerning M&A has thus far concentrated on the merging companies, and on what kind of effects an acquisition has on these companies. The effects on the involved companies´ (customers and) suppliers have largely been ignored in the M & A literature. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how the suppliers relationships to the aquired company are influenced by an acquisition and how the suppliers handle the following situation. Method: The paper has been carried out in the form of a case-study and we have interviewed some suppliers to the automotive industry. Results: The full effect on the suppliers relationships to Volvo has not been seen yet, due to the fact that only two years has passed since the acquisition and that the current products have a lifecycle of 3-5 years.

Att bli en riktig låtsasmamma : En kvalitativ studie av hur styvföräldraskapet kan upplevas.

This is a qualitative study aiming to study stepparents? view of the relationships within the stepfamily and their thoughts about what makes it work. It is based upon three stepmothers? life stories focusing on their relationships with their stepchildren. The study is based on a symbolic interactionistic theory and explores the experiences and unique perceptions of these women in their life as stepparents.

Forskningsbiblioteket som mötesplats : En ny sida av forskningsbibliotekets uppdrag?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the research library of Linnæus University is used by students as a meeting place. Building upon Putnam's theory of bonding and bridging social capital and Audunson's conception of high and low intensive meeting places, it aims to explore the research library's potential for creating social capital and thus strengthening both learning and democracy in a university context. Borrowing part of the survey design from a study conducted as part of the Norwegian PLACE project, this study collects responses from 134 students as to their use of the library as a meeting place. The results show that the Linnæus University library is used for a variety of meetings of both high and low intensity, why it should provide a good setting for the creation of social capital. There seems to be a connection between how often one visits the library, as well as to which department one belongs, and how one uses the library as a meeting place.

KUNDRELATIONER : - En fallstudie på Nyby Torshälla Ridklubb

Abstract ? ?Customer relationships ? A case study on Nyby Torshälla Riding Club?Date: December 20th 2011Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Linn Ericsson, Elenor Flodin, Emma Jakobsson22nd June 1987 24th April 1987 24th May 1989Title: Customer relationships ? A case study about Nyby Torshälla Riding ClubTutor: Daniel TolstoyKeywords: Relationship marketing, customer relationships, customer loyalty.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how Nyby Torshälla Riding Club maintains their customer relationships. This is to get a deeper insight into how small service companies, in a business to consumer market on a local basis, strategically can work with their customer care.Method: The study was qualitative in its nature and was based on an inductive approach. The primary data has been collected through personal interviews and since the respondents were selected strategically, this means that a non-probability sampling was used. The secondary data that has been used for this thesis was based largely on literature, articles and the Nyby Torshälla Riding Club website.Conclusion: This study indicates how small size service companies can benefit from nurturing their customer relationships.

Har du några synpunkter på detta? : - en studie rörande kommunikation i teamsamtal vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

Multiprofessional teams is a common way of organizing the work in rehabilitationmedicine clinics. Team members are usually physicians, physiotherapists, occupationaltherapists, counselors and nurses where the counselor is the only one from the psycho-social discipline. Team care interventions are provided from a holistic perspective inwhich the patient's physical, psychological and social rehabilitation is taken intoconsideration. The meetings between the professional team and patient have the mainpurpose to increase patient participation. The aim of the study is to observe and analyzecommunication between the professionals, the patient and their relatives during teammeetings.

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