

136 Uppsatser om Medieval art - Sida 6 av 10

Det medeltida Fårö - en studie av en ödegård utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this study was through applying a new perspective reach the people who during medieval time lived and worked on the farm. On the basis of my previously study and a gender perspective this study have compared general literature with local and then interpreted the farm from a local context. The questions raised here concerns division of work and spatial distribution on the farm as well as local impact on gender constructions.This study resulted in interesting problems within the archaeology itself but also in significant details about the farm. No gender restrictions could be seen in the houses except in Hus 1 were a smaller space, which probably used as storage or a workshop had been restricted tomales. Instead the buildings social space mainly consisted of a mixed gender environment.

Ledarskap vid personalnedskärningar : ett ledarperspektiv

Background: How do leaders act during organisational changes which involve downsizing? The leader often ends up in focus during these processes. These issues are by no means recently developed. Already the medieval author Machiavelli wrote about leaders? problems with leading changes.

Om repatrieringsdebatten i Lund 2005. Forskningsvärdet, upprättelsen och det dåliga samvetet.

In December 2004 the Jewish congregation Judiska Församlingen i Malmö wrote to Lund University regarding the cranium of a Jewish man, which had been in the University's possession ever since he committed suicide while in custody in Lund in 1879. The congregation requested that the remains be given to them and buried according to Jewish custom. In February of 2005 Lund University decided to appease the request. This essay examines the debate which followed.The main focus of the study is on which kinds of arguments were used in the debate, who participated and which aspects of the human remains were considered important by the debaters.The study has shown that clear differences exist regarding the types of arguments used by those in favour of the repatriation and by those who opposed it. There were also differences in who took a stand in favour of it and who was against it.

Kyrkor i Reformation

I denna C-uppsats i historisk arkeologi har jag valt att behandla ämnet reformationen och dess påverkan på kyrkans interiör. Jag har begränsat mig till två kyrkor i Helsingborgstrakten, Mariakyrkan som ligger mitt i Helsingborg och Raus kyrka som ligger strax utanför. Genom att titta på allmänna förändringar har jag sedan jämfört dessa med förändringarna i Mariakyrkan och Raus kyrka. De första och största förändringarna var predikstolens installation, de medeltida katolska kalkmålningarnas överkalkning och de fasta bänkarna. Dessa förändringar har också skett i mina två valda kyrkor men har dröjt en aning i Raus.

Advertiser Funded Programming - En ny väg runt mediebruset?

SAMMANFATTNING Uppsatsens titel: AFP ? En ny väg runt mediebruset!? Seminariedatum: 2007-01-19 Ämne/kurs: FEK 591 Magisteruppsats, 10 poäng (15 ECTS) Författare: Alexander Högman, Anders Lindén, Christian Nilsson Handledare: Per-Hugo Skärvad Nyckelord: AFP, Framgångsfaktorer, Medieval, Dolt budskap, TV. Syfte: Uppsatsen inledande syfte är att tydliggöra fenomenet AFP i teori och praktik och därigenom skapa en förståelse för hur fenomenet fungerar. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen att kartlägga, beskriva och analysera faktorer som karaktäriserar framgångsrik AFP. Metod: Undersökningens design är utformad för att belysa vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att nå framgång med AFP.

VAD ÄR VÄL EN DAG PÅ SLOTTET? Ett möte mellan design och museipedagogisk verksamhet

The project objective was to make parts of our cultural heritage available as a resource for learning, by developing the pedagogical activities on a medieval castle, that today functions as a museum. I also wanted to explore the role of a designer in a process that aims to develop the interaction between schools and cultural institutions.By a selection of objects and locations in the castle, illustrations with accompanying texts were made, which through the children?s imaginative ability may bring them to a historical scenario. This resulted in a working material that supports the children?s activities and reflections during their visit to the castle.

Konstruktionslösningar och deformationer i tre Östgötska medeltida sockenkyrkor

The purpose with this report is to illuminate the construction solutions and the deformations that could exist in medieval parish stone churches. But also to increase the writers understanding how activity forces effect the construction of the churches. With help from literature and a practical study, containing three churches the writers have collected the material that the conclusions and discussions are built upon in this report. The construction of the churches consists of three parts, the wall, the roof and the vault. The construction solutions are similar in the churches disregard of the roof, where the roof trusses are different.

Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida

This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found in e.g. Alisdain MacIntyre, Stanley Hauerwas, James K.A. Smith, and Roland Spjuth, this study turns to medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas as a potential resource. Combining the teachings in Aquinas' Summa Thologica with a look into his life as a Domninican, a list of moral practices is put forth and analyzed in conjunction with Derrida's ethics.

Dagligt liv i Dalarnas medeltid - Ett försök att se dagligt liv och social struktur i ett gränsland

This paper deals whit the problems concerning social organisation in the county of Dalarna in middle Sweden during the Middle Ages 1050- 1528. This paper also deals whit the every day ife in Dalarna during the same period. In the paper archaeology, ethnology, history and osteology is used in order to create a so accurate as possibly picture of every day life at the farm, the villa and the keep. Each environment is compared to each other in order to try to see the social structure of the county. The geographic frame for the paper is the part of Sweden above the border zone of Limes Norrlandicus, or lower Norrland.The results presented in the paper shows that Dalarna most probably had a flat social organisation in the meaning that the every day life and its artefacts was much the same in all the environments.

Gerillamarknadsföring ? konsten att nå konventionella mål med okonventionella metoder

När mängden reklambudskap ökar och kostnaderna för att synas stiger blir det allt viktigare för företagen att just deras budskap bryter igenom allt brus och når fram till konsumenten. Detta har medfört att vissa företag sökt nya mer okonventionella sätt att göra sin röst hörd, fenomenet kallas gerillamarknadsföring. Tidigare forskning på området har främst undersökt företagens användning av gerillamarknadsföring, vilka typer av företag som kan dra störst nytta av tillvägagångssättet och vilka förutsättningar som krävs inom företagen. Vi har istället valt att studera gerillamarknadsföringen ur ett konsumentperspektiv.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det existerar ett motstånd mot traditionell marknadsföring medan samtliga exempel på gerillamarknadsföring uppvisar bättre verkan. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga slutsats är att gerillamarknadsföringen lyckas skapa ett större intresse hos konsumenten än vad den traditionella reklamen gör.

Hälsan i behåll? : en studie av sjukdomsbilden i det vikingatida Fröjel, Gotland

13 individuals from the Viking Age trading place in Fröjel, Gotland, were examined for this thesis. The aim was to gain a deeper knowledge about the individuals, and the main focus was to study their health. Three men, eight women and two children were examined. The age of the two children was estimated to around birth, and was no longer relevant for this thesis. The age distribution showed that two individuals were young (10-24 years), seven individuals were adults (18-44 years) and two individuals were middle-aged or older (35-79 years).

Når budskapet fram? - en analys av utställningen Metropolis på Kulturen i Lund

How does the visitor experience the message and symbolism in an archaeological exhibition?Can they notice hidden elements in the exhibition and what decides if they see it or not?In my work I studied these things by making an investigation among exhibition visitors thathave much or none knowledge about archaeology and history. I wished to see how well theycan notice this and if knowledge is important for the understanding of the message and thesymbols. The case study takes place at the exhibition Metropolis at Kulturen in Lund, wherethe history behind and about the Medieval town of Lund is shown.My results show that the possibility for understanding the messages and symbolism exist, butthe chances to do so increase with knowledge.My goal was also try to give some guidelines for exhibition which will improve presentationof the exhibition. To express it shortly this include knowledge, self-awareness and to makevisitor´s studies.My paper also discuss related things: how exhibitions are made, the visitor, the society versusthe museum, the new growing trend towards the museum as a great experience, the changeswithin the museum world and how this affect the future of the archaeological museum..

Om stenar kunde tala : arkeologiska rön och bebyggelsehistorisk kontext av kvarnstensbrottet Östra Utsjö i Malung

This paper deals with village history around millstone quarry Eastern Utsjö in Malung, Sweden, in the hope of finding deposits that could date the quarry, in that the quarry in the current situation is dated only by the millstone fragments outside the resort. My purpose was to conduct a discussion on the quarry alone can be dated by deposits outside the resort. I have used FMIS RAÄ:s fornsök and a lot of literature to identify village history. The results showed that it is not possible to date the millstone quarry from village history, but through deposits outside the resort of Malung, which have been found around Mälardalen, Sweden through archaeological excavations, and derived from the millstone quarry Eastern Utsjö, can put an age on the quarry..

Borrie kyrka - En byggnadsarkeologisk undersökning

AbstractThe church of Borrie lies about 10 km north of Ystad in the southern of Sweden. Though thechurch is one of the smallest in Scania it holds a very complicated history.In this essay all relevent material concerning the church of Borrie is presented. The materialdoes not only concist of literature, but also photographs. The purpose of this investigationwas to use this material to sort out and explain the history of the church of Borrie.The problem is presented in the following points:1. Is it possible to do a building archaeological analysis with photographs of the churchas the main material?2.

Ny Falkenberg ? En skenföreteelse? : Om Falkenbergs svaga urbaniseringsprocess och dess roll som stad i Hallands medeltid

This essay deals with the weak and unstable urbanization process of the town Falkenberg. The aim has been to explore how a new town could be established just a kilometre away from the town (Old) Falkenberg and what kind of meaning the town had in relationship to the towns Halmstad and Varberg. This was made through the study of the political situation in Denmark and Sweden during the 15th century and through a comparison of the town churches. The archaeological material of Falkenberg is very small and thus I had to trust the available historical literature about the town.Not much of the oldest history of the town is known, but a conflict between the landed aristocratic family Thott and the king Kristian I in Denmark has been interpreted as a reason to the establishing of the town. In conclusion the survey showed that the king probably established New Falkenberg in purpose to limit the trading possibilities of Thott and to, at the same time, increase his own power in the district.

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