

4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 60 av 323

Mellan Hopp och Förtvivlan - Att vara närstående till någon som drabbats av plötsligt och kritiskt tillstånd.

Inledning: Varje dag kommer människor att drabbas av akuta och kritiska tillstånd, genom olyckor eller genom plötslig sjukdom. För vårdpersonalen utgör denna dramatik en del av det vardagliga arbetet, för den drabbade och dennes närstående ges däremot ingen möjlighet att förbereda sig. Tidigare studier har visat att det många gånger är de närstående som mår sämst då de lämnar sjukhuset. Syfte: Öka förståelsen för vad det innebär att vara närstående till någon som drabbas av akut kritiskt tillstånd. Metod: Sökningar gjordes i databaserna PubMed och Chinal.

Hur skildras judar och judendom? En textanalys av svenska medier

In my study, I aim to examine how the printed Swedish media depicts Jews and Judaism.How the agenda is for the depiction of Jews and Judaism and how it can be related todidactic challenges within the school subject religion. The study is based on 194 articlesfrom the Swedish newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, in July and August 2014. I use a qualitative and a quantitative text analysis where I put articles in different categories. The study?s theoretical framework is The Agenda-Setting Theory and my study leans against Bachner (2006), von Brömssen (2012) and Revell's (2010) thoughts on the media having great influence over our image of religion and religious groups.My study shows, among other things, that Jews and Judaism are mainly mentioned in the media in relation to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, World War II or anti-Semitism.

Syns du inte så finns du inte : En vetenskaplig studie om artister som varumärken

The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.

Bristande yrkesstolthet bland personal inom äldreomsorg - Fakta eller myt

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur äldrevårdspersonal upplever sin yrkesroll utifrån sig själva och hur de tror att samhället ser på åldringsvård och på dem som arbetar inom äldrevården. I begreppet samhälle ingår samhällsmedborgare, media och andra yrkesgrupper. En kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer har genomförts och spelats in samt transkriberats. För att sedan tolka svaren för att försöka finna svar på syftet. Undersökningen syftade till att ta reda på om empowerment kan tillämpas i yrket.

International Corporate Governance-A Comparison of the Corporate Governance Systems in Germany and Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much interest media has shown selected topics in the corporate governance systems in Germany and Sweden. The four selected aspects are: ownership structure, employee representation on the boards, disclosure of board members? compensation and female directors on the boards. The reasons for and consequences of the similarities and differences will also be discussed. The German and Swedish corporate governance systems construct the key basis of the study, emphasised on the four chosen aspects.

Vilken vikt har ett klander? : En kvalitativ studie av hur ansvariga utgivare förhåller sig till PON:s beslut.

The purpose of this study was to find out how the responsible editors on a selection of Swedish newspapers react to a reproach from the Press Ombudsman. The method for this research was eight qualitative interviews with responsible editors on some of Sweden?s biggest newspapers, and also a few local newspapers.We based our results on the interviews and three theories ? media accountability, communicative action and consequence neutrality. We used these theories because we think that, put together they produce the most apt view of how media ethics is being handled in the printed press.We found out that in most cases a reproach doesn?t mean that much to a newspaper.

Stolthet och fördomar: upplevelser av hur det är att vara ung i Herrgården

The purpose of this essay was to investigate the experience of being young and living in Herrgården in Rosengård, Malmö, from the aspects of six adolescents, two police officers, one social worker and one youth leader; and also what the cause is according to them, of disturbances arousing like those in the spring of 2007. At this moment there were antagonisms between adolescents and policemen. The research was performed with a qualitative method based on partly structured interviews. Four kinds of main themes were notable from the interview results. Those were: Growing up in Herrgården, Other peoples' view of Herrgården, Identity and Causes of the disturbances.

Behovet alltid större än möjligheterna : En fallstudie av de drabbade kommunernas kriskommunikation i samband med branden i Västmanland

The tsunami in Thailand in 2004, 9/11 and hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005 are all reminders that no organization is immune to crises, which also means that all organizations should be prepared and know how to handle a crisis if one was to occur. A case study has been conducted, on a crisis regarding a fire that occurred on the 31st of July 2014 in Västmanland, Sweden. Through Qualitative interviews empirical data was gathered and then analyzed together with our theories and previous research. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the municipalities affected and the County Administrative Board of Sweden handled and communicated with/to the public during the fire that spread in Västmanland 2014. Our study shows that a risk analysis and analysis of surroundings is crucial in anticipating a crisis event and that it is essential for organizations to undergo training to prepare organization members on how to handle a crisis. Another conclusion is that the need for information is large during a crisis event and grows throughout the entire course of the crisis. The crisis that we studied had a lack of information, but at the same time the public?s need for information is a need that can?t be satisfied during a crisis.

Att konstruera identitet på Facebook.com : En kvalitativ etnografi

Title: Constructing identity on Facebook.com ? A qualitative ethnographyNumber of pages: 40 (34)Author: Clara LindholmTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and communications studies CPeriod: HT (Autumn) 2009University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of InformationScience, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to study how the social community Facebook.com canbe used in order to construct identity. The study follows three Facebook users in anobservation where they are able to document their thoughts and reflections in anprivate media diary. This study investigates their use of the medium and focuses onthe functions with which they are able to alter their profiles. The result consists of acombination of these reflections, interviews and a selection of literature relevant tothe subject of new media, the use of social internet communities and social sciencetheories.

Man och kvinna i tvåsamhet, Amen : en studie om debatten kring samkönade äktenskap i religiös media

The purpose of this thesis is to present a number of examples of how the debate concerning same-sex marriages in Sweden was conducted in religious media between the year of 2005 and May 1st 2009. I intend to examine if and how these debate articles can be descibes as examples of religion taking part in the public sphere according to José Casanovas theory of deprivitization and public religion (1994) and Jürgen Habermas theory of religion in the public sphere (1964, 1989, 2006, 2008). I will apply the theories to the material by using four criteria for public religion, based on Casanovas and Habermas two theories, designed by Marta Axner. I also intend to compare the arguments used in the material to the arguments found in Marta Axners dissertation Public Religions in Swedish Media (2013). To identify these arguments a textanalysis containing seven argumentschemes, designed by Gunnar Björnsson (1994), is applied.

Utvärdering av datorprogram för användning vid dagvattenutredningar

The main object of this diploma work thesis is about how computer programs can bea tool to use for work on stormwater investigations. The advantage of using acomputer program compared with calculations made by hand is evaluated anddiscussed. The computer programs that have been used for studies and a sequence oftesting of the possibilities are Autodesks Storm and Sanitary Analysis and DHIs MikeUrban.Focus on sustainable development now permeates the building industry. As a resultstormwater investigations have been conducted in an increasing extent the recentyears. Stormwater is water produced due to precipitation, such as rain and snowmelt.Stormwater investigations normally contain descriptions of existing land use, plannedland use and suggestions of measures and technical solutions for the future disposal ofstormwater.The initial part of the thesis consisted of literature studies on stormwater andstormwater investigations to understand the science.

Facebook som komplement till modersmålsundervisning

Facebook is the most widely used social media in Sweden. It allows the user to easily share the latest from their everyday life, their opinions, as well as communicate with their acquaintances. According to the latest poll from the Foundation for Internet Infrastructure, 33% of teenagers in the ages 12-15 spend their Internet time being active on social media. 63% of these teenagers visit Facebook on daily basis.Herein, we examined how Facebook can be exploited as a complement to the education of the mother tongue. The investigation was performed with a questionnaire as well as a test group that has been supplemented with semi-structured interviews. In conclusion, the study showed promising results in the usage of Facebook with the education.

Självkänslans diskurs i media, vägen till lycka eller ett stressmoment?

AbstractVi har undersökt självkänslans bakomliggande diskurs i artiklar från dags- och populärpress i Sverige. Vi har gjort en diskursanalys av begreppet självkänsla gentemot andra samhälleliga fenomen. Fokus i uppsatsen har varit att lyfta fram hur begreppet självkänsla skildras i media och hur det kan påverka vår identitet, och vårt beteende i dagens individuella samhälle. Vi har också ställt oss frågan om medias fokusering på begreppet självkänsla enbart är positiv eller om den kan få negativa följder i form av stress hos mottagarna av budskapet. Efter att vi har granskat artiklar om självkänsla, upptäckte vi att många skildrade självkänsla som en lösning på många av dagens sociala problem så som stress, utbränning och problematiska förhållanden människor emellan.

Edutainment & empowerment vid kommunikation av kostbudskap

I dag förväntas individen ha empowerment, ?egenmakt?, att själv göra hälsosamma beslut kring kost som är bra för den egna hälsan. Till hjälp finns många kostbudskap vars kvalitet kan vara svår att kontrollera. Hälsoinspiratörer är en kategori individer som aktivt söker och mottar kostbudskap. Kostbudskapen kommuniceras av flera olika sändare, exempelvis media, men även från andra individer i omgivningen.

Ka?ta tjejer och Ka?rria?rsmammor - kvinnan ska vara allt : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnan skildras i magasinen Cosmopolitan och Slitz

Every day readers of magazines receive advice on how their life is expected to be. Magazines write about what to wear, who you should be dating and where you should work. People are social beings and are affected on what they read, hear and see. In that way media is one of the main channels which defines people and draws examples on for example how a "normal" woman should be.This essay dealt with several questions: how women are described in Swedish women magazine Cosmopolitan and men ?s magazine Slitz and how they are differ from each other.

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