4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 45 av 323
Säkerhetsventilen i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna : En analys utav rekvisitet huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverat i 24 kap. 10 e § IL
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Källkritik på Internet : En kvalitativ studie av den källkritiska medvetenheten hos gymnasieelever på samhällsprogrammet
This essay is an ideographic study over the capacity of high school students to use the Internet with source criticism, and their attitudes towards this media. It?s a qualitative study whose main purpose is to seek out how the students reflect upon the problems facing them when searching facts and information over the internet.The focus group is six 18 year old high school students, who are studying in a normal sized town in the middle of Sweden, and are about to finish their studies in the program for social sciences. The study was made through interviews, one on one with the students,The results of the analysis have shown that even if students not necessarily use a pre meditated method when searching for information over the internet, they do have a basic understanding of the matter, especially concerning the nature of the source, who published it and why. Not all students made any thorough comparison with other, already established media, such as TV or books, but the analysis made it clear that they more or less deliberately saw the established media as more trustworthy in general.
Äldre och relationsskapande på Facebook : Hur äldre använder och förhåller sig till Facebook
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Produktionsbolag i utbildningssyfte
Sprinkler media a?r ett nystartat produktionsbolag i utbildningssyfte, detta fo?r att fa? vetskap hur det kan fungera inom ett nystartat fo?retag och fa? en inblick o?ver verksamheten samt hur en budget tas fram. Sprinkler media specialiserar sig inom film, animation och postproduktion. Ide?n med ett produktionsbolag var att go?ra varierande arbeten a?t externa kunder.
Män som utsatts för sexuellt våld är ett ämne som erhåller lite uppmärksamhet både inom forskning och i vardagligt tal. Att analysera skriven medias framställning av sexuellt våldsutsatta män har så vitt jag vet inte utförts i en svensk vetenskaplig kontext innan, vilket gör denna studie unik i sitt slag. Studiens primära syfte var att undersöka hur män som utsatts för sexuellt våld framställs i skriven media. Jag ville se huruvida media bekräftar eller förkastar de sociala myterna kring ämnet. Vidare så var målet med studien att ytterligare belysa ämnet för att lyfta upp det för diskussionen och fördjupa förståelsen och kunskapen för ämnet.
Vad håller vi på med? En kartläggning av kommunikationsprocessen kring kampanjen "Vad håller du på med?"
The aim of this thesis is to use Gabriel Tardes theories concerning imitation, repetition and the public opinion as a way of understanding how transmedial communication develops over time. This involves a study of social media, traditional press and public organizations in relation to each other. The campaign, What are you doing? (Vad håller du på med?, 2013), launched by the Swedish military as a way of drafting more soldiers, is used as an example of how the theories can be applied to help us understand connections, patterns and social behavior in the rapid mutation and viral spreading of information. By discussing the campaign and its effects, the ambition is to give an understanding of how a campaign of this scale could be planned for and structured.
Hållbarhetsredovisning och media: en studie av Vattenfall ABs hållbarhetsredovisningar och medierapporteringen under en femårsperiod
Sustainability questions that concern the subjects of environmental and social aspects are increasing in today?s society, and therefore the sustainability report is a way for companies to show their work with sustainability development by working with a clear report and follow up. As the first country in the world, Sweden has decided, as from the financial year of 2008, that all governmental owned companies should present a sustainability report according to the guidelines of GRI. The aim of this essay was to identify and analyze actual events from a sustainability aspect for Vattenfall, from a medial perspective during the time period 2005-2009. We made a content analysis of one company?s sustainability reports during a time period of five years and we connected this to the medias reports of the company from the same period, to see if there were any connections between the subjects that media had elucidated.
Intelligent design och kreationism i skolan : som diskursiv mediakonstruktion
Denna uppsats avser att försöka analysera de diskurser som figurerar i media rörande intelligent design och kreationism i skolan. I denna uppsats finns även syftet att beskriva hur dessa av media skapade diskurser förs som avbildar den ?goda biologin?eller ?den goda utvecklingsläran?.Konflikten mellan kyrkan och vetenskapen är gammal. Bakgrunden till konflikten kan tillskrivas Charles Darwin som utmanade religionen och kyrkan när han påvisade människans släktskap med apan. 150 år efter Darwins utmaning finns det fortfarande en opinion som motsätter sig evolutionen både i Sverige och utomlands.
Musikjournalisternas roll i samhället : En studie om ett yrke i en modern tid
This paper examines the professional role of the music journalist and how it has been affected by the expansion of the Internet. The study aims to examine the profession's outlook and how professional music journalists are working to reach the public with interesting information, despite the fact that the audience of today often can be first to deliver the news. Through qualitative research interviews with three current music journalists the professional role and its development is examined. Based on theories and previous research on journalism, how the media communicates and its importance to society, what it is to be a music journalist and the spread of digitization and the impact of file sharing the results are analyzed. The conclusions of the study are that it isn?t a profession that is disappearing but rather a profession that is working towards a new future.
Friluftsliv i ett fo?ra?ndrat kommunikationslandskap : En kvalitativ underso?kning kring hur ny mediekonsumtion pa?verkar Umea? kommuns kommunikation
The aim of this study is to examine which communication channels and communication strategies Umea? municipality could use for information concerning outdoor recreation. To achieve this aim the following theories and views have been applied: social communication, communication strategies, two-way symmetrical communication, social media and uses and gratifications. The study was conducted through four focus group interviews and one informant interview. The focus groups consisted of four groups of outdoor enthusiasts in Umea? municipality: outdoor interested students, organized outdoor enthusiasts, active families and active seniors.
Riskfri marknad? : En kvalitativ studie av bostadsköpares attityder i Umeå
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Bevisbedömning vid likgiltighetsuppsåt
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.
Tolkning av testamente
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.
Jakten på legitimitet, trovärdighet och det svarta guldet- Hur använder sig olje-och gasbolag av CSR för att erhålla " The licence to operate in Arktis"
Should libraries first and foremost be a source of free informationwhere the citizens can find whatever information they want, or dothe librarians have a responsibility for what kind of works theypresent to people on their shelves? A wild debate broke out inSwedish media in September 2012, after the artistic leader ofKulturhuset in Stockholm; Behrang Miri decided to weed out allthe Tintin albums from the children´s library Tiotretton. Hewanted to start a debate on stereotypes in children´s fiction, andwhat damage they do to children who face them. The purpose ofthe thesis is to carry out a discourse analysis of this media debate,and to identify the different views that are expressed on thedemocratic mission of the libraries, what media they shouldpresent. The method and theory is based on the discourse theory ofErnesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and their concepts are used toarrange the analysis around certain themes that build up twodifferent discourses; ?Freedom of information discourse? and the?Weeding out discourse?.The two main questions are: What views of the public librariesselection of works are expressed in the Tintin debate in Tiotretton,and how do the views relate to each other? What concepts arespecific for the debate, and what meanings do they get in thesedifferent views?In the concluding chapter I discuss which consequences theseopposing opinions can have for the future selection processes ofthe library..
Svensk skola i förändring - är detta slutet på gemenskapen?
Denna uppsats är en idéanalys av den mediala debatten av friskolor i dag. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att förstå den uppsjö av debatter om friskolor som uppkommit de senaste åren. Vi menar att media spelar en stor roll i skapandet av den bild svenska folket har av friskolor. Vår utgångspunkt är att analysera hur skolans funktion och valfrihet diskuterats i media.Tomas Englund, professor i pedagogik menar att synen på skolan har gått från att fokusera på likvärdighet och jämlikhet, till profilering och individuell anpassning.Så vad säger politikerna? Vår studie belyser att debatten om skolan är begränsad utifrån vissa normer, exempelvis att friskolan ska finnas men samtidigt vara under stark statlig kontroll.