

4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 43 av 323

New Orleans efter orkankatastrofen 2005 : Påverkan av naturförutsättningarna på socioekonomiska strukturen i regionen New Orleans

The aim and purpose with this essay is to identify the natural conditions of the New Orleans City region, and to establish an understanding of the disastrous event of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. Who lived in this area and how did this event affect the outcome of the disaster?The theory is based on two Swedish human geographers Torsten Hägerstrand and Thomas Lundén, and their theories on regional geography and political geography, also regarded as ?geopolitics?. Regional and Political Geography are explained as the relation between state and territory, power over the territory and the variables that affect the relations on different levels such as; economy, culture, technology, demography and communication.The author decided to use the quantitative method in the process of research, the essay underwent an overall analyzes of the media settings, articles, written literature and documentaries. The author has been very critical to the material and data that was presented by the American authorities, media and non governmental organisations.New Orleans City?s topography is unique in the matter that the city is constructed on a delta area, the Mississippi River, Missouri and Ohio River systems are all connected in New Orleans.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

Strategisk kommunikation : En fallstudie om kunskapshantering och kommunikationsstrategier vid produktfel

Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse how corporations can learn from past issues and corporate crises and to see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent issues and corporate crises. Furthermore, the influence of media on the possible intensification of the issue or corporate crisis, but also its impact on the company?s usage of knowledge management, was to be analysed.Method: The study was carried out through a case study method, in the hope of being able to analyze how a company makes use of knowledge management in the communication that occurs during issues and corporate crises. A semi-structured interview was conducted, with the head of public relations of the chosen company as a respondent. The purpose of the interview was to analyze the underlying factors behind a specific way of communicating.

Konstnärsrollen i media : En kritisk diskursanalys

Skapandet av konst kan ses som en social process där flera personer, utöver konstnären, på olika sätt påverkar processen och konsten. Media, journalister och konstkritiker är exempel på personer som ingår i den sociala process i vilken konst skapas, och påverkar i sin tur allmänhetens uppfattning om konsten såväl som konstnären som yrkesperson. Den här uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie vars syfte var att utifrån kritisk diskursanalys undersöka hur konstnärsrollen porträtteras i media. Fallet som undersöks är den debatt som uppstod i media kring Anna Odells examensarbete för Konstfack år 2009. Uppsatsen undersöker hur Anna Odell framställdes som konstnär i ett antal artiklar publicerade i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet, vilka aspekter debatten fokuserade på, vilka som tog ställning i debatten samt hur konstnären som yrkesperson framställdes.

"Man vill veta hur det går i skolan"

In the fall 2011 a new grading scale will be implemented in the Swedish school. A government bill suggests a change of the scale from a three- to a six-point scale. The students will also be graded from the sixth class instead of today?s eighth. From the first year of the compulsory school the pupil will get a written judgment.

Film på svenska folkbibliotek? En diskursiv analys av statliga offentliga utredningar som behandlar folkbibliotekens verksamhetsmål och mediepolitik

This Masters thesis examines the position of films in Swedish public libraries. We have, by way of comparing various statistical data, determined that the status of film in public libraries is week. We have completed earlier research by mapping what genealogical, discursive patterns that could be outlined in the Swedish government reports from 1949 until today, focussing on the activity goals and media policy of the public library. We have, on the basis of Foucaults theories on genealogy and archaeology, where text documents are considered to be meta-descriptions giving each other authority, analyzed if there any discursive excluding or contextual formulations exist in the usage of the language concerning the goals and the media attitude of public libraries. We have mapped contextual discursive formulations that to the commissioners have become neutral starting points for their assumptions and conclusions.

"Det händer inte oss" : Värdet av kriskommunikation och mediehantering

Purpose: The study aims to analyze how companies can learn from past communications in critical situations and during corporate crisis, and see how they use this knowledge in the management of subsequent critical situations and corporate crisis. Furthermore, the media is analyzed to see how the newspaper industry chooses to reflect an organization and its actions, and also to see if the pressure through articles in the newspapers has an impact on the extent of the situation.Method: A qualitative case study of Sweden?s largest food company, ICA Sverige AB, where knowledgeable people in media management within the company are interviewed using semi-structured interviews, with support of quantitative methods by a collection of articles from the news press.Theories: Concepts, theories and models in crisis management and communication has been applied to relevant data. These comprise Knowledge Management, a communication template in crisis management, The Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) and the model Content of crisis communication.Empiric: Based on the quantitative data consisting of articles from four Swedish news sources: Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet and Expressen, a semi-structured interview guide was created and carried out with the person within ICA who possesses knowledge of the subject area.Conclusion: ICA has during the priod studied exhibited to have used the concept of Knowledge Management in the development of their routines regarding product recalls at product defects. The relationships between ICA and the media have shown improvements, which has resulted in ICA percieve the media coverage as balanced, true and fair..

Konvergenskultur ? en medieteoretisk studie : En beskrivning av mediekulturens samtida tillstånd, utifrån populärkulturella och meningsskapande praktiker och dess ramverk knutna till nutida dramaserier

Drawing from the theoretical foundations of the ?critical theory? of the Frankfurt School and the media ethnographic ?cultural studies? approach of the british Birmingham School, this study attempts to sketch out a media theoretical overview of the contemporary state of media culture. Using the term convergence culture as the foundation, this study offers a theoretical background to the two contemporary streams that are the significant and distinct tendencies of convergence culture: intermedial convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies that can be traced back using the past media theoretical approach of the Frankfurt School, and cultural convergence, its contemporary state and historical tendencies, which lineage in a media theoretical context can be traced back to the british ethographic ?cultural studies? field. Using contemporary drama serials to identify and pinpoint these two stream, this study shows how intermedial convergence expresses itself today through media conglomeration in terms of branding, product placement and marketing as the result of the ?completed? convergence between screen culture and popular music as the current defining state of commodity culture.

Vad hände sen? : Medieelevers syn på arbete efter gymnasiet

I have in my thesis performed a survey that builds on interviews of five former students at Mediepedagogiskt Center (Mpc) that is located at Sundsta-Älvkullegymnasiet in Karlstad which is incorporated into Karlstads-Hammarö comprehensive upper secondary school. The sample group of students all has various withdrawal years between 1997 - 2004. The aim of the survey is to evaluate any direct qualities that these students have had that helped them to get a occupation within the media industry after the completion of their education at Mpc. This survey also tries to evaluate whether the orientation of their particular style of education is a factor for achieving employment. Before 1998 the course was divided into three A and B-level courses within the directions, photography, graphic design, text communication, sound production and film/television. After 1998 these are now divided into one A, B and C level courses, and one another level courses on A and B-level. The result shows that something more than? just? a good schooling with high grades is needed to succeed into getting a occupation within the media sector.

God, don't you ever feel like everything we do and everything we've been taught is just to service the future?

TitelGod, don't you ever feel like everything we do and everything we've been taught is just toservice the future?1FörfattareTor KindahlKursMK1500: Examensarbete i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskapTerminVT2011SyfteAtt undersöka vilken typ av mediekunskaper eleven kan utveckla i den svenskagymnasieskolan (Gy2011) och hur detta ska förstås i relation till forskning inom MediaLiteracy samt utbildningsfilosofier och politiska ideologier.Metod och materialECA (Ethnographic content analysis) och styrdokument för gymnasieskolan.HuvudresultatMediekunskaperna handlar mer om att orientera eleven i olika mediekunskapsområden samtgrundläggande färdighetsträning som både gäller hur man använder media och hur medier kananvändas för att sprida budskap - i synnerhet till olika målgrupper. De handlar mindre om attbelysa intressekonflikter, normer och värderingar i samhället. Mediekunskaperna igymnasieskolan är följaktligen en snäv gestaltning av vad som förespråkas inom MediaLiteracy-forskningen. Man kan av samma orsak även konstatera att kunskaperna i hög grad ärinordnat under vad Englund kallar den vetenskapligt rationella utbildningskonceptionen..

Piteåuppropet : Manligt nätverk mot kvinnovåld

Vi vill med denna rapport belysa vilka faktorer som avgör om en händelse får stor genomslagskraft i media och i samhällsdebatten. Grunden är det mord som drabbade en trebarnsmamma i Piteå och som fick männen i Piteå att organisera sig i en gemensam protest mot kvinnovåldet i samhället. Vi har sedan jämfört detta med andra kända händelser som också har fått stort utrymme i media och samhällsdebatten för att se om det går att utkristallisera några gemensamma nämnare med Piteåuppropet. För att få en annan aspekt på frågan så har vi även gjort litteraturstudier för att hitta teorier som kan förklara varför Piteåuppropet blev så stort och spriddes över hela landet..

Radiomediets utveckling - En fallstudie av produktionsflöden på Sveriges Radio Västerbotten

The development of the radio medium ? a case study of Sveriges radio is a scientific report of the case study that was made in the spring of 2014 on Sveriges Radio Västerbotten. The report investigates and analyzes how radio has been developed.The purpose of this study is to analyze the production flows of the radio and explore how it has been developed. The project?s objective is to raise the knowledge in media development, primarily radio?s development.The scientific theory is based on the concept of media convergence, in this chapter the reader will learn what media convergence means, but also how it works in the media world and the Public Service.

Ungdomar och skola : en kritisk diskursanalys av tre tidningars presentation av debatten kring gymnasieskolans program

Skolan är ett ämnesområde som har debatterats under en längre period i samhället, inte minst har detta kunnat betraktas ske i media. Det har skett en livlig diskussion kring gymnasieskolan och dess teoretiska program och yrkesprogram, där exempelvis programmens utformning och uppdrag har debatterats. Någonting som även har berörts i diskussionerna kring gymnasieskolan och dess program är dess relation till arbetsmarknaden och till högre utbildningsformer, så som universitet och högskola. Inte minst har detta skett den nya gymnasieförordningen, SFS 2010:2039, trädde i kraft under 2011. Detta arbete stävar efter att synliggöra hur media i form av tre tidningar, Skolvärlden, Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter, under perioden från 2011-01-01 till 2012-12-31 har valt att presentera debatten kring de teoretiska och de praktiska yrkesprogrammen i gymnasieskolan i sina artiklar. .

Gammalt ägg rostar aldrig - En studie i guldäggets effekter på reklambyråer och reklamköpare

Titel: Musikartister ? ett underhållande innehåll. En studie om hur kvinnor vill ta del avmusikartister i mediaFörfattare: Ann-Sofie Pettersson och Maja RönnbäckUppdragsgivare: Evelyn JonsKurs: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, examensarbete, Institutionen för journalistik,medier och kommunikation (JMG), Göteborgs universitetTermin: Höstterminen 2011Handledare: Marie GrusellAntal ord: 17 480Syfte: Att undersöka hur kvinnor vill ta del av musikartister i media.Metod: En kvalitativ studie med respondentintervjuerMaterial: Analys av intervjuer med åtta kvinnor inom den valda målgruppen, kvinnor mellan30 och 49 år.Huvudresultat: Resultatet visar mönster som tyder på att målgruppens intresse ochengagemang för att ta del av musikartister i media är förhållandevis lågt. Musik ochmusikartister i media förknippas främst med underhållning, men musikartister fyller ävenbehov av information samt att styrka den personliga identiteten och sociala relationer. I tv och radio står innehåll om musikartister främst för underhållning, medan det i tidningar ochinternet främst står för information.

"Alla ska få se ut som de vill och bli älskade ändå" : en kvantitativ studie om tjejer, deras upplevelse av påverkan samt kroppsideal

The aim of this bachelor thesis has been to investigate what affected the body ideals of teenage girls attending the Swedish upper secondary school and thus, the questions for the investigation were: Who/what ?gives? teenage girls their body ideals today and what is considered as an influence of these young teenage girls today with regard to their perception of their own body? The theoretical perspective on the thesis were symbolic interactionism, Gidden's theory on "late"-modernity as well as Ziehe's theory on reflexivity. A quantitative survey were conducted where questionnaires were the starting point. For convenience and simplicity , the author chose to perform the survey on a number of high schools in her vicinity. The headmasters in these schools were contacted and she got the contact infomation for the concerned teachers or the school social pedagogue.

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