

5362 Uppsatser om Media representation - Sida 19 av 358

Feminismer och filmteori : En undersökning av feministisk filmteori och dess användningsområden

I uppsatsen undersöks den feministiska filmteorin utifrån ett feministisk perspektiv, för att sammanfatta och klargöra de ståndpunkter som utgör teorin. Fokus är framför allt lagt på sättet kvinnor representeras i film, och hur man kan tolka den kvinnliga närvaron. Diskussion förs angående de mest förekommande perspektiven inom filmteorin, såsom den psykoanalytiska, samt de alternativa perspektiven postkolonial och lesbisk teori, som bidrar till förståelsen av kvinnors representation i film. Resultatet av diskussionerna uppmärksammar både styrkor och svagheter hos teorierna, men visar framför allt hur relevant det är att använda sig av det feministiska synsättet för att öka jämställdheten inom filmbranschen, filmvärlden samt publiken..

Junilistan i europaparlamentsvalet 2004 : Ett mediedrama i tre akter

AbstractTitle: The Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in 2004 A media drama in three actsNumber of pages: 42Author: Kristiina RuutiTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2007-01-13, autumn term of 2006Purpose/Aim:The purpose of the essay is to examine the media coverage of the Swedish Junilistan in the elections of the European Parliament in Sweden 2004. My hypothesis is that the media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge.Material/Method:Qualitative content analyses of four Swedish newspapers from a narratological perspective.Main results:The media coverage of the political party Junilistan was a media drama with elements of classical dramaturge. The coverage became a drama with three acts. Diverse actors with different projects could be identified from the articles.Keywords:Narrative, election journalism, classic drama, mediadrama, actant, European parliament.

Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige

This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of ?The Other? and the ?ethnic Swede? by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film.

Hur revisionsbyråer använder sig av sociala medier vid rekrytering - Fallstudier av Grant Thornton och Ernst & Young

Accounting firms operate in environments with high competition for graduates and students today expect employers to be present on Facebook and the like. We aim to describe whether two major accounting firms use social media in their graduate recruitment. We chose to do case studies of Grant Thornton and Ernst & Young and how they use social media channels aimed towards graduates. Through a through study of how the two companies communicated through various social media, we concluded that Grant Thornton was significantly better than their larger competitor at social media use. Both companies use Facebook as their main communication channel.

Det är en mångfald i fråga om mångfald : Personalvetare och PAO-studenter samtalar

This is a study of the discussions and sense making that HR-professionals and HR-students present concerning the phenomenon of diversity, through the theory of social representation.Our purpose is to study the reasoning around the phenomenon of diversity and what meaning HR-students and HR-professionals create around it. This study also attempts to examine how HR-professionals and HR-students reasoning and interaction differ from each other. In this study we have used the qualitative method of social representation through focus groups.The common themes found in the data material were the meaning of the phenomenon diversity, how the work with human resources can be connected to the phenomenon of diversity and diversity as an issue in society. The main result in this study was that we found a wide range of meaning put into the word diversity by the participants and that the individuals in the focus groups actively strived for consensus..

Media som arena för provocerande konst : en diskursanalytisk studie om konstfackdebatten

Titel:              Media som arena för provocerande konst- en diskursanalytisk studie om konstfackdebatten Kurs:             C-uppsats 15p Journalistikvetenskap JKAND Ht11 Institution:    Institutionen för journalistik, medier och kommunikation, JMKStockholms Universitet Framlagd:      20 jan. 2012 Författare:     Charlotte Råsbrant - Bergström Handledare: Andreas Widholm Uppsatsen behandlar media som arena för provocerande konst? en diskursanalytisk studie om konstfackdebatten Bakgrund: Studiens syfte är att utifrån ideologikritisk diskursanalys undersöka konstfackdebattens konstruktion och representation i Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen och Aftonbladet under år 2009.  Ett delsyfte är att med utgångspunkt från två konstfackelevers examensarbeten; Anna Odells Okänd, kvinna 2009-349701 och NUGs Territorial pissing, belysa likheter och skillnader avseende medierapporteringen inom olika genremässiga strukturer. Frågeställningar:Hur konstruerades konstfackdebatten och representation av Anna Odell respektive Magnus ?NUG? Gustafsson och deras konstprojekt i svensk storstadspress år 2009?Delfrågor är: Vad publicerades, när, var (i vilka medier), av vem och hur?a)      Vad skrevs om händelserna? Vilka diskursteman uttrycktes?b)      När och var (i vilka medier) publicerades materialet? Hur utvecklades medierapporteringen över tid?c)      Vem uttalade sig och hur gestaltades händelserna inom ramen för kultur- respektive nyhetsjournalistik? Vilka fokusområden och flöden mellan genres kan urskiljas?  Metod: Uppsatsen är kvalitativ, deskriptiv i sin karaktär där diskursanalys använts för att granska mediepublicitet i förhållande till ett socialt sammanhang. Resultat: Studien behandlar Konstfack, konst och kontrovers. Incidenter kring de analyserade projekten av Anna Odell och NUG, gav upphov till mest publicitet i februari och maj 2009. Debatt och redaktionell text handlade i huvudsak om konst, ansvar, samhällsekonomi och juridik.Inom nyhetsgenren baserades rapporteringen på händelsen, brottsaspekten och de ekonomiska konsekvenserna, där dagspressen främst inriktade sig på Konstfack och juridiskt ansvar.

?Då läser jag hellre kvällspressen ifall jag vill få lite spänning? : En studie om gymnasieelevers påverkan av kvällstidningarnas brottsrapportering

Media is a big part of our society and plays a major role in the socialization of young people. It sets the agenda for what?s important and newsworthy. In media coverage today crime and violence occupies a lot of the space. The evening press like Aftonbladet, Expressen and GT often use crime to sell their papers.

Mammans representationer av sitt barn, relaterade till prematuritet & depressiva symptom : En kvalitativ pilotstudie

Förälderns inre representationer av sig och sitt barn har visat sig påverka förälderns förmåga att erbjuda sig som anknytningsperson till sitt specifika barn. Förälderns representation av omvårdnad har också visat samband med barnets förmåga att skapa en trygg anknytningsrelation. I denna pilotstudie undersöks det kvalitativa sambandet mellan förälderns inre representation av sig och sitt barn, prematuritet och självskattade depressiva symptom. Den svenska översättningen av den semistrukturerade intervjumetoden Working Model of the Child Interview ? WMCI, har använts för bedömning av de inre representationsmönstren.

Strategisk anarki : en utredning av WeActivists strategiska funktion inom WeSC

ABSTRACTTitle: Strategic Anarchy ? a study on WeActivists' communicative function inside WeSC.Number of pages: 69Authors: Frida Leijonborg, Nils Lindstro?mTutor: Jessica GustafssonCourse: Media and communication studies CPeriod: Second term 2013University: Division of Media and Communication, department of information science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose: Our aim with this paper is to examine the communicative role WeActivists play in WeSC's external communication, and also to investigate what it means to be part of the activist concept as individuals. This will be done by presenting WeSC's key values and investigate whether these are portrayed by the representation of the activists in market campaigns and personal interviews.Material/Method: We have conducted a qualititave study where we interviewed three WeActivists of various age and profession. Furthermore we did a semiotic analysis of 10 images from 7 advertising campaigns.Main results: Our results indicate that WeActivists play a significant role in WeSC?s external communication, and thus signifying that they play a major part in creating WeSC's brand identity.

"HBTQ-ungdom, den hårda skolan"

The aim of our study was to examine Swedish crime reporters? approach to the social medium Flashback. Our main focus was the crime reporters? use of the medium Flashback, and attitude towards their own use of media ethics in relation to the medium Flashback.Flashback as a medium is not obliged to any media ethics and lacks a legally accountable publisher. In the search for information about committed crimes people tends to visit Flashback for the information that the traditional media cannot offer.

Väljaren i centrum? En jämförande studie om valkretsrepresentation

In this essay I discuss and analyse if we can witness any signs on regional dimension due to regional representation from our elected representatives in the five constituencies Malmö, Blekinge, Norrbotten, Uppsala and Stockholm. Two seperate terms of office between 1991-94 and 1998-2002 has been compared. In political science there has been much debate about the relationship between voters and their elected. By measuring each and everyone elected representatives in the work of produce introduced bills towards their own constitiency during both terms I have tried to see if there is an occurence of a regional dimension.The theory that´s been applied is based on geographical representation where one might aspect that central metropolitan areas and peripheral regions is somewhat over-represented in legislatures. By using a method of comparison between the five chosen constituencies and theirs elected representatives I have come the the conclusion that there is a weak tendency that this might be the case seen to a regional dimension perspective..

Ska Google eller Facebook verkligen få fälla det sista avgörandet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare inom mediebranschen ser på arbetssökandes användning av sociala medier

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

?Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa? ? en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier.

The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults? attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media.

En medial syn på prostitution i fallet Eva Bengtsson : -om diskurser i samhället!

Prostitution är ett komplext fenomen och inom socialt arbete finns det olika organisationer och myndigheter som arbetar för att hjälpa prostituerade. Media är ett kommunikationsverktyg som används för att förmedla information till samhällets invånare. Media förmedlar diskurser som påverkar vår sociala omgivning. Vidare upprätthåller samhället diskurser genom att diskurser avbildar verkligheten. Eva Bengtsson såldes som prostituerad på 1970- talet till kända politiker i Sverige och har nu krävt skadestånd av regeringen.

Hoppa på tåget eller stå kvar vid stationen? : Organisationers användning av sociala medier

Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to investigate and clarify some of the factors that influence organizations to adopt or reject the social media, and if the emergence of social media influenced the organization's communication.Metohodology:A qualitative methodology has been used to execute the study. The source has been semi structured interviews with chosen representatives from several organizations.Theoretical perspective:The theoretical basis for the execution of the methodology is based on the provisional theoretical demarcation uses and gratifications theory. For analysis diffusion of innovations theory is applied.Emperical findings:The empirical material includes interviews with representatives from twelve selected organizations, defined as companies in the industry and authorities, in seven different industries.Conclusion: The main factors affecting an adoption of social media is the organization?s open structure, the ability to see opportunities with social media and that they are seen as a natural part of development in the communications field. The main factors affecting a rejection of social media is ignorance, the organization's governance and that there must be a need that social media can fill.

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