

894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 19 av 60

Uppföljning av bärighet och deformationsutveckling av terminalytor vid inventering och nybyggnad i Göteborgs Hamn

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Inventering och bedömning av förorenade områden inom division Energi, Tekniska Verken i Linköping

This thesis was commissioned by Tekniska verken, Energy Division with the overall aim to investigate the concept of environmental debt and what it means for a business. Furthermore, a sustainable risk and responsibility investigation shall be carried out on the concerned areas. Finally, the priority areas shall be highlighted and proposed actions presented. The Swedish Environmental debt concept was presented in 1992 by Arne Jarnelöv. Environmental debt is defined as restoration costs for environmental damage. In the early days the concept did not take into account who was responsible, but the environmental debts was regarded as a humanity debt to future generations.

Effektiva lösningsmetoder för Schrödingerekvationen : En jämförelse

In this paper the rate of convergence, speed of execution and symplectic properties of the time-integrators Leap-Frog (LF2), fourth order Runge-Kutta(RK4) and Crank-Nicholson (CN2) have been studied. This was done by solving the one-dimensional model for a particle in a box (Dirichlet-conditions). The results show that RK4 is the fastest in achieving higher tolerances, while CN2 is the fastest in achieving lower tolerances. Fourth order corrections of LF (LF4)and CN (CN4) were also studied, though these showed no improvements overLF2 and CN2. All methods were shown to exhibit symplectic behavior..

Piratkopiering: en ekonomisk-teoretisk granskning av marknaden för dataspel

This essay analyzes the market for entertainment software by identifying and explain the products typical properties, in addition i clarifies the behavior of consumers and producers. One of the most important property related to software is the ease with which it can be reproduced. When such reproduction is done illicit it´s called piracy. The software industry often claims that piracy leads to big losses for the companies as well as in welfare, the essay clarifies that this doesn´t has to be the case. On the contrary the possibility to cheap production and distribution may lead to an increased welfare.

Fungerande Reklam : En studie om de marknadsföringskanaler Generation Y exponeras för, använder samt påverkas av

The purpose of this thesis is to describe the marketing channels Gen Y is exposed to, uses and is influenced by. The thesis also seeks to comment on whether there are other factors, in addition to the marketing channels described, which influence Gen Y in their consumption choices. In addition, we intend to develop knowledge about whether the generalizations of Gen Y have any bearing, or if they are only assumptions with no support. From the empirical results, we have seen a consensus among the respondents concerning which properties they want commercials to hold, but they differ in their opinions regarding which marketing channels the commercials should be distributed through. Overall, the respondents want the commercials to be entertaining, relevant to their interests, and they want to be able to choose themselves whet­her to take part of them or not..

Musikbranschens förvaltare  : Hantering av professionella affärsrelationer i musikförlagsverksamhet

This thesis will guide you through the haunting Business marketing woods of snaring networks and ravel business relations in the dark landscapes of the mighty music publishing creatures. The task at hand (of this thesis) will be to present the secrets that lie beyond with the hopes that you, the daring reader, will gain knowledge and understanding of what these entities do, lurking in the shadows of the woods of business marketing (and of your unknowing mind). How they go head on with their partners in business to thrive on intangible properties and how they find their path through these woods. Explore and discover, if any, commonly found ways in the management of business marketing within the domain of the music publisher. We wish you a pleasant reading!.

Kvalitetsstyrning av bräddavlopp – exemplifierat på Krokängsparken, Göteborg

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Karakterisering av vattenförande sprickor i berg inför injektering under planerad dubbelspontdamm i Lilla Edet

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Effektivisering av informationsöverföringen i läkemedelskedjan

This report is the documentation of a project in the education Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The project was carried out at Alfakonsult AB. The purpose of the project was to map out the transference of information between the different operators in the supply chain of medicine in Sweden and to analyse this in order to reduce lead-time and the total throughputtime. The supply chain of medicine in Sweden consists of producers, distributors, one wholesaler, prescribers and patients. The mapping of the transference of information showed that most operators in the supply chain have done well introducing technical aids to facilitate the transference of information.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

Brolaster enligt Eurocode En jämförelse av dimensionerande brolasters påverkan enligt Bro 2002 och Eurocode

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Konstruktion av elektrolytisk ozongenerator

The work has been carried out in cooperation with the company Zenit Design in Malmö. The project's goal was to restore, improve and produce an ozone generator. During the project, the authors sought relevant literature in databases, been in contact with US suppliers of fuel cell membranes, Asian suppliers for the processing of Teflon and Titanium parts in mechanical engineering and Swedish suppliers of various standard components. The authors had access to a temporary lab at Zenit and electron microscope at Halmstad University where material tests were performed. The authors have also had access to measurement equipment to measure amounts of ozone.During the work, the authors have mapped how an existing ozone generator works and then have their own development.

Omfattning och differenser av gränshävder kontra registerkartan i Boda, Skellefteå kommun

The cadastral index map is a great benefit to the surveying and governments. The map's main purpose is to show how the overall cadastral division looks in Sweden. The lack of quality of the cadastral index map dose not allows property-owners to know where to draw the boundary between their and others' property. In order to know where to find the boundaries between two properties, is it up to the property-owners themselves (self or in company by the other property-owner) to construct various usucaption at the boundaries. The main objective of the study is to verify the existence and extent of usucaption on forest properties in Bodan, a village outside Skellefteå.

Incitament för energibesparande åtgärder i den byggda miljön

More efficient energy consumption is essential to secure a sustainable future, not least within the building and real estate sector which answers for approximately 40 % of the EU countries total energy consumption. One part of EU: s work to reduce the energy consumption is the directive on energy performance of buildings which among other things have lead to stricter demands on energy performance in new and renovated buildings.One of the difficulties with making buildings more energy effective is that it often demands big investments and although it results in lower operating costs the extent of these savings and therefore also the repayment time can be difficult to decide beforehand. To make it interesting for property owners and also tenants to invest in energy efficient buildings powerful incentives are needed. Favorable loans to energy efficiency projects are one example of governmental instruments that have been tested in other European countries with good results.Reduced operating costs appear to be the main incentive for property owners to make their buildings more energy efficient. The best result of an energy efficiency project is usually achieved by cooperation between property owners and tenants but in order to make that interesting it is important that both parts can profit from the savings.

Odlingens och lagringens inverkan på utsädes grobarhet :

At seed-growing the aim is to produce a commodity with high germination capacity, good soundness and purity, and also slight admixture of seeds from other species. The capacity of germination and the vigour of the seeds may become impaired in consequence of mechanical damage, infection of diseases, growth of mould, attacks of vermin, high drying temperature, secret germination, sprouting in the ears etc. The germ belongs to the outer and most unprotected parts of the seed, and consequently this is much exposed. Even quite sound seeds can instantaneously have low capability of germination. It can be due to the fact that the seeds are in rest of germination, i.e.

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