894 Uppsatser om Mechanical properties - Sida 16 av 60
Vårvetesorters effektivitet i användningen av kväve under den huvudsakliga tillväxtperioden
Crop efficiency in utilizing available nutrients is an important factor in increasing produc-tivity and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Nitrogen is the nutrient that plants need in the largest quantity and wheat, along with maize and rice, is the world's most cultivated crop. In this work, the Nitrogen Use Efficiency, NUE, during the major growth period, HTP, of twelve different spring wheat varieties, were examined. The NUE was calculated as the product of uptake efficiency of nitrogen, UN, and the conversion effi-ciency of nitrogen to biomass, EN. The purpose of this work was to find if there are varietal differences in NUE and its components among the twelve varieties and to link a high NUE to specific characteristics of the varieties.
Spridning av släckvattenpartiklar : En studie på spridning av partiklar genererade från brand
During a fire large amounts of particles and unhealthy agents occur. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and toxic metals are examples among many others. These agents have a capacity to bond to particles and when the fire is extinguished, the particles can be transferred with the extinguish water into the soil and to the groundwater.Recent studies in particles have been conducted. A study by Ulrika Iverfelt (2014) reviled that the particles from a fire contained large amounts of both PAH and metals, which is consistent with earlier analyses. Her column experiments with particles in the size ? 11 microns and ?100 microns in silica sand, reviled that the larger particles was immobilized because the transportation was influenced by sieving or physiochemical particle and surface interactions.The transport of the particles in soil and groundwater is regulated by two main mechanisms: physiochemical surface interactions and straining.
BI M i förvaltningsskedet med avseende på konstruktion.
Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.
Förbättring av Camcoil : Integrering av stöd samt bandnyp
AbstractThe assignment were assigned by Camatec Industriteknik AB. Camatec is a Karlstadlocated consulting company, they make everything from pilot studies to complete projects in mechanical design and calculation. They even have their own patented product, Camcoil. It is a winder for steel strips and is used for example with hardening of the steel strip. The assignment has been to solve the problems encountered by some customers within this product.
?Utredning av fosfatets inverkan vid pressning av rullar i LRQ MEDIUM BEARINGS
Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.
Produktionseffektivisering av arbetsmoment inom byggsektorn En tidsstudie för standardisering av arbetssätt
Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.
Broms- och styrsystem för möbeljalusier
This report is the result of a master thesis at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Industrial and Economical Development, at Linköping University of Technology. The project was carried out on behalf of Fanerami AB, Mjölby and includes 20 weeks of full time schedule work.Cabinets with vertical mounted roller shutters all share the same problem, namely weight balancing. A roller shutter has an equilibrium area where the sum of the different forces acting on the shutter equals zero. As the shutter leaves that area it will pick up speed as it falls towards the bottom. When the shutter hits the bottom of the cabinet there is a potential risk of getting fingers caught and in this project a solution to prevent this from happening was to be presented.In this project, three concepts have been generated with the following different purposes:?In concept 1 the risk of getting any fingers caught when the shutter closes was to be eliminated in an efficient and inexpensive way.?In concept 2 the roller shutter had to be balanced at all time providing the possibility to keep the cabinet open in any position.?The last and most challenging task was to create a remote controlled TV cabinet.
Quadrotor UAV : Konstruktion och användbarhetsstudie av en UAV i sensornätverk
Quadrotor UAVs are self-stabilizing, autonomous flying machines that has recently become more popular than ever. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have their roots in the military, where they were developed for use in reconnaissance and combat. During the last few years, advances in the fields of electronic sensors, electric motors and microcontrollers have enabled smaller designs and autonomic flight control even for private use. The quadrotor, which is the particular kind of UAV we are looking closer at in this paper, has 4 rotors in an X-like formation. This configuration has many advantages such as good lift capacity, non-complex mechanical structure and serviceability.In this project we aquired a current overview of the domain and determine whether it is possible to construct a quadrotor UAV designed for use in a WISENET sensor network on a low budget and short time schedule.Based on existing community project AeroQuad, a quadrotor is constructed with a budget of about 500 euro.
Utveckling i Java av ett pedagogiskt spel i kvantfysik
The game QuantoJump is developed in the programming language Java to be an educational game in quantum physics. By illustrating quantum mechanical laws of electron transitions with shapes and colours, QuantoJump hopes to spark interest and create a more intuitive understanding of quantum physics. The result is a game where the player plays as an electron in the outermost shell of an atom, with the goal of getting to the innermost shell. This while not making forbidden jumps by following the laws of electron transitions dictated by quantum physics. The programming of the game was done in the integrated develpoment environment Eclipse.
Upplevelser av att leva med medicinsk teknik
The purpose of doing this essay was to illustrate how people living with chronic disease, dependent on medical technology experience their life situation. The study includes people with either dialysis therapy, mechanical ventilator or chronic oxygen therapy. A meta-synthesis was used as a method where a systematically review of studies that are made in a given issue compiles. Findings of the studies resulted in a synthesis of three themes: Limitations in life as a consequence of life-long treatment, to take responsibility for your life provide self-esteem and safeness, and to be cared for in different contexts ?help or prohibit.
We got in contact with Marco AB, who we?ve had contact with before concerning earlier projects, to find out if they were interested in arranging a larger project for our last class (Examensarbete 15hp). They were very positive to this proposition, and soon they offered us a project regarding reconstruction of their current mechanical device that absorbs all the force from the lift itself when it is at a predefined level (sv. sjunkspärr). The current solution does fulfill the requirements that are given, however it is not a solution that gives a high level of satisfactory.
Torkning och pelletering av organiskt hushållsavfall - en konstruktionslösning
The research in this paper aims to producing a home version machine thatcan dry and make biological waste into compact pellets. This product ismade primarily for those who want to improve the environment and reducethe energy consuming process of separating the biological leftovers fromother waste in the large processing plants and save money due to reducedpickups of waste. Since there is no commercially available product thatdoes what we want to achieve we had to start from the beginning with boththe design and the mechanical aspects. The result is a machine, that fits inour homes, and in an easy and inexpensive way reduces the amount ofbiological waste that needs to be collected by the public wastetransportation system. This is done without reducing any of the energy inthe waste and it can still be used to compost or by large-scale plants that usethe waste to make electricity.
CAP KC3-12 : Design and finite element analysis
In offshore oil production FMC Subsea systems use a product called cap. The cap´s mainly task is to protect hubface and seal areas on inboard hub against dirt, corrosion and mechanical damage under installation of a subsea system. A new model of a cap has been designed and analysed using finite element method. The model is called KC3-12 and has a new function, emergency release, which is a backup method for the ROV (remote operated vehicle) to release the cap from the hubface when it is placed under water. The cap KC3-12 was found to fulfil the criteria under the test load pressure, according to ASME VIII, div2.
Nästa generations skolbänk
Examensarbetet Framtidens skolbänk som har utförts på avdelningen för
maskinteknik vid Blekinge Tekniska högskola i samarbete med grundskolan Vittra
Skolbänken är till för att möjliggöra ergonomiskt bra arbetsställningar i både
sittande och stående position för alla elever oavsett längd och storlek.
Dessutom ska skolbänken underlätta användandet av digitala undervisningsredskap
såsom datorer och surfplattor.
Examensarbetet består i att utveckla och konstruera en skolbänk som möjliggör
detta utan att skolbänken blir för dyr eller för ömtålig för att kunna vara att
reellt alternativ för alla skolor.
Idag så är projektet på konceptstadiet men det finns definitivt möjligheter att
någon variant på mitt förslag skulle kunna kommersialiseras då det i dagsläget
inte finns några liknande produkter på marknaden..
Säkerhetshot och lösningar för privatpersoner med bredband
As more and more people gain access to broadband in their properties, the
security threats get bigger. A lot more people also have computers that they
carry home from work where they store important information concerning the
company. The information stored on theese computers can be very easy to
retrieve if you have the will and the skill to do it. Very few people have any
knowledge how to protect themselves from theese threats..