

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 47 av 198

Arbetsplatsförlagd utbildning - en verksamhet värd sitt namn? : -Om samverkan mellan skola och arbetsplats ur lärares och handledares perspektiv

AbstractIn the secondary-school program for hotel and restaurant complete courses or parts of courses are placed in workplaces so called workplace education (APU), this means that the content in the course plan must be discussed and be divided in a proper way between the school and the workplace, so that the students is gaining all the parts that is prescribed in the goals for the course.Interviews with tutors and teachers have been performed, with the purpose of investigating how the collaboration between the school and the workplaces should look like so that the APU fulfills the content and quality that are prescribed in the specifications of the education. The study shows that a better structure for collaboration between the school and the workplaces is needed. Lack of time and financial resources are the factors that according to the study reduces the possibility?s to (among other things) perform education of tutors, and for the teachers to plan and follow-up the APU-period..

Förhandlingsretorik : En uppsats om hur skickliga förhandlare övertygar motparten och vilka retoriska medel de använder

This essay is about exploring the rhetorical business negotiation process. The aim has been to find out how skilled salespeople stand out, and what rhetorical means they use to convince the other party. For this study, a qualitative research interview was applied and altogether five vendors in three different industries were interviewed. The fundamental theory of the essay is based on classical rhetoric. From that I have chosen the specific parts that I have found useful to discuss negotiation and sales processes.The results show that there is not a one single rhetorical approach that is essential to convince the other party.

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En jämförelse av Utomhuspedagogik och Montessori

The purpose of this study is to examine how educationalists work with bilingual children's language by looking at how and what approaches are used to encourage language development. I have chosen to compare two educational philosophies: Montessori and Outdoor Education, to see how big the differences / similarities are in working methods. The background to this study is that preschools uses various approaches and have different methods to stimulate the children. This means that the conditions for children's language development might look different depending on the preschool they go to. The information used has been gathered through interviews, where I have taken note of educationalists thoughts on their working methods, and through professional literature dealing with this topic.

Användarcentrerad Systemdesign

This essay focuses on the term usability while conducting a user centred system design. Usabilitymeans to what extent a user can use a product to achieve effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction.Development using a user centered system design means that knowledge about the end-users andit?s opinions becomes a crucial part of the development process. The question of this essay is if usinguser centred system design will lead to good usability.We used methods from a user centered system design point of view while developing an applicationfor a Swedish bookstore company called Bokia AB. This included user and task analysis following by aclose relationship between the developers and end-users by using sketches and showing themprototypes of the system while collecting feedback.After concluding our case study we determined that using methods from user centered systemdesign could be used as a great tool to further improve the usability and to improve an applicationssuccess chances..

EN NOT OCH TVÅ BOKSTÄVER - Diskursanalys kring användandet av tonnamnen H, B och Bb

Different ways of naming the two pitches between A and C exist in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The Germanic tradition uses B and H, whereas the Anglo-Saxon tradition uses Bb and B. The aim of this study was to present a survey of the various opinions regarding these pitch names. The material consisted of different opinions about this matter from Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish websites. By means of discourse analysis the material was analysed in themes, which consisted of logic, tradition and communication.

Under vilka fo?rutsa?ttningar kan tjänster outsourcade av finansiella bolag undgå merva?rdesskatt? : En studie av praxis med utgångspunkt i SDC-fallet

This paper deals primarily with the developmental potential and use of court -based mediation in Swedish law, and its relation to court-based conciliation and the judicial procedure as means to end a conflict.  In Chapter 42, Section 17 of the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, a judge, before the parties have their main hearing, can act as a mediator between the parties to settle the dispute. The judge should, according to the law, always try to make the parties come to an agreement before the main hearing. This obligation can be fulfilled either through the use of court-based conciliation, or court based mediation. Mediation as such is rarely used in Sweden, and one of the goals of this essay is to try to provide a tentative answer to why that might be the case.  The second goal is to try to find a consistent, yet flexible notion, of the concept of ?jurisdiction?, and to provide an explanation for the relation between mediation as an alternative method for dispute resolution and the judicial procedure.                                                                                                                                            .

Den europeiska arresteringsordern : ett rättssäkert förfarande?

The European union started as an area of economic cooperation, but has developed into an area of cooperation in many legal fields. There are these days even cooperation when it comes to dealing with criminals. There is a new procedure called the European arrest warrant which goal is to make the extradition of criminals between the different member states in the European union more efficient. Sometimes when a state receives a European arrest warrant they have to extradite the person in question without doing any investigation of their own. The procedure is based on the principle of mutual recognition.

Bibliotekarien som distansarbetare? : förutsättningar för bibliotekarien att utföra sina funktioner på distans

We studied how librarians would adapt to telework, the performance of job responsibilitiesfrom home. We found'that all duties could be accomplished. but to varied extents.Computerbased searches, interlibrary loans, acquisitions, indexing and telephone referenceservices are the duties most likely to adapt to telework whereas cataloguing andclassification probably are best performed in the ordinary workplace.Most duties would demand access to technical means of assistance when performed fromhome. Connections to the library's local network, directly or via modem, are requiredbecause it is unrealistic to expect librarians to telework with fewer tools than theyordinarily have available. Although librarians generally believe that teleworking will nothave a large irnpact on the operation of the library, most would like to telework.Whether teleworking is a viable strategy depends on the characteristics of the duties, thelibrarian's desire to telework, but also on the size of the library, the size of its staff, thelibrary's activities, and how work is distributed between librarians..

småföretagens användning av Internet som en marknadsföringsstrategi : en fallstudie av tre företag i stockholmsregionen

This study is on how small companies can use the Internet as a part of their marketing strategy to gain a leverage on their competitors with small means to survive and expand in the global market. Many Swedish small companies still don?t have a sufficient knowledge on how to use the communication channel despite the various advantages the Internet offers.Case studies were conducted of how AdLibris, A-lotterierna AB and SF-bokhandeln perceived the importance of using the Internet as a part of their communications strategy.This new communication channel demand new ways of applying traditional marketing principals. Careful analysis of the interviews and how the answers relate to new and old marketing theories makes the bulk of this study. The conclusion is that the Internet solely is not enough, a combination with traditional marketing tools is the way to succeed in their marketing efforts.

Möjliga själv : Samband med personlighet och känsla av sammanhang!

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om möjliga själv är relaterade till personlighet och känsla av sammanhang samt huruvida kön och ålder påverkar dessa relationer. Studien genomfördes på kadetter genom en enkätundersökning. Enkäten bestod av bakgrunds frågor, yrkesrelaterade möjliga själv (The Possible Selves Statements Test), personlighet (The Five Factor Personality Inventory) och känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Resultatet visar att kluster (K-means) av personlighetsprofiler inte skiljer sig signifikant åt vad gäller möjliga själv, däremot uppvisades skillnader mellan personlighetsprofilerna vad gäller känslor och förväntningar kring möjliga själv. Liknande resultat erhölls avseende relationen mellan KASAM och möjliga själv.

Möt mig nu som den jag är : En studie av präster i Växjö stift som är hbtq-personer

This essay is about human beings. These human beings in particular are priests and LGBTQ-persons who work in the Swedish Church in Växjö diocese. During research I have conducted qualitative interviews with people who are LGBTQ-persons and work as priests in Växjö diocese. These interviews have been analyzed through queer theory and Mary Douglas theory about anomalia.My aim with this essay is to find out what it means to be a LGBTQ- person and work as a priest in this diocese.I wanted to learn more about where the difficulties lie. How the priests are treated by others and how they see themselves.

Säkrare byggarbetsplatser : En rapport om arbetsmiljö i allmänhet och fallolyckor i synnerhet

In Sweden there are 299 000 working in the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the industries where most accidents occur every year. During the last ten years there have been 111 death accidents in the construction industry and 48 of them were falling accidents. That means, in average, one death accident every month.Falling accidents gives serious injuries to the persons who are affected by them. It is anticipated that this report will investigate the factors beyond the falling accidents and also to present proposals that can decrease the number of falling accidents in the future.To secure a healthy and safe construction site it is of great importance that both the employers and the employees cooperate towards the same goal.

Virtuella communityn: en fallstudie om independentskivbolags användning av virtuella communityn

The purpose of this thesis was to study the importance of virtual communities for independent record companies. It also aims to examine how these companies use virtual communities in their marketing activities and how to gain competitive advantages by working with virtual communities. A case study based on interviews was conducted with managers from two independent record companies, Music Is My Girlfriend Recordings and B&B Records. Our study has shown that virtual communities are important for independent record companies as tools for finding and addressing the right target market. Useful information about the members of these communities can easily be gathered with the use of the various search options that are available.

Genus och jämställdhet : En kvalitativ studie om fyra pedagogers arbete med genus och jämställdhet på förskolan

The purpose of this study is to find out how the four teachers at the two preschools believe they are working with gender and how they actually work with it in practice. It also aims to show how they treat the children at the preschool based on their gender.What is the preschool teachers view on gender and equality?How do they consider that they work with gender and gender equality, and how do they really work with it in practice?The study is based on a qualitative study were I chose to both interview and observe four preschool teachers from two different preschools. My theoretical starting point is Yvonne Hirdmans theory of gender and also research on gender equality. The results show that the majority of respondents believed that gender and gender equality means almost the same thing or have the same meaning.

Aspergers syndrom : Några verksamma pedagogers uppfattningar om skolsituationen för ungdomar med A.S. på gymnasiet

The aim of this study is to examine the opinion of teachers as to the situation of young people suffering from Aspergers syndrome in the Sixth Form(gymnasium. In order to find this out I have chosen to interview four teachers with work experience of Aspergers in three different gymnasium in middle Sweden. They were confronted with the following questions: What resources are available for these pupils in the gymnasium? How do they experience that the school situation functions and how would they as teachers like the school situation to function for these young people at school?The result shows that special teachers have an extremely important function to fulfil. Those interviewed felt that there are sufficient resources available, for example guidance and further education for techers as well as both support and means for helping the young people.However, every teacher does not understand this handicap.

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