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The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

Mångfald i grupparbete : Hur påverkar det lärandet?

The purpose of this study is to answer how teachers look at diversity in groups, with learning in focus. For this study I chose different high-schools in Sweden teaching Moving Pictures, in Swedish 'Rörlig bild'.These are the research questions: 1) What advantages and disadvantages do the teachers see with homogenity and heterogenity in their groups? 2) Which ascpects of teaching do the teachers bring up when talking about diversity?The method of this study has been a qualitative analysis and investigation in questionnarie form, with qualitative questions. Teachers were asked and data was examined with help of theories in diversity, group work, group dynamics, homogenity and heterogenity by authors like Toseland, Jones and Gellis (2004), Forslund Frykedal (2008) and Hammar Chiriac (2008).It is noticable that the teachers thought of differences in terms almost exclusively of school ability. The result is: - As a whole: homogenity means security, heterogenity means creativity.

Kombinationsverksamhet - flera verksamheter inom ett lantbruksföretag

In today's Sweden there are approximately 23 000 combination companies, and most of them have a connection with the agricultural sector. The most common type of additional operation is some form of contracting.The aim for this degree project is to answer the following question: which problems and key factors exists within combination operations? The main topic will be within coordination and management questions within agricultural companies with an additional operation.Litterateur written earlier within this subject will be used in this thesis. Mainly litterateur which contains information about combination companies and diversification of some sort. There are also other theories used in this thesis such as; resource based theory and decision making theory in order to understand the problems and key factors within combination companies.In order to investigate the aim of this thesis we have chosen to perform two qualitative interviews with the managers of two different combination companies.

Människosmuggling : Hemliga tvångsmedel för att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten

The first aim of this study is to examine what the differences are between the Classic directive (directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts) and the Revised Classic directive (directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC) when it comes to social considerations in public procurement. The second aim is to examine if the revision of the directive has solved the prior existing problems regarding social considerations in public procurement. In this paper a traditional European legal method is used. The examinations show a number of things, including the Revised Classic directive involving codification of case law, references to other sources of law and some clarified rules as well as new provisions. The regulations regarding reserved contracts, technical specifications, and selection criterion are satisfied in the Revised Classic directive.

Let´s Dance : För att utveckla motoriken?

AbstractDancing and the body`s ability to express itself has been an interest of mine for a long time. For that reason I would like to find out more on how you as a pedagogue can work with dancing as a way to develop motoric activity. The purpose of my research is to find out how pree-school-pedagogue`s and sportsteacher`s are working with dancing, and also how children in a pree-school class apprehends the idea of dancing before and after a dancelesson.My question for this paper is:How can dancetutoring in pree-school develop children`s motoric activity?To find out the answer for this question I have also chosen to use relevant litterature within the subject. Since the examination covers only the answers from four pedagogue`s and six children I can not make a generell conclusion that covers all children or pree-schools.

Outsourcing till Indien : För små och medelstora företag

Outsourcing has grown more so than any other sector of IT services. According to a research by the analytic company Gartner soon four of ten jobs in the IT sector will be outsourced. For a nation like Sweden that means about 40,000 jobs going abroad. Business managers look to outsourcing as a means of reducing their operating cost and their need for capital spending. Companies turn to outsourcing to save money and seek expertise outside.

Förbättring av brandprojektering för arkitekter : En studie av samordningen mellan arkitekter och brandkonsulter samt framtagning av lathund angående brandfrågor

I alla byggprojekt som behandlas är arkitekter och brandkonsulter två viktiga aktörer. Arkitekternas huvudsyfte är att ge människor ett gestaltningsmässigt intryck av en byggnad, men även att ge den ett praktiskt och tryggt användande. Brand-konsulternas roll är bland annat att hjälpa arkitekterna med den del som innefattar brandsäkerhet. Idag är samarbetet mellan arkitekter och brandkonsulter inte optimalt men det finns enkla förändringar som skulle effektivisera arbetsmetodiken.Detta examensarbete har resulterat i en lathund gällande brandprojektering som riktar sig till arkitekter. Lathunden baseras på kapitlet om brandskydd i Boverkets Byggregler (BBR), de omfattande handböckerna som används vid projektering samt statistik gällande de vanligaste problemen mellan aktörerna idag.

En studie av olika ekonomiska modeller för mångbruk baserad på vindkraft

Today produces the wind power 2,5 TWh (TWh = terawatt hours) of Sweden?s total energy input of around 620 TWh. The Parliament has adopted a national planning objective where the wind-based electricity production will increase to 30 TWh in 2020. This requires that landowners will leas there land for wind power to wind energy companies. Such land leasing means that the landowner's business is considered to be a multiple-use.

Vision Malmö - En analys av Malmö stads visioner kring stadens utveckling

This thesis is a critical discourse analysis of the vision of Malmös contemporary urban development. By analysing official documents produced by Malmö municipality our aim is to make discursive and sociolcultural practices in the constitution and construction of the city visible and problematicize them. To do so we use critical discourse analysis and theories on Urban Studies. Malmö is a city historically labeld as a ?labour- city?, with heavy industry as its main labourmarket.

Att vara lärare med interkulturell kompetens : En kvalitativ studie med förskolelärare/lärare som gått interkulturell lärarutbildning

The Swedish school is today a meeting place for many people with different cultures. The teacher education at Södertörn University have since 2002 been influenced by an intercultural profile. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the intercultural profile of Södertörn University is expressed in preschool- teachers/ teachers work. Is an intercultural approach requested in schools and is intercultural approach useful and applicable in the teaching profession? The report is based on a qualitative study of what intercultural competence means for five preschool- teachers/ teachers who have graduated from Södertörn University.

Biogaspotentialen av matavfall sorterat ur hushållsavfall.

To achieve the Government's milestones for 2018, which means that 50 % of food waste shall be separated from household waste and undergo biological treatment (composting or anaerobic digestion).   Hultsfred, Högsby and Vimmerby are three adjacent municipalities of Kalmar, county Småland. During 2012 and 2013 analyzes were performed on their household waste to determine its composition. The household waste is currently collected in one fraction. The work, examines how much food waste the household waste contains. From the amount of food waste, the biogas potential is examined - how much food waste biogas generates and how much energy it corresponds to.   Food waste is broken down by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions (anaerobic digestion) in a biogas plant.

Refugia som metod för att minska utvecklingen av anthelmintikaresistens hos får

Anthelmintic resistance is a major problem in sheep husbandry all over the world. One way toslow down the development of anthelmintic resistance is to keep part of the parasitepopulation in refugia (unexposed to drugs) which will maintain the genes for susceptibilitywithin the population. Climate, type of parasite and drenching regimes effect the size of therefugia. Dilution of resistant with susceptible parasites, targeted treatment and targetedselective treatment are all management strategies that employ refugia. Dilution is possible butcomplicated.

Askdeponi i bergrum : Metoder för slurrytillverkning

This thesis work has been carried out at the consultant company Pöyry Sweden AB in Norrköping, whom performs the task for E.ON heating Sweden AB, Händelöverket in Norrköping. The report shows methods to manufacture slurry consisting of fly ash and water. The slurry shall be pumped into several former oil storage rock shelters that E.ON has put into operation for the specific purpose. The ash mixture also develops hydrogen gas in contact with water.The work has aimed to produce different suggestions of methods and equipment that can be used for the objective. Mixing method and security issues were in centre while working with the suggestions.

På väg mot ett mer demokratiskt EU? : - en studie av Lissabonfördraget

AbstractSince democracy was developed in the ancient Greece it has come to be used within a small city state, within the national state and as today used within a bigger perspective. After the end of the second world war political leaders wanted to make sure that there would never be a war between European countries again. Now, about 60 years later this type of cooperation now involves 27 of the European countries and goes under the name of the Euroapean Union. This means that democracy is no longer used just within the nation state, but within a big organisation that is responsible for almost 500 million Europeans lives. This also means that the European Union need to make some institutional reforms to be able to handle all the future challenges.

Musik och Motorik : En intervjustudie om lärares uppfattningar om musik och motorik i brassundervisning på kulturskolan

Studien syftar till att ta reda på hur musiklärare ser på motoriska problem, hur informerade de är om elevers svårigheter och hur de hanterar eventuella motoriska problem som kan uppstå i instrumentalundervisningen. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras motoriska aspekter, samt tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter.Den forskningsmetod som använts i studien är den kvalitativa intervjun. Jag har intervjuat fyra lärare som arbetar med brasselever. Intervjuerna transkriberades, bearbetades och analyserades och de svar som framkommit utgör studiens resultat. I resultatet beskrivs hur lärarna får reda på motoriska problem och hur de hanterar dem.

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