

625 Uppsatser om Meaningful existence - Sida 26 av 42

Mobbning : En studie om fyra skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning

A school should be a safe place for all students. The existence of discrimination, harassment and offensive behavior should according to Swedish school law not exist in the school environment. Since the year 2006, when a law on equal treatment was passed, all the schools in Sweden must have a treatment plan that is revised annually to prevent discrimination, harassment and abusive treatment.In this master thesis, I will examine the equal treatment plan between four different elementary schools in Nynäshamn.The purpose of this paper is to examine how the equal treatment plan exposes the bullying and the types of problems and solutions addressed in the elementary schools equal treatment plans. Based on the purpose, I have formulated two questions:How do the elementary schools in Nynäshamn municipality describe bullying in the equal treatment plan?What kinds of problems and solutions are addressed in the equal treatment plan evaluations?This thesis is based on text analysis and content analysis on the schools equal treatment plans.The study is based on the theories from a norm critical perspective.The conclusion of the study is that all four schools treatment plan see abusive behavior as something serious and preventive.

INTERAKTION I EN VIRTUELL GRUPP : gapet i det normbildande ramverket

The existence of social networks on the Internet is today seen as broad, and the number of users of the network is increasing. There seems to be many reasons to which people are using the social networks. Within the network, users can for various reasons create groups with different objectives. One of the reasons is that groups are created in order to influence a company. With a perceived feeling that companies handle the problem differently, we assume the source is the uncertainty about what the groups really are.

?Man ska vara nyfiken? Lärares syn på elevers frågor i den naturvetenskapliga undervisningen

Abstract Students' questions play an important role in both teaching and learning science. However, in a traditional classroom, the teacher is the center of attention and poses questions to which students answer. The students seldom ask questions to which the teacher responds. The purpose of this paper is to examine teachers' attitudes towards student questions. This paper will also explore teachers? views on the issues related to students? questions for science education.

?Biblioteken vill bara vara hippa? ? en studie om ungdomars attityder till bibliotekens marknadsföring på sociala medier.

The aim of this thesis is to examine young adults? attitudes towards libraries marketing in social media. Libraries mainly use social media to reach out to young adults. However, young adults mainly use social media to communicate with their friends. The question that arises is if young adults are interested in communicating with organizations such as libraries on social media.

Unga sexuella förövare : En studie om den professionella rollen i behandling

The purpose of this study is to examine what professionals tell about stress, rewards, impact and treatment in the professional treatment with young sexual offenders. Eleven qualitative interviews of half-structured design brought up results about the professional role in the treatment process. During the interviews the professionals described which methods of treatment they work with. We examined the methods through literature research, which was added to the study whit the purpose of strengthening the interview data. The professionals consider their work important and meaningful and they feel safe in their working role.

Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald

Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting andforestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we todaythink of as the cultural landscape; a mosaic pattern of cropland, fields, pasture and forests. Thepast two centuries, globalization, industrialization and urbanization have come to pose a threatto the existence of these landscapes. European farmlands are now being abandoned at analarming rate, and the associated loss of landscape preservation, biodiversity and ecosystemservices is a concern to the scientific community and public alike.This thesis studies if the implementation of the relatively new conservation strategy rewilding(recreating self-sustaining ecosystems and reintroducing keystone species) can be a part of thesolution to preserve cultural landscapes and biodiversity in Sweden. Through interviewssupplemented with studies of published works, expertise from different fields has beencompiled to provide an overall picture of the capacity of rewildings as conservation method.

Idrott för alla? : Intresse och engagemang för breddverksamhet

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

Det kaotiska laboratoriet - En kvalitativ studie om organisationen i IT-startups under olika perioder

The great economic impact of startups on society has made these types of companies an increasingly popular subject for research. Though no single definition of the word startup currently exists, one could define it as a temporary organization in search of a scalable, repeatable, and profitable business model. Seen from a historic perspective, tech-startups in particular should be considered a new phenomenon and the topic is still relatively unexplored. This study investigates the structure in tech-startups during their first months of existence and compares it to the structure that prevails when the companies have recruited at least five additional employees. In addition, the study explains why these changes occur.

"The only options we have left are socialism or barbarism." - En studie av tre nutida latinamerikanska vänsterregeringar och av orsakerna till att de har uppnått olika demokratigrader.

This comparative case study, which is based on a most similar system design,investigates why the Chávez government has attained a lower degree of democracy than the Kirchner and the Lula governments. In order to develop asupplementary theory about why governments in general achieve various degrees of democracy I compare these governments and examine what policies that differ them and why. My results show that these governments? policies differ concerning the rule of law, militarization, and negotiations with economic groups and anti-regime parts of civil society. I have found numerous answers to why some of these governments (and governments in general) have democratic policies within these four areas and why some do not.

I huvudet på en lapplisa : En studie om hur parkeringsvakter upplever sin arbetssituation

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Barnet som medmänniska : En studie av pedagogers uppfattningar

AbstractThe background to this essay is previous experience in working in a preschool abroad. The teachers I met there did not relate to the children in the same way that I?m used to in Sweden. In my view, different expectations on the children, made them not make use of the children?s full potential to develop.The starting-point for this essay is the?life world perspective?.

Aquaculture : animal welfare, the environment, and ethical implications

The aim of this review is to assess the ethical implications of aquaculture, regarding fish welfare and environmental aspects. The aquaculture industry has grown substantially the last decades, both as a result of the over-fishing of wild fish populations, and because of the increasing consumer demand for fish meat. As the industry is growing, a significant amount of research on the subject is being conducted, monitoring the effects of aquaculture on the environment and on animal welfare. The areas of concern when it comes to animal welfare have here been divided into four different stages: breeding period; growth period; capturing and handling; and slaughter. Besides these stages, this report includes a chapter on the current evidence of fish sentience, since this issue is still being debated among biologists.

Omstruktureringar vid VD-byte

Objective: The aim of this paper is to see if there are higher restructuring expenses under the item provision for the first year when a new president takes office.Method: The study was done by a quantitative study. Financial statements have been examined for companies listed on the OMX Stockholm Stock Exchange, Large Cap. We have examined all the companies? annual reports between the years 2002-2008. We have looked at the experience of restructuring and other expenses that occur in the context of CEO change.

Aktieutdelningars kurspåverkan - Existerar överavkastning vid utdelningar?

This study aims at examining if abnormal returns have existed on theSwedish stock market surrounding the ex-dividend period between the years2002 and 2006. The ex-dividend period that is studied is the ex-dividend dayplus the following five days. The stocks that have been studied are the thirtymost traded stocks which together constitute the index OMXS30.Furthermore, the study investigates if the size of the dividend has an effecton the size of the abnormal returns.Previously performed studies on both the Swedish stock market and foreignstock markets have shown that abnormal returns exist during the ex-dividendperiod. However, the results from these studies are not unambiguous, why itis interesting to follow up these studies with a new study.The method used for investigating the existence of abnormal returns aroundthe ex-dividend period has taken its starting point in the previouslyperformed studies. However, some changes have been made in order tocalculate for differences in risk between different stocks (using beta) whichhas been neglected in the previous studies.The results of our study are that abnormal returns have existed for four outof six days in the ex-dividend period when calculating a mean value over allfive years.

Forget Prince Charming. I want a vampire in a shiny silver Volvo. : En studie av manlig sexualitet i två moderna vampyrromaner

The popularity of vampire novels has come and gone over the years. And the romantic novels seem more popular than ever before. The male vampire have taken the stereotyperole as a sexual object. But what is it that makes the male characters desirable?The vampire genre was developed from defining female vampires as sexual freeand liberal but with a punishment awaiting them.

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