

625 Uppsatser om Meaningful existence - Sida 20 av 42

Fred ? till vilket pris? ? En studie om etiken kring kärnvapeninnehav

This bachelor thesis focuses on the ethics concerning the possession of nuclear weapons seen from a deontological and utilitarian perspective. I have also considered the aspects of International law, the Just-war Theory, and Michael Walzer's Legalist Paradigm. The research question that guides my essay is: Is it possible to ethically justify a country's possession of nuclear arms, which results in direct and indirect threats against other countries?I have chosen to focus my essay on the period of 1945 to 1990, also referred to as the Cold War. I find the bipolar system that existed between the USA and the Soviet Union as a good empirical example, during which the nuclear arms debate constantly took place.The result that my thesis brings is rather ambiguous.

Barnarbete och dess arbetsrättsliga regleringar i Pakistan

Financial exploitation of children worldwide is a global problem, causing consequences for both the national economy and labor market, as well as the working child who is deprived of its rights of education and normal development. Pakistan has several national laws in order to work against and to regulate the existence of child labour. Another important mechanism to fight the financial exploitation of the children is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Convention was ratified by Pakistan in 1990. As a result, new national laws have been admitted, already existing laws have been amended, educational projects have been established and the common knowledge on the problems regarding the subject have attracted a lot of attention.

FACEBOOK : En låtsasvärld?

Featured adjuvant chemotherapy treatment in women with breast cancer can lead to pain. The aim of this study was to explore, the variety of perceptions and impact of adjuvantchemotherapy-induced pain in daily life, of some women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.Inclusion criteria were participating in an ongoing stress management projectand chemotherapy of (anthracycline/taxan) in doses of 75mg² or more. Exclusioncriteria were inability to understand and communicate in Swedish and mentalillness. After ethical approval of the sub study in September 2010, women wereconsecutively included through oral and written request. Phenomenologicalapproach was used in the eight interviews and data analysis.

Våra sociala medvetanden: En diskussion om ett socialt perpektiv angående medvetandet

In this essay a social perspective on the mind is explored and argued for. The essay moves from a discussion of a social collective foundation for the individual mind to a discussion ofthe main alternative ways of describing the shared social world, namely an action-centred perspective and a power-centred perspective. It is shown that these two perspectives are combinable. A combination of the two perspectives is therefore recommended for a more balanced way of describing the shared social world. In this essay it is argued for that the individuals? mind and her identity is dependent on the surrounding community.

Glokala kampanjer mot fattigdom : Kommunikationsstrategier bakom statliga Världens Chans och ideella Utrota Fattigdomen Nu

Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to describe, analyze and compare the two communication campaigns Världens Chans and Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, and discuss how and to what extent communication campaigns in Sweden can be used to reduce global poverty. The theoretical framework is mainly based on communications strategies and other relevant aspects of the planning process of campaigns.Material/Method: Within the qualitative case study as an overall method, the main material to the two cases is obtained through five qualitative interviews with the premier representatives of the campaigns.Main results: Världens Chans can be seen as an information campaign by the government which purpose is to contribute to the fulfilment of the millennium goals by drawing the attention of the public to their existence. Utrota Fattigdomen Nu, on the other hand, is an influence campaign by the civil society which purpose is to exterminate poverty by putting a pressure on power holders and to change the attitudes and the behaviours among the public. Both campaigns are based on a network with lots of different actors, functioning as opinion makers. Furthermore, communication campaigns are important tools in the fight against poverty..

Skyddet av geografiska ursprungsbeteckningar : en immaterialrättslig figur sui generis

Geographical indications designate products which have a specific geographical origin, which can either be national, regional or local. The subject is complicated since geographical indications arises a large number of questions There are EC regulations which regulate the protection of geographical indications, but since the field has not yet been exhaustively harmonized, the existence of national rules of protection is therefore still possible, which can lead to trade barriers between the member states. Consequently, one problem consists in whether it may be legitimate to restrict the free movement of goods by article 28 in the EC Treaty by referring to national rules of protection and to what extent such measures may be justified by article 30 or by the Cassis doctrine. An additional question consists in how the line between geographical indications and generic terms is to be established appropriately. Further, geographical indications are exposed to improper use by other dishonest commercial operators and therefore the possibilities of protection against unfair competition and misleading are also discussed in the thesis.

Omsorgspersonalens tankar och arbetssätt kring sexualitet : En kvalitativ studie på grupp- och serviceboenden för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

The aim of this study was to acquire a greater understanding and knowledge about how care staff at houses with special services for people with intellectual disabilities think and work (handle situations) regarding sexuality. To achieve our goal we carried out nine semi structured interviews using an interview guide. These interviews took place in two different communities in southern Sweden. The theoretical perspectives that were used to analyze the result were Sense of Coherence, Scope of action and Normalization. The result showed that the staff considered sexuality a part of their work and a natural subject to talk about.

Varandets villkor : att knäppa sina spretande händer och åstadkomma en förtätning, åtskillnader blir sammanflätningar, tudelningar blir tvetydighet

Descartes sharp distinction between body and mind has had a severe influence on the culture of the western world. We now have a constructed system of knowledge that discards perception asunreliable and instead admits only deduction as the adequate method of understanding oursurroundings and ourselves.But what are we, if not human?And what would our lives be like without our dreams, the passions of our hearts and the sensationsof our sense organs?Irrational as it all may seem, these aspects form our existence, giving us pleasure, experience andknowledge beyond what we plan or try to predict. It is the fuel that keeps us going, fighting, loving.So how come we seek to explain everything? How come we seek the approval of others in matters we should be confident enough to judgeourselves? Why can't we embrace all the aspects of what it means to be alive? I state that the society and culture of the western world offers great possibilities for expression andcommunication.

Bonnstan - Skellefteå kyrkstad : kyrkstadens funktion i tid och rum

This essay is about Skelleftea church town which is named Bonnstan and refers to the city for farmers. Originally, its mission was to function as temporary residence for long distance travelers of the villages, during weekends intended for religious gatherings. Bonnstan have furthermore periodically and in lesser extent been used as permanently abode for domestic workers. Nowadays the area consists of 114 cottages with nearly 400 chambers.The earliest known documentation of Skelleftea church town's existence is from the 17th century even though it may have its origin from the Middle Ages. These early church cottages burnt down in 1835 and were restored two years after the accident.

Upplevelser av att arbeta med djur på daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning

The central part in all public health work is health promotion and disease preventing actions among the population. Since all public health work includes the whole population, the work has to embrace disabled people as well. Within the disability policies, participation and equality are important goals, which illustrate the importance of a job. In previous studies the positive effects of animal have been detected among persons with disabilities, by better balance, better mobility, larger social network, new knowledge and most of all happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate how people with disabilities experience their health when they are working with animal husbandry at daily activities.

Vårdhundens effekter på äldres hälsa och välbefinnande : -En litteraturöversikt

Background: With increasing age follows higher risks of conditions and illnesses which can cause a decrease in health and wellbeing. A meaningful social environment can positively impact the physical health of older people. Dogs are increasingly being used for different purposes within health care and animal assisted therapy aims to improve people?s physical, social, emotional and cognitive function.Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of animal assisted therapy on older people?s health and wellbeing.Methods: A literature review where searches for academic articles in databases PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo were performed. The searches resulted in 14 articles which were selected for further review.

Gina Tricots varumärke : - från avsändare till mottagare

The purpose of this study is to explore the relations between foster parents and their foster children, what kind of motivation there is behind their involvement in foster children, how they experience the commission and what good parenting mean to them. The study is including eight foster parents. They have experience of both long and short placement of foster children. The results show that all these foster families have at least one child that they have a good relationship with. It is important to know that those children either have spent many years in foster families or arrived to foster families when they were very young or as infants.

Do CEOs Get Paid for Performance?

Agency theory describes the conflict of interest between the principal (stockholders) and the agent (CEO). Aligning the incentives of executives with those of the owners is the most direct way to mitigate the agency problem. If there is no meaningful link between CEO compensation and company performance, it is doubtful that the large sums of assets in public corporations are being managed efficiently. In theory the solution is simple reward the CEO when shareholders wealth increases. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if there is a relationship between company performance and CEO compensation among Swedish companies, in materials and information technology industry.

Bland legohjältar och tillfångatagna prinsessor : En undersökning kring femåringars bråklek i förskolan

By using the children's own thoughts and stories this theses aim to investigate and illustrate the phenomenon of rough and tumble play and its existence among five year olds in preschool.    The formulations of the questions are:What do children consider as rough and tumble play? - and what characterise that?From without a perspective of rough and tumble play, which kinds of rough and tumble play do the children play in preschool? - and how do those characterise?What makes rough and tumble play possible and accepted for the children to play in preschool?In this thesis I have investigated the questions above by interviewing 11 five years olds about how they consider rough and tumble play in preschool. From without Birgitta Knutsdotter Olofsson's and Torben Hangaard Rasmussen's view about play and rough and tumble play I created a perspective of rough and tumble play, which I used for analyzing the empirics. With rough and tumble play I mean games or plays that includes wrestling, hitting, kicking, pushing, chasing, running or/and the use of weapons against other human beings or other visualized beings or/and human beings.The conclusions are that children has many different opinions of what rough and tumble play is. Depends on who you are asking you will get a different perspective.

Mer värde i mobilen och mindre i plånboken - En fallstudie av mobila betalningslösningars genomslag i Sverige

This thesis presents the question of a possible breakthrough for mobile payment solutions in Sweden. The way payments are made and the way cash is being used in the society is changing. To be accepted as an alternative method, if cash isn't king anymore, the new technology will have to acquire user acceptance. In this thesis a case study of Swish, a mobile payment solution for P2P-payments, is presented. The focus of the study is customer value and technology acceptance of the service.

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