

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 48 av 304

Känsla av sammanhang på Samhall : Arbetare med nedsatt arbetsförmåga

Sense of coherence amongst employees with reduced work-capacity at Samhall.Sanela Jakupovic TrostekScientific essay in public health, 15 hp, Academy of Health and promoting Working Life, University of GävleThe aim of this study was to examine how employees at Samhall who has reduced work-capacity experienced their sense of coherence (SOC). The study includes gender, age and civil status in the analysis. The study includes 34 respondents which are divided as 20 men and 14 women. To measure SOC a quantitative method with a 29 standardized questionnaire was used.It was found that the employees felt, in general, low SOC, which means more difficult adaptation to their life situation. Noteworthy is that 70 % of the men in this study showed low SOC compared to 35,7 % of the women.One conclusion that can be drawn is that within Samhall, it showed that women had a higher SOC mean value than men which means they are more equipped to handle, understand and find meaning in their work life. Keywords: Antonovsky, Samhall, disability, work-capacity, sense of coherence (SOC).

Stress test methods : a potential approach to hurry up shelf-life tests on oat products

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to find out more about the delimiting quality- and shelf-life parameters over time for liquid oat-based products. According to that, to present applicable subjective and objective shelf-life test approaches at accelerated conditions. The study aimed to gain a deeper knowledge concerning the general and accepted way of performing accelerated storage tests. This study focused especially on products, which suffer from quality failure caused by oxidation, such as liquid oat-based products.

Patienters skattning av hindrande smärta och self-efficacy före och efter diskbråcksoperation

Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examine if a pre- and post-operative difference could be seen in self-reported pain disability and self-efficacy among patients undergoing surgery as treatment for spinal disc herniation in order to improve process of rehabilitation.Method: A quantitative and descriptive design was used. 10 patients awaiting surgical treatment for spinal disc herniation were included at Akademiska sjukhuset (The Academic Hospital) in Uppsala. Participation was voluntary and the selection was made by convenience. Data was collected using The Pain Disability Index and Self-Efficacy Scale by which the patient would estimate how hindered they felt because of their pain in everyday activities and their self-efficacy to perform everyday activities. This was done the day before surgery and two weeks after surgery.

Vägen bort : En textanalytisk studie av rättsdomar

The intention with the study is to describe the home and life conditions for boys at the age range between 13 to 18 year, who has been under custody according to the § 2 LVU.The empiric is 21 real court cases, judged in Stockholm and to Stockholm counted surround-ings 2006, in which the range of the boys were representative.A text analyze method is used to execute the study. The study penetrates the life situation of the caregiver and how their situation affects the boy and the boys actions.The total conclusion of the study, based on an ecological evolution perspective, is that life-situation of the caregiver affects the boys and the boys actions.The boys are affected negatively by the situation of their caregivers, and according to the study, the boys have established own problems, like difficulties in school, criminality, or other psychological diagnoses. They are also often exposed to physical or psychological violence by the caregiver. Additionally the conclusion is that the caregiver neglect the boys in many other ways, prior themselves and their needs before the boys..

Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarer

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century.

Spelifiering som motivationshöjande hjälpmedel för fysisk aktivitet

In today?s world there are plenty of technological tools and methods available with the purpose to increase peoples motivation for a healthier lifestyle. One such tool is a so-called activity tracker which uses sensors to log the user's everyday life and present it as automatic feedback. Gamification is a new and successful method to motivate and engage people in fulfilling tasks by using game elements and mechanics. In this study, five participants were instructed to use the activity tracker and pedometer Fitbit Flex daily for three weeks. Halfway through the study the participants were ranked and listed against each other in a ranking list in order to evoke competition.

Negotiating Work-Life Balance: Working Time Preferences and the European Working Time Directive

This thesis examines why working time preferences differ between workers and nations, and explains the effect of working time regulation and working time flexibility on negotiating work-life balance. In five separate sections the following working time issues are examined: the number of hours worked by workers in Europe; factors affecting individual working time preferences; how working time preferences are negotiated in the national industrial relations systems of Sweden, France and the United Kingdom; how the institutions of the European Union have influenced working time negotiations through the Working Time Directive; and the benefits and practices available to organisations implementing working time flexibility. Broadly this paper views working time preferences as being a highly personal and influenced by factors such as wages, taxation, culture (national and workplace) and non-work responsibilities. It is argued that negotiating a preferred working time pattern is essential to achieving work-life balance and when such a balance is achieved, workers are more healthy, motivated and committed to their employer. Essentially this provides an incentive for businesses to voluntarily implement working time flexibility beyond the regulatory standards..

Tonåringars upplevelse av livskvalitet : En beskrivande och jämförande studie

The aim of this study was to describe how adolescents experiences their quality of life, and tocompare if there are any differences in how they experiences their QOL depending on wherethey live, big town or smaller town. The aim was also to examine how adolescentsexperienced their schooling. The study is empirically, quantitative with a descriptive andcomparative design. To measure quality of life a tried and tested instrument ? LifeSatisfaction Questionnaire (LSQ) was used.

I Sverige finns döden idag inte i grytan, utan i buffén : Hur ?vanliga människors? och teologers tankar kring vad som händer efter döden påverkas av individualiseringen, samt hur Svenska kyrkan ska bemöta individualiseringen, individualismen och människor

This study deals with the way how people think about life after death from the perspective of individualization. Individualization is something that affects all aspects of society, especially inSweden, which is of the most individualized countries. It also affects how people think about their own death.I have compared what people think about life after death with five theologians who have different views; Per Block, Sallie McFague, Krister Stendahl, Maurice Wiles and Jürgen Moltmann.I have compared the difference between individualism and individualization, andformulated some problems regarding how to think of individualism in terms of good and bad. Finally, I have finally discussed how I think Svenska kyrkan, the Church of Sweden, should meet the individualization, individualism and people´s opinion about life after death.The main question of the essay is partly unanswered because there is very little material and studies made about life after death contra individualization. One conclusion of my study, however, that I have reached is that people are allowed to choose freely nowadays, and that leads to a big difference in the system of beliefs.

Landsbygdsföretagerskan : en fallstudie om den kvinnliga företagarens livsform på landsbygden

This study is about the female entrepreneur in rural areas in Sweden. Five women were interviewed with the aim to examine their way of living (livsform), their motivation, what significance it is to be a woman in business and how female entrepreneurs can be encouraged to start their own business. The conclusions : ? The women in this study live an independent life , but the their way of life (livsform) has changed during their life ? Female entrepreneurship can be promoted trough greater knowledge of the female business, better advice to the entrepreneurs, more networking groups and reducing bureaucracy. ? The driving forces for the women is to do what they like and are interested in, at the same time as they have time for the family and children. They also like to work in the rural areas. ? Female entrepreneurship can be promoted through greater knowledge of female businesses in the community, by creating virtual meeting places such as networking groups and mentor groups on internet.

Djur i särskilt boende : - en undersökning av ledningens medvetenhet och beredskap kring samt hantering av djur i särskilt boende i en kommun.

Today older people?s health and life quality are current topics of conversation in society. The number of old people is increasing and their health is deteriorating, that is why there is a need of new ways of meeting their necessities. In this study we have tried to illustrate heads of districts reasoning concerning pets? significance for old people in special housing.

Att rösta annorlunda: Fyra förklaringar till varför väljare röstar på ickeetablerade partier prövas.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Bakåtvänd eller framåtvänd bilbarnstol för dem mellan ett och fem år.

This paper aims to analyze how child restraint systems (CRS) in cars should be positioned to protect children at the ages 1 to 5. The study is preformed in co-operation with the Swedish insurance company Folksam. Data from Folksam´s database on car crashes in the years 1999-2004 is being used in this study. Every child in the ages 1 to 5 was searched for in the database, which resulted in 184 observations. To perform the analysis, categorical data analysis is suitable.

Att vara förälder til barn med astma : En litteraturstudie

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.

Livscykelanalys av en gängtapp - Underlag och verktyg för att inkludera livscykelperspektivet i utvecklingsarbetet vid Dormer Tools AB

The aim of my thesis was to do a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of an average thread tap that is manufactured by Dormer Tools AB, and to create a practical model that the company can use in order to study other thread taps from an environmental perspective.The method of LCA is used to investigate the environmental effects of a product during its life cycle. This is a gate-to-grave analysis with focus on steel and thread tap manufacturing, coating procedure, use, waste management and transports. Three common coating types were compared separately. Steel manufacturing answers for the highest energy and raw material consumption under the life cycle of the thread tap. Its emissions contribute to global warming, acidification and eutrophication above others.

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