

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 19 av 304

Småbarnsföräldrars behov av föräldrastödsinsatser

Background During the child?s first year of life there is a continuous contact with the Child Health Services (CHS) and the parents feel confident and involved. After the first year, the visits to the CHS is reduced at the same time as the everyday life changes for the family as the child starts going to day-care and the parents often go back to work.Aim To examine what it is like being a parent to children aged one to five and what kind of parenting support parents of children aged one to five are in need of.Method Semi-structured interviews were used to interview 25 parents in 21 telephone interviews and one focus group with 4 parents. The recruiting of parents was done on site at one open day-care and with the help of CHS nurses in Sweden. There were 10 men and 15 women.

Lätt räknat : En utbildningssociologisk studie av matematiklärarstudenters sociala ursprung och utbildningskapital

A change has occurred in terms of recruitment to teacher education. From having been an educationof high status and reputation, a reduced application rate has led to lower admission requirementsand thus that students with much lower educational qualifications entering, which in turn means thatthe education status and reputation have been reduced significantly. Mathematics, on the other hand,has always been a topic of high status and reputation. Although there are few students who chooseto study to be a mathematics teacher. By conducting a survey of students on teacher educationtoday, both with mathematics and other approaches, I wanted to get answers to my questions aboutwhat influences students' choice of education: who are the students studying to be teachers inmathematics? Do they distinguish themselves from the student teachers who studies to be teachersin other subject specializations? Pierre Bourdieu's sociological ideas about cultural capitaltransmitted from parent to child constitute the theoretical framework of the study.Early in the study, I noticed that there is a difference between students studying to be a teacher inpreschool, primary or middle school and them studying to be a teacher in secondary and highschool, especially in terms of the mathematics student teachers.

Inkluderande undervisning i matematik : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares uppfattning av inkluderande matematikundervisning i skolår 7 och 8

According to both national and international political regulations, the school should as far as it is possible include students with special needs in regular education. However, when implementing these political intentions regarding an including school environment, problems often arise. The aim of this studie has been to investigate the opinions of teachers and students when it comes to inclusive education in mathematics. The study has partly been based on interviews with students with special needs in mathematics. These students were included in regular mathematics groups.

Grafisk utvecklingsplattform för signalbehandling - Design och implementation

We have different kinds of signal processing everywhere around us in our everyday life, in our cellphones, when we are listening to music, watching TV etc. This makes signal processing a very interesting and important technical area, where the demand of skilled engineers sets the limit of what is possible.Working with signal processing requires in-depth knowledge in areas such as mathematics, physics, electronics, and other related areas. For this, it has traditionally been demanded by a talented developer to also master the advanced programming languages such as C / C + + and Assembler.This has begun to change; today there are several companies that offer graphical development environments for signal processing, environments where programming skills are not needed anymore, and the focus can be on signal processing instead.The goal with this project is to build a corresponding graphical development environment to reach an understanding of what is required of these systems, and also to grasp what opportunities that are available within graphic programming. Inspiration for the work has partly arise from some of the tools available on the market, and partly from previous theses that have been written about graphic programming.The challenge lies in creating a program that can execute signal diagrams in real time from given signal blocks, and be able to handle feedback loops in an efficient way and to do so at the lowest "cost" in terms of clock cycles as possible. This should also be compared against to code, compile and run a complete signal diagram directly.To increase the usability it should also be possibility to externally manage in real time the parameters of the signal diagram during execution.The interface is a separate program, which is to some extent similar to Matlab Simulink, where a signal diagram is drawn up graphically by connecting wires between different signal blocks.

Objektivitet i politisk journalistik : En studie i mediekommunikation

Abstract Mona Sahlin's dishwasher decides the election! Maybe. How journalism portraits politics is at least not fully objective with focus on societal matters. There is also a change over time indicating an up-going trend of less objective journalism. Other results of this case study indicates that politicians are more inclined to participate in journalism than before and that politics presented as scandal is increasing.The aim of this study is to investigate objectivity in political journalism over time. Using the quantitative content-analyses the study encoded 600 journalistic articles subjecting politics in the Swedish society.

Ett slag för njutningen. En studie om BDSM-utövande inom relationer

The purpose of this study is to hightlight experiences of living in a relationship where BDSM is being exercised. The acronym is an umbrella term for bondage/discipline, dominance/submission and sadomasochism. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five persons who define themselves as BDSM practitioners. The overall questions of this study are: How does the BDSM practice appear in everyday life? How did the practice start and how has it developed over time? What's included in the sexual BDSM practice? The empirical material has been analyzed with interactionism as the theoritical framework. The picture that emerges is complex.

Men kära barn, jag har ju glömt bort alltihop : En fenomenografisk studie om hemmets möjligheter att stödja barnets utveckling i matematik i de yngre åldrarna

The aim of this research is to examine how the homes of children, in cooperation with the schools, are offered opportunities to communicate and discuss mathematics together with the children in relevant situations. The overall intent of the study is manifest in scientific questions with focus on how parents view the subject and the opportunities to support their children with math homework as well as possibilities to actively support their child´s mathematics progress. The paper has a pfenomenographic approach, which means that it in a qualitative way describes similarities and differences in the ways the homes perceive this issue. The examination is implemented through a survey in which responds from 73 parents in four classes have been studied. Within this study six semi constructed interviews have been conducted.

Livet för patienter med hjärtsvikt : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Patients with heart failure is a patient group growing in numbers, the most common treatment focuses on reliving symptoms and the only cure is heart transplantation. Objective: Aim of the study was to illuminate patients' experiences of living with heart failure at his home. Method: Qualitative design, with a manifest content analysis. The results are based on 12 scientific articles.  Results: Patients with heart failure find that the disease is limited to their daily lives through mental illness and physical symptoms.

Livskvalitet hos stomiopererade patienter : En litteraturstudie

AbstractThe aim of this literature review was to describe the quality of life in stoma patients after stomasurgery. Different combinations of the keywords ?stoma?, ?Quality of Life?, ?stomasurgery? were used when searching in the databases Medline, Cinahl, Academic Search Elite and PubMed. A total of nineteen articles were used in the result. Fifteen studies had comparing design and four studies had describing design.

Bones are Beautiful : En etnografisk studie av ungdomars användning och behov av Pro-anakulturen på Internet

There are several possibilities for those with an eating disorder, who wishes to get treatment and recover to get help and support. But for those who are not ready to recover, there are not any help to receive. Pro-ana is a youth culture where individuals who want to achieve the anorectic ideal help and support each other. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse the content and the need for the Pro-ana community on Internet, among young people with eating disorders. More specifically the aim was to find out how young Swedish people uses the Pro-ana communities on Internet.

Livet efter stroke : -förändringar av det dagliga livet

Abstract      Background: Stroke, caused by a blood clot or a bleeding in the brain, is one of the large endemic diseases in Sweden. The symptoms are very individual and depend on where the stroke is located. The nurse is a key person due to the importance to individualize the rehabilitation of the patient. The consequences after a stroke are not only visible functions reductions but also cognitive and practical problems. Stroke often leads to extensive changes in life, and individuals who get a stroke have to adjust their daily life. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe individuals? experiences of changes in daily life, one year or more after a stroke. Method: An inductive, qualitative approach was used.

Utvärdering av stödgruppsverksamhet för barn och ungdomar som växer upp riskmiljöer

ABSTRACTBackground: Children and adolescents growing up in families where parents have serious problems are exposed to an increased risk of developing poor mental or physical health themselves. In a support group work they can meet other children in the same situation, receive help and support to process their emotions and manage their everyday life.Aim: To investigate if support group work at Trappan can reduce the psychological problems load and increase the experience of life quality, hopefulness and optimism in children and adolescents growing up in families where either addiction or mental illness occur in one of the parents. The purpose was also to investigate if there was any difference between these both child groups regarding psychological problems load, experience of life quality, hopefulness and optimism before and after support group participation.Method: Questionnaire study on children and adolescents of parents with addiction or mental illness. The children participated in support group work at Trappan. The measuring?s were conducted before and after support group participation.Results: In both groups an increased life quality in connection to finished support group participation was observed.

Flykten : En socialpsykologisk studie om att kombinera sociala behov med individuella behov

There is a contradiction between not wanting to be alone, craving for fellowship, but still not wanting to socialize with just anybody. The purpose with this paper is to inquire into individuals experiences of loneliness and of fellowship, as well as the tension between individual/ and social needs. The empirical material consists of five semistrucured interviews with a mix of individuals with one common factor; they were all frequently visited the meeting/place Nyfiket in Helsingborg during the summer 2011. The result were interpreted on the basis of E.Goffmans theory concerning the inevitable role-playing in everyday life, E.Fromms discussion about individuals ongoing espace towards- or away from things in life. But also on the basis of Robert S.

Föräldrar i fokus! En studie av småbarnsföräldrars informationsbehov och barnbibliotekariers intentioner med föräldraträffar

The aim of this study is to examine present forms of interaction between Child Welfare Clinics (Barnavårdscentraler, BVC), and libraries. The study departs from the user?s perspective, i.e. how the parents evaluate the information they are given about the library and its resources to provide information they want in their present and new situation. In two local communities the survey looks into how parents of babies are informed about the library in meetings arranged as part of the information and support program provided by BVC.

Konsumtion i den tredje åldern

In this thesis I try to examine the consumtion among people that are retired and therefore can be considered as being in the third age. This studie is carried out in Norrköping, with interviews of people living in or close to Norrköping. I have used theories about the third age, consumtion and the space of the city. I have examined the importance of the city space as a meeting place and where the elderly buy the things they need for there everyday life. I also try to examine if the things they buy has an importance that goes beyond the immediate use, such as communicating a persons status to others.

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