

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 12 av 304

Agens i matematikundervisning : En jämförande studie av elevers agens och makt i lärandesituationer där IKT används

The purpose of this study is to investigate how power is distributed in the mathematics classroom and how students achieve agency when ICT (Information and communication technology) is used as a teaching tool. Three learning situations, structured by mathematics, are analysed: in the first situation mathematics is taught in a traditional way, in the second mathematics is taught in interdisciplinary projects, and in the third mathematics is taught using ICT as a pedagogical tool. The theoretical concepts of power and agency are used as analytical tools within a socio-political framework. The concept of power is used to assess the students? ability to influence their learning and degree of inclusion in the three learning situations.

?I just search the Internet?: En intervjustudie om internationella studenters informationssökning

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate international students? views regarding information seeking and use of information sources. A further aim is also to investigate the possible factors influencing information seeking in relation to everyday life for international students. Interviews were carried out with eight international students, 20-35 years old from three continents. They were to stay in Sweden for at least five months for the purpose of studying.

Bakomliggande orsaker till matematiksvårigheter hos elever i en specifik gymnasieskola. : En empirisk studie ur ett lärarperspektiv

The aim with this study is to illustrate the underlying causes of students? difficulties in Mathematics from a teacher perspective. The approach that has been used through this study is qualitative, method wise interviews were used. The selection for the study consists of five teachers with many years? experience in the subject of Mathematics.

Vem räknar vad och hur? : En studie av gymnasiematematiken i yrkeslivet

This thesis tries to describe the use of mathematics in some workplace tasks. In particular the math corresponding to subjects of high school math courses B, C and D, is identified. Furthermore, the study attempts to analyze the nature of the way in which this math comes to use. This is represented by six different competences. Interviews with five (5) professionals, within different areas, are the main sources of information for this study.

Förväntningar på Framtida Mobila Tjänster

Today?s society is very focused around technology and something that is very popular is the usage of mobile devices such as Smartphones or Tablet computers. One of the reasons why these devices are so popular, is because of the large amounts of services or ?apps? that they can provide for the user. They can do a lot of things that makes everyday living easier for the users.The focus of this study is to find out what kinds of mobile services the users of these devices are expecting and/or wishes to see in the future and what is required to be able to develop and use these services in a good way.We started of the study by searching for earlier studies on the same or similar subjects.

När siffrorna inte går att stävja : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers föreställningar om elevers matematiksvårigheter

An increasing number of students leave the Swedish compulsory school without having a satisfactory grade in mathematics. Causes why students risk ending up with difficulties in the subject of mathematics are debated but one explanation might be that more and more students are diagnosed with dyscalculia. The purpose of this study is to investigate how educationalists identify and organize their teaching in order to help students with difficulties in mathematics to reach the schools requirement and long-term goals that are defined in advance. It is vital to detect learning difficulties at an early stage. Accordingly, it can be avoided that the student starts to develop a negative self-image due to repeated failures and in the same time provide relevant help.

För gammal för att leka affär? : Laborativ matematikundervisning i mellanstadiet.

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of manipulative materials in mathematics education with the main focus on grades 4 to 6. With the use of a phenomenological approach all the aspects of this phenomenon was examined. Qualitative interviews, participant observations and comparative content analysis of textbooks has been conducted to investigate the use of manipulative materials in mathematics education. The results indicates that the teachers that were interviewed possesses good knowledge of this teaching method. However these teachers struggled to find time to put this method into practice and there was not enough teachers to attend these classes.

EU-migranters livssituation i det svenska samhället : En kvalitativ studie bland besökare på verksamheten Crossroads

The purpose of this study is to examine how EU-migrants visiting the social project Crossroads experience their life situation in the Swedish society. Two questions were formulated: (1) How do the respondents describe their situation when it comes to work, housing and social network? (2) How do the interviewees describe and experience the social project Crossroads? The method used was qualitative interviews conducted with five EU-migrants who visited Crossroads. The theoretical framework is the concept of integration and Bauböcks (1996) theoretical model of the ideal society. The results show that none of the interviewees had their own accommodation.

En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas upplevelser av stöd och hjälp.

The aim of this study was to examine former criminals? experiences of help and support of importance to leave a criminal life style. The study consists of six interviews with former criminals and earlier studies on the subject. These studies show that relapse in crime are most common among those who are socially excluded from society. They also show that important factors to end a life in criminality are for example a supportive social network.

Dyslexi och dyskalkyli : Finns det några samband?

This exam essay will look at dyslexia, dyscalculia and the connections that may exist between these two phenomena. My purpose, from the beginning, was to investigate if there might be any connections between dyslexia and dyscalculia, or if the consequences that appear as a result of dyslexia, might lead to problems and difficulties in mathematics.   I found it very hard to find literature that deal with dyscalculia, both as a subject of its own and together with dyslexia. Therefore, I was more or less forced to focus on difficulties in mathematics as a result from dyslexia.   From what I have found, dyslexia and dyscalculia cannot be connected, at least not without more research on the subject. Two consequences; an impaired short-term memory and also an impaired spatial ability are both common, both for persons with dyslexia and for persons with dyscalculia. Other than these, there are no connections, apart from the difficulties in mathematics that are directly, or indirectly, caused by dyslexia..

Matematik : Pedagogers syn på inlärning av matematik i en förskola

Many researches demonstrates that children who deal with matematics in a meaningful context early in their age, will manage a much wider context later in school. The purpose of this work is to highlight the importence of teacher´s view on matematics and how matematics can be visible for the children when they are in a preschool age. Im trying to promote the importance of mathematics wich characterizes much of our society. Highlighting todays nursay?s and the fact that there is plenty of good enviroments for the learning of mathematics.

Att leva med en inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom

Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Living with chronic illness meant that life changed significantly. Quality of life was affected for these individuals and was stressful in their lives. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A qualitative literature review was chosen to analyze articles that were related to the aim of this study. Results: Based on the chosen articles five themes were created; Commuting between hope and fear, symptoms of the disease and medication become everyday focus, struggling with  the new identity, desire to control the disease- do I control my illness or does it control me and social relationships are affected. Conclusion: Inflammatory bowel disease is a distressing disease and can cause limitations in social life due to lack of knowledge by others about the disease. The affected felt a loss of control in their life due to the difficulty in managing the symptoms.

Räkna med läsning : En undersökning bland elever i årskurs nio om samband mellan läsförståelse och matematisk problemlösningsförmåga

Swedish students' knowledge of both mathematics and reading comprehension has deteriorated in recent years. Scientists are discussing whether there is a connection between these areas and that the pupils deteriorating math skills may have something to do with their increasingly lower results in terms of reading comprehension. To investigate this possible connection, I conducted a survey among students in ninth grade and have come to the conclusion that the scientists are right: this connection absolutely exist. Students who received a high score on tasks designed to test students' mathematical problem-solving skills, also received high results on the reading comprehension test. And students who received a poor performance on the problem-solving tasks, were also low performers in the reading comprehension test.

Isaac Newton och den matematiska naturfilosofin

In several scientific and technical educations today we meet mathematical studies in differential- and integral calculus. The classic mechanics is a foundation for the physics and it has made it possible for today's technical developments that we in our everyday life meet and make use of. The intention for this essay is to give a picture of the person behind this discoveries that changed the science and the world. Besides the purpose to bring the reader on a journey through Isaac Newton's life the main intention is to give an understanding of the way he discovered the binomial theorem, the differential- and integral calculus, the numerical methods Newton-Raphson's and Newton's interpolation-polynomial, Newtons identities and his classification of third-degree curves and elliptic curves. A derivation of Kepler's first law is also included..

"Så att få ungarna att förstå att dom är guld, det tycker jag är, det är våran uppgift" : En kvalitativ studie av relationerna mellan ungdomar och behandlare på behandlingskollektivet Hassela i Klintehamn, Gotland.

The purpose of my study was to see what kind of relationships there were between the youth and the social workers in the treatment home Hassela in Klintehamn, Gotland. The social workers work for six weeks day and night by living together with the youth. I also wanted to examine what happens when there were conflicts between them as signs of tensions in the relationships. In addition to this I wanted to study the relations between power and influence in their relationships where Hassela strives for democracy. My questions were the following; How do the youth and the staff describe the relationships between them? How do conflicts work between them at Hassela? What does the relationship between power and influence look like?The study is based on qualitative interviews with four clients and four social workers.

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