

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 43 av 1091

Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learning

The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning.

Föräldraledighet som en kompetensutvecklande period i livet

The aim of the study was to examine whether parental leave can serve as capacitating period in life. More specifically our aim was to get a deeper comprehension of the abilities and competencies developed through parental leave and how these can be of use to the individual when at work. 12 semistructured interviews were conducted with employees from a large organization in the south of Sweden. The results were analyzed using a hermeneutic approach. The results of the study show that competencies and abilities such as effectiveness, organizing, multitasking, leader abilities, communication, sensitivity, limiting skills, mindfulness, acceptance, self-confidence and life balance were enhanced during parental leave.

Lärare och bibliotekarie funkar det? En fenomenografisk studie av gymnasielärares uppfattningar om gymnasiebibliotekariens betydelse i undervisningen.

Resource-based learning or problem-oriented learning are teaching methods that are becoming more and more common in schools today. In order to make these teaching methods work there is a demand to make students information literate. This entails that school librarians ought to play a more important role in teaching than before since they are the ones that are the most qualified when it comes to mediating information skills. The aim of this thesis is to find out how nine teachers at six senior high schools apprehend the professional role of the school librarian and how they apprehend the conception of information literacy In order to learn about these conceptions we have chosen to study to what extent collaboration exists in the schools in question and the teachers conceptions of the importance of the school librarian in this context. We have used phenomenography which is both a set of theoretical assumptions and a methodology.

Jag tycker om dig, men inte det du gör

Detta examensarbete är en c-uppsats och en avslutande del i lärarutbildningen. Syftet med examensarbetet var att undersöka hur elevvårdande personal talar om sina pedagogiska och sociala strategier gentemot barn med socioemotionella problem.Genom intervjuer, tidigare forskning och teorier visar resultatet på att barn med socioemotionella problem behöver struktur, tydlighet och realistiska krav och förväntningar där fokus bör ligga på barnets styrkor.Genom uppmuntran och beröm kan barnets självkänsla och självförtroende stärkas vilket bidrar till att barnet kan fungera bättre socialt men också nå kunskapsmålen.För detta krävs det att personalen kring barn med socioemotionella problem har kunskap kring arbetssätt och förhållningssätt..

Revisorsassistentens socialiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ studie om socialisering och identifiering inom en revisionsbyrå i Örebro

Purpose: This paper aims to describe the socialization process that audit associates experience within an auditing firm that is included in the Big 4-sphere. Our purpose is also to describe which attributes that characterize the organizational identity, and how these attributes are reflected in the self-image of the associates. Furthermore, we seek to explain how the socialization process has influenced the organizational identification. This subject is of interest since the business of auditing is facing higher demands from regulators and politicians, due to the bankruptcy of HQ-bank among others during the financial crisis in the beginning of the 21st century. Earlier research claims that the socialization process of recruits, especially in the initial state of the employment, has a major impact on their future values and attitudes in their job performance.

Känsla kontra information i fotokommunikation

Photography has a big role in information sharing today. Especially in the hotel industry where it is the closest thing a customer can get to the product that is being sold. This study intends to find out how you can make use of rhetorical models and techniques of photography to enhance the communication skills of photos of hotel rooms. The main focus was to understand the difference between informative and emotional photographs and what consumers themselves focus on when choosing a hotel, and also how to use the collected information to create a larger buying interest through hotel photography. Using previous research work and quantitative data collection method, we have concluded that the informational and emotional photography methods have obvious differences but also many similarities, and are most effective used together and that the hotel consumer is more aware of the images influence then we assumed..

By the Secret Fashion Concil. Project No 1 - jewellery collection

The Secret Fashion Council blends spirituality with fashion, art and design. This jewellery collection shows the connections between parapsychology and quantum physics, based on the study of matter and energy, that everything in the universe is built of vibrations. Many believe psychics have the ability to sense this. By using the skills of a psychic, the Secret Fashion Council invites the wearer to have the jewellery ?read? and evaluated in a most special way, tracing the wearer?s spiritual past, present and future.

Matematiksvårigheter : Värför och vad kan vi göra

During my practical training period I observed that many of the students have a negative attitude against mathematics. I also observed that these students have a difficulty reaching the goals in the subject. In my opinion there are different factors that can be the reason to why these students experiences mathematics as a difficult subject in school. This is the reason why I wanted to find out which factors that lies behind the difficulties and how the pedagogues work to support these students. It is also significant that every single student get their rights to develop a positive attitude against mathematics and that the pedagogue supports the students in their development.The point with this degree project is to find out, with the help of three pedagogues, which factors that could lead to difficulties in mathematics with students.

Responsible sourcing and transparency in the home textile industry : the case of cotton

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, has become increasingly important in a globalised world where the responsibilities of companies and governments are somewhat blurry. The textile industry is an industry where long supply chains and raw material production in developing countries are factors adding to the complexity and difficulties of solving ethical issues. Cotton production faces many environmental, social and financial challenges in the value chain. Therefore this case study takes a closer look at five Nordic home textile companies, Ikea, Hemtex, S Group, Moko and Finlayson, and how these companies choose their cotton related CSR tools and communicate their work on this area. These companies are of various sizes and therefore the resources for CSR work are also different, as well as the perceived values for working with CSR.

Att öka livskvalitet genom mobile assistive technologies. En studie om hur rehabilitering- och habiliteringsverksamheter bör förhålla sig till mobile assistive technologies i syfte att öka livskvalitet för personer med nedsatt synförmåga

As the use of smartphones and other mobile technology in our society is constantly increasing,so too does the possibilities of visually impaired persons increase as they are becoming moreable to enhance their quality of life with the help of mobile assistive technology. The purposeof this study was to explore how rehabilitation and habilitation organizations, which areworking with the visually impaired, should approach new technology. We have researched thisby examining the possibilities, opportunities and barriers of using mobile assistive technology.Based on this, we formulated the following research question: What factors are important forrehabilitation and habilitation organizations to consider in order to support, promote andcreate quality of life through the use of mobile assistive technology in their work with thevisually impaired? To answer the above question an exploratory study was made at an eyeclinic in the Västra Götaland region. The study was done through a series of qualitativeinterviews with both staff and patients at the eye clinic.

Synen på det svenska samhället utifrån skribenter i Röda röster mellan åren 1919-1921

Detta är en uppsats som har fått sin utgångspunkt från rapporten ?Om sociala problem i nya bostadsområden? från Centralförbundet för socialt arbete. Rapporten från 1976 konstaterade att det i hög grad förekom sociala problem i de nya bostadsområden som byggts enligt Miljonprogramsmodellen. I Halmstad byggdes bostadsområdet Andersberg för att bota den bostadsbrist som under 1960-talet rådde i Halmstad. Då området byggdes enligt normer från just Miljonprogrammet, blev uppsatsens syfte att se hur väl detta bostadsområde stämde överrens med de definitioner av sociala problem som preciserades i rapporten, samt att ge en lokal och levande bild av det tidiga Anderberg.

Lusten till matematik : En studie om hur elever kan utveckla lusten och motivationen till matematik genom olika arbetsätt

The purpose of this study is to compare different ways to teach mathematics in the school's lower age groups, and to examine whether certain practices increase students' desire and motivation to learn the subject. The questions used to determine the purpose is the following: What vision has the students in the class at maths? How does the teaching of mathematics in the class look like?What vision has the students in the class at working with different approaches in education?Does the traditional approach  and the options that I am examining meet the steering documents requirements?  The essay is organized as a qualitative study. The study was conducted in an elementary school in Sweden, third grade. The methods used included interviews with students and observations in the classroom.

Vaddå matematiksvårigheter : En studie utifrån elevens perspektiv om svårigheter och kritiska moment vid lärandet i matematik

This paper investigates how students in the humanities in four universities in Sweden reflect on their education and the current view on the humanities as an education and a science. I want to investigate what impact the past few years public debate about the humanities have had on the students. What kind of beliefs and identities do the students of the humanities form and how do they discuss the universities, the choices they made in life and how do they feel about the future.This study is based on interviews with seventeen students in Sweden from four different universities. The research is also based upon a report that The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) published in 2011 and the debate following that report. I have also made participant observations on the four universities to make a broader description for the reader.

Library anxiety: en undersökning av psykologiska aspekter kring studenters upplevelser av sitt universitetsbibliotek

This essay investigates the psychological aspects in students' experiences of their university library and the information seeking process. Focus of the investigation is library anxiety, a kind of fear towards the university library with cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects. Twenty students at Uppsala university, who was about to conclude or recently have concluded an academic essay, were interviewed about their experiences of the university library, Carolina Rediviva. Five respondents stated experiences of fear, anxiety and apprehension in the library and it is on these informants that the greater part of the analysis and discussion draws. The essay suggests a model of library anxiety where outer environmental aspects of the library, such as the library environment, roles and routines of the library and library staff, interacts with inner personal aspects of the individual such as personal experiences, intellectual capacity and sensitivity to stress and anxiety.

Så häftigt! Det sitter en kvinna bakom ratten. : En studie om kvinnligt tillträde till det mansdominerade lastbilsföraryrket.

Syftet med studien var att få en insikt i vad det är som gör att kvinnor söker sig till yrket last-bilsförare, och hur de ser på yrket. För att närma mig syftet har jag under arbetets gång använt mig av deltagande observationer, fokusgruppintervjuer och enkäter som skickats ut till kvinn-liga lastbilsförare. Dessa tre olika sätt att få information på användes för att ge en övergripande bild på kvinnornas syn på yrket, och vägen in i yrket. Sammanlagt har jag varit i kontakt med 35 lastbilsförare, 18 kvinnor och 17 män. Som teoretisk referensram använde jag mig av teorier baserade på genus och könsmärkningsprocess från framför allt Hirdman, Westberg ? Wohl-gemuth.

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