

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 32 av 1091

En kommun - Tre grundskolor

In this essay, I will look at three different Compulsory comprehensive schools in one community and I will compare final grades from students who graduated in spring 2006. I will also examine how the three schools work with students, and in what way they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties, so that they could reach goals set by The Swedish National Agency for Education. The aim with this essay is to show differences between schools in the same community and my question is if it is the way you approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties that affects the student?s grades and results.The study is concentrating on three schools in one community and students with dyslexia and reading- and writing difficulties that went to those schools. I have spoken to remedial teacher at each school about how they approach students with dyslexia/reading- and writing difficulties, what kind of methods the use, how they investigate if a student is in need of special help and how they grade their students who are in need of special teaching because of their learning disabilities.

Hur tänker elever? : Elevintervjuer som metod för att kartlägga elevers tankar kring matematikundervisning

During my time as a student of education I have learnt that it is my responsibility, as a teacher, to adjust the ways in which I teach to the needs, abilities, experiences, and thoughts of each individual child. What I have not yet gained much knowledge on is how to go about finding the children?s thoughts.In this thesis I investigate the interview as a method of finding out how sixth graders think about their mathematics education. Four children were interviewed. In addition to these inter-views, as a means of giving a broader perspective to and a greater understanding of the chil-dren?s answers, one math lesson was filmed and the math teacher was interview on two sepa-rate occasions.What I found was that a number of factors seemed to influence the children?s thoughts and answers, and that their answers were most likely not always a mirror of their thoughts.

Effektiv betong för småhusproduktion : Betong med högt luftinnehåll för platta på mark

This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER).

Säg det! : En undersökning om hur rektor kan synliggöra lärares undervisningsförmågor likväl som läraren kan synliggöra elevens lärande ? en parallellprocess

-------------------------- 4AbstractThis study is a qualitative case study in order to delineate how visible learning processes in the classroom. The study draws its theory from researcher John Hattie's findings about effective teaching. Data collection is taken from a class in grade 2 in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. The result demonstrates how the communication takes place in the classroom based on the teacher's strategies and planning in relation to pupils' interests and their own initiative. Is there a mutual feedback between teachers and students while teaching? From five perspectives, and the definition of what visible learning is all about, the results shows many good examples of excellent teaching.

?De som kan simma ska få fördjupning?   : en studie om utvalda skolors simundervisning  

AbstractAim: The purpose of this study was to describe and compare education in swimming in grade six in two different schools. Another purpose was to investigate students? perception of their swimming skills and their attitudes to education in swimming. The more précised questions were: (1) How is the education in swimming organized in each school? (2) How do the teachers control that the students reach the goals to attain in swimming in the 5: th grade? (3) How do the students judge their own swimming knowledge? And (4) What attitudes towards the education in swimming do the students have?Method: A quantitative method, a questionnaire, was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study.

Är en schimpans bättre på att skapa avkastning än en professionell fondförvaltare? : En jämförande studie om historisk avkastning av förvaltade fonder och slumpmässigt genererade portföljer

Background: Investors have several options to choose from when the goal is to achieve the highest yield at the lowest cost and risk. Stocks are a common investment options, but is also associated with risks. Portfolios are usually constructed with several different assets to reduce the unsystematic risk of investment. Funds are similar to composite stock portfolios, the big difference is that they dealt with in their entirety and investors may not affect the fund's content. The problem remains that whether you choose stocks or mutual funds there is still uncertainty as to how the future will unfold.

Processer och metoder som möjliggör för en effektiv produktframtagning

The high level of competition and the rapidly growing technology development has created new challenges for today's businesses where they are forced to deliver more customized products at a lower price and a shorter time period. This places high demands on the companies' ability to design and develop better products in a more efficient way. In addition to developing products, the design process focuses on securing long-term success for the company by developing nourishing skills. However, to achieve an effective design process the companies must improve their ability to plan as well as use their knowledge base in a more efficient manner. Toyota's product development system is a critical component for companies to address challenges that they?re facing and offers a great potential to create significant competitive advantages.

Ansvaret för tillämpningen av vissa familjerättsliga skyddsregler : Om gränsen mellan opartiskhet och etisk plikt som jurist

AbstractWorking as a lawyer demands not only legal skills, but also ethical ones due to the involvement with humans. The area of ethics is far from as regulated as the area of law is. The reasons for this are both historical ? as the area of ethics is, in comparison with the practice of law, a relatively new area, especially combined with the traditional work of lawyers ? and technical, since ethics is an area that seems difficult to regulate due to its adopting skills. Ethics looks different depending on which work area it addresses; who you ask; and in what situation it shall be enlightened.

Studie av genomförda nyemissioner på OMX Stockholm 2007-2009

Effektiva copingstrategier kan öka arbetstillfredsställelse, minska spänningar, sänka personalomsättning och frånvaro samt leda till andra positiva utfall för både individer och arbetsgivare (Parks, 1990). Syftet med denna uppsats var att få en djupare förståelse av hur småföretagare upplever problem med anställda samt att undersöka vilka copingstrategier som används för att hantera olika typer av problem. Frågeställningarna var, vilka problem hanteras med emotionsfokuserade copingstrategier? och vilka problem hanteras med problemfokuserade copingstrategier? Respondenterna i undersökningen var nio småföretagare samtliga var män i åldrarna 39-71 år. Totalt identifierades 27 problem som delades in i sex olika kategorier.

Om eleverna själva får välja : En studie av högstadieelevers attityder till litteraturläsning

This essay examines the decline of reading comprehension in Swedish schools, and also aims to provide insight into the debate concerning a literary canon and its usage in schools. While some claim that the literary canon is only a list of irrelevant white dead men which only serves to perpetuate feelings of alienation in, for example, female students, others see it as a means to bring society together using the only literature that stood the test of time. This essay will look to studies concerning reading comprehension, and questions regarding reading habits which our own students answered. It will also explain the different viewpoints of both sides of the canon debate.There are several studies that show this decline in reading comprehension, PISA and PIRLS being the foremost of them. They point to a trend where the reading skills of boys are much worse than those of girls, a trend which still has not panned out.Bloom and the different researchers who are the basis for Verhaest's thesis are of the opinion that canonical literature serves a purpose in that it teaches students aesthetic literary values.

Ethnicity and Politics of Exclusion in Nigeria : Employing Rawls'Theory of Justice in Plural Societies

With an estimated 250 ethnic groups, Nigeria, no doubt, has been grappling with the problem of pluralism of ethnic nationalities. It is not news in Nigeria that extreme ethnic consciousness of its citizens has led to the victimization of one ethnic group by another. This victimization has come in the form of exclusions in the distribution of both wealth and power in the country.Amidst all the exclusions, the unity of the country has been ironically regarded as sacrosanct, and should not be negotiated. It is often said that fate brought all the ethnic nationalities in order to form one great country. I subscribe to this belief that fate brought us together for the above purpose, especially now that several countries around the world are merging in one way or the other to form a formidable force to reckon with both politically and economically.

Det kulturella arvet- en resurs i omsorgen av de äldre

The essay depicts the opposite views of the director and an actor during the filming of a specific scene in a feature film. The actor feels that he is not being listened to. This leads to unforeseen consequences for the director, as the actor no longer wishes to take part in the marketing of the film prior to its opening night. Everything is seen from the director?s point of view, she is working in a film world dominated by men.Questions are being asked if the director?s instructions are clear enough or if the actor, fearing getting lost, is mixing up his own feelings with those of the character he is portraying? What happens to the collaboration and how does it affect the rest of the team and the completion of the production? The director is also the producer.

Sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet

Hot och våld mot vårdpersonal är ett ökande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården. Tidigare forskning visar på att olika konfliktmönster kan leda till våld. Korrekt bemötandet av dessa konfliktmönster och kunskap om dem förhindrar att våldet uppstår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka de faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans bemötande i det våldsamma eller hotfulla mötet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och 16 studier granskades.

Betongbjälklag med limmad matta : olika behandlingars effekt på alkalitet, fukthalt och emissionsbildning

This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER).

Är NO ute? : En undersökning bland elever i grundskolans år sju om Utomhuspedagogik kan vara en bro mellan NO ämnet och elevens NO-intresse?

Vilken roll har utomhuspedagogik i grundskolan, närmare bestämt i år sju? Kan utomhuspedagogik som metod, eller process/arbetssätt, vara ett sätt att få eleverna mer intresserade av NO i skolan, ett intresse som dalar ju högre upp i år en i grundskolan eleverna kommer, vilket även gäller för kunskaperna enligt nationella och internationella undersökningar. Jag undersöker särskilt vilken roll problemlösande aktiviteter, valmöjligheter hos eleverna och miljöns utformning har för elevernas intresse av NO. Undersökningen bygger på litteratur, observationer och intervjuer, där hermeneutik - tolkning - fenomenografi - jämförelse av olika perspektiv och uppfattningar hos de personer som ingår i undersökningen - och empiri - erfarenheter ute på fältet vid observationerna och intervjuerna - är viktiga delar i undersökningen. Undersökningen visar att eleverna tycks ha ett behov av uteundervisning eftersom de ser fördelar med det, till exempel att de får frisk luft, får röra sig mer än i klassrummet men framför allt att det innebär en vardagsanknytning, en konkretisering av lärostoffet.

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