

16338 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 2 av 1090

Att väga varje ord på guldvåg : Om kriskommunikation och katastrofpsykologi

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

Yngre barns möte med matematik

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out what mathematical content primary school children encounter in their free options at school.Through observation, the study defines mathematical areas that primary school students encounter in their free options at school. We want the study to show the reader the mathematics that students continuously meet without associating it with regular mathematics as taught in school.A number of mathematical areas have been defined in the analysis of the observations. These areas have subsequently been discussed more thoroughly. Finally, the areas have been arranged in a grid system to clarify the results.In our study, we have discovered that mathematics exists in all the observed situations the students participated in.We believe that observation as a method can give teachers a tool for helping students associate practical actions during their free options with the more theoretical aspects of formal teaching of mathematics. We discuss this further in the study..

Stress, kreativitet och problemlösning : En kvalitativ studie i hur vi lo?ser problem under stress och vad detta kan inneba?ra fo?r designprocessen

Problem solving is a big part of design, however a lot of emphasis is put on creativity in research related to the effects of stress. Research has shown that the amount of stress we feel affects idea generation. Stress may also affect the ability to solve problems, however the researchers don?t seem to agree about what the effect of stress actually does.The study was made through experimental sessions where the respondents were asked to solve 4 matchstick puzzles of similar difficulty. Depending on their outcome they experienced more or less stress.

Kan du bevisa det? : En enkätstudie av gymnasielärarens förhållningssätt till matematiska bevis

Practice of mathematical proof increase the understanding of mathematics anddevelop creativity skills, problem solving, communication, logical thinking andreasoning which are all important tools not only within the subject of mathematicsbut also important tools for the society in which we are living. The aim of this projectwas to investigate whether it is accurate that proof and proving has a subordinate rolein mathematic education in the upper secondary school in Sweden. This was done byconstructing of a digital survey that was sent to approximately 100 practicingmathematics teachers in a normal size city located in the middle of Sweden. Theresults of the survey show that the teachers consider themselves comfortable withtheir own skills in teaching proof. Paradoxically, the results also show that there is alack of teaching of proof and proving in the upper secondary school, although the newcurriculum puts more focus on proof and proving..

Konsten att tänka först och handla därefter : En studie om att utveckla yngre tonåringars problemlösningsförmåga

This study is about how to develop younger teens problem solving ability and their social competence. The study carried through by using a qualitative method, two observations and ten interviews. The observations where preparatory for the structured interviews. The respondents where pupils in a class were it is an ongoing project which purpose is to develop childrens problem solving ability and social skills with cognitive training and an empowerment based reasoning model that is called rahyab. Rahyab is a Persian word and it means path- finding.

Ständiga förbättringar och praktisk problemlösning : en explorativ studie på Saab Automobile AB

Continuous improvement is one of five principles in General Motors ? Global Manufacturing System (GM-GMS). GM-GMS has been used by Saab Automobile AB since 2003 and is a central component for realisation of GM?s vision. Internal audits have discovered problems with one of the tools, practical problem solving (PPS), which needs to be improved.

Matematiksvårigheter : En undersökning om elever med matematiksvårigheter

AbstractMy essay is about pupils with difficulties in mathematics. I have choosed to do a literaturestudy and interviews of teachers to get some answers to my framing of the questions.· What is mathematical difficulties?· How do we discover pupils with mathematical difficulties?· What can a teather do to facilitate for pupils with mathematical difficulties?· What resources is there to help pupils with mathematical difficulties?I have done my investigationin two schools to be abel to see if the schools are working in the same way and have the same prerequisite of pupils with mathematical difficulties.By doing an interview with both teachers and remedial teachers I have got a better insight how to help pupils in the best way. Both of this schools are putting the pupils in the middle and give them wath they need to get to the destinations that claims. The procedure are not the same between the schools.

Lyssnandeaspekter på retoriken i den offentliga debatten

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the extent of listening in a debate in the Swedish media. If the debaters listen to each other in a complex issue such as religion's place in society and if a debater who has a high degree of listening initially already in problem definition phase, has more possible solutions than the one that has a lower level of listening. The results show that there is a listening in all the articles, but the articles that have a broader definition of the problem also have a broader problem solving, than the articles that have a more narrow definition of the problem.The articles with a broader definition of the problem and a broader problem solving, have a predominantly agonistic debate strategy. Even if the debate rhetoric is primarily designed to win over the opponents, there is partly a genuine listening and an interest in finding new possible solutions. But despite that the opponents? arguments are mainly used to present the authors own arguments, the authors? intentions seems to be predominantly honest.

Läsning av matematiska texter : faktorer som påverkar förståelsen vid läsning av matematiska texter

Vi som har skrivit arbetet har haft olika erfarenheter kring läsning av matematiska textuppgifter. Intresset växte, då vi blev intresserade kring varför det kan vara svårt att läsa en matematisk text. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur elevers läsförståelse binds samman med läsning av matematiska textuppgifter samt se vilka inre och yttre faktorer som påverkar förståelsen. Kvalitativa intervjuer tillsammans med en kombination av fallstudier och observationer ligger till grund för metoden som använts i studien. I undersökningen deltog 63 elever och fyra lärare.

Språket inom matematiken : En studie om vikten av det svenska språkets betydelse för matematikundervisningen

Sweden is a multicultural country and because of this the Swedish school-system should be adapted so that all pupils can develop their linguistic skills so that they can participate andunderstand the education. By using scientific work from other researchers and my own experiences from a general point of view, I noticed that pupils with foreign origin perform less good in mathematics than pupils with Swedish origin, in the Swedish education system.The purpose of this research is to find out if communication and interplay between the pupils makes it easier for them to understand mathematics and its? concepts. My research involves acertain school class were all pupils have another etnicity then the Swedish one. My aim was to find out if the pupils reached the knowledge-goals for mathematics in the third grade.

Vidden av kommunikationsförmågan i matematikundervisningen : En studie av problemlösningsmetoder med elever i år 3

Bakgrund: I grundskolans läroplan synliggörs tydligt att eleven i matematikundervisningen skall utveckla olika förmågor och att dessa är centrala. En av dessa är kommunikationsförmågan, som är särskilt betydelsefull genom att den sammanlänkas till alla de övriga, såsom de som gäller representation, resonemang och problemlösning. Av denna anledning har kommunikationsförmågan i matematik och medvetenheten kring och utvecklingen av denna hos lärare och elever undersökts i denna studie. En grundförutsättning är att individuell färdighetsträning i lärobok är otillräckligt. Elever bör tidigt få möjlighet till exempelvis arbete i grupp med ett matematiskt problem, då de i tal och skrift kommunicerar matematiska begrepp och metoder.

Läraren och den matematiska kommunikationen : Hur lärare tolkar och arbetar med matematisk kommunikation i årskurs Fk-3

The Swedish curriculum points out mathematical communication as one of the importantabilities that students need to develop. Previous studies show that students have not been given the right conditions to develop this ability sufficiently. The purpose of this study is to investigate how some Swedish teachers interpret mathematical communication and how the work with this takes place in their classrooms.The investigation consists of qualitative interviews with six teachers in the grades of Fk-3. The interviews have been focused around the teacher's interpretation regarding mathematical communication, how this is reflected in their work in the classroom and also if they see any advantages or difficulties in working with mathematical communication with their pupils.The result of the study shows that the teachers are well aware of the importance of communication and they have a will and an intention to let the pupils communicate mathematically. Mathematical communication is emphasized mainly as important for the pupil's learning and understanding.

Effektivare offentliga läkemedelsupphandlingar : identifiering av problem och potentiella lösningar

Effektivare offentliga upphandlingar kan enligt tidigare forskning innebära stora möjligheter till besparingar för det svenska samhället. Upphandling av läkemedel till slutenvården är ett område som många aktörer identifierat som problematiskt. Syftet med studien är därför att identifiera problem och potentiella lösningar med upphandling av läkemedel. Tillvägagångssättet var att analysera allmänt påtalade problem och lösningar med upphandling samt empiriska resultat från intervjuer och en enkät utifrån problem finding and problem solving metoden. De empiriska resultaten var fyra huvudsakliga problem: (1) olikformighet i kravspecifikationer, (2) bristande dialog mellan aktörer, (3) för kort tid mellan tilldelningsbeslut och avtalsstart samt (4) omfattande dokumenthantering.

Pluginramverk för webbaserade spel

In order to attract talented consultants, Sigma, a consultant company, wanted an online game for recruitment. In the game, potential employees? skills could be tested to determine whether they are qualified for the job. This paper presents a general technique for creating such a recruitment game. The report generalizes the recruitment game to a level-based game for the web, where a player should be able to progress from one level to the next by solving a given problem.

Kommunikation i matematikundervisningen : En studie om kommunikationens och det matematiska språkets betydelse för elevers matematiska lärande

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how four 3rd grade pedagogues allow communication in the teaching of mathematics and how these pedagogues allow their students to use and expand their language of mathematics. It has also been an aim to investigate these four pedagogues? opinions about the significance of communication and of the language of mathematics for students? mathematical learning.The study is based on a sociocultural perspective of Vygotskij?s. The theory implies the importance of using the language and communication for students? learning.

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