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Kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö & hälsa : - En arbetsplatsanalys av en organisation inom företagshälsovården
The following study explores the relation between psychosocial work environment and individual health. The purpose is to examine how female employees in the occupational health sector experience their own psychosocial work environment, focusing on different influencing factors in both the workplace and their private life regarding the employees own health. The study applies a hermeneutic approach in which qualitative interviews constitute the empirical data. Previous research on this particular subject has focused on the following themes: the combination of work-family life, demand/control model and flexibility in the workplace in relation to health and stress. The theoretical framework used in this study integrates relevant concepts, specifically SOC, poor leadership and flexibility.
Work-Life Balance : En kvantitativ studie av könsskillnader bland civilekonomstudenter
Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as the ability to manage both work-life and non-work life successfully. WLB can be evaluated by examining individual?s experience of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC), both of which can be assessed by a questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996). The aim of this study was to explore if responses to the questionnaire, the amount of time spent on studies, household chores and sick leave, were gender related or not, among civil-accountants students. The survey included 138 respondents (74 woman and 64 men).
En tand för en tand och en våtmark för en våtmark - ett återskapande värt pengarna? : En undersökning av nyttan och kostnaderna av att restaurera våtmark med hjälp av Contingent Valuation Method.
The goal of this study is to examine what five teacher?s impression of the teacher?s role is in their previous years. How important the ?joy at work? is in relation with the educational progress? And what aspects that contributes to the? joy at work? and what obstacles that stops them. The essay will also go through the concepts of a teacher role, with connection to the theoretical perspectives of Csikszentmihalyi?s Flow and Antonovsky?s Salutogenesis (KASAM).The method I used was interviewing five teachers and I used Larsen?s chapter of ?content analysis? as a basis, I also used Flow and KASAM as theoretical references in my analysis.
Jag önskar att det inte fanns... - om de professionellas upplevelser kring sexuella övergrepp mot barn.
Our paper is targeting mainly students, but also all other people interested in social work with children.
The purpose of our study was to investigate how the social workers experience and handle their work with children, who have been exposed to sexual abuse, and what kind of support and guidance the social workers are offered, in order to handle their working situation.
We chose to perform a qualitative study, by the use of interviews, since we found it to be the most appropriate way to gather the information.
Our conclusion is that the work with these issues is emotionally burdensome and requires a great commitment, however it is essential for the social workers to maintain a certain distance to their work, in order not to influence their personal lives. It is through experience and knowledge that the social workers learn how to handle their working situation. We also learned that although the work with sexual abuse against children gave birth to different emotions of the social worker, the social workers feel satisfaction with their work, by helping the exposed children.
We hope that our paper will inspire and encourage to further studies in the area, since there is still much to be explored.
Rektors systematiska kvalitetsarbete ur ett helhetsperspektiv
A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.
All-In: En fallstudie om Betssons spelbutik och dess påverkan på den svenska spelmarknaden.
The company Betsson opened its first physical gambling shop in Sweden in May 2008, thereby defying the Swedish government?s legal gambling monopoly. The legal case that has resulted due to the violation of the Swedish gambling law has attracted immense attention from mass media, thus generating vast amounts of publicity for the company. This paper aims to evaluate and describe the company?s decision to open the store, as well as to examine the relationship between market driving practices and market driven practices.
Tema arbete ? bra för vem och varför? : En kvalitativ studie om temaarbetets betydelse för lärandet
Pupils learn in different ways. It?s up to the teachers´ to give pupils the knowledge they need to live and work in society. The teacher should be aware of the ways of children learn in the classroom and should teach accordingly. Pupils work individually but should even be offered some kind of group work regularly.
Utveckling av Publits widgetshop : Hur Publits widgetshop kan utvecklas med hjälp av Valobox APIer.
I denna rapport så redogör vi för vårt arbete med att ta fram en prototyp till bokföretaget Publit. Vi fick i uppgift av Publit att undersöka möjligheterna för dem att med hjälp av sina egna API:er och API:erna från två andra företag i samma bransch, Valobox och Jellybooks, ta fram en ny produkt eller tjänst. Vi redogör för de olika faserna som vi har gått igenom och de beslut vi tagit angående grafisk design, interaktion och kodning. Resultatet av projektet blev en fungerande prototyp som visar hur Publit med hjälp av Valobox kan skapa en ny funktion till sin widgetshop som gör så att användarna kan provläsa böcker innan de köper dem. .
ST-läkares identitetsarbete: En studie av läkare under specialiseringstjänstgöring
The results from 13 interviews and one opinion poll answered by resident physicians were interpreted as stories about identity as primary material for this thesis. The resident physicians stress the importance of considering whether their work primarily concerns curing people from diseases or if the process of working with sick people also includes how to handle the pressure of work, either by adapting to it or changing it, and the search for balance between work and private life. Residents separate themselves from older physicians by saying that younger physicians accentuate empathy to a greater extent while older physicians emphasise a high work load. Identity seems to effect how the residents perceive and relate to their work, themselves as residents and different types of patients..
Påverkan av ackulturation på invandrares upplevelse av arbetets mening: en fenomenologisk studie
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to facilitate increased understanding of immigrant's experience of the meaning of work with focus on how that meaning can change as a part of the acculturation process. Participants (n=13) from eight countries answered an open question. The responses were analysed using Meaning Construction Analysis (MCA)-Minerva and the individual's life-worlds were made visible and discussed. The themes meaning of work, work, unemployment, education, adjustment, immigration, Sweden/country of origin, dreams, possibilities and self appeared as jointly shared important aspects. The results indicate that work is of central importance, and although the individuals share certain experiences, the meaning associated with the themes is of a complex and individual nature..
Fysisk förbättring utan svettning
The last decades the increased computerisation at the places of work has led to new physical loads in the working life and new demands on the working environment. The widespread usage of computers in the working life has led to more sedentary work and less daily movement.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a new product to a concept that in a low intensive and healthy promotional way will activate the body. The product will make a combination of healthy promotion activity and work during office hours possible and primary aims to those with a sedentary office work, which leads to that the body don´t get to be activated in the extent needed.Information has been gathered from studies already made in this area, interviews plus a study and an experiment. From the gathered information concepts and functional solutions has been generated and evaluated to result in a product concept.The thesis has resulted in a concept that consists of a work place unit where the user walks on a treadmill and works at the same time.A general conclusion which can be drawn is that the majority of persons that tested to walk and simultaneously work with a computor on the treadmill found this way of working attractive. Many were positively surprised and said that they would use such an physically activating work place implement if it was available at their place of work..
Prediktion av villapris och dess faktorers inverkan.
A villas price depends on several important factors. By statistical data, a mathematical multiple regression model was modeled. The model has important explanatory variables such as living space, renovation year and standard points has been taken into consideration, in order to assess their impact on the final price for private homes.By using a statistical program,Minitab 16, the final model was selected with eight explanatory variables. The regression for this model explains up to 67.3 % of the variation on the final price.The results showed percentage wise that the standard points had the greatest impact on the price, there after renovation year and then living space..
Vobb - familjevänligt eller företagsvänligt?
Work gets more seamless and the demand on workers increases because of changes in the labour market. Studies show benefits for workers and companies if the employee achieves a balance between work and family, a way to facilitate it is family-friendly policies. A study done by Unionen shows that three out of four white collar workers choose to vobba (working and caring for a sick child), which blurs the boundaries between work and family. Research on flexibility, organisational culture and gender structures shows how these aspects affect the balance between work and family. This is a study where seven white collar workers (three men) that vobbar and two managers (one man) were interviewed.
Daglig verksamhet : En väg till arbete, eller ?
The purpose of this study was to examine two medium-sized municipalities are working to people with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to go from daily activities to a paid employment in the regular labor. Work is seen as a civil right and is a measure of participa-tion in society. The Swedish government believes that the work must be available to all that includes people with intellectual disabilities. Even so, daily activities, the contribution of LSS is increases the most. The daily activities will offer incentives, development, and community and shall contribute to people get access to work or studies.
?Det är rätt positivt när jag tänker på det, fast dom kan vara besvärliga när dom pågår.? ? En studie om moraliska dilemman i socialt arbete
The purpose of our study is to get more knowledge about how moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work. This because we find that a big part of social work involves ethic reflections and that is why we find it important for social workers to have knowledge about how they should and can think and act in these situations. Ethic statements exist for social workers to use in their work but we haven?t found any guidelines for concrete situations and that?s why we decided to study this area. Questions we want to answer are how do the social workers define moral dilemmas in social work? How do the social workers deal with moral dilemmas in their work? How do moral dilemmas affect social workers in their work? This is a qualitative study with interviews from seven social workers from one social service office although they are from different units.