

243 Uppsatser om Math developers - Sida 16 av 17

Omkonstruktion av en rollators bromssystem

This diploma work project is a product development project which purpose is to redesign a braking system for a walking frame. The system that was developed diverges the force from the user to braking power, and includes a service brake as well as a parking brake. The most important components of the system are a grip handle on where the user holds on to and a braking handle on which the user operates the brake from. The system also includes a power transmission component, braking package and other mechanical components. All of the components wasn?t developed in this project, several off them has been reused from the existing system.This product has been developed to meet the requirements and standards presented from the principal, Ahlberg Leber.

Planering och projektering för individuell mätning och debitering i flerbostadshus

The study aims to reduce energy consumption in apartment buildings where individual metering and charging of heat is applied. The aim is to develop planning and design for individual metering and charging in apartment buildings.The study is based on literature review, interviews and case study that include analysis of existing documents. Interviews were carried out with the property developer and the involved consultants who planned the apartment building Yasuragi. To investigate the differences the condominium association has noted in heat consumption between flats, the debit values of the heat were used to discern which houses that were furthest from the average consumption. On these flats there were temperature measurements and thermal photo shoots made for discriminating behavior and possible construction techniques which could be the explanation for the heat spread.Boverket shows that the consumption of heat can be reduced by 10-20% after insertion of individual metering and charging in an apartment block.

Erfarenheter från flerbostadshus som passivhus : En handflata och sex värmeljus

All new households were to be constructed with "near zero energy house standards" (NZE-house) by the year of 2020. The ambition to construct energy-efficient buildings had to increase rapidly in the spring of 2013.The purpose of this report was to increase the interest for building contractors to construct apartment buildings with passive house standards. By locating and evaluating experiences from an existing passive house a case study including interviews, field visits and document analysis was made. Research of literature regarding other passive houses in Sweden also helped to answer the following questions:- What positive and negative experiences have the study of the passive house meant to the involved stakeholders and residents?- What improvements can be made based on identified experiences?- How can an apartment building be designed as a passive house based on possible improvements?By collecting good and bad experiences, as well as improvements and potential design proposals, a diagram was created designed as a tool for developers when constructing apartment buildings with passive house standards.

Market analysis for glulam within the Swedish construction sector

Glulam?s position at the Swedish market for building constructions has been established over the past decades. Factors affecting glulam demand are found both in global and national contexts as well in customer attitudes and knowledge of the material. Arguments for environmentally friendly and sustainable construction processes and energy-efficient designs are nowadays common, which is something that should motivate increased usage of wood as a renewable material. For the glulam industry to increase its sales, improve profitability and thereby gain market share in present competitive climate, reliable market information and updated market intelligence is required.

Tredjepartslösning för implementation av stopptidsrapportering till material planerings system

Denna rapport handlar om att använda en trådlös kommunikationsteknik som kallas NFC (Near Field Communication) vid kommunikation mellan en Android mobiltelefon och en NFC-läsare som kallas ACR122U. Syftet med detta projekt är att:Välja en Androidtelefon som har stöd för NFC.Skapa en applikation som skall köras på Androidtelefonen och som skall skicka ett lösenord via NFC.Skapa ett program som skall köras på en dator med operativsystemet Windows 7 och som skall hantera ACR122U.Förklara den insamlade kunskapen i detta dokument så andra lättare skall kunna arbeta med NFC.Följande frågor kommer att besvaras i denna rapport:Vilken Androidtelefon bör användas vid utveckling av en applikation som kan kommunicera via NFC?Vad krävs vid utveckling av en applikation som kan kommunicera via NFC?Aktionsforskning är den forskningsmetod som användes vid sökandet efter svar på frågorna ovan. Detta innebär att forskningen görs genom att läsa om ämnet, genomföra en eller flera lösningar för att hitta en fungerande lösning och sedan dokumentera resultaten. Implementeringen av programvaran på mobiltelefonen genomfördes med mycket hjälp från Android Developers hemsida.

Värdesättning av småhustomter : En jämförelse mellan exploatörer och kunders värdesättning av småhustomter vid upprättandet av nya bostadsområden

When single-family lots are valued for development of new residential areas,the valuation is influenced by several factors. The valuation is a matter ofdefinition that varies according to its interpreter. Previous research conductedin other countries, has identified a number of value-influencing factors. Thesefactors are the basis for this study.The study's purpose is to highlight the value-influencing factors thatcustomers value and are looking for in the choice of single-family lots. Thestudy also seeks to determine if there is an unknown difference between howprofessionals and clients value single-family lots.The study showed that the value factors considered important for customersand also professionals are consistent and applicable with the factors reportedfrom previous research.

Dataöverföring mellan en mobiltelefon och en NFC-läsare

Denna rapport handlar om att använda en trådlös kommunikationsteknik som kallas NFC (Near Field Communication) vid kommunikation mellan en Android mobiltelefon och en NFC-läsare som kallas ACR122U. Syftet med detta projekt är att:Välja en Androidtelefon som har stöd för NFC.Skapa en applikation som skall köras på Androidtelefonen och som skall skicka ett lösenord via NFC.Skapa ett program som skall köras på en dator med operativsystemet Windows 7 och som skall hantera ACR122U.Förklara den insamlade kunskapen i detta dokument så andra lättare skall kunna arbeta med NFC.Följande frågor kommer att besvaras i denna rapport:Vilken Androidtelefon bör användas vid utveckling av en applikation som kan kommunicera via NFC?Vad krävs vid utveckling av en applikation som kan kommunicera via NFC?Aktionsforskning är den forskningsmetod som användes vid sökandet efter svar på frågorna ovan. Detta innebär att forskningen görs genom att läsa om ämnet, genomföra en eller flera lösningar för att hitta en fungerande lösning och sedan dokumentera resultaten. Implementeringen av programvaran på mobiltelefonen genomfördes med mycket hjälp från Android Developers hemsida.

Utveckla eller avveckla : varför väljer vissa av Milkos medlemmar att utveckla sin mjölkproduktion medan andra avvecklar?

The Swedish dairy sector is facing several challenges the coming years. One big challenge is how they will secure the access of their raw material milk in the future. The number of milk producers has decreased for an extended period of time, but was for a long time partly compensated by an increased productivity among the remaining milk producers. From year 2000 that trend was broken and also the quantity of milk produced started to fall quickly. Milko is a dairy company with members from Dalsland in the south to Jämtland in the north. During the first seven moths 2007, their number of members decreased by almost a fourth, from 1 272 to 974.

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

Internprissättning : En studie av svenska företag

Begreppet ekonomistyrning innefattar många aktiviteter som i grunden handlar om att uppnå ekonomiska mål. Internprissättning är ett av dessa. När ett företag växer i storlek uppkommer ofta en diskussion om hur organisationen ska decentraliseras och vem som ska fatta beslut. Vanligt idag är att företagen decentraliseras och fler och fler beslut fattas lokalt.1967 gjordes en enkätundersökning som innefattade totalt 235 svenska företag varav bland annat alla börsnoterade. Man ville undersöka vad man i svenska företag vill åstadkomma med sin internavräkning.