

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 60 av 586

Mohammedkarikatyrerna och skapandet av den Andre : En diskursanalys av den andres dominerande roll och identitet i Sverige

The aim of the paper is to explore the dominating perception of the Other after the conflict regarding the Danish Mohammed caricatures. How Swedish newspapers have portrayed Arabs, which role they have been given in society and what problems they are struggling with is going to be the focus of this thesis.As methodological approach I chose discourse analysis, since it presents a view where language defines and structures our understanding of reality. Through the study of various Swedish newspaper articles, this essay tries to illustrate the implicit yet existent negative image of the Arabs as a group and potential alternative ways of understanding the Other.The perception of Arabs is a product of a necessary imaginary foe, a mirror image of the bad and strange in contrast to the idyllic and safe Swedish nationality. The rhetoric?s of the discourse are therefore constructed between a politics of acknowledgement and a will to culturally dominate the Other.

Vampyr och nagelbitare : En genre- och diskursanalys av barn- och ungdomsrysare och deras ämnesord

This master's thesis in Library and Information Science examines how the genre division of the horror fictionis constructed at the children and youth department of a library by studying subject headings of the titles.The aim is to examine what is included in the genre, in the two labelings called vampire and nail-biter/spine-chiller, what separates them, and what difference there is between children and youth thrillers/horror fiction. Also the cover designs and how readers portray these books are studied. The study is made in order to develop the knowledge of the genre to help librarians and borrowers. The great popularity of the genre among borrowers and people in general, and the importance of having knowledge of things that borrowers are interested in, are the motivation of performing the study. The method is a case study and conducted with and based on genre theory which shows how a genre is defined, how it can be divided and what conventions there are for the horror fiction in particular.

Lära om eller från islam? : ? om möjligheterna att använda muslimska hemsidor i religionsundervisningen i den svenska skolan.

In a Swedish classroom today there will be students with different ethnicities, world views and religious beliefs.  The students will be taught religion through a non-denominational education, where as a teacher you are meant to be objective, open-minded and fair in the representation of different traditions. This representation is colored by the outsider-perspective and the students then learn about religion from a party which is not involved in the religion being taught. This essay discusses how to balance the outsider-perspective in religious education in the Swedish school with insider-voices. More specific, the use of Muslim websites when teaching about Islam.The material this essay studies are three Muslim websites: al-islam.se, islaminfo.se and islamguiden.se. In order to make a didactic analysis of the websites, they are compared to a standard Swedish textbook.

?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten

Title: ?världens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten Author: Martin Landin Subject: Undergraduate research paper in Journalism studies, Dept. Of Journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg University Term: Autumn 2014 Supervisor: Gabriella Sandstig, JMG GothenburgPages/words: 34/16295Purpose: The purpose is to examine the discourses that characterize the news about the Islamic state (IS) in Swedish newspapers, and to study how these discourses are expressed. Method: Critical Discourse Analysis Procedure: 10 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet were analysed through Critical Discourse Analysis. Results: The analysed articles shows tendencies of orientalist discourse and of a propagandistic discourse which is a part of war journalism..

Heteronormativets lag : En rättssociologisk studie av rättsligt homosexuellt föräldraskap

This thesis has focused on the construction of homosexual parenthood in Swedish law and preparatory work. The purpose was to describe the norms about legal parenthood and examine if and how homosexual parenthood was included in the normative parenthood. The study was jurisprudential and based on methods such as sociology with a juridical focus and critical discourse analysis of the juridical texts. The theoretical framework was the critical discourse analysis as well as a queer perspective, both influenced by social constructionism and a poststructional theory. The conclusion of the study is that parenthood is described from what is presumably best for the child, which is two parents of different sexes and biological origin.

Med kroppen som spegel : tatueringen som dokument

This master?s thesis has the intent of showing that the tattoo can be regarded as an individuals document according to prevailing notions in archival science. Suzanne Briets definition of the concept of document is used in this thesis as a widening definition, a document does not have to presented in a defined form, it is only required to represent an object or intellectual phenomenon and to be informative.Tattoos are presented in this thesis as informative with regard to the status and position of russian/soviet convicts and as such presenting an individuals identity within a specific context. As documents they also provide the individual with the essential evidence of his or her endeavours in a criminal environment. Also, they have the ability to function as an individuals memories of relationships, hardships and comradeships.

Exercise pens as an environmental enrichment for laboratory rabbits

This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.

Diskursen kring misshandel : En studie av Aftonbladets framställning av förövare och offer i misshandelsfall.

The aim of this study was to examine the existing discourse of assault in Aftonbladet from the years 2012 and 2013. We have studied news articles and analysed them by using discourse analysis as theory and method.The study shows that the portrayal of perpetrators and victims in assault cases tend to differ depending on gender. The women is portrayed as weak and part of a homogeneous group while the man is portrayed as dominant and offered a more individual role. The study also shows that the normative group is separated from the deviate groups in society. The analyze show that media, through this representation, maintains the normative power in society.

VEM V?LJER VINSTEN? P?verkar den politiska f?rgen p? det kommunala styret hur mycket vinst som f?rs ?ver fr?n de kommunala bostadsbolagen?

Every year, Swedish municipalities transfer considerable amounts of profit from public housing companies to the owner municipality. Municipalities are allowed to do this, provided that the money is used to pay for certain purposes. But there are no legal repercussions if they do not comply. Not all municipalities choose to transfer profits. Based on partisan theory, this difference could be explained by the political governance of the municipality.

"Den stora stygga vargen?" : En argumentationsanalys om vargens moraliska värde i vargdebatten

The purpose of this paper is to see which ethical content arguments have in the debate about wolfhunting, particularly with regard to the Svensk Jakt respective Tidningen Djurens Rätt's arguments. The method used in this paper is the analysis of arguments in which I investigate the pro and contra arguments of the four authors of the articles that I have chosen to study. I will avail myself of theories from Carruthers and Franklin. Analysis shows that the authors of the Swedish hunting above all have a ecocentric view of the wolf where it is an instrumental value for the ecosystem, and the authors of Djurens Rätt's has especially a biocentric view of the wolf where it may be an absolute value, but they can also extend to the that the wolf has instrumental value in the ecocentric perspective. The discussion has shown that Djurens Rätt's and Svensk Jakt has a common position that is an ecocentric perspective where the wolf has instrumental value, even though they believe that different actions are different law to protect the species and the ecosystem..

Marknadsundersökning av John Deere slåtterkross 730/735 :

This examination work is about an marketing investigation of John Deere Moco 730/735 during the season year 2003. Moco 730 has an workingwidth on 3 m, and 735 has one with 3,5 m. The research results of 16 moco 730/735 are from intervju- and questionnaire made of the owners. The results also comes from intervju anwser from dealers which sold this mocos. The examination work shows comments and opinions from the customer after one seasons use. In the end of my examination work are all comments and opinions put together in a marketing analysis called swot-analys in Swedish. The analysis declare that the moco 730/735 is functional and have god quality. The future seems god for this kind of moco. The strength for this moco are god quality and the dealers god service support. The most important weakness about this moco are that the machine came out late on the market, compared to other mocos on the market. I think it´s important the have in mind that the customers are very John Deere faithful and this JD 730/735 is used for only one season..

Gud - logisk, verklig eller onödig? : en retorisk analys av Richard Dawkins och John Lennox argumentation om Guds existens

This study has its background in the debate about religion and the existence of God, which has been an ongoing issue throughout the Western cultural tradition. Today´s information society has been an impact on the increasing interest for this subject. The essay?s main task is to accomplish a rhetorical analysis of two books, Illusionen om Gud (2008) by atheist Richard Dawkins and Guds dödgrävare (2010) by Christian John Lennox, in order to investigate the authors? use of rhetorical strategies to influence their audience. The texts are studied using a qualitative approach with the theoretical basis of some well-defined rhetorical variables: ethical, logical and pathetic means of persuasion, propaganda, and the important factor that a message always is presented in a certain context in which the recipients both have their own values and subjects to general truths and common frames of reference.

Lokalisering av landsbygdsutvecklingsområden i strandnära läge

In the constitution of Sweden everyone has the right of common access in the nature. Toprotect these rights, as well as the nature, in areas close to shores the environmental law ofSweden (miljöbalken) protects areas within 100 meters from the waterline. Due to amendmentin this law, Swedish municipalities have to present countryside development areas close toshores. Within these areas, which are to be displayed in the municipality?s comprehensiveplan, it will be possible to get exemptions from the protection if the planned measure willbenefit the development of the region.

Framtagning och analys av en arbetsmodell för kartläggning av användarbehov

This study began with a mission statement from the firm Tobii Technology AB to identify customer needs in the relatively new and rapidly growing market for eye tracking analysis. After consuling external experts, the authors however found that the availability of previous academic published market studies of new and fast growing markets was poor. Therefore a decision was made to execute the task and at the same time create a methadology for future studies in this area. The identification of customer needs, which formed the basis of the insights and analysis, led to frequent discussions between the authors and the firm's supervisors. This resulted in a project plan and a decision that an iterative model would be used, were earlier decisions would be questioned and refined throughout the project.

Det ska böjas i tid det som krokigt skall bli ? Om reproduktion av kön på bibliotek

This Master's Thesis studies the attitude that library employees have regarding a sex and gender-neutral treatmentof their clients. The analysis is based upon replies to a questionnaire which was submitted though channels directedat library employees, like BIBLIST and BiblFeed. The respondent?s replies contained a number of welldevelopedcomments making the resultant analysis both quantitative and qualitative in nature.In performing the analysis a theoretical framework combining Hirdman?s gender system with symbolic interactionismhas been used together with literature about gender roles.The questionnaire showed that gender neutrality is a complex concept that can be interpreted in many differentways and is therefore easily misunderstood. It is obvious that sex is an important category when respondents aredealing with their clients, but also that sex and gender are problematic concepts which respondents find difficultto know exactly how to relate to.

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