

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 54 av 586

Går sociala risker att visa på en karta? Social rumslig riskanalys för Göteborgs stad

This essay deals with risk management and social risks, which have received increased attentionin recent years. Methods for dealing with social risks, for example within local Risk andvulnerability assessment (RSA), are currently under development. The purpose of this paper is toexamine if and how social risk can be quantitatively assessed and mapped using GeographicInformation Systems (GIS). The definition of social risk that the essay is based on states: "Theprobability of unwanted events, behaviors or conditions originating in the social conditions thathave a negative impact on the objects that are worth to preserve.? A number of social riskindicators that can be used for a spatial analysis have been operationalized based on thisdefinition.

Fett osynlig? : En undersökning om representation av överviktiga och feta kroppar i två läromedel för gymnasieskolan

This exam paper has examined visual portrayals of overweight and fatness in two swedish upper secondary school textbooks, one in physical education and one in social science. The textbooks were analyzed in regard to numeral representation, interacting social categories such as gender and age, depiction in forms of activities and stereotypes and relation to context close to or far away from a swedish context. The analysis showed an underrepresentation of overweight and fat bodies in both textbooks, but the represention of overweight bodies in the textbook on physical education were nearly nil whereas in the textbook on social science there where representations of both overweight and fat bodies. Combined the both textbooks gave a representation of health and youth as not represented by overweight or fat bodies..

Dialogen som möjlighet till en ny miljöfilosofi : En analys av Djupekologins själv-realiseringsprincip

This is my thesis on the D-level at the university in Karlstad at the department for environmental science. It is an analysis of the idea of self-realisation in the deepecology movement.The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess is one of the profiles in the foreground of deepecology in the world. His teories is important for the development of how to look at ecophilosophical matters in the nordic countries.i will therefor investigate his theories and see how Naess constructs the relation man-nature in his ecosophy T. The principle of self-realisation and identification is there the most important foundation for the antropocentric perspective.In my analysis I use Martin Bubers philosophy of dialogue and his thoughts about relational concept of the self as tools for my investigation.Ecophilosophy is an academic subject that touches a variety of fields of studies but has the collaboration between the subject of culture and nature as its base. Bubers concept of the self that highlights the third.

En studie i användbarhet: En kritisk analys av användbarhetsstudier i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

Usability studies are not a central field of research in library and information science. Although literature in library and information science treats the importance of usable user interfaces quite extensively, the literature does not significantly treat potential problems in measuring usability. The aim of this master thesis is to investigate, through a critical analysis, the methods used when conducting usability studies in library and information science. The critical analysis is based on potential problems in measuring usability identified through a literature review from the field of studies Human-Computer Interaction, the concept of usabilitys original domain. The material which is to be analysed, is chosen from one library and information science journal Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

När en förälder dör : En studie av tre fiktiva tonåringars identitetsutveckling och coping vid förlust av en förälder

The purpose of this study is to examine how the identity of teenagers is affected by the loss of a parent as well as what coping strategies support identity development. The reactions the teenagers exhibit, in such circumstances, will also be examined. To accomplish this,  a theory package was created, comprising theories in developmental psychology, identity work, coping and theory of grief reactions of children and teenagers. This package provided a broad perspective, which facilitated the analysis. Furthermore, it made it easier to address the purpose and the issue of the analysis.

Drömmen om Paradiset : - En Multimodal Kritisk Diskursanalys av dokusåpan Paradise Hotel 2014

Previous research on Twitter use among nonprofit organizations has been centered on the US, thisessay Nonprofits on Twitter: a content analysis of Swedish nonprofits working for gender equalityseeks to expand that research to include nonprofit organizations operating in Sweden. By studying tenSwedish nonprofits all working to achieve gender equality this study can begin filling a gap in theexisting research. Focusing on both what kind of messages the organizations publish, and what kind ofmessages engage the organizations? followers. This is achieved by quantitative content analysis:categorizing messages into the categories Information, Community and Action, and measuring whichof these categories got the most shares, comments and likes.

Greetings from Karlstad : En marknadsföringsfilm för Karlstads universitet med syfte att locka internationella studenter

The purpose of this paper is to carry out a domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University?s Library and investigate its business, collection and knowledge organization. Birger Hjørland?s socio-epistemological domain analytic paradigm is applied. As methods, Hjørland suggests eleven approaches, and from them he emphasizes especially the importance of the historical and epistemological approaches.In this paper three questions are analysed.

"Hörre ni grabbar" : En studie om hur pedagoger bemöter pojkar och flickor i ordningsskapande siuationer.

Previous research studies have shown that teacher?s attitude towards girls and boys rather reinforces, than counteracts behavior as stereotyped gender concepts. Order and discipline seem to be important parts of the daily routines in school context and to maintain discipline a constant communication and dealing with pupils are in order. The purpose of our examination aims to study how teachers respond to boys and girls in situations like creation of order. The analysis is based on observations of the interaction that takes place verbally and none verbally between pupils and their teachers in creation of order situations.

Vårdens pris - utbränd sjuksköterska. En litteraturstudie rörande utbrändhet bland sjuksköterskor

The aim of this study is to illuminate factors in nurses´ work, which can cause a state of exhaustion called burn out. The results indicate that work related mental illness is a lengthy process that gives rise to both physical and psychical problems. These problems might lead to a state of burn out. However, several authors prefer to use expressions like exhaust syndrome or exhaust depression as they are criticising the concept of burn out. The study is a literature analysis of 11 scientific articles that have been scrutinized using the criterions presented by Polit et al (2001).

Bortom graven : En rumslig studie av Tjustbygdens rösen

Bronze Age cairns have been interpreted as everything from navigation marks to marking liminal places in the landscape. It has also been stated that the main purpose of their location is to be visible. This is something that has been taken for granted. The main problem is the cairns have been considered as a homogenous monument. With the help of digital methods like GIS it is possible to test this kind of questions in quantitative way.

AHA in northern Sweden ? a case study : conservation values of deciduous trees based on saproxylic insects

AHA is a Swedish abbreviation of "reveal threatened park and avenue trees" and is a method to assess the conservation value of individual trees, mainly in the park environments but also in natural stands. This method has previously only been practiced in southern Sweden (Sörensson 2008). To see if this method could provide satisfactory results in northern Sweden, I have studied it in areas around the Umeå River. This was done by studying the relationship between trees with different classifications of conservation value (as classed by the AHA method) and their content of species (species richness and abundance). Insects were collected using trunk window traps in a period of 13 weeks during the summer of 2014.

"Den grekiska krisen" : En studie om medias framställning och andra generationens greker tolkningar, upplevelser och påverkan på vardagslivet

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the Greeks in connection with the crisis in Greece is portrayed in Swedish newspapers, as well as the second generation Greeks in Sweden experiencing and interpreting the portraying and how it affects their everyday lives. The idea is to create an understanding of what happens when ethnic aspects is being portrayed in the media and how it is perceived and interpreted by second generation immigrants, and what this might mean for the impact of their daily life. The study is based, therefore on the following questions; how are the Greeks in connection with the crisis in Greece being portrayed in Swedish newspapers? How does second generations Greeks in Sweden perceive and interpret the portraying, and how it affects their everyday lives?The study's basic methodological approach is qualitative text analysis and qualitative interviews. Qualitative text analysis is to bring out the essential content through careful reading of the text parts and the context in which it is included.

Marknadsföring av fond i Sverige. Om avvägningen mellan effektivitet och konsumentskydd

This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

Lagerstyrning vid Frigoscandia Freezer AB

Frigoscandia Freezer AB have seen themselves as an entrepreneur company for a long time, but have lately begun to realise that they have to go against a more administrative era. With that insight they have begun to examine their enterprise in order to achieve this. The division Team Spare Parts has started a project with the intention of checking-up the inventory management, and improving it for the future. To get support for this and other point of views, they decided to let us do our exam thesis as a part of the project.The first part of the thesis deals with the appropriate inventory theory. All calculations in the other parts of the thesis have been based upon this.

Likvärdigt bemötande i TV ? eller inte : En studie av fyra partiledarutfrågningar i SVT inför valet 2010

As the 2010 Swedish election was closing in, there was a discussion about how the media represented the different party leaders in a differential and unfair manner. This study aims to identify if there were any differences in how four of these party leaders, Lars Ohly, Maud Olofsson, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Mona Sahlin were treated in four individual questioning sessions on Swedish television. Utilizing conversation analysis the study focuses on identifying differences in the usage of interruptions between the four different sessions. The study also analyzes the aggressiveness of the journalists? questioning and how they designed their questions in the four different sessions.

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