

8787 Uppsatser om Materiality analysis - Sida 5 av 586

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys för den kommersiella sjöfarten i Kattegatt

This report is a risk- and vulnerability analysis of how the commercial ship and its goods can be a threat to the environement and to human health in case of a discharge. It present the most common dangerous goods that are transported with ship through Kattegat in the Baltic Sea..

En longitudinell studie om lagervärdering : En studie ur ett samhällsperspektiv

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

Väsentlighetsbedömningens påverkan av klientens branschtillhörighet

Bakgrund: Bristen på riktlinjer för väsentlighetsbedömning lämnar ett stort utrymme för revisorns professionella omdöme i väsentlighetsbedömningen. Revisorn måste använda sitt professionella omdöme vid väsentlighetsbedömningen, speciellt med hänseende till klientens branschtillhörighet, vilket ger upphov till inkonsekventa väsentlighetsbedömningar.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att förklara hur revisorernas väsentlighetsbedömningar påverkas av klientens branschtillhörighet.Metod: Studien har ett positivitsikt synsätt och använder en kombinerad metod av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metodik. Studien utförde för- och efterintervjuer samt en enkätundersökning. Datan samlades in via SurveyMonkey och hanterades samt analyserades i statistikprogrammet SPSS.Resultat och slutsats: Revisorernas professionella omdöme som används i väsentlighetsbedömningarna ger upphov till skillnader i väsentlighetsbedömningarna. Skillnaderna kan delvis förklaras av klientens branschtillhörighet eftersom det inte finns specifika riktlinjer för hur väsentlighetsbedömningarna ska utföras beroende på klientens branschtillhörighet.

Analys av diskursanalys i kandidatuppsatser

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how students who also serve as writers of bachelor theses mainly utilizing the discourse analysis methodology comprehend the method of discourse analysis, and in what way the students bestow it in their research.Methodology and Material: This is a case study of the theses, which are also the text material, as it can be used examining numerous cases. Another beneficial factor is the relationship to the theoretical framework. One does not need to divorce the two institutions; instead they cooperate with each other.Results: A thoroughgoing apprehension of the Discourse Analysis is it being strongly attached to semiotics and how texts can be analyzed by the method in question to reveal institutions in our society alongside with mapping out the agency of words. In other words, language and soceiety mirror each other in a way or another...Key words: Discourse Analysis, thesis, Foucault, Fairclough, Laclau & Mouffe, language, reality, readings.

Kvalitetssäkring av Inleveranser

Through a thorough analysis of the current situation, we have highlighted differences inworking methods for the various workshops and drew up proposals for improvements incombination with a practical work description that can be implemented in the company..

Personarkiv på Kungliga biblioteket -ordningar, kopplingar och krockar på ett nationalbibliotek

The departure point of this thesis is the context of the institution and the processes surrounding the handling of personal archives at the National Library of Sweden. These processes are examined using Actor Network Theory. Around the personal archive a network is constructed and contained by actors ? the archive itself, the librarian, the conservator, the researcher, organizational structures and others. Within this network choices are made of what is significant.

Ett intressentperspektiv för hållbarhetsredovisningar : en analys av investerares åsikter och användning av hållbarhetsinformation

This study concerns how Muslims are portrayed in a choice of twelve news articles from Swedish dailies and tabloid newspapers on the aftermath of the film Innocence of Muslims published on YouTube. All articles are distributed in the newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet in the period of September 11th, 2012 until September 30th, 2012.For this study, a qualitative text analysis has been embraced and focus has been on van Dijk?s Critical discourse analysis to the texts, with additional features from semiotics applied on the images.The theories consist of Critical discourse analysis, hegemony, ideology and power, postcolonialism and stereotyping.In the qualitative content analysis, concrete examples from the articles are retrieved and commented. These have been divided into various themes, which are trends that the authors have been able to distinguish in the analysis.The result shows that Muslims in the analyzed newspapers are portrayed as the others, unimportant and extremely religious, in a negative manner rather than a positive. Moreover the press has tendencies to generalize Muslims as a group.

Vad sägs om läxa? : En diskursanalys om läxans roll i hem och skola

This paper addresses the role of homework within the home and school environments using a qualitatively approach inspired by discourse analysis method and theory. The paper considers three newspaper articles to identify current attitudes and understanding regarding homework?s role. The paper?s structure brings results and analysis together allowing the discussion to be continuously extended and deepened.

Riskanalys av farligtgodsled i Kalmar - Rekommendationer med avseende på detaljplan Södra vägen

This report contains a risk analysis of transportation of dangerous goods in Kalmar. The analysis is based on quantitative data and an evaluation of the risks based on both the probability of occurring accidents as well as the consequences of those. The risks are presented as both individual and societal risks..

Thank you for Smoking! The Discursive Battle about the Meaning of Smoking

Thesis purpose: The purpose of the master thesis is to analyse the battle of meaning creation regarding the notion of smoking and to reveal the production of unequal power relations. The battle is fought by different stakeholders through means of language and the study focuses on the tobacco industry in Germany. Methodology: A critical discourse analysis is applied with a qualitative research strategy. Our data collection was inspired by grounded theory and is limited in scope through a relevant case within the context of smoking in Germany. Empirical data is collected by means of an internet based document study of publicly available texts.

Fängslande ord Om genusgörande i BUP-socionomers psykosociala utredningar

The purpose of this study was to examine how girls and boys are described by social workersin psycho-social assessments in child and adolescent psychiatry. The questions at issue wereif girls and boys are described in different ways and if gender related patterns could be found.The study was both qualitative and quantitative. I used textual analysis as a method anddiscourse analysis as theory.Results: Sexes were generally described differently. Girls are depicted from how they are andhow they look and boys are described by what they do and their behaviour. The mother isdescribed as the person who is most responsible for children of both sexes.

Colombianer på bioduken : Representationen av tre Hollywoodproducerade actionfilmer

The purpose of the thesis was to analyse three action films; Collateral Damage from 2002; Clear and Present Danger from 1994; and Scarface from 1983, in order to see how Colombians are represented in these movies.The action genre comprises of different stereotypes where the hero and the villain are represented in conjunction to each other. The analysis is about the way the films content and form are used to uphold the representation of Colombians, but also the villain and the hero more generally.Critical Discourse Analysis was used, as main method, and the concepts of denotation and connotation guided the analysis. The main conclusion is that the three movies reproduced an already established collective stereotype of Latin Americans, stereotype that includes both Colombia and Colombians..

"Kvinnan ska eftersträva skönhet enligt rådande ideal" : En analys av myter i VeckoRevyns frågespalter

This essay is an analysis of mythologies in the Swedish women´s magazine VeckoRevyn. The magazine?s own explicit purpose is to break down the unhealthy opinion of what beauty is in their industry today. By content and linguistic analysis the results of this study are interconnected to the beauty myth as it was established by Naomi Wolf in 1991. The goal is to pinpoint how VeckoRevyn?s question and answer columns construct relationships to their readers, and the mythologies that they maintain.

Bloggen - socialt medium med makt potential : En kvalitativ studie om konsumtionsideal bland svenska och internationella bloggar

Today, we live in a consumption society. We buy products to soothe our needs and desires. Thru material things we can express our own personal identity and shopping is seen more as a pleasure than a need to survive. With the background media- and communication studies, the reason of this study was to explore how blogs as a social medium can influence the consumption ideal in society. With dialogical analysis and semiotic analysis we wanted to see if we could find a specific consumption culture in the content of six blogs we did our studies on. We found that the blogs showed us that there is normal to have everyday luxury and spoil oneself with expensive things.

Analys och kontroll av hållfasthet på grenställsarm

The thesis was done in collaboration with EAB situated in Smålandsstenar. In the initial discussion faze on doing a thesis with them there was a need to analyze and ensure the strength of an existing product, cantilever racks. This included performing FEM calculations on a model and comparing the results with physical tests.EAB has two models of cantilever racks, a light duty and a heavy duty. Within the heavy duty model series there are five product variants that differ in both size and load capacity. We will be working with the product variant with a load capacity of 1000 kg/arm which is the variant that is in the middle of the series.When we started work on the thesis we did a literature study and couldn?t find any well defined methodology that integrates both product development and computer aided design analysis.

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