

119 Uppsatser om Masculine - Sida 4 av 8

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I chose to do this work because I believe that today?s industrial designprofessionals lack in their task of creating aesthetic experiences and aestheticdiversity.With my work, I want to question why the majority of today?s technical, massproducedeveryday products have such a similar design expression, andwhy alternatives are so few. Most of all, I take a critical attitude to today?sstereotypical industrial design aesthetics that I would describe as technical,Masculine, and unnecessarily complex.I have designed a number of products that show alternative aesthetics in thissegment and as such I have chosen the vacuum cleaner. The idea is that mydesign will serve as an eye opener and demonstrate that there are alternativesto today?s homogeneous market.The result is three vacuum cleaners claiming three alternatives to currentofferings.

Genusstruktur på högstadiet : en studie om hur könsidentiteter ständigt bryts och repareras och bryts

The purpose of this essay is to find out how gender upholds in a classroom, both by students as well as the teacher. The procedure has been to observe the relationship between students and also the teachers. The observations is analysed according to theories of gender and a discussion about why gender is maintained follows. The conclusion of the result is that gender is being preserved in different ways, but also the contrary ? students and the teacher oppose it.

Nonprofitorganisationer inom vård och omsorg : en kunskapsöversikt

Our study aims to discover how young men aged 15-19 perceive the image of men in women?s magazines. To do this we let eight young men read the two women?s magazines most read by young women their own age, Vecko Revyn and Cosmopolitan. We want to find whether they consider this image to be representative of their own reality.

"Osynliga orchidébarn" - Självskadebeteende hos ungdomar sett ur de professionellas perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine the professionals´ views concerning self-harm behaviour in adolescents they meet. We interviewed nine different professionals. Our questions were: What do the professionals believe are the reasons to self-harm? How do the professionals experience self esteem and identity in adolescents with self-harm behaviour? How do the professionals look at the self-harm behaviour from a gender perspective? How do the professionals think a diagnosis can affect adolescents with self-harm behaviour? In our responses we noticed beliefs about the cause as a combination of environmental relationships and the individual who is born with a certain vulnerability. The professionals believe that the adolescents have trouble finding their identity.

Genus en social konstruktion? : En socialpsykologisk studie om och hur interaktioner påverkas av genusordningen i den icke-verbala kommunikationen under anställningsintervjuer.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to create an understanding for if and how nonverbal communication and the learned gender structure influence interactions during employment interviews for executive posts. The study is conducted from a social constructivist perspective where it is argued that the individual is created through social interactions. In order to obtain understanding for social gender structure and nonverbal communication in social interactions observation has been utilized as a method. In addition an observation matrix based on nonverbal behavior and Masculine and feminine hexis has been established. The results include both the specific individual?s and the general interactions that took place during the employment interviews.

Ingen skillnad, men ändå olika : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Försvarsmaktens webbplats ur ett genus? och organisationskulturellt perspektiv

This study aims to analyse the Swedish Armed Forces website. Through a content analysis with a gender- and organisational culture perspective the study attempts to see how the Swedish Armed Forces portrays women and men. The Swedish Armed Forces is one of the strongest Masculine gender coded organisations in our time. Distance caused by gender roles between women and men has been a problem within the organisation, and at the same time they have expectation?s from the society to alter these problems.

?Den är för tjejer och den för killar? ? en studie av åtta 12-åriga pojkars och flickors serieläsning

The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of eight 12-year old boys and girls about two comics; Sabrina ? tonårshäxan (Sabrina ? teenage witch) and Spiderman. Do children see gender differences in the two comics? Do boys and girls identify with the heroes in the comics and does this affect the children's own gender socialisation. We interviewed four boys and four girls from different parts of Sweden.

Den ensamma flatan och glitterbögen : En kvalitativ studie av hbtq-personers porträttering i tre olika kvinnomagasin

The aim of this studie centers on how lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) are portrayed in women?s magazines. The magazines we have chosen to analyze are FRIDA, VeckoRevyn and amelia, which all three have different target groups. We have, with the assistance of the rhetorical and semiotic analysis methods, assessed 18 articles with their associated photographs. These methods are part of the qualitative analysis model and are used in order to study less empirical data with more depth.

?Poor, fucked-up, kinky, philanthropic Christian Grey? : en studie i maskulinitet och fantasier om manlig sexualitet i romansviten Fifty Shades of Grey

The current paper is a study of the character Christian Grey in the EL James trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey. The main aim is to find out how masculinity, sexuality and gender are constructed in this erotic fantasy. More over terms as femininity, unmanliness and gender have relevance to the study. Several studies have been done on romance novels and Harlequin in particular from a gender perspective, but few of them from a Masculine point of view. Hence, no earlier study has been done on Fifty Shades of Grey with masculinity studies as the main tool of masculinity, or with theories of romance.

Man nog för jämställdhet? : en studie av Järva Mansmottagning och omvandlingar av hegemonisk maskulinitet i jämställdhetsdiskursernas tidevarv

Equality between men and women has as an ideal won an increasing impact on the contemporary Swedish society and has established as a factor influencing all areas of society from politics to business and private life. The focus of this essay is to explore the impact of equality on hegemonic masculinity and relations of masculinities. The aim of the essay has moreover been to investigate the consequences of an increased focus on men and critique of masculinity due to a growing influence of feminism and women?s movement in Sweden. The study is based on interviews with four members of staff working in a men?s clinic for sexual and reproductive health in Stockholm, Järva Mansmottagning.

Herrväskan Primus : produktutveckling för Ödins Garveri

I denna rapport redovisas ett examensarbete av Edvin Sjöberg utfört i samarbete med Ödins Garveri i Visby.Projektets mål har varit att ta fram ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny axelremsväska i läder för män. Väskan är konstruerad för att vara materialbesparande, hållbar och elegant.Faktainsamlingen ger en översikt av de vanligaste sätten att bereda och garva skinn, sömnadsteknik och tillverkningsteknik. Målgrupps- och marknadsanalys har varit vägledande för utformningen av slutprodukten och stort fokus har lagts på modell- och skissarbete.Slutprodukten är en herrväska med mycket hög materialkvalité, formgivning inspirerad av klassiskt herrmode och med väl planlagda och genomtänka detaljer..

Bland hjältar och julstök : En genusanalys av tio julkalendrar från fem årtionden

Each December thousands of Swedish families sit down to watch the annual "Christmas calendar", a series containing 24 episodes. Since the start in 1960, the Swedish public service television company, Sveriges Television, have broadcast a Christmas calendar every year, and is now seen as a firm tradition, attracting audiences of all ages, though the main audience is children. Research has shown that children?s television programs to a certain extent have the same function as news journalism has in agenda setting. Media, together with feedback and interaction with other individuals, plays a big role in the process of socialization.


Analysis of the piece Pygmalion in set at the Gothenburg City Theatrefrom a gender perspective with the purpose to investigate which genders that arepresented and how the piece relates to the heterosexual norm. The method consists inthe analysis and discussion of how the pieces portrays females and males (with focuson feminine and Masculine coded expression and presentation of desire) and whatconsequences it brings. This based on various method books of norm-breaking designwork for Aesthetic staff, and a theory based on Judith Butler's research. Primarymaterial consists in a piece analysis of Pygmalion, from a spectator's perspective.Main Results: The designing is consciously working with a set of norm-breakinggender expression, particularly female genders. The set translates socially criticalviews against patriarchal hierarchies.

Fröken Sverige och Magister Tutnäsa : En studie om fyra lärare i barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv

This study has been conducted as a literary analysis of four chapter books for children in the early years of compulsory school: Magister Tutnäsa, Vilken fullträff, Astrakan, Sune och tjejhatarligan, and Alva och Dum-Julia. The aim has been to analyse four teacher characters from a gender perspective. The study has focused on the teachers? personal characteristics and whether these are typically female or male. Another aim has been to study how the character reinforces or runs against stereotyped gender patterns.

Machobögen, Brukspatronen, Vapendragaren & Queerkvinnan : En kvalitativ analys av män och kvinnor i HBT-magasinet QX

The aim of our study was to examine how homosexual and heterosexual men and women are represented in the Swedish magazine QX, a magazine for gay, bisexual and transgender people. We wanted to find out what kind of roles the persons in QX appears in, and inquire the relationships that exist between them.We analyzed the texts in twelve magazines, from December 2008 to November 2009, in order to get the most current results as possible. We used a discourse analysis, with focus on identities, relationships and the representation of the world. Representations, gender, hegemonic masculinity and stereotypes have been significant theories to analyze our results.The results showed that the successful gay man is the most important person in QX. He is the perfect Masculine macho fagot, who is highest in rank.

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