

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 66 av 124

Utan Demokrati, Ingen Bourgeoisie? En kvalitativ fallstudie om demokrati och medelklass i post-sovjetiska Ryssland

This essay constitutes a qualitative case study about democratization theory and the middle class in Russia. This is a very important case to study, especially because of the geographic position of the country as well as the economic importance Russia has as a part of the G8. In the essay the author seeks to answer the question whether the lack of a significant middle class in Russia can be a part of the explanation to the absence of a well functioning democracy in the country. Several democratization theories are presented. The most important being Ruth Berins Collier's theories about ins and outs plus the elite- or working class as the initiator of democratization processes.

Användargenererat innehåll - Motivation, lojalitet och tillförlitlighet

Användargenererat innehåll är ett nytt område som är under ständig utveckling. Allt fler webbplatser låter användaren delta med innehåll, därmed har användarna gått från att vara passiva konsumenter till aktiva producenter. Vi har valt att studera två webbplatser, SvenskaFans.com och Sydsvenskan.se, utifrån två perspektiv - företagens och användarens. De användare som studerats är befintliga användare från respektive webbplats, vilket möjliggjorde en jämförelse mellan de bådas åsikter. Uppsatsen studerar användargenererat innehåll med inriktning på användares motivation, lojalitet och tillförlitlighet.

Anaerob rening vid StoraEnso Skoghalls Bruk

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Hållbar utveckling + turism = sant? Intressen inom projektet Exportmogen destination i biosfärområdet Vänerskärgården med Kinnekulle

This essay examines whether, and if so to which extent, the project Export MatureDestination in the Biosphere Reserve Vänerskärgården with Kinnekulle can combine the goalof the tourism industry, i.e. to double tourism between 2010 and 2020, and the goals of theBiosphere reserve, i.e. sustainable societal development and a sustainable biosphere economy.The aim is to examine how key individuals in the project approach sustainable developmentand economic growth, representing the two main interests in the area. Examining the state ofthe two interests the following examples are used: the position of sustainable development inregard to economic growth, the opportunities and challenges in the area and unity concerningthe goals of the tourism development in the region. The study is conducted through qualitativeinterviews with key individuals and a descriptive document analysis of the most importantpolicy documents.

Distansutbildning via lärplattform : en överlevnadsstrategi? Uppfattningar inom Sveriges naturbruksgymnasier

En enkätundersökning har genomförts bland landets naturbruksgymnasier för att undersöka deras uppfattningar om distansutbildning och lärplattform. Syftet med undersökningen var att beskriva och försöka skapa en bättre förståelse, samt att ta reda vilka faktorer som är viktiga att tänka på när en gemensam lärplattform och webbaserat lärande implementeras. Uppsatsen avslutas med några rekommendationer. Enkäten skickadesvia e-post, tillsammans med en film och ett dokument som visade ett exempel på en distanskurs. Enkätsvaren analyserades i huvudsak kvalitativt med hjälp av ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv.

?Alla är överens? : En diskursanalys av ett antal partipolitiska debattexter om svensk utbildningspolitik

Den här uppsatsen handlar om utbildningspolitik och syftar till att undersöka hur svenska politiska partier talar om skolan i ett antal debattartiklar och repliker, samt om de är överens i några aspekter och vilka dessa i sådant fall är. Utgångspunkten är att det sker en avpolitisering av politik, där kampen mellan ideologier inte längre existerar på samma sätt som tidigare. Genom diskursanalys har ett antal texter analyserats med ett resultat som visar att det mycket väl verkar stämma att partierna inte längre kämpar ideologier emellan, utan att man är övergripande överens och först och främst förvaltar ett redan existerande system. Den politiska kampen, eller spänningen, är inte särskilt stark då samtliga partier är eniga på flera punkter. Däremot existerar en diskursiv spänning kvar i aspekten av att man ständigt försöker underminera varandras kapacitet att vara i regeringsställning.

Digitizing the Parthenon using 3D Scanning : Managing Huge Datasets

Digitizing objects and environments from real world has become an important part of creating realistic computer graphics. Through the use of structured lighting and laser time-of-flight measurements the capturing of geometric models is now a common process. The result are visualizations where viewers gain new possibilities for both visual and intellectual experiences. This thesis presents the reconstruction of the Parthenon temple and its environment in Athens, Greece by using a 3D laser-scanning technique. In order to reconstruct a realistic model using 3D scanning techniques there are various phases in which the acquired datasets have to be processed.

Användaren och den elektroniska referenstjänsten

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study an electronic reference service from a user perspective. By qualitative interviews with eight students the thesis examines their information behaviour, why and when they use the service, the user?s experiences of the service and the communication with the librarian. The users have all used the Swedish electronic reference service Fråga biblioteket ? Forskningsbibliotek.

Nobody likes the Middle East. There is nothing there to like. : En postkolonial studie av hur Hollywoodfilmer framställer människor från Mellanöstern före och efter 9/11

This study is a comparative analysis of how Hollywood portrays people from the Middle East before and after 9/11. The films used to conduct this study are True Lies (1994), The Siege (1998), The Kingdom (2007) and Body of Lies (2008). With a qualitative methodology, discourse analysis and postcolonial theory this study analysed not only how people from the Middle East is portrayed, but also how the Americans in the films are presented and how the characters in the films changed in the movies produced after 9/11.     The results show that people from the Middle East are portrayed in a negative way and that Hollywood uses stereotypes. However, people from the Middle East are more gradated in the films post-9/11. There is a bigger focus on Islam in the movies produced after 9/11 and the study also shows that family values play a less central part in the story in the films made after 9/11 and that work is of more importance.

Horan och madonnan : En kvalitativ analys över kvinnans gestaltning i moderna livsstilsmagasins personporträtt

Lifestyle magazines portray women in different manners and have an influence on how media consumers create self-images. The importance of knowing how different visual representation of the female acts out in magazines with large target audiences is therefore of weight for the magazines? readers to understand. This thesis analyze how the two lifestyle magazines ELLE and LOVE portrays women in images and how they in turn create ideal images of women.The thesis has been conducted through a qualitative analysis of 5 images from each magazine that represents the magazines artistic styles. The theories used in this study are semiotic image analysis and visual text analysis viewed from a gender- and discourse perspective.The conclusion of this thesis is that ELLE portrays women as strong, happy and feminine, with at tendency towards androgyny, while LOVE describes women as inferior and sexual objects constructed for the male gaze.

Vision Malmö - En analys av Malmö stads visioner kring stadens utveckling

This thesis is a critical discourse analysis of the vision of Malmös contemporary urban development. By analysing official documents produced by Malmö municipality our aim is to make discursive and sociolcultural practices in the constitution and construction of the city visible and problematicize them. To do so we use critical discourse analysis and theories on Urban Studies. Malmö is a city historically labeld as a ?labour- city?, with heavy industry as its main labourmarket.

Employer branding i offentlig sektor : En deskriptiv fallstudie av Örebro kommuns arbete med employer branding

Employer branding in public sectorA descriptive case study on Örebro kommuns work with employer brandingProblem: Previous literature on employer branding is normative and highlights what the work with employer branding should contain in order to succeed. Previous literature lack descriptions of how the actual work is carried out in organizations. Previous literature also takes basis in the private sector and there is a lack of studies conducted in the public sector.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization in a public sector works with employer branding and it also aims to increase the understanding of employer branding.Method: The study is a descriptive case study based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews with two employees at Örebro kommun. Throughout the study previous literature on employer branding is used.Results: We have noticed different activities in the organizations work with employees, leadership and communication that contribute to employer branding. The organization has a well-developed approach for the existing employees that contribute to the employee's personal development.

Postkolonialistisk bildanalys av Hem- och konsumentkunskapsböcker

The Swedish education system reflects the multicultural society in Sweden, therefore there is a need of school textbooks that pupils can identify themselves with to create meaning and value in their learning. According to the Swedish Education Administrations (Skolverkets) report (2006) and Selander (2003, s. 198) the school textbooks are the main source of education in class. There has been an implicit message in the older textbooks that is associated with the belief that non-Europeans are "seen" as victims, and that Europeans are privileged with a "good life".Many school texbooks has been analyzed from different points of perspectives, however, analysis from a postcolonial perspective on home economics books has practically been nonexistent.Analysis in this study are focused on how non-western people are been portrayed in six different textbooks in the subject to conclude if the colonial discourse is still maintained and reproduced in the school. To answer the question of formulation an image analysis is made of the six, previiously mentioned, textbooks.

Från främling till tvetydig svensk : En kvalitativ undersökning av namnbyte från utländskt klingande namn till svenskklingande namn

The essay, based on interviews with eight people, deals with name changes from a foreign-sounding name to Swedish-sounding name. The aim is to investigate the reasons behind the name change and whether experiences of ethnic discrimination were among these reasons. Furthermore, I explore the consequences of the name change, and whether the name change was an effective strategy to avoid ethnic discrimination. The study employs qualitative method; I carry out eight interviews with four women and four men, and analyze the empirical material by means of post-colonial theory in which categorizing, otherness and passing are significant terms. The results show that the name change takes place primarily to reduce a sense of otherness, and the discursively locked positions a foreign-sounding name creates.

Det finns ju inga patentlösningar : En studie om kompetensutveckling i kunskapsföretag

The aim of this study is to investigate how employees in consulting companies develop their competence in order to perform their daily work. The focus is on informal competence development. The theoretical framework consists of theories concerning learning and competence development in working life, theories on organizational change and evaluation, a well as professional reflection. The methods applied are narrative research and interviews based on the assumption that knowledge about reality is only obtainable through language and communication.The main results show that competence is developed through experience, social interaction, communication and dialog with co-workers and customers. The post-modern conceptions of the rapid (technical) development and need to be up-to-date has a strong hold on the informants apprehension of working life, as does the notion of not having enough time for all the competence development they would like.

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