

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 36 av 124

Tradition eller Förnyelse? En fallstudie av det politiska förändringsarbetet i Bromölla kommun

In 2003 the deciding political council in Bromölla municipality requested that an overhaul on the committee and public administration structure should be conducted. In the report Bromölla was characterized as a traditional organization with a low degree of change. This case study will examine why the organization previously has been reluctant to change its structure and why they are willing to do so now. In the pursuit of this objective I conducted document studies, interviews and observations. I have used theories on, institutional change and organizational culture to enlighten this.My findings shows that the traditionalists within the organization has greatly affected this reluctance towards change, in the deciding council 39 % of the representatives are 60 years or older.

Self-organizing maps ? en atlas över informationsrymden

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how semantic relations in a document collection can be visualized with a Kohonen self-organizing map. It can be seen as a map of the information space which can be used to support information retrieval. The study makes a comparison of the possible differences between a map that is based on morphologically unprocessed text and a map where the text has been lemmatized. The text that is being processed is the definitions of all the existing instances in WordNet of a random selection of indexing terms from the Times-collection. The purpose is to see if morphological processing somehow can show different semantic connections between term instances based on their definitions.

Att skapa en digital samling: En kvalitativ studie kring de socialpolitiska faktorerna som rör KB:s val att inte använda DIGSAM i sin digitala verksamhet

This thesis purpose is to investigate the sociopolitical factors and causes that led to why KB chose not to use the criteria and guidelines for their digitization activities are described in DIGSAM. To do this I focused on three research questions;- What factors (internal / external) led to the decision not to use the criteria guidelines for digitization, which is described in the policy document DIGSAM and what arguments and opinions formed the basis for the decision.- What is the Library's digitization activities, the factors, criteria and guidelines governing activity in the current situation? - Will KB's choice not to use DIGSAM as a whole in their digitization activities affect national library's role as a beacon for the Swedish libraries digital work? In what way and why? In order to answer these questions I interviewed three of KB:s librarians who had extensive knowledge of digitization and DIGSAM. I chose to also use a pilotstudy that was conducted at KB in the of spring 2010. The idea was to use this material as a basis to build on.As a theoretical framework, I chose to use a socio-political theory of Ingrid Mason.

Före och efter monopolet : En studie om Apotekets strategiska kommunikationföre och efter monopolavregleringen

Sedan Sverige gick med i EU har landets konkurrenspolitik blivit allt mer betydande.Konkurrens ökar tillväxten och kostnadseffektiviteten vilket främjar konsumenterna.Flertalet marknader i Sverige har monopolavreglerats, så som inrikesflyg-, el-,järnvägs-, post- och telekommunikationsmarknaden. År 2006 bestämde den svenskaregeringen att även avreglera apoteksmonopolet och sedan första juli år 2009 råder detkonkurrens på apoteksmarknaden. På en marknad i konkurrens måste organisationerarbeta annorlunda med sin strategiska kommunikation och syftet med denna studie äratt undersöka hur Apotekets kommunikativa strategier har påverkats dåorganisationen har gått från en monopolsituation till konkurrens..

Att effektivt sälja Sverige : Värdet av VisitSwedens tillvägagångssätt för att attrahera utländska resenärer

Our main objective with this essay was to study VisitSweden?s effort to sell Sweden to foreign markets.This has been studied in relation to VisitScotland work and approach. We collected empirical data consisting of document studies and interviews with representatives of VisitSweden and VisitScotland. In addition, we have supplemented with an interview with a representative of Svensk Destinationsutveckling AB. We based our analysis of our empirical data on previous research in destination marketing.

Postanställdas konstruktioner av arbetsmotivation: En jämförande studie mellan postsorterare, lagledare och brevbärare

In order to broaden the understanding of work motivation the aim of the study was to compare how three different teams within the same organization constructed motivation. The three teams consisted of post sorters, team leaders and mailmen. Three focus group interviews were conducted with three men and eight women. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed with QSR NUD*IST. The result showed both similarities and differences in the construction of work motivation in the three teams.

Småföretag : Hur fungerar kommunikationen med redovisningskonsult

Denna uppsats är en undersökning av hur kontakten är mellan småföretagare och redovisningskonsulter. En stor del av de mindre företagen överlåter en del eller allt redovisningsarbete till konsulter. Denna kontakt är definitionsmässigt en business to business- kontakt, men konsulten har ett övertag då dennes ekonomiska kunskaper normalt är större. Jag har undersökt denna problematik genom att göra en enkätundersökning med aktiebolag med 1-10 anställda som respondenter. Jag gjorde även besöksintervjuer hos två småföretagare samt en intervju via e-post med en redovisningskonsult.

Kommunal idrottspolitik i Västerbotten : En kvalitativ studie om idrotts- och motionsrörelsens styrning på kommunal nivå

This study was commissioned by the Västerbotten sports federation, whocalled for an overview of the policies that the municipalities inVästerbotten work after in the field of sport. The study aimed to identifysports policy programs or documents that have been produced by themunicipalities, and how they work with them. Furthermore, the studyhighlights the municipality?s politicians reasoning aboutsport andrecreation-sector,and how their sport policy-work was practiced. The datacollection was based on seven interviews and document-collections fromthe 15 municipalities.

Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument

Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have quali­fi­cation to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possi­bi­lities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing docu­ments regarding education for pupils with another native language.

Akutvårdspersonals bearbetning av traumatiska händelser

Akutvårdspersonal utsätts allt mera för svårare katastrofer och olyckor. Vilket leder till en ökad press på personalen. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa hur akutvårdspersonalen bearbetar traumatiska händelser för att inte utveckla post-traumatiskt stress syndrom. Metoden var en litteraturstudie. Artiklarna analyserades med Lundman och Graneheims (2008) kvalitativa innehållsanalys.18 artiklar analyserades.

Goodwill : En betydande slaskpost

Bakgrund och problem: Goodwill är den post som länge omdiskuterats utifrån aspekten att det är en svårhanterbar post i bolags balansräkningar. Under år 2005 fastställde IASB att de bolag som nyttjade IFRS inte längre har tillåtelse att skriva av goodwill utan istället ska genomföra nedskrivningar. Problemet som uppstod utifrån det nya beslutet kring föreställningsramen är att det verkar ha blivit allt mer komplext att hantera goodwillposten. Detta trots att IFRS standarden hänvisar att det är av stor vikt att bolag upprättar sina finansiella rapporter så korrekt och rättvisande som möjligt. Inte heller verkar några grundliga riktlinjer finnas till hands för att prestera en så korrekt redovisad goodwill som möjligt och därmed beskrivs posten som en tickande bomb.Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera bolagens hantering av goodwillposten.Metod: Den metod som vi har utgått ifrån är den kvalitativa metoden.

Kominooo - den fantastiska staden : En empirisk studie och analys av kultur- och bildpedagogiska teorier i praktiken

This thesis is based on two different parts. First a presentation and a brief insight of the most comprehensive picture educational structures/theories and their various branches in Sweden from the post war period. Secondly a presentation of my artistic masters project Fantasy World, where I together with a group of children aged 7-12 freely created an artwork in the form of a world of its own, in sculptural expression. The idea behind the thesis has been to study how the perception of picture education and children?s creation has been in the recent decades and how different picture educational theories looks like and then to compare with the idea behind my project and how it may look in practice..

Kritpipor, tobak och Västergarn : historik och arkeologisk funktion

This essay represents a chronological and contextual analysis of clay pipes that have been found in the urban settlement of Västergarn during seminary excavations between 2006 ? 2012, conducted by Gotland University. Clay pipes can be dated closely and are useful means for dating and interpreting archaeological contexts from the early modern period, such as house foundations. There have been excavated four house foundations in Västergarn with different sorts of clay pipes dating to the post-medieval period. Can they tell which people used them or which country they were produced? By discussing the meaning of clay pipes in early modern society on Gotland this essay tries to answer these questions..

Att skildra De Andra : om rasism och elitens användande av etnicitet i svensk massmediediskurs

The essay, which is solely theoretical to its form, presents a critical view upon the unproblematized usage of the concept of ethnicity in the Swedish mass media discourse. Theories of critical discourse analysis and post colonial nature is applied to and used to analyze what ethnicity really means. The essay also provides an insight in the functions and power of mass media in Sweden today to understand why ethnicity is so widely used, and what consequences it may bring upon the systematically excluded "other" and the society as a whole..

Bibliotekens bemötande av personer med fysiska funktionsnedsättningar : En fallstudie om tillgängligheten vid två svenska folkbibliotek

This paper explores the accessibility for patrons with different physical disabilities in regards to materials, service, the library building and its website at two typical, medium-sized public libraries in Sweden.The case study is based on interviews, observations, and document and literature studies. As a theoretical framework for this study, Buckland?s model of information barriers is used to describe, discuss and evaluate how the two libraries work with accessibility. In addition, international and national guidelines are used to measure whether additional actions are required of the libraries to improve the accessibility.The results show that both libraries are well suited in various respects to provide for the different needs and the requirements of patrons with physical disabilities. Some obstacles still exist in both libraries, especially in the lack of literature in accessible formats in different languages.

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