

258 Uppsatser om Martin Lönnebo - Sida 6 av 18

Fantastikens plats i narration. FiktionsvÀrldar och tomrum

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Fantasygenrens kvinnoskildringar : Fördomar och möjligheter i den fantastiska litteraturen

In this essay a conclusion about the way female characters are portrayed in fantasy novels will be attempted through an analysis of one selected female character from each selected novel. The works that have been chosen are; J.R.R. Tolkien?s The Lord of the Rings, Robert Jordan?s The Eye of the World and A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin.The analysis will be done with the help of examples and theories from both feministic criticism and gender studies.

En informationsfilm för Kils slakteri : ?Det Àr skillnad pÄ kött och kött?

Kils slakteri Àr ett slakteri med stora anor i VÀrmland. De har sedan nystarten 2010 sakta men sÀkert vuxit sig större och levererar köttprodukter till olika butiker och inrÀttningar, men Àven till gemene man via deras egna charkuteri. Företaget har starka vÀrderingar och arbetar för att skapa en lokal profil dÀr de strÀvar efter en spÄrbarhet genom hela kedjan, frÄn uppfödning till konsument vilket skiljer dem frÄn de stora konkurrenterna. Vi har fÄtt i uppdrag av Kils slakteri att skapa en informationsfilm som ska uppfylla deras önskemÄl som innebÀr att öka medvetenheten hos konsumenterna, och att marknadsföra företagets vÀrderingar och budskap till mÄlgruppen pÄ ett sÄ tilltalande sÀtt som möjligt. Slutprodukten skall ligga uppe pÄ Kils slakteris hemsida och kommer att vara ca 6 minuter lÄng. Vi har gjort en kvantitativ enkÀtundersökning med 100 respondenter ur vÄr kunds egendefinerade mÄlgrupp. Syftet med enkÀten var inte att ta reda pÄ mÄlgrupp, utan snarare att ta reda pÄ vad den existerande mÄlgruppen trodde sig kunna om köttproduktion och konsumtion, samt vad de hade för Äsikter och attityder gentemot köttindustrin.

?Offer istÀllet för debutanter? Om kvinnoförtryck i den litteraturkritiska institutionen

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Maktens ideologier och sprÄk i svenska skolors vÀrdegrunder : - FrÄn Martin Luther till lokala likabehandlingsplaner

Syftet med studien Maktens ideologier och sprÄk i svenska skolors vÀrdegrunder Àr att systematiskt analysera innehÄllet i skriftliga dokument som kan sÀgas utgöra eller har utgjort vÀrdegrunder för allmÀnna svenska skolor. Resultaten visar att det finns en relativt tydlig koppling mellan den rÄdande maktordningen i samhÀllet och den vÀrdegrund som rÄder i allmÀnna svenska skolor. Detta tycks gÀlla oavsett historisk epok och oavsett vilka ideologier - religiösa eller politiska - de dominerande maktgrupperna föresprÄkar. AllmÀnna skolor kan sÄledes i hög grad ses som redskap för att reproducera, Äterskapa, makten hos för tillfÀllet dominerande samhÀllsgrupper och för att styra eleverna, samhÀllsmedborgarna, i önskvÀrd riktning..

Intet : ? en onto-psykoanalytisk lĂ€sning av Bruno K. Öijers debutroman Chivas Regal

The aim of the study is to investigate pupils? attitudes to and experiences of reading aloud by the teacher in grade 1. The study answers questions about how the pupils perceive the reading aloud, what they think they learn from it, and what books they prefer the teacher to read from. The study was conducted with the aid of semi-structured interviews with eleven pupils, six girls and five boys. The study shows that the pupils have a great deal to say about reading aloud.

?Faktion? eller ?dubbelkontrakt?. en studie av receptionen av Den högsta kasten och Regissören

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Skenet frĂ„n den nedĂ„tvĂ€nda facklan. Analyser av tre dikter av Bruno K. Öijer

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

?vÀrldens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten

Title: ?vÀrldens mest fruktade terrororganisation? en diskursanalys av rapporteringen om Islamiska Staten Author: Martin Landin Subject: Undergraduate research paper in Journalism studies, Dept. Of Journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg University Term: Autumn 2014 Supervisor: Gabriella Sandstig, JMG GothenburgPages/words: 34/16295Purpose: The purpose is to examine the discourses that characterize the news about the Islamic state (IS) in Swedish newspapers, and to study how these discourses are expressed. Method: Critical Discourse Analysis Procedure: 10 articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet were analysed through Critical Discourse Analysis. Results: The analysed articles shows tendencies of orientalist discourse and of a propagandistic discourse which is a part of war journalism..

?? att betjÀna den vördnadsvÀrda allmÀnheten med nonsens.? En uppsats om Clas Livijns roman Spader Dame

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

God Äkermark eller fet och fruktbar mylla? Om tvÄ sÀtt att översÀtta Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings till svenska.

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Det estetiska : en nÀrlÀsning av Martin Heideggers "On the way to Language"

I den hÀr uppsatsen har jag gjort en nÀrlÀsning av Martin Heideggers ?On the way to Language? (?Unterwegs zur Sprache?) skriven Är 1959. Boken som var Heideggers sista verk Àr en dialog mellan Heidegger och en japan som spelas av honom sjÀlv i syfte reflektera. Uppsatsen behandlar bokens tema om hur nÄgot frÀmmande oss sjÀlva (som Àr vi sjÀlva) kan mötas eller inte mötas genom ett sprÄk. Jag har i och med Heidegger sett pÄ ett sprÄks fara och begrÀnsningar liksom dess möjligheter och vÀgar till kunskap via dialogformen och den estetiska yttringen poesi.

Barns samspel sett ur ett genusperspektiv

Is the Swedish author Stig Dagerman an existentialist? This work takes a close look at Dagerman?s novel Island of the Doomed to see if it is possible to consider it an expression of existentialist thinking and to see if it interacts with any specific existentialist tradition. Dagerman?s novel was compared with select works of five existentialist thinkers ? SĂžren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus and Karl Jaspers, all read in the light of the four categories of existentialistic thinking identified by the Swedish scholar Lennart Koskinen. All the four categories appeared to be central themes within the novel and a few subcategories were identified.

Fiktion och Icke-fiktion i GöteborgshÀndelserna Àr en roman som Àr skriven av Jörgen Gassilewski och utgiven av Albert Bonniers Förlag

This essay concerns the fantastic and its position in narration. The fantastic's defintion is based on Martin Horstkotte's defintion in The Postmodern Fantastic and the essay focuses on the noncontextual aspects such as the clash between two incompatible fictional worlds and the absence created. Instead of the ordinary identification of the established fictional world with realism and our reality it is suggested that both of the colliding fictional worlds are fictive and that the established one not necessarily need to be realistic. Exampels on how the fantastic takes place on the syntagmatic level in a narration is drawn from the short story ?Samvetets fantasi? by Clas Livijn when analysed with Peter Brooks' closurebased narratology theory in Reading for the Plot.

Bön och upplÄtenhet : En religionsfenomenologisk undersökning

Religious phenomena, such as prayer, have more or less always interested and engaged people, but most likely for different purposes. Since the early 20th century, starting notably with Edmund Husserl and especially Martin Heidegger, phenomenologists have taken an interest in understanding and expounding the meaning of religious phenomena. The attention of such a discourse have not ceased but is rather current, and also of importance seeing that religious themes, such as prayer, still occupy a great extent of human life and practice.Phenomenology of religion is not a science of religion: the former approaches religion in terms of its meaningfulness, whereas the latter as an object of inquiry and in the same manner as an economist approaches economical indicators in order to understand and explain how the whole economy functions. In other words, phenomenology of religion expounds religion, as it were, from within, while science of religion does it from without or externally.When approaching prayer phenomenologically, it shows itself to be a process or structure through which the one praying empty himself in order to be able to receive the valuable presence of the other. The value that is received from the other will also be reflected by the one praying and in that sense effect his surroundings and fellow humans..

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