1758 Uppsatser om Marketing Law - Sida 43 av 118
Entreprenörskap på landsbygden : 6 små livsmedelsförädlande företag i Mälardalen
For a long time, economic activity has decreased and shows a downward trend in the food sector. To break this requires efforts to strengthen corporate position with the ability to meet market challenges.
In the small producers is a great potential for them to be able to increase its profitability thanks to its ability to offer added value in the product. But to achieve this requires not only a willingness and creativity out of the ordinary but also factors that lead us into this report, current issues. The issues are related to marketing, brand building and the importance of developing a stable network.
The study aims to investigate how small businesses operate in rural areas are experiencing the possibilities of support from various networks and organizations and that, from a business perspective, and also see which areas that they need more support in to achieve a growing business. The work has been followed by an inductive method, when we initially could not say anything about the empirical results.
Storytelling i Umeå : En studie av storytelling hos två turismrelaterade företag
The purpose of this study was to analyze two local tourism related organizations in Umeå and how they used the marketing method Storytelling. The aim of this study was to examine what kind of stories the tourism related organizations were using, what these stories said in a direct, or in-direct way and how the reception was of the stories and the destinations. A qualitative study in the form of a discourse analysis based on Laclau and Mouffe's view on discourse analysis was conducted. The results of this study shows that storytelling is more effective when it is incorporated in the whole destination/organization when it comes to tourism related organizations and destinations. It also shows that storytelling in itself isn't only an innocent and positive tool and can cause negative feelings if used wrongly for an organization/destination.
Från gammalt högerspöke till nytt arbetarparti : De nya moderaternas politiska kommunikation under valrörelsen 2006
AbstractTitle: From old rightwing-ghost to the new labour party ? The new conservatives political communication during the Swedish election 2006Authors: Pontus CarestenAim: The aim of the essay is to study how the conservative party communicated during the election campaign in 2006. I wish to find out how political parties work in todays society and how the communication has changed over time. To get relevant results I will also see how the theories and empirics interact. The purpose is further to illustrate the new conservatives? campaign work from a senders point of view.Method/Material: I have chosen a qualitative method which consists of three interviews with relevant key persons.
Krav som hjälper eller stjälper?: En studie om hur varumärkens samexponering med ekomärkningen KRAV påverkar konsumenters köpbeteende i butik
The behaviour of consumers has changed rapidly during the last decade, and a healthy lifestyle and an environmental mindset has become part of everyday life. This is also something that has become prominent in the supermarkets, where the organic products are increasingly winning shelf space. Several consumer behaviour studies have shown that the attitudes towards organic products and labels are predominantly positive. According to traditional marketing theory, these kind of attitudes should affect consumers? purchase intentions in a positive manner, as well as the actual purchase behavior.
Ungdomars medvetenhet om säkerhetsrisker med bankverktyg
According to Nosti (2012) banks target youths to find new customers by giving them special offers such as debit cards from a relatively early age. However, Moschis and Churchill (1979) point out that age can affect the level of knowledge in the consumer. Therefore, this essay focuses on youths as consumers. Specifically, youths? awareness of security risks in using bank tools such as debit cards or internet banks was studied.
Produktplacering : ett sätt att kommunicera varumärkesidentitet?
Background: The consumers of today have the possibility to choose from a wide range of products and services. Consequently, the ability to differentiate the products is essential for the brand owners. If a brand owner does not manage to differentiate its product, it can be difficult to make the consumers realise the benefits of the product and convince them to buy it. One way to differentiate the product is to create a distinguished brand identity. However, it is not enough to create a strong brand identity, the brand owner must also be capable of communicating the brand identity successfully.
Viral Marketing - Pay It Forward?
Vårt uppsats undersöker hur en betalning kopplad till viral marknadsföring skulle påverka ungdomars attityd gentemot en sådan kampanj. Vi har utgått ifrån en kvalitativ metod iform av fokusgrupper och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den största fokusen ligger på fokusgrupperna..
Att fånga & förmedla en livsstil med ett varumärke & en affärside : en fallstudie av Proud
The purpose of this essay was to find conceivable marketing- and business strategies that can be combined with a company?s lifestyle.This essay is dependent on a number of interviews with the owner of a maternity clothing trademark, PROUD. PROUD is a new company that has many different options concerning expansion, trademark and its existing and future products and also the knowledge regarding the client?s attitude towards PROUD.The authors of this essay believe that the trademark should represent a lifestyle. For a company to be able to deliver, it has to understand what the future clients want and need.
J.E.R.E.M.I.E : en studie om förutsättningarna för ett nytt EU program
Abstract Semester and year: Spring, 2008Writers: Victor Andersson and Filip ForslundTutor: Thomas HelgessonProgram: Marketing program, Halmstad University - School of Business and EngineeringTitle: Differentiation from a consumer perspective - How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspektive when choosing a residence? Presentation of problem: How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspective when choosing a residence?Purpose: The purpose is on basis from previous theories on the subject to describe what kind of differentiating that from a consumerperspective is the most important when choosing a residence. Key words: Differentiation, brand, apartment market Methodology: This thesis is built on an qualitative method, where eight open individual interviews have been made. Our choice of respondents was based on what kind of respondents that could give us the most accurate information on the subject which we based on relevant variables. Theory: The framing of the theories is based on a marketing perspective within the area of differentiating and focuses on how companies use different tools to differentiate their offer to create competitive advantages.
Sociala allianser - gränsöverskridande samarbete
Bakgrund: Statliga och kommunala myndigheter, liksom privata företag och ickevinstdrivande organisationer verkar idag för att bekämpa samhällsproblem och negativa beteenden såsom drogberoende, rökning och dåliga matvanor. För att påverka samhället i en positiv inriktning kommuniceras hälsofrämjande och sociala budskap på olika sätt, dock med varierande framgång. Detta beror på organisationernas natur och verksamhetssyfte, men framför allt på de varierande resurser de olika aktörerna har att tillgå. Kännetecknande för icke-vinstdrivande organisationer är det ideella syftet och bidragsberoende från såväl privatpersoner, företag som statliga bidrag. På senare år har konkurrensen om givarnas pengar ökat, vilket har fått till följd att de icke-vinstdrivande organisationerna har utvecklat och fördjupat sitt engagemang i företagssamarbete.
Product Displacement : - En studie om dess effekter
Syfte: Syfte med uppsatsen är att öka vår kunskap om product displacement samt att utreda den påverkan product displacement har på mottagaren sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Pararellt undersöks om fenomenet kan vara en fördel eller nackdel i marknadskommunikationen. Utgångspunkten i utredningen är att varumärkesinnehavare själva använder sig av product displacement.Metod: Denna studie har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats. Metodvalet har sin utgångspunkt i den bristande teorin då fenomenet product displacement är ett nytt begrepp sett ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv. Undersökningen bygger på tjugo kvalitativa intervjuer med mottagare av product displacement samt två respondenter med yrkesanknytning inom marknadsföring.Avgränsningar: Denna uppsats behandlar endast product displacements effekter på mottagaren som i vårt fall är begränsat till studenter i ålder 20-25 år.
The One to One Master Thesis : Implementeringsprocessen av one to one marketing ur ett sällanköpsperspektiv
SammanfattningTitel: The one to one master thesis ? Implementeringsprocessen av one to one marketing ur ett sällanköpsperspektivKurs: FED 321, Marknadsföring i imaginära organisationer, Vt 2006Författare: Karolina Arestad, Christopher Horn, Christoffer RamstadiusHandledare: Stig G JohanssonExaminator: Stig G JohanssonNyckelord: One-to-one marketing, anpassning, lärande relation, värde, sällanköpsvarorBakgrund: Nytt fokus på kunden innebär att företag mer på en individuell nivå ska förstå kunden och dennes kräsenhet för att villkor och behov lättare ska kunna tillgodoses. Innebörden av detta leder till ett arbetssätt för marknadsföring som har blivit ett alltmer vanligt begrepp, nämligen one-to-one marketing, och som är myntat av Peppers och Rogers. De har teoretiskt presenterat ett tillvägagångssätt; implementeringsprocessen, för att införa one-to-one marketing. Processen innehåller fyra steg; identifiering, differentiering, interaktion och anpassning som ska hjälpa företag att mer optimalt förstå kunden så dennes behov kan tillgodoses genom anpassning av de produkter eller tjänster som erbjuds.
En överfull brevlåda : En undersökning om direktreklamens utvecklingsmöjligheter
SyfteSyftet med uppsatsen är att vi ska identifiera nya potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter med direktreklam.Vilken betydelse har DR för företagen?MetodDen här uppsatsen har vi valt att genomföra utifrån en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ karaktär. Det här valet gjorde vi därför att vår strävan har varit att kunna besvara vårt forskningsproblem. Vi har genomfört sex intervjuer, för att ha kunnat samla in våra empiriska data, med personer i ledande positioner på företag som arbetar eller är i kontakt med direktreklam. Tre av dessa har varit personliga intervjuer, två telefonintervjuer och en via e-post.SlutsatserVi har kommit fram till att direktreklam är en mycket stark och fortfarande mycket aktuell marknadsföringskanal.
Att twittra sig till framgång : En kvalitativ studie om tre PR-byråers strategiska kommunikationsarbete med det sociala mediet twitter
This essay focus on the social media Twitter and how three Swedish PR practitioners view and use communication strategies for this social media. Twitter was created 2006 and is kind of a new channel in the digital world. The micro blog has over these few years attracted 175 million users across the world. In Sweden there is 91 000 registered users and according to a survey, 11 000 of them are active by tweeting once a day.Twitter is highly current and all kinds of people are using the social media, for example, artists, companies and individuals. Twitter is with its highly number of users building a new market for organizations to find their stakeholders.
Differentiering ur ett konsumentperspektiv
Abstract Semester and year: Spring, 2008Writers: Victor Andersson and Filip ForslundTutor: Thomas HelgessonProgram: Marketing program, Halmstad University - School of Business and EngineeringTitle: Differentiation from a consumer perspective - How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspektive when choosing a residence? Presentation of problem: How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspective when choosing a residence?Purpose: The purpose is on basis from previous theories on the subject to describe what kind of differentiating that from a consumerperspective is the most important when choosing a residence. Key words: Differentiation, brand, apartment market Methodology: This thesis is built on an qualitative method, where eight open individual interviews have been made. Our choice of respondents was based on what kind of respondents that could give us the most accurate information on the subject which we based on relevant variables. Theory: The framing of the theories is based on a marketing perspective within the area of differentiating and focuses on how companies use different tools to differentiate their offer to create competitive advantages.