

6748 Uppsatser om Market-adjusted model - Sida 57 av 450

SAS arbete för att bli Europas punktligaste flygbolag : -en fallstudie utifrån ett kvalitetsperspektiv

In 2010, SAS received the "On time performance service" award by Flightstats. This award was an affirmation of long-term work, both in projects and as an ongoing process, which the company sought to systematically improve punctuality on its flights. The extent to which SAS followed the values and the underlying theories of the cornerstone model for total quality management was the main issue in this essay. Whether there are conditions for the company to get even further by working in other ways was also investigated. In addition, the importance of punctuality in relation to customer satisfaction was discussed.

Konkurser utan gränser? : En utvärdering av Altmans Z´-scoremodell på företag i Sverige

Purpose: To investigate if Altman´s Z´-score model, which calculates financial distress, can be applied on companies established in Sweden and if the financial crisis in 2008 made previously healthy companies go bankrupt.Methodology: Quantitative studies with a positivistic foundation. Empirical data will be collected in order to examine if there is generalizability among the studied objects. Conclusions will be made by comparing the empirical data with the theoretical foundation. Financial distress in firms will be measured.Theoretical perspectives: Altman´s Z´-score model, designed to predict financial distress in private firms.Empirical foundation: A selection of 93 private firms that have gone bankrupt in the years 2008, 2009 or 2010. The firms selected all have a turnover that exceeds 20 million SEK.

Världens bästa välfärd? : En studie om välfärdsstaten som skapare av urban ojämlikhet

This thesis aim to investigate the living conditions among marginalized habitants of suburbs in the Swedish welfare state. To approach an understanding of the complexity of marginalized urban areas, this thesis focus on studying the Stockholm suburb Husby in a context of the May riots 2013.The research method used is qualitative interviews with seven informants, who have a connection to the Husby area.The theories applied to the empirical material is Gösta Esping-Andersens theory on welfare state regimes and Loïc Wacquants theory on advanced marginality, also known as ?The new urban poverty?.By observing the complexity of the Husby riots in a contextual aspect of the Swedish welfare state and the living situation in Husby, the analysis has shown that the Swedish welfare model is going through a changing process. This process means a shift from a social democratic welfare model towards a more liberal regime, with an increased privatization of public welfare and a focus on individual responsibility regarding the citizens own living conditions. Husby as an area is characterized by a low socioeconomic status, a high level of unemployment and poor school results.

Att förstå omorganisationer : En studie av det svenska krisberedskapsområdet 2000-2010 

Essay in Political Science, C-level, by Camila Alvarez Cea, spring semester 2010. Tutor: Alf Sundin?Reality or a Political Mirage? ? A Study of the Swedish Press Views on the Health Insurance Reform in the USA? The purpose of this essay is partly to examine whether the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the US, which is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Act bill, will be of crucial importance to the possibilities that the American population has to receive health insurance. The main research question is accordingly: ?Does the picture that Swedish press presents of the health insurance reform in the USA, seem like something that will be of radical importance to the possibilities of the population to receive healthcare?? The purpose is also to examine in which model (demand or market) the opinions of the Swedish press fits. This purpose will be answered by using three specific questions asking whether their opinions differ when it comes to three criterions: organization, financing/resources and delivery systems.

Arbete för alla? : En intervjustudie om hur tre professioner inom introduktionsprogrammet i Falköpings kommun ser på strukturella hinder och möjligheter för invandrares tillträde till den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Örebro UniversityThe Department Behavioural, Social, and Legal SciencesEducation of social workC-essay 41-60 pAbstractTitle: Work for everyone? An interview study of how three professions within the introduction programme in the local-government in Falköping looks at structural obstacles and discrimination in immigrants? access to the Swedish labour market.Authors: Emma Gustavsson and Sandra TjärnbergTutor: Rúna Baianstovu Deniz and Urban KarlssonToday many immigrants stand outside the labour market. To get established on the labour market and to get self-sufficient are important factors to a rapid integration process. The main purpose of this study is to investigate how three professions within the integration work in the local-government of Falköping looks at structural obstacles and possibilities with immigrants? access to the Swedish labour market.

Arbetsmarknadens spelregler : arbetslöshet bland utomnordiskt födda individer som bor i Finspångs kommun

Research has shown that immigrants in the Swedish society often, when seeking jobs, don?t get the same opportunities as the rest of the population. This thesis is a qualitative research that examines the problematic situation of unemployment among immigrants in the municipality of Finspång. The purpose of this study is to analyze how civil servants in Finspång apprehend and describe the labor market problems surrounding the immigrant groups that live in the municipality of Finspång. The empirical material is build upon seven qualitative interviews with eight civil servants working in Finspång.

Hedgefonder i Sverige och utlandet - Vad händer i bear market?

Uppsatsen beskriver vad hedgefonder är och undersöker likheter och skillnader mellan svenska och utländska hedgefonder under perioden 2002-2006. Därefter jämförs amerikanska hedgefonder med index samt riskfria tillgångar under perioden 2000-2003 med syftet att undersöka vad som händer med hedgefonder under en period när börsen sjönk..

Östeuropéer på Gotland : om anpassning, integration och europeisk gemenskap

Eastern Europeans in Gotland is an essay with the purpose to find out how persons born in Eastern Europeans countries have adapted and integrated on Gotland. European community and notions about other groups of immigrants on Gotland have been relevant questions besides. The results of the essay show that the conditions for adaptation and integration are very different between the periods of time and for the individuals, depending on how they arrived to Sweden. The migrant workers quickly adapted to the labour market and had good premises to be in a position of financial independence. The demands of skills were low in the 60?s, but as a result of this, many of them didn?t learn the Swedish language very well and during the crisis in the 90?s they were no longer that attractive on the labour market.

Bromodellering genom bromodulen i Revit Structure - Anpassning av programvara för skapande av ändskärmsbroar

This bachelor thesis has the purpose to visualize and document the air movementsprovided by different ventilation principles in an operating theatre. The visualizationwill be made as simple as possible in a physical model. The model and thedocumentation should be able to use in educational purposes.The study is based on the two most common systems for airflow, currently used inoperating theatres. The first principle is displacement ventilation in which the air issupplied at low velocity along the floor. The second principle is vertical parallel laminarairflow in which the air is compressed like a piston from ceiling to the floor.A review of literature resulted in the choice of size, design, and scale factor for themodel, as well as choices of ventilation principles and airflows.

Maktdistansstjärnan : - En studie om hur kulturell maktdistans påverkar affärsrelationen mellan japanska och multinationella företag

ABSTRACT Title: the Power distance star ? A study on how cultural power distance affects the business relation between Japanese and multinational companiesLevel: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Therese Elofsson and Anna NyströmSupervisor: Jens Eklinder Frick and Jonas MolinDate: 2015 - JanuaryAim: The purpose of this study is to compile available research regarding the cultural aspect power distance, as it is being displayed and handled in business-relations between Japanese and multicultural business contacts. The culture in Japan differs from the culture in the western world and several companies testify that the Japanese market is difficult to act and expand upon. This study aims to provide explanations to these difficulties from a power distance perspective.Method: This study has compiled the theoretical knowledge and research in a model called ?the Power distance Star? (Figure 1), which is created and designed for this purpose.

Vågar jag få stöd? En livsvärldsstudie om flickors upplevelse och erfarenheter av stöd i gymnasieskolan

The overall aim of the study was to give an insight into the life of a girl attending a program for preparation for further studies. More explicitly it is the aim of this study to examine what line the girls take to and how they experience support in school and if the offered support is adjusted to the needs of the girls?.To capture the complexity of the girls? experiences a world view approach was used. To be able to take part of the girls? experiences, a qualitative survey method was chosen, built upon individual half structured interviews with six girls attending the last year of upper secondary school.

Folkbiblioteksverksamhet på webben: En kvalitativ studie av svenska folkbibliotekswebbplatser

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of Swedish Public Library Websites and to determinate which activity they mediate. To analyse the Public Library Websites Andersson and Skot-Hansen?s model of roles for the Public Library has been used. This model in¬cludes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as a social centre.

Den lokala morgontidningens annonsavdelning idag och för 15 år sedan : En undersökning baserad på intervjuer av representanter vid sex lokala morgontidningar

During the last 15 years the Swedish media market has developed a great deal, thanks to the rise of new media. Literature, articles and investigations have contributed to producing the chapter of background of this essay. How the local newspaper and its organization has changed over time is being accounted in this essay. From the newspaper being the only product on the market to now having a spread out product portfolio. By doing the qualitative interview with research representatives of six local newspapers the aimis to answer the following questions: Who were your competitors 15 years ago? Who are your competitiors today? In what way has the increased competition changed your way of working at the division of advertisement and how do you consider the the increase of mediachannels having affected the customer? How do you see the future? The main results show that all six representatives agree on the fact that the competition has increased during the last 15 years.

VD-bytets påverkan på aktiekursen : En studie ur ett genusperspektiv

In the last decades the Swedish labor market has been characterized by a stereotype perception on women?s role and position on the market. The perception speaks of the characteristics of female leadership as being less qualified causing the gaps between the two genders to transform into a gender segregated society. The historically slow progress has limited the career opportunities for women to reach top management. However the increasing discussions during the 21st century on how to reduce the gender differences in the labor market has made it more acceptable with women on higher positions.

Dagligvarumarknaden : en samhälls- och distributionsekonomisk analys av internet som försäljningskanal

Structural changes on the grocery market usually take place when the consumer is persuaded to take on the more labourintense parts of the distributionprocess. Internettrade changes this by causing competition between the unpaid work done by consumers and the labor performed by employees. In this master thesis grocery shopping on the internet is analyzed in a economic perspective with focus on distribution, changing marketstructures, driving forces and the future potential of internet as a saleschannel. The main conclusions are that consumerdemand and the belief in electronic commerceas a costreducing mechanism as well as a powerful new marketing tool were the driving forces behind the fast growth of grocery shopping on the internet. Electronic commerce introduces a new model of distribution with changing roles for consumers and grocerychains.

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