

6748 Uppsatser om Market-adjusted model - Sida 34 av 450

Beräkning av ASME-flänsar enligt EN-standard

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Misslyckandedekonstruktion - en metod att analysera tidigt entreprenöriellt misslyckande

Entrepreneurial failure is probably a subject that is not well understood. This might have to do with the methodological difficulties of screening out failed entrepreneurs. In this thesis a tool is developed for analyzing supposed entrepreneurial failure. In this model entrepreneurs are surrounded by different stake holders. By using the failure deconstruction model to analyze my own entrepreneurial effort I find that it has neither been a successful project nor a disastrous one.

Invadörer på svenska spelmarknaden-En statligt reglerad marknads ökade konkurrens från webbaserade företag

In Sweden we have a regulated gambling market which means that there are three gambling companies who are operating under the supervision of the Swedish state. These companies have exclusive rights to the Swedish market, divided between them. AB Svenska Spel is one of them and they control all gambling concerning sporting events and the four casinos in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Sundsvall. However, since a few years back several Internet-based companies have entered the Swedish market and the competition has become even fiercer in the last years. Due to numerous marketing restrictions the Internet companies have been forced to find new ways to strengthen their brand.

Styrning mot förändring: En fallstudie rörande organisatorisk förändring i offentlig sektor

This paper examines and analyzes effects of the introduction of a new management control system tool within a Swedish public health organization, the Södra Älvsborg hospital, and its possible effect on organizational change. The new management control system tool, known as the SÄS-model, has been widely criticized for being too costly and with too small positive effects to be shown. Our approach has with that as a background been to examine whether the implementation of the SÄS-model and its balanced scorecard has been able to result in effects regarding organizational change. We have through a case study aimed to analyze how a management control system, much alike one that is typically used within foremost private organizations, can promote organizational change. Our results suggest that the implementation of the SÄS-model and the balanced scorecard has given the organization clearer visions and goals.

Lokal anpassning och implementering av Operation Management System

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Test av modeller för prioritering av förändringsförslag i Stora Enso Skog AB´s nya produktionsplaneringssystem VSOP

In order to evaluate the benefits and costs associated to investments in information technology (IT) managers need to be aware of the complexity in the nature of the task. Hence all the benefits that arise from the investment are not of pure economic character. The complexity of the task is even more obvious when managers also need to prioritize between a number of possible investments in order to fit a given budget.Stora Enso Skog AB is about to implement a new administration system to the organisation and due to that they will also implement a new standard system for the production planning process. In order to seek the modifications in the standard system that needs to be done to fit the organisations way of working, the managers have put together a reference group to seek out these modifications.The aim with this report is to identify a model that can prioritize these suggested modifications and test it practically with a group of future system users. The first part of the report is a literature study to map the existing models that are available.

Avrundar företag sina resultat - En studie av Cosmetic Earnings Management i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to examine the occurrence of Cosmetic Earnings Management (CEM) among Swedish companies. CEM refers to the small upward rounding of reported net income to reach cognitive reference points. Important cognitive reference points are multiples of ten (N*10^x) of reported net income and rounding towards these has been documented in other markets around the world over the last 20 years. The occurrence of CEM on the Swedish market is studied using digital analysis, frequency testing and Benford's law. Firstly, reported net income of publicly traded companies between 1996 and 2010 is examined.

Varför stannar soldater i Försvarsmakten? : En studie på 72:a kompaniet

The study was conducted on 72nd company at Livgardet in order to find out what motivators makes the soldiers stay. The material in the essay is based on an interview with soldiers from the 72nd company. The motivators are then categorized in the model Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model. The model is based on human drives and I used as a tool for the analysis to identify lack of motivation in a working place. The study shows that the key motivators that make soldiers stay is: the opportunity to go on a peacekeeping mission and comrade/esprit de corps, the soldiers state that they will quit without these two essential motivators.

Hemnet ? Viktiga händelser som format tjänsten

In recent time Hemnet has faced an intensified criticism because of the latest introduction of ad-fees, and not least because of the take-over regarding Swedbank Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling. There is a growing concern amongst real estate agents about the development for which the Swedish real estate advertising market is taking. Many of the competitors on the market that have previously experienced difficulties in establishing on the market now see their opportunity to make use of the situation that has emerged regarding Hemnet. By offering better and more lucrative terms they could potentially bring in enough real estate agencies to pose a real threat on the advertising market.Hemnet is part-owned by four organizations, Fastighetsbyrån, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, Mäklarsamfundet and Fastighetsmäklarförbundet. All of which have a 25 percent share in Hemnet.

Mekanisk modell av människans huvud för simulering av skalltrauma och hjärnskada

In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.

Ändringarna i expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser : Har lagändringarna lett till några effekter för Trafikverket?

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

Grad av marknadslösning och omfattning av formella åtgärder kring korruption :  - en jämförande fåfallsstudie med syfte att pröva ett indikerat samband

This thesis is a study of the indicated connection between degree of market orientated solutions and range of formal actions against corruption in Swedish municipalities. The indicated connection points in the direction that municipalities with a high degree of market orientated solutions have a higher range of formal actions against corruptionthan municipalities with a low degree of market orientated solutions. In this thesis the indicated connection is studied by analyzing documents fromand interviewing representatives of two Swedish municipalities with differentdegree of market oriented solutions; Botkyrka municipality representing a lowdegree and Nacka municipality representing a high degree. The results of analyzed documents and interviews show the range of formal actions taken against corruption by the municipalities.The empirical results of this thesis is that Nacka municipality have a higher range of formal actions against corruption than Botkyrka municipality has, a result which corresponds with and confirm the indicated connection between high degree of market orientated solutions and high range of formal actions against corruption..

Europeisk fusionskontroll : på olika villkor

The decision of the European Commission to block the merger between Volvo and Scania in the late 90?s became the starting point to the debate of the possible discriminating effects of the European merger regulation. Especially since the Commission a few years earlier had approved of the merger between Mercedes-Benz and Kässbohrer on the German bus market, where the conditions for competition had been similar to those at hand in the Swedish case. The issue that was and still is in focus is whether the European merger regulation is more difficult to pass for large companies situated on a smaller domestic market than is the case for their competitors of corresponding size but situated on a larger domestic market.This thesis aims at examining what the judgement of the geographical relevant market means for the application of the Merger act. This is being done from two perspectives.

Price transmission dynamics of Chinese ADRs listed on the NYSE

Purpose: This study aims to examine the price transmission among ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) and their underlying shares, US market index and Hong Kong market index. We will attempt to capture how a shock in the home market is transmitted to the foreign (and vice versa). In addition we will attempt to assess the relative weight of each variable in the system generating unexpected variations of its own and other variables and at what speed the shocks are absorbed.Methodology: ADF unit root test, Johansen?s co-integration test, Granger causality test, VECM, impulse response, variance decomposition Empirical foundation: Five Chinese ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Each ADR represents a specific industry.

Teknisk förstudie för bearbetning med industrirobot

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

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