

6236 Uppsatser om Market Quality - Sida 32 av 416

Slaget om kärleken: En fallstudie om den svenska marknaden för nätdejting, dess nuvarande tillstånd och framtida utmaningar

Internet dating is a relatively new phenomenon that, in using the opportunities of the internet, has taken traditional dating to a new level. The business idea is simple as such. The company provides its customers with a platform that enables interaction, leaving the value creation to the customers. A qualitative study is conducted investigating and mapping the Swedish market for Internet dating. It is researched what the characteristics of the companies are, what the Internet dating businesses in Sweden offer, what the prevailing market conditions are, and lastly what challenges lie ahead for the industry and how they can be solved.

Bibliotekspersonalen utfärdar lånekort Studenters uppfattning av bibliotekspersonalens service

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study students perception of the services that the library staff provides and the library staffs opinion of the students perceptions. With the concept service we mean the treatment, the attitudes and the qualities that exist between the library staff and their users. Our purpose is also to examine how the users experienced services quality. Our survey was conducted at an academic library with questionnaires to both students and library staff. We analysed the result of the survey by using three theories by Lundmark, Keen and Grönroos and Monthelie.

Marknadsföring av lokal mat : en fallstudie av tre livsmedelsproducenter

The process of food production has changed dramatically over the past one hundred years. Industrialization has led to large units of production, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and retail business. The final food product, in this system, is quite often fairly anonymous and the consumer will most likely know very little concerning the origin of the product. In recent years, the market for locally produced food has grown. There is an increasing interest in and demand for locally produced food items.

Schizofreni och Quality of Life : Vilka faktorer påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni i öppenvården? En litteraturöversikt.

BAKGRUND: Schizofreni är en allvarlig psykiatrisk sjukdom som innebär ett stort lidande för den drabbade. Sjukdomen kan leda till symtom så som hallucinationer, förvrängd verklighetsuppfattning, apati och tillbakadragenhet. Sammantaget innebär detta att patienter med schizofreni skattar sin Quality of Life lägre än genomsnittspopulationen.SYFTE: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att belysa vilka faktorer som påverkar Quality of Life hos personer med diagnosen schizofreni och som behandlas i öppenvården.METOD: Undersökningen genomfördes som en litteraturöversikt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar som stämde överens med studiens syfte ingick, de granskades kvalitémässigt och genomgick en strukturerad analys.RESULTAT: De identifierade faktorer som påverkade Quality of Life hos personer med schizofreni delades in i tre huvudkategorier som var synonyma med Anontonvskys KASAMbegrepp: begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Som underkategorier till dessa begrepp identifierades följande underkategorier: Positiva symtom, den kognitiva förmågan, den psykosociala situationen, att ha kontroll över vardagen, fysisk hälsa, stöd från vården och livsglädje och optimism.

Faktorer som kan påverka livskvaliteten hos personer med diagnosen multipel skleros. En litteraturstudie.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease whose course is capricious and unprediactable and the exact cause of the disease is still unclear. The purpose of this literature review was to describe factors that can effect quality of life of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis. The results shows ten different factors that effect quality of life of people with MS: fatigue, activities in daily life, position of dependence, limits of the functional abilities, sense of guilt and shame, comunicationdifficulty, social network, emootional factors, depression and degree of difficulty of the symtomes. Work has been shown to bee a major factor that can make people with MS feel worthy and experience quality of life. Nurs is an important keystone in care of people with diagnosis multiple sclerosis..

Lindehults handelstr?dg?rd: en fallstudie med fokus p? j?rnv?gens nytta f?r en ?kad marknad

This case study's aim was to strengthen the state of knowledge about how horticultural companies in Sweden used railway transports between 1900s and the 1950s. Economic theories and a micro-historical perspective have been used to analyze the collected source material, and to describe Lindehult's market garden. The investigation is based on document analyzes, qualitative interviews, archive studies and literature studies to evaluate the sources' information through a source pluralistic method. The work has been based on historical source material in the form of payment vouchers, giving an insight into how the company's products were transported by rail across Sweden. Sture Hjalmarsson's diary and interviews have described the case and events that affected the company internally.

Kvalitet och gränssnitt i strategiskt ledarskap

Benchmarking is an established method of working which is often used in order to develop the quality of the organization. However, almost 70% of the organizations with benchmarking fail due to the lack of planning and structuring of the benchmarking exercise. Maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry are one of those who have decided to conduct benchmarking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain knowledge of how the maintenance sections in the paper and pulp industry deliberately structure and plan to use benchmarking as a driving force for quality development in the maintenance sections.The study is a hermeneutic case study. Telephone interviews and document analysis have been used as data acquisition methods.The results show that there is a lack of both planning and structuring in the benchmarking process, and lack of management commitment for quality improvements within industrial maintenance.

Tjäna pengar som gräs? :

The producers of grain in Sweden are facing a rough future. The competition is getting harder all the time, in Sweden, in EU and also from the ?world market?. The producers have to be more efficient and have to have bigger units. Many producers might have to look for new alternative production opportunities.

Sverigedemokraterna : Rasister, nazister eller bara lite främlingsfientliga

The foundations of the Swedish labour market have shifted due to a number of new circumstances affecting its framework. Employment is no longer a right taken for granted but rather something one should work hard to achieve. Given the new conditions, employers are not only trying to ensure their own businesses survival but also uphold the structures of our society. Competition between enterprises forces management to forge new boundaries to maintain profitability.Concerns have arisen whether or not these so called management strategies are within the limitations of the law. As a result and as a response to the design of the labour laws creativity is peaking to overrun the statutory regulations.

Kvalitet, läsfrämjande och tillgänglighet: Kulturpolitiska värderingar och litteratur

This study treats cultural policy, it´s view of the value of literature, and how this view varies within different fields of cultural policy. The aim of the essay is to find different competing approaches through an investigation of texts from three different fields within cultural policy. The fields investigated are: The publishing subsidy of the National Council for Cultural Affairs, which values above all quality literature. En bok för alla, concentrates on spreading quality literature to new groups in society. Centrum för lättläst, which values that the contents of a text are successfully delivered to, and understood by, the reader.

Vilka mål och behov har olika typer av skogsägare kring sitt skogsägande? :

The NIPF (Non Industrial Private Forest) owners in Sweden have very differentiated goals and needs with their forest. They have different backgrounds and some of them live at their forest estate while other live in an urban environment, and some are economically dependent on their forest estate while others are not. The heterogeneity among these forest owners creates problems for market actors that want to aim marketing messages to catch their interest. This is the problem background to the task that was provided to us as an investigative masters thesis for us. Their request was a plan for ensuring a successful marketing towards different segments of the NIPF owners. We commenced with a literature study based on market information and previously carried out similar investigations. We summarized the most important market information from the literature and created some hypotheses regarding goals and needs of the NIPF owners.

Längden på revisionsuppdraget och revisionskvaliteten : Finns det något samband?

This study examines whether there is an association between the length of the client-auditor relationship and audit quality, using absolute unexpected accruals estimated by industry as a measure of audit quality based on a modified Jones model. The study is motivated by the proposal on mandatory audit firm rotation for publicly traded companies from the European Commission, which is based on the notion that longer auditor firm tenure creates a familiarity threat which reduces the audit quality. Both the relation between audit quality and auditor partner tenure and audit firm tenure is examined in this study, using multivariate regression controlling for auditor type (Big 4 versus non-Big 4), signing auditors (one versus two auditors), firm size, profitability, leverage and age. There is a significant negative relationship between audit quality and audit partner tenure when only companies employing Big 4 is tested, which indicate that auditors constrain managements extreme accounting measures with longer tenure. The results provide no significant evidence of an increase in the absolute unexpected accruals with audit firm tenure, when only Big 4 companies are tested.

I BRÄNNPUNKTEN: Samhällsekonomisk utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Illustrerad med hjälp av Brännpunkt i Kävlinge 2002-2005

The purpose of this essay is to examine cost-benefit-analysis as a method of evaluation of labour market policy. To illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of the method chapter four contains a partial cost-benefit-analysis of the results of a labour market project in Kävlinge. The questions this essay strives to answer are the following: What possibilities and difficulties do cost-benefit-analyses entail? How would one conduct a cost-benefit-analysis of the project in Kävlinge?The method used in this essay is mainly a literature study of cost-benefit-analysis of labour market programs. The labour market project Brännpunkt is used as an example in a partial cost-benefit-analysis.The applied cost-benefit-analysis of the Brännpunkt project in Kävlinge shows that it is possible to calculate the profit for the society as a whole, given that the necessary information is obtainable.

Kompetens som lockbete : En studie i lokala och centrala biblioteksföreträdares syn på marknadsföring av bibliotekariekompetens gentemot lokala politiker

The aim of this study is to explore if and how library managers market their competence in communication with local politicians. It is also our aim to find a definition of the competence of librarians. The report identifies and describes problems and possibilitieswith marketing of competence to politicians on the basis of one Swedish municipality's library managers. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on marketing, competence, the political process and the librarian profession. We have alsocarried out an empirical study where we interviewed ten library managers in onemunicipality, seven politicians in the same municipality and ten representatives for central professional organisations mainly in Sweden.The results are that most library managers don't market their competence because they don?t believe in marketing competence.

Svenska livsmedelsföretags val av etableringsstrategi : En studie om Abba Seafood och Oatly ABs etablering i Tyskland och Spanien

Since we all live in an increasingly globalized world where goods and money are transported more easily and with tougher competition, it is a natural step for Swedish companies to establish themselvs abroad in order to increase their gorwth rate and reach more customers. Today all of us belong to the same global network and the purpose of this thesis is to investigate which factors are important for companies when they choose to establish themselvs on a foreign market. The focus of the investigation has been the market of Germany and Spain, since both countries just like Sweden are members of the European Union, but still have quite different characteristics. We, the authors, have also been living in Spain and Germany during the time of investigation and writing. The companies we have chosen to look closer into are Abba Seafood, which now has merged with Procordia Food, and Oatly AB.

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