

6236 Uppsatser om Market Quality - Sida 13 av 416

Intellektuellt kapital - En svårfångad värdeskapare

Intellektuellt kapital anses av ma?nga vara en av de sto?rsta drivande faktorerna till fo?retags framga?ng och i litteraturen va?rderas den ofta som skillnaden mellan ett fo?retags marknadsva?rde och dess bokfo?rda va?rde. Market-to-book ratio a?r det relativa ma?ttet som beskriver denna skillnad och go?r det mo?jligt att ja?mfo?ra detta va?rde med andra fo?retag. Ma?let med denna uppsats a?r att underso?ka hur fo?retag redogo?r fo?r sitt intellektuella kapital och utreda hur detta reflekteras i fo?retags market-to-book ratio.

Jakten på värde: ? En kvantitativ studie om upplevt kundvärde och nöjdhet vid bostadsrättsköp i Stockholms innerstad

This Master Thesis within Marketing and Strategy investigates the values customers perceive within the Real Estate market in the inner City of Stockholm. The dependent variable is customer satisfaction, and it could be explained by 1) the feeling of light and uniqueness of the apartment, 2) that the apartment is of a satisfying size, 3) the address of the apartment, 4) and the economics, the common areas of the building, and the bidding process. The feeling of light and uniqueness, combined with the number of square meters, and the monthly fee of the apartment, are also identified as the price driven functions of this market. A quantitative method is used to investigate the market, where 107 apartment buyers completed a survey..

Motion och sömnkvalitet hos äldre personer i en kommun i sydöstra Sverige

Background: The population of the world is getting older and in the year of 2020, 1.2 billion people will be 60 years or older. A common health complaint affecting the quality of life in elderly persons are sleep difficulties. Physical activity is claimed to improve sleep quality and the maintenance of a normal circadian rhythm. Several studies have shown positive effects of physical activity on sleep quality, still the evidence of physical activity as sleep-promoter is insufficient. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between physical activities and sleep quality in persons ?60 years of age.

Präglad av kvalitet? : En idéanalys av folkbibliotekariers syn på skönlitterär kvalitet och hur den påverkar deras arbete

In the new Library Act of 2014, it is stated that public library supply should be characterized by quality. To investigate what this means for the library, I do a functional analysis of ideas of librarians' views on quality and how they work with purchasing, weeding and mediation. I have chosen to limit the essay to fiction for adults in Swedish public libraries. By combining the basal idea analysis, where I investigate librarians' ideas about quality, with an operational analysis of ideas, where I examine the effects librarians' quality ideas get for the daily work, Iwant to find out the librarians' quality ideals.The material I analyze consists of 18 questionnaires, filled out by librarians with responsibility for purchasing and / or thinning in libraries across Sweden. The analysis is done with an analytical schedule, that consists of a number of opposing ideal types taken from previous research on quality, purchasing, thinning or mediation.

Den så kallade kvalitetslitteraturen: En studie av språkspel med ordet kvalitetslitteratur

This masters thesis is a study of how the expression quality literature is used in widespread newspapers and magazines. Wittgensteins idea of language games is used as a theoretical starting point. The analysis of 37 articles draws a picture of five language games that are called; the taking over, the polarising, the example giving, the gender critical and the ironic language game. The expression that quality literature is most often put in relation to is popular literature. The line between the two is sometimes distinctly drawn in the articles and sometimes quite vague.

Framtagning av nyckeltal som indikerar kvalitetsbristkostnader : Development of key performance indicators revealing the cost of poor quality

Since the 1980s, companies have taken a larger interest in quality and it´s economic impact within the company. Having the knowledge that it´s not quality that costs money, but it´s rather the lack of quality. The work immerses itself in the field of cost of poor quality and the development of key performance indicators.The thesis is performed at Bufab Holding in Värnamo. Bufab Holding is a trading company which mainly buys and sells C-parts. C-parts include fasteners, other small metal-, rubber- or plastic parts such as wires, springs and electronic fasteners.The aim of this thesis was to make a survey of the cost of poor quality and to find key performance indicators (KPI) for cost of poor quality that can be continuously monitored.

Solavskärmning med solceller och dess inverkan på energianvändning och inneklimat

In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.

Hur kan mikroföretag bygga upp varumärken? : En studie av vilka faktorer ett mikroföretag kan använda vid uppbyggandet av sitt varumärke.

The purpose with this essay is to study how a micro enterprise builds a brand. This because the current situation makes it difficult to stand out from the vast amount of marketing messages available in the market without having an extensive marketing campaign. Small companies do not have the opportunity to put a lot of recourses as money into marketing as the large companies do. Neither do they afford to repair a brand failure.Brand building is a process that constantly is in progress in a company, large or small. To make this process concrete we have chosen to study the four factors; brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and brand loyalty.

Russinen ur kakan: - uppföljning av kampanjer i byggvaruhandeln

The Swedish do-it-yourself (DIY) market has expanded in recent years and is today a SEK90 billion market. Competition is fierce, however, and the DIY retail chains compete over market share with extensive marketing campaigns. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to acquire and compile huge quantities of point of sale data. However, due to a lack of economic theories and statistical methods, this data cannot be effectively utilized and the effects of the campaigns are not measured in any detail. In this study a new method was used to examine the effects of marketing campaigns in the DIY consumer market.

Värdekedjeanalys av returflöden på Scania : Fallstudie på marknaderna i Sverige, Tyskland och Benelux

Today Scania give a high priority to the continuous improvements on the quality of their vehicles. To follow up the flaws in product quality, which are recognized by the repairs at the local workshops, material requests are carried through to be able to analyze the defects at the plant in Södertälje ? in purpose to improve the product quality. The material requests are also carried through to compensate the workshop for their expenses and to check that they are working according to the company?s warranty manual.Due to local routines and different distribution structures at the different markets the lead times and the costs caused by the flow of material are hard to estimate.

Kartläggning av Kassationerpå Bubs Godis

The waste of material is a big expense for manufacture companies caused by lack of quality. The cost by lack of quality often totaled to a big percentage share of the turnover when all cost related to lack of quality is included. New manufacturing systems like Lean production or Just In Time demands better internal quality for the manufacturer. To make those manufacturing system with small and none buffer stock successful the quality improvement continuously have to be developed.Measuring of waste of material in Bubs Candy?s factory where not simple due to the products does not have a permanent weight during the manufacturing process.

Fritidspedagoger och pedagogisk kvalitet : En studie om fritidspedagogers syn på pedagogisk kvalitet med stora barngrupper

This work is about leisure educators' views on educational quality in large groups of children. School centers will contribute to children's development and learning through meaningful leisure and leisure educators' contribution with a high educational quality. There are a lot of discussions and writings about growing groups of children. How are the leisure education and its quality affected by increasing children's groups? It sparked my interest and therefore I wanted to examine this more closely how it might look in the leisure activities.The aim of this work was to examine leisure educators' perspective on how the educational quality is affected by large groups of children and what is considered of leisure educators' as a high educational quality.To answer my purpose five interviews was made with leisure educators' in different parts of Sweden and also by studying the theoretical foundations and literature for school centers and leisure education.The results of the interviews reveal, among other things, that leisure educators' feel that the large groups of children affects the quality of teaching at many levels.

Kosttillskott för hundar med artros

The aim of this study was to examine which research had been done on dietary supplements for dogs suffering from osteoarthrosis. The main questions the author wanted answers to were ?Is there evidence in the research that dietary supplements for dogs with osteoarthritis have effect in such a way that quality of life is increased in these animals??, ?are there any contraindications regarding dietary supplements?, ?who is responsible for the control of safety on dietary supplements for dogs in Sweden? and ?what kind of advice would I give to dogowners about dietary supplements?. To be able to answer these questions the author conducted a literature study of the recent research on dietary supplements for OA in dogs. The results showed that despite the lack of research in this field, some promising research has been done on multiple different supplements.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården. En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården : En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

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