

509 Uppsatser om Manning and recruitment agencies - Sida 29 av 34

Resan som förändrar : En studie om volontärturismens påverkan på barnhem i Tanzania

Background: Today, the tourism sector is one of the economically fastest growing sectors in the world. Volunteer travel is a type of service that is gaining in popularity and a number of tour operators organize these trips. Few aid agencies engaged in volunteer activities and therefore the interest in volunteer travel is caught by tour operators. These tourists travel in small groups and interact with locals. Today fifty million children in Africa are orphaned and Africans struggling with the care of these children by founding orphanages.Research questions:What does volunteers contribute with during their stay at orpahanges?What view does volunteers and orphanages have on volunteer tourism?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the positive and the negative effects that volunteer tourism contributes to orphanages.Method: The study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-and unstructured interviews, observations, and email interviews.

Kommunernas användning av sociala medier : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra kommuner och deras användning av sociala medier

The aim of this study was to investigate how selected municipalities? use social media, with a focus on how they are working to increase the dialogue between municipalities? and residents. To answer the purpose of the study three questions has been formulated: how do the communicators use social media in their daily work? What opportunities and challenges are the municipalities? experiencing with Facebook? How do they work with Facebook to increase dialogue with citizens?The theories that has been used in this study is Cutlip?s and Grunig?s public relations theories, Shannon and weavers communication model, Cutlip?s and Heath?s theory of issue management and Jenkins theory of convergence culture. The method that has been used in this study is qualitative semi-structured interviews and the analysis is done with a thematic text analysis.

Tjänstemarknadsföring inom fastighetsförmedling : en studie av Fastighetsbyråns förmedling av lantbruksfastigheter

Services, no matter if they are established on the market or not, are often problematic since they are difficult to define for the customer. An example of such services is an real estate agent offers his or her service when it comes to all types of real estate. The purpose of the intermediation is to sell a costumers real estate to a buyer and act arbitrator between the two parties, this means that good communication is very important. To pin down what the service is all about and to know how to communicate is essential. When it comes to land and forest holding a special need of knowledge and experience is needed to be able to act professionally.

VI HITTADE DEN I BYRÅN En kartläggning av fyra svenska dagstidningars användande av TT

The purpose of the study was firstly to describe the use of news articles from the largest Swedish news agency, TT Nyhetsbyrån, in four Swedish newspapers. Secondly, the purpose was to see if there was a homogenization of which TT-articles that was used. This was carried out by examining articles on the newspapers? local, domestic and foreign pages. The newspapers that was chosen were Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten and Nerikes Allehanda.

Earned Value Management: en metod för projektstyrning

Projekt har blivit en allt vanligare arbetsform i dagens organisationer, men trots arbetsformens ökande popularitet inom flera olika sektorer så är det inte ovanligt att problem uppstår i samband med ett projekt. För att erhålla en ökad kontroll över ett projekt har därför sofistikerade projektstyrningsmetoder utvecklats, främst av militära myndigheter i USA. Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva hur en av de framtagna metoderna, EVM, kan vara ett verktyg för projektstyrning och hur metoden bör implementeras. Vi har också undersökt vilka problem som kan uppstå vid ett byte av projekstyrningsmetod. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har vi genomfört en omfattande litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie på SSAB Tunnplåt i Luleå.

Korren är död. Länge leve korren. : Vad har hänt med utrikesjournalistiken på 20 år?

Foreign correspondence is essential for our understanding of the world and therefore it is paramount that we be aware of how it is affected by modern technology and altered economic conditions.In this study we set out to investigate the state of foreign correspondence today, in comparison to twenty years ago. More specifically we compared foreign news articles from a week in 1993 and the same week in 2013, in the Swedish newspapers Expressen and Dagens Nyheter. We chose these newspapers as we felt they each represented a different area of Swedish journalism, DN being a regular morning newspaper and Expressen being a tabloid newspaper.We looked mainly at three things in the articles: who was the writer, i.e. was the article by a correspondent, a news agency or someone else, what source was used and what part of the world was it about. We then made comparisons between both the different years and the different newspapers, as well as current and twenty years old lists of correspondents.According to the material we looked at there were some clear differences between foreign correspondence 1993 and 2013.

En jämförelse mellan fyra olika energisystemlösningar : För ett hus byggt efter passivhusstandard i Karlstad

AbstractWork to develop the Eurocodes started in 1975 by the European Commission adopted a program to eliminate trade barriers within the construction area. The goal was to create common European design standards that would replace the member countries' own rules. Eurocodes will replace The National Board of Housing Building and Planning, National Rail, The National Road Administration and other agencies' calculation rules for the buildings structures. The transition to the use of Eurocodes looks like this:Eurocodes set to Swedish standards  between 2002 ? 2007They can be used parallel with national standards 2006 - 2009 The total transition is at the end of 2010/2011.Right now is going on a lot of work for replacement of the existing standards to Eurocodes.  The transition to the new calculations` standards, many construction companies and consulting firms facing a big changes and competitions.

Lokaliseringsutredning för nytt hotell i Sandvikens tätort med stöd av multikriterieanalys

The municipality of Sandviken is in a state of strong growth. This affects the need for more hotel rooms in Sandviken, in a way that it?s profitable to invest in a new hotel. Sandvikens largest company, the steal industry Sandvik AB, grows just like Sandviken, and have great influence on the need of more hotel rooms. Today there are three hotels placed in Sandviken, and these hotels aren?t enough when the pressure of hotel guests is at its top.The purpose with the project was to analyse the criteria?s that are important for localization of a new hotel in the Sandviken, and to clarify what kind of hotel Sandviken is in need of.

Blivande folkskollärare : En social rekryteringsstudie av inskrivna män vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium

The main purpose of this essay is to interpret possible pattern in social extraction, among future male elementary school teachers, at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar over time. The questions that intend to concrete the purpose, and describe the possible pattern of social backgrounds are following; Where do the future male elementary school teachers come from? How the social recrutiment is divided in professional categorys, and is there any distinction in the pattern of social recrutiment over time? Which social groups were represented at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar between the year of 1860-1940, and how they were divided.At the categorization of occupation, class- and social belongings I´ve used Sten Carlssons theory of professional categories (the social transformation in Sweden after 1866) which also was used by Kerstin Skog-Östlin in her dissertation Pedagogical control and authortity.The changes in the pattern of social recruitment of male future elementary school teachers were following; the proportion of students with agricultural backgrounds has decreased between the year of 1860 and the turn of the century. Further there was a substantial reduction of students with agricultural backgrounds between the turn of the century and the year of 1940. Students with agricultural backgrounds had the lowest represented frequency according to the investigation.

Ombyggnation av ett stall för bundna mjölkkor till boxsystem för rekryteringskvigor

To reconstruct a building is a long-term investment for farmers and it is important that people with different qualifications are involved at an early stage for making the system adapted to the animals as well the animal keeper. Therefore, ethologists who can contribute with their expertise are needed to design the system and get it to function well for the animals.A Swedish farmer who planned to rebuild her stall for tied dairy cattle to a loose-housing system for recruitment heifers for milk production asked me as an ethologist to find a system which can be fit to her existing tie-stall barn for 30 dairy cows, considering the animal needs in terms of movement, social interactions and play behaviors, and to theoretically compare the system with other systems with respect to the behaviors mentioned.The theoretical comparison between different systems was made through a scientific literature review.In agreement with the animal keeper I set out to fit a system with feeding cubicles, a system with cubicles and a system with deep straw bedding to the barn. After measurements were taken and preliminary drawings were outlined it was found that only the feeding cubicle system was possible to fit to the barn.The space provided will limit the animals to perform some playing behaviors. To decrease aggressive interactions between animals even thought a limiting area it is possible to provide partitions between resources animals compete around to prevent that more than one animal can get success to the resource at a particular place at one time. To increase the animal movement in the system the water trays were moved to the outer wall instead of kept in contact with the stalls.Although this report provides guidelines for rebuilding, other competences regarding building construction and a pre-test of the suggested building solution according to Swedish legislation are needed before the rebuilding can start.The results are directed mainly to the owner of the barn, but the literature review can be used by other cattle farmers and might bring increased understanding of the possible effects of different building solution on the animals..

Intresset för soldatanställning lokalt : En studie på gymnasieungdomar boende i en garnisonsort

Hotet mot Sveriges säkerhet ser idag annorlunda ut än för 20 år sedan. Därför har Försvarsmakten infört ett nytt personalförsörjningssystem av soldater byggt på frivillighet. De närmsta åren behöver organisationen rekrytera 3 250 kontinuerligt tjänstgörande och 4 650 tidvis tjänstgörande gruppbefäl, soldater och sjömän. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur gymnasieungdomar boende i en garnisonsort ställde sig till möjligheten att söka anställning som soldat i Försvarsmakten, både inom de lokala förbanden och inom övriga förband i Sverige. Studien skulle utvisa vilka gymnasieungdomar som kunde tänka sig en soldatanställning i hemorten vilket syftade till att ge en fingervisning för ungefär hur många man kunde tänkas rekrytera inom kommunen samt för att underlätta lokal rekrytering till soldatbefattningarna.

På återseende om 20 år? : En studie av HusmanHagbergs relationsmarknadsföring

Svensk titel:  På återseende om 20 år?Hur hålls relationen mellan kund och företag vid liv på en sällanköpsmarknad?- en studie av HusmanHagbergs relationsmarknadsföringEngelsk titel:  Will we meet again in 20 years?How does the relationship between a customer and company survive on a ?rarely buying market?? ? a study of the relationship marketing of HusmanHagberg Författare:   Emma Anderberg och Maria ÖhmanFärdigställd:  2007Handledare:  Nazeem Seyed-MohamedAbstract:During recent years a focus on the development of good and long-term relationships with the customers has replaced the single transactions that which have been the goal when using traditional marketing methods. To succeed on a tough and competitive market it is important for companies to develop good and long-term relationship with their customers. Working with relationship marketing within the estate agent market is especially complicated in many ways. An estate agency is a service company and works as a middleman between a buyer and a seller and therefore has a complicated relationship to its costumers.

Viktigaste faktorerna för en anställning i Försvarsmakten : En undersökning av studerande och unga arbetandes attityder våren 2010

Den svenska Försvarsmakten står inför en stor omstrukturering, där de första anställda soldaterna är redo att ta anställning. I övriga Europa har liknande omstruktureringar från värnpliktsarméer till yrkesförsvar lett till problem med rekryteringen och svårigheter att behålla de anställda soldaterna. Det här arbetet genomför en undersökning på tre olika grupper (n=84), gymnasiestudenter, högskole och universitetsstudenter och unga arbetande, för att se vilka faktorer de anser är viktigast för att kunna tänka sig en anställning i Försvarsmakten. Gruppernas attityder till Försvarsmakten och hur de påverkar deras vilja till anställning har även undersökts. För att undersöka detta har en enkät använts.

Information och informationskompetenser för ett evidensbaserat socialt arbete : om socionomers informationspraktiker i arbetet med barnavårdsutredningar inom socialtjänstens yrkesverksamhet

The aim with this master?s thesis is to examine the information practices and information literacies among social workers in the field of the social services and in the work with child welfare investigations. This is in this study related to their ambition to fulfill the requirements of an evidence-based practice. On a theoretical level, the study is based on three theories grounded in the idea of situated learning and of human activities based in a social context. These are the sociocultural theory, the theory of communities of practices and the theory of information practices.

Likabehandlingsprincipen i uthyrningslagen - om lön för arbetare inom bemanningsbranschen

In Sweden has the temporary agency work industry settled in an explosive way since the deregulation of the unemployment agency monopole in 1993. The demand of civil right for the employer that is rented out confronts the entire labour law regulation with new challenges.The purpose with this paper is an investigation of the principle of equal treatment in The Swedish temporary agency work act and also to create a deeper understanding of the effects of labour and employment relationship. An investigation of relevant collective agreements will be done to highlight the difficulties the principal of equal treatment is exposed to. Further on is there a will to gain understanding for the wage concept and what possible can be included in the wage concept in relation to the principal of equal treatment in The temporary agency work directive. By using the dogmatic method, an approach to descriptive identifying relevant sources of law and clarify the legal situation in the area.In the conclusions it will be determined that the principle of equal treatment in The Swedish temporary agency work act have different effects depending on if the temporary agency or if the client corporation is tied to an collective agreement alternative if a collective agreement is completely missing.

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