

509 Uppsatser om Manning and recruitment agencies - Sida 14 av 34

Silkesvante eller piska - Socialtjänstens och polisens insatser och samverkan kring kriminella ungdomsgäng

The purpose of this essay was to study social workers´ and polices contributions with criminal youth gangs and get an insight in how co-operation in the contributions between these governments comes to rank and works.To find out, we carried out a study with a qualitative design based on document studies and interviews with social workers´ and polices who were meeting youths in their work.Our findings were that it's hard to define a criminal youth gang. The social workers´ and polices have both individual and common contributions with criminal youth gangs. One of their most important lining is to prevent new recruitment of young people to criminality. The social workers´ and polices both have an intention to cooperate but they can?t agree about the method of work they shall use, ?the kid-glove or the whip?..

Omvärldsanalys och dess etiska aspekter ? En kort studie

This study aims to examine Business Intelligence research conduct within Swedish government agencies and workplaces in order to understand the recent debate regarding Business Intelligence research ethics and thus answer the following question: Does Business Intelligence praxis in Sweden meet ethical guidelines recommended by international field experts? A theoretical analysis of relevant and also recent publications, including a Business Intelligence method review, was conducted using qualitative content analysis. In order to validate the results from my theoretical analysis I conducted a series of interviews with a number of professionals who useBusiness Intelligence research in their work and decisionmaking process..

Low-Skilled Employee RetentionPractices in the Fast Food Industry : A study of retention practices within the Verhage FastFood franchise

Employee turnover can cost an organization a significant amount of money. In addition, retention of employees can beneficial towards to an organization as it e.g. allows to save costs related torecruitment and training of new employees. The fast food industry is recognized as an industry which employs low-skilled employees and is especially in the United States known to be prone to high employee turnover. With regards to Europe, only little information is available in the field of low-skilled employee retention in the fast food industry.

Kulturskolan i integrationens kraftfält

Title: Access to cultural education in a multi-ethnical context.The right to dance and play an instrument, to paint and work with film is taken for granted by many children in Malmoe today. The agenda explicitely phrases the intent of the publicly financed schools of art for children to reflect the multi-ethnic demographics of the city. Public community music schools of today, incorporate classes in all forms of art and are called "Culture schools". There is a long tradition of teaching and making music to lean on as a music teacher in Sweden. This paper tries to explore how these rights are expressed in the governing documents of the Culture school of Malmoe.

Varför anställs Stefan? : Vad arbetsgivarna anser är betydelsefullt hos de arbetssökande inom sjöfarten

Syftet med det här arbetet var att ta reda på vem rederierna anställer, samt identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar rekryterarna när de ska anställa en ny styrman.  För att ta reda på det har jag intervjuat två rederier som anställer svenska styrmän. Jag valde att göra en kvalitativ undersökning för att kunna ställa lite mer ingående frågor samt att ha möjlighet att ställa följdfrågor. Resultatet blev att det är till stor del de personliga egenskaperna samt den sociala kompetensen som är av störst betydelse så länge de formella kraven uppfylls. Erfarenhet inom sjöfarten eller utav yrken som man kan ha nytta av i sjöfarten är också meriterande samt att man har bra referenser..

Strukturerad- kontra beteendeintervju : Skillnad i mängd och kvalitet på den information som erhålls vid anställningsintervjuer

According to Barclay (2001), behavioral interviews yield higher quality information, than other interview techniques. This study focused on whether the quality and quantity of information differ between structured interview and behavioral interviewing. Two headhunters held 16 job interviews with the two techniques, 9 behavioral interviews and 7 structured interviews. Both headhunters and candidates have evaluated the interviews quantitatively. Initial and concluding interviews have, as well, been held with the headhunters.  No definitive answers were found in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative results suggest that behavioral interviews give, because of the headhunters opinions, more and higher quality information.

Utveckling av kompetens vid utbrändhet

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om människor som genomgått en utbrändhetsprocess upplever att de under denna tid utvecklats på ett sätt relevant för deras arbetsliv, och sedan med hjälp av teori undersöka om resultatet av denna utveckling kan anses utgöra kompetens. Genom intervjuer med fem personer som efter en tids sjukskrivning för utbrändhet nu själva upplever att de återhämtat sig, framkom att de fått en ny erfarenhet som gett dem insikt i stressproblematik, samhällets regelsystem och rehabiliteringsåtgärder. De har även utvecklat en mer effektiv energianvändning, ökad social kompetens och ökat välbefinnande. I den mån utvecklingen framgångsrikt används i arbetslivet, vilket intervjupersonerna också uttryckte, har den samtidigt inneburit att personerna utvecklat ny kompetens.

Genom socialsekreterarens glasögon : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens samverkan med olika myndigheter vid en barnavårdsutredning.

The aim of this study is to understand the collaboration at a child investigation and the actions that may be encountered as a result of the investigation, based on the Social Secretaries experiences of collaboration with other agencies such as schools, police, health visitor and child psychiatry. In the study, eight social workers from different municipalities was interviewed at a total of six occasions. One of the occasions was a group interview with three social workers at the same time. Through the interviews, it appears that the collaboration has an important role in social work and the necessity is something that manifests itself in the social secretaries stories but also in the earlier research done in this area. The results show that social workers extensively want to interact but that the purpose of interaction varies depending on the nature of the matter.

Hur påverkas kravprofilen av revisionsbyråernas storlek?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förklara hur revisionsbyråers storlek påverkar kravprofiler vid rekrytering.Metod: För att få fram resultat för den empiriska analysen har ett positivistiskt synsätt, en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod använts.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien har använt sig utav tidigare teori som rör ämnet. Teorikapitlet innehåller information om kravprofil och byråstorlek.Empiri: Studiens empiriska material är baserad på en enkätundersökning som genomfördes på byråernas personal- och rekryteringsansvariga. Svaren av enkäten sammanställdes med hjälp av det statistiska programmet SPSS.Resultat: Analysen visade att det inte finns några skillnader mellan större och mindre byråers kravprofiler..

Delaktighet och frånvaro - Blivande fäders förhandlingar om faderskapets innebörd

The aim of this qualitative study was to explore which inner conceptions about the abused older women the professional social workers had and how they experienced the enconter of an abused old woman in an intimate partner relation. The theoretical background is social construction by Berger and Luckmann. This theory was uset to analyze the transcribed interviews. This study is based on nine interviews with five professionals in social services, three volunteers from the voluntary sector and one social worker who worked in a community based support group for abused older women. The result of this study shows that older women were often abused, by a relative they were dependent on, in their home.

IT-supporten i kommunala verksamheter: En fallstudie av Umeå kommun

The objective of this study was to examine how an IT department has been affected by the changes of increased local usage of IT, and how the usage have affected municipalities IT departments demands of IT support. In the study we explore how both the IT department and the IT support works by interviewing present and former employees at the local IT department. The current IT department have undergone a series of local changes over the last 20 years, the department has gone from only having internal users to getting the entire municipalitiy?s agencies of IT as users. It started with how the municipality began to dig down fiber optic cable in the middle of the 1990?s, and today has started to develop solutions as to how to meet the demands of future usage of IT.

En ledarutvecklingskurs utvärderas

Purpose: To evaluate the management development course held at FöreningsSparbanken in Ronneby during 2000. The evaluation aims to map and describe what effects the course has had on the participants. We will assess to what degree the effects meets the objectives of the course set by the manager of the bank (future management recruitment, leadership, change catalyst, aligning the strive towards a shared organisational objective). Above mentioned also implies that the organisation should be influenced in some regards. Conclusion: Our conclusion is that all of the participants have as a result of the course increased their emotional intelligence in varying levels.

Arbetsgivarvarumärken - En studie av Lindahl Advokatbyrå

In sectors with high skill requirements, recruiting is a core part of a company's development. Initially, the companies attract talented employees by creating an interest in the organization. Further, the challenge remains to match potential workers expectations with the company?s requirements and conditions. This is crucial since an unsuccessful recruitment involves high costs.

Vem är arenachefen? : En studie om arenachefer i Sverige, hur de rekryteras samt vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de har.

Denna studie syftar till att få en ökad förståelse för hur arenachefer i Sverige rekryteras, vi tar även upp hur rekryteringsprocessen såg ut för respondenterna som deltog i denna studie. Vi kommer även att belysa vilka arbetsuppgifter och ansvarsområden de arenacheferna vi har intervjuat har. Arenacheferna är verksamma på arenor vars hemmahörande idrotter är på elitnivå, på dessa arenor arrangeras även allt ifrån uppträdanden med världsartister inom musikbranschen till mindre företagsevent. Ur resultatet framkommer det att rekryteringsprocessen, ansvarsområden och arbetsuppgifterna skiljer sig mellan de olika arenacheferna. Gemensamma nämnare för arenacheferna är att samtliga har ett ansvar för personal, ekonomi och säkerhet..

Grönt resande : En studie om hur företag arbetar med klimatkompensation

Carbon offsetting means to offset those greenhouse gases that are caused by our actions. The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies are working with carbon offsetting. The focus of the research is how travel agencies and companies that provides carbon offsetting. The writers also highlight the problems carbon offsetting is facing. The study was performed with qualitative methods through interviews with three companies working with carbon offsetting.

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