

7026 Uppsatser om Management - Sida 45 av 469

Kulturellt implementeringsarbete : -En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationskultur inom ett svenskt bygg- och anläggningsföretag

Organizational culture has been described as a shared perception of reality and values ??within a group of individuals. Within the group's shared values ??about what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior and shared values ??make it easier for individuals to understand what is expected of them. If the desired culture from the Management team is not consistent with the culture of the employees there might be a collision.

K3 eller K4 - Vad styr valet av redovisningsregelverk?

There will be changes in the accounting regulations in Sweden. Firms will be categorised as K1-K4 firms depending on the size of the company. There will be different levels of accounting in the four categories. Firms will always have the possibility to choose a more advanced accounting regulation than the one they are obligated to due to their size. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate which factors that influence the Management in K3 firms in the choice between the K3 and K4 regulation.

Beyond CSR - Global Corporate Citizenship

Uppsatsen syftar till att med hjälp av de begrepp, vilka kretsar kring företagsansvar, utforska den nya typen av socialt ansvarstagande, benämnt GCC. Författarna lyfter fram tre svenska multinationella företag och undersöker hur de tar ett socialt ansvar i förhållande till GCC. Företag kan genom att tillämpa GCC, adressera makroproblem och i samband med detta generera vinst. Samarbete och driven ledare är nyckelord i dessa sammanhang..

Kvinnomisshandlare och Kristianstadsbrännaren -En företagsetisk studie på Sydsvenska Dagbladet-

Syftet med arbetet är att pröva idén om det etiska dokumentets koppling till medlemmar i organisationer som handlar etiskt i sin branch. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ fallstudie av Sydsvenska Dagbladet där elva medarbetare har intervjuats. I studien kommer vi fram till att det etiska dokumentet är löst kopplat till organisationer som praktiserar ett dygdetiskt tänkande vid moraliska ställningstagande..

Om värld och bevakning : en studie av en företagslednings omvärldsbild och dess samband med omvärldsbevakningen

Background: Increasing globalization makes companies more influenced than before by actors and factors in their environment. For some this has lead to a more dynamic and complicated business context. Therefore it is of strategic importance to understand what is currently going on as well as to have a general idea of what the future brings. Purpose: To contribute to a deeper understanding of how a corporate Management can perceive its business environment and how it affects he gathering of business information from a strategic perspective. Realisation: In-depth interviews were conducted with all four members of the Management in the studied company, Volvo Competence Center in Skovde, Sweden.

Den tyska turisten på campingsemester i Sverige

The purpose of this essay is to develop marketing strategies, from a service Management perspective, for camping?s interested in the German tourist as a new target audience. This essay focus upon extending the season for camping grounds on Öland, Sweden. To extend the season we recommend the camping grounds to target a new audience - the German tourist..

Lämna inte slumpen åt slumpen - En studie om hylloptimering i den digitala butiken

This paper examines the impact of conscious shelf Management on online grocery stores. An S-O-R framework is used to unveil if some established shelf Management techniques from physical stores are applicable in an online context. We also explain some of the cognitive processes customers experience as they get exposed to online buying situations. A main study with two data sources is conducted: one quantitative website experiment with 168 participants who got exposed to five different organisation patterns within five different categories; and one more qualitative eye tracking experiment with 20 participants. The results indicate that a disorganised product page evokes not only different scan paths and cognitive patterns but also generates higher sales.

Projektanalys vid Stora Enso Packaging Concept i Torsvik

In a global economy it is important to understand what project Management is and how it functions in a contemporary company. This report includes an empirical case study of a project flow, which was conducted in the department Packaging Concept (PC) which is a part of Stora Enso. As all of PC´s customer enquiries are unique and must be considered an individual project, PC continuously works in projects. An analysis of the project flow was conducted based on interviews at and visits to PC as well as relevant documents distributed by the department. The report gives an understanding and analysis of how PC works in projects.

"Konflikter bidrar till en levande verksamhet" : En kvalitativ studie om ledarskapets inverkan vid konflikthantering i privat och offentlig äldreomsorg

This study is based on interviews with four managers in public elderly care and four managers in private elderly care. The aim of this paper is to examine how these managers are experiencing their leadership in relation to conflict Management, and if the managers leadership differs depending on private or public elderly care. Leadership and conflict Management are theories that have been used in order to analyze the empirical findings. Previous research that has been used in the study concerns ?leadership/leadership styles?, ?conflict Management?, ?to be active in the private/public elderly care?.

Den svenska ledarskapsmodellen : Förändringen efter införandet av new public management

Det har gjorts studier om den privata sektorn som visar på att svenska chefer anammar globala Managementmodeller utan att reflektera över vad detta kan ha för konsekvenser. Det har visat sig att effekterna av detta har varit att vi rört oss bort från den svenska ledarskapsmodellen trots att den framstått som framgångsrik.I denna uppsats har vi identifierat centrala drag i det svenska ledarskapet, dessa är maktdistans, delaktighet och konsensus. Vidare har vi undersökt vad som har hänt med den svenska ledarskapsmodellen i den offentliga sektorn och om den har förändrats efter införandet av New public Management med hjälp av de centrala dragen. Vi har valt att begränsa oss till förskoleverksamheten och förskolecheferna i Stockholms kommun. Teorierna vi har utgått ifrån är den svenska modellen, den svenska ledarskapsmodellen och New public Management.Vi har utfört en kvalitativ tvärsnittsanalys där vi intervjuat fem förskolechefer som leder och samordnar arbetet på förskolan.

Att hantera konflikter i grundskolans tidigare år : Pedagogens delaktighet

The subject of this study is conflict Management. The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary education. The purpose is also to get more insight on what a conflict is and show different strategies to manage conflicts. To learn about how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary school, I chose to do interviews. I interviewed four teachers. In the interviews we talked about: their definition of what a conflict is, what kind of conflict that are most common, and how common it is with conflicts in the school which they work at, how they handle conflicts between students, how they believe that they manage conflicts, if they have received any training or education in conflict Management and if the school they work at have any special guidelines for handling conflicts. My questions are: How do the teachers think about their own involvement in students' conflict Management? How do the teachers think about which types of conflicts that can be difficult to manage? The result of the study is that the teachers often let students handle conflicts themselves and they think it is good for them to do it because it is a knowledge that we humans need have.

Attrahera personal - vikten av relationer i employer branding

Denna studie belyser vikten av relationer i employer branding. Relationer har till följd att kommunikationen av företagskultur och företagsidentitet till företagets målgrupp för rekrytering underlättas. Relationerna skapar även en lojalitet mellan företaget och dess målgrupp vilket gör att de attraheras av företaget..

Vad är ett lyckat projekt ur ett intressentperspektiv? : En studie av Trainee in TIME

AbstractThe concept project is today used in several contexts and has different meaning in different contexts. Lately, projects have been seen as a form of organization and more companies convert from traditional organizing to organizing in a project form. The purpose and focus of today?s project is not only to increase quality and competence development for Management but also to integrate different actors in order to e.g. increase customer value.LänsTeknikCentrum AB (LTC) in Jönköping is running different projects in order to support companies in Jönköping County.

Hantering av inköpsrisk vid svenska kafferosterier : när smaken får avgöra En studie av hur riskhantering kan integreras i inköpsprocessen

Background: The strategic importance of purchasing departments is increasing, yet supply risks are rather uncharted. The procurement of coffee involves supply risks and the purchaser needs to be able to handle these to enable the roasting-house to produce coffee as specified. Purpose: To chart risks in connection with the procurement of coffee as well as the possibilities of handling these. The thesis also examines if general risk Management theories are applicable on the supply risk present within Swedish roasting-houses and can become an integral partof the purchasing process. Method: A qualitative case study of the purchasing process of Swedish roasting- houses.

Better off SpunOff?

Idén till denna uppsats kom från ett amerikanskt företag, etablerat i Sverige, som snart skall stå på egna ben genom en spinoff. Den naturliga frågan var då vad som var viktigt att tänka på vid en sådan spinoff. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att dels söka kunskap huruvida av- "spinnade" företag går bra som självständiga, dels vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att lyckas. Uppsatsen inleds med en kvantitativ undersökning, där de två positiva och två negativa extremerna sedan undersöks kvalitativt..

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