7026 Uppsatser om Management - Sida 20 av 469
Varumärkesvård i tider av kris : En fallstudie om återhämtning till följd av ett produktfel
This study is about how a swedish brand within the food industry that experiences a crisis following a product failure. It focuses on three areas following the crisis and these are crisis Management, recovery strategies and brand Management. This study seeks to explain how these areas interact in relation to massive exposure to mass media and how they interact restore the brand's potential loss of reputation. This study was conducted as a case study with a deductive and qualitative approach. The data gathered to this study was mainly based on newspaper articles and complemented with semi-structured interviews with twelve local retailers of the brand..
Varumärkesutveckling inom idrott : En fallstudie av Svenska Ridsportförbundet
Sportindustrin blir alltmer marknadsdriven. För att kunna bedriva effektiv marknadsföring blir det allt vanligare att strategiskt arbeta med att utveckla varumärken, brand Management, som man använder sig av för att genom olika kommunikationskanaler attrahera konsumenter. Många av Sveriges specialförbund arbetar idag konkret med sport brand Management. Svenska Ridsportförbundet (SvRF) har inte tidigare arbetat med sport brand Management varav syftet med denna uppsats därför är att påbörja en varumärkesutveckling genom att identifiera och beskriva SvRF:s varumärke från ett internt perspektiv samt undersöka hur förbundet genom sport brand Management kan utveckla verksamheten. Uppsatsen bygger på en fallstudie med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som inkluderar semistrukturerade intervjuer med anställda på förbundet. I empirin presenteras SvRF:s erbjudande, varumärke och verksamhetsmål samt några av de viktigaste faktorer som påverkar ridsportens utveckling.
Styrelsens användning av styrmedel -en jämförelse mellan entreprenöriella och icke-entreprenöriella företag
Management control systems are a popular area of research and a lot of new research has been done over the past years. This development has been looking into new situations and circumstances, and interdisciplinary studies are being made to further understand the connection between different fields of study. A new field of study that has grown significantly over the past few years is the connection between Management control systems and entrepreneurship. Leading researchers have proposed a number of questions for further research and one of them is the board of directors? use of Management control systems in entrepreneurial firms.The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities in the board of directors? use of Management control systems between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial firms.The study was conducted as a deductive qualitative study through interviews with respondents from entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial firms.
Vasakronan: Det bästa av två världar
Mergers and acquisitions are common phenomenon in today´s society in order to increase shareholder value. Two years ago a fusion of Sweden´s two largest companies in the industry of real estate took place and even though three out of four mergers and acquisitions financially fail this certain case turned out highly successful. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the organizational structure and the Management control have been designed and characterized the organizational performance and furthermore what are the success factors of the integration. By studying an acquisition and its potential effects on organizational structure and Management control parallel to a model that describes the best practice guidelines for managers to successfully deliver value from their acquisitions, it can be shown that an acquisition has direct effects both on the acquirer and the acquired company and thus the new organizational structure. The main results, thus, is that through active leadership, increased specialization, and more decentralized and thus efficient Management control a new organization has emerged consisting of the best features of two separate worlds..
I vår produktion har vi tagit fram ett system för order- och lagerhantering, med vikt på realtidsuppdateringar, åt en extern mottagare där infrastrukturen inte hängt med i företagets utveckling. Vi valde detta projekt i syfte att bredda våra kunskaper inom både programmering och projekthantering. Denna slutreflektion tar upp den förundersökning vi gjorde för att kunna besluta om vilka verktyg vi använde i utvecklingen, den tar även upp vårt sätt att hantera och planera projektet. Under projektet har vi arbetat med en egenutformad arbetsprocess vilken även beskrivs här. --- Our production has been to design a system for ordering and supply Management with emphasis on realtime updates to an external recipient, where the infrastructure has not kept pace with the development of the company.
Betydelsen av skogsbruksplaner som verktyg vid anskaffning av virke
Forest Management plans have been sold to private forest owners by wood supplying companies for a long time. These plans are considered to be effi-cient tools to identify measures and wood volumes, and are simply a starting point for discussions between private forest owners and round wood pur-chasers. However, large variations are observed between different purchas-ers, in their usage of the plans.
The purpose of this report is to identify to what extent a forest Management plan can promote an increase in the amount of wood which a round wood purchaser can obtain and to find differences in the way of using the plans between different wood purchasers. Furthermore, the purpose is also to ana-lyse if varying owner structures can be underlie variations in the selling of forest Management plans.
Qualitative interviews with nine of Stora Enso?s round wood purchasers were performed.
Public Welfare vs Return on Shareholders´Equity -A Case Study of the Translation & Implementation of the Management Control Systems in Systembolaget
Background and problem: Higher and other demands are made on Management control systems in organizations which have a superior non-financial objective. Systembolaget, a state-owned company with monopoly to sell alcoholic beverages in Sweden, combines two main objectives which can be considered as conflicting, one financial target and one superior non-financial public welfare target. The research questions are focused on the translation of information through the organization?s levels and if the Management control system makes it possible to run the organization according to both of the two main conflicting objectives.Purpose and Delimitations: To describe, analyze and evaluate how Management control can be used in an organization, which is not profit maximizing and has both non-financial and financial objectives. The essay does not try to describe or draw generalized conclusions regarding general perspectives on Systembolaget?s assignment and objectives.Method: A qualitative and evaluative case study based on interviews with five employees at different levels in Systembolaget has been carried through.
Mindre leverantörers konkurrenssituation inom dagligvarubranschen
Vi har undersökt mindre leverantörers konkurrenssituation på den svenska dagligvarumarknaden samt att analysera hur den påverkar deras val av strategier. Vi har använt oss av relationsteorier samt teorier som speglar konkurrensstrategier och konkurrenssituationen på marknaden..
Mer än en snygg skylt på fasaden : Svenska lärosätens varumärkesarbete
Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control Management in municipality, facility efficiency, Management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control Management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of Management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes Management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.
Egna varumärken i dagligvaruhandeln - En studie rörande återförsäljarnas hyllplaceringsbeslut
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning och hur egna varumärken favoriseras av de svenska dataljisterna i dagligvaruhandeln, genom ett fördelaktigt hyllplaceringsbeslut. Vi har använt oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt med en beskrivande karaktär. Vidare har vi gjort 20 stycken personliga intervjuer med butikschefer på Coop Konsum, ICA Supermarket och Hemköp. Vi har även utfört kompletterande butiksmätningar för att verifiera eller falisifiera informationen. Resultatet som vi kommer fram till ska ses som en utvidgning av befintlig space Managementforskning..
Intellectual Capital Statement -The German Process Approach
The Intellectual Capital Statement facilitates the mapping of interdependent and simultaneously impacting intellectual capital factors in a unique way. The process-orientation of the German approach differentiates it from its predecessors and gives an advantage over alternative procedures. By combining these aspects with the possibility to communicate the company?s efforts and progress in the field of intellectual capital, the German Intellectual Capital Statement (Wissensbilanz) provides an effective Management tool..
Lantmännen AXA - Från idé till produkt
Syftet för detta examensarbete på kandidatnivå är att undersöka hur Lantmännen AXAutnyttjar sina resurser för att på så sätt försöka förstå hur de strategiskt har bemöttkonsumenternas ökade krav på hälsosamma livsmedel i sin produktutveckling..
Chefers identitet och identitetsskapande: en studie av chefer i offentlig verksamhet
The aim of this study was to gain a comprehension of managers experience of their identity and their construction of identity in the work sphere. 14 semi-structured interviews were performed with managers in the public sector. The interviews were analyzed from a hermeneutic approach. The results showed that the managers´ experience of their identity and their construction of identity were full of nuances and was characterized by a being and a becoming. The managers had several social identities at their disposal, which were brought to the fore due to the situation.
Samverkan på Kammarkollegiet : Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn i ett New Public Management perspektiv
Denna uppsats handlar om hur Shared service (SS) inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management (NPM). SS har beskrivits som ett verktyg för att uppnå de egenskaper som karaktäriserats som NPM, och denna uppsats syftar till att se ifall användandet av Shared Service inom den offentliga sektorn kan ses som en del av New Public Management. Genom en fallstudie på Kammarkollegiets Enhet för Administrativ Service har detta genomförts. Sekundärdata i form av rapporter har studerats samt intervjuer med direktören för Enheten för Administrativ Service Håkan Viberg har genomförts. Analysen visar på att detta fall i hög grad uppfyller kriterierna för NPM och motiven för SS, även om vissa skillnader har kunnat identifieras.
Managementrapport Malmö-Sturup 2002
Denna rapport ingår som en del av magisterkursen Management. Vi har under kursen arbetat med ett projekt för Malmö-Sturup flygplats räkning. I och med avregleringen av flygmarknaden och tillkomsten av Öresundsbron har möjligheterna för Malmö-Sturup att attrahera nya kundsegment ökat. Projektet har i korthet gått ut på att skapa en förståelse för hur flygplatsen skall arbeta mot den danska marknaden. Vi har också som en del av kursen deltagit i internat med både praktiska övningar och föreläsningar.