11519 Uppsatser om Management Control Systems - Sida 15 av 768
Strategisk ekonomistyrning - samsyn för helheten: en fallstudie av Luleå kommun
Den offentliga sektorn har reformerats genom att adoptera principerna för New Public Management vilket har inneburit att svenska kommuner utvecklat och prövat nya organisations- och styrmodeller för att möta marknadens och organisationernas krav på ökad effektivitet. Svenska kommuner är icke vinstdrivande organisationer och har komplexa organisationsstrukturer på grund av omfattande lagkrav. Varje förvaltning skulle i sig kunna utgöra en egen organisation på grund av de varierande tjänsterna som lagen kräver att kommunerna ska tillhandahålla. Inom svenska kommuner bryts visioner, mål och strategier ned på varje nivå vilket medför en komplex styrning inom organisationen. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och förklara hur förvaltningar inom svenska kommuner styr sina verksamheter genom strategisk ekonomistyrning.
Strategisk ekonomistyrning - samsyn för helheten: en fallstudie av Luleå kommun
Den offentliga sektorn har reformerats genom att adoptera principerna för
New Public Management vilket har inneburit att svenska kommuner utvecklat
och prövat nya organisations- och styrmodeller för att möta marknadens och
organisationernas krav på ökad effektivitet. Svenska kommuner är icke
vinstdrivande organisationer och har komplexa organisationsstrukturer på
grund av omfattande lagkrav. Varje förvaltning skulle i sig kunna utgöra en
egen organisation på grund av de varierande tjänsterna som lagen kräver att
kommunerna ska tillhandahålla. Inom svenska kommuner bryts visioner, mål och
strategier ned på varje nivå vilket medför en komplex styrning inom
organisationen. Det huvudsakliga syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och
förklara hur förvaltningar inom svenska kommuner styr sina verksamheter
genom strategisk ekonomistyrning.
Human Stem Cell - European National Innovation Systems and Patents
The purpose of this paper is for the reader to realise how national innovation systems are deeply intertwined with the legal background of a country and to understand the processes that involves national innovation systems specifically regarding the stem cell / genetics research and how the need for specific community law must be considered targeting the stem cell patents. The legal part will try to answer: Why is it important given the actual state of the European stem cell national innovation systems for the European Commission to take a stand and tackle issues regarding the patenting of the human stem cell innovations? This is done from a country industry analysis (business approach) and then linking it with competition law from a community stand point of view (that tackles biotechnology issues). In order to achieve this the paper is divided into three separate analyses beginning with a theoretical background of general biotechnology / genetic terms that will enable the reader to have a general understanding of the importance of this kind or research ( genetics / stem cell research). The chosen countries case studies exemplify very diverse economies and development perspective from the traditionally R&D intensive to the least and from the biggest countries in Europe to one of the smallest, thus giving cultural, legal, economic and scientific variety..
Källsorterade systems påverkan på avloppsreningsverk : växthusgaser, energi- och resursanvändning i modellstudie
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on a simulated wastewater plant regarding GHG emissions and use of energy and resources when implementing source separated wastewater systems. The effects were studied for different restrictions of effluent quality and for different temperatures on the influent. The simulation model BSM2G calibrated for Käppala wastewater treatment plant was used. The task was executed by simulating nine different scenarios with an increase in influent load from new connections equivalent to 3, 10 and 30 % of the present connections. These new connections were served by conventional, urine separated or black water separated systems.
OSE och Linux : En studie om prestanda
There are some key elements which distinguish a general operating system, such as Linux, from a Real Time operating system, such as OSE. The later belongs to the category of soft Real Time systems while Linux is a general operating system, with significantly improved real time properties after version 2.6. These improvements make it interesting to compare the two systems.When comparing two operating systems, there are a number of issues which have to be considered. One way to measure the performance of the systems is by studying the time consumption for the same functionality and hardware.During the study, the items that appeared as the most important for the performance of the systems, were: process primitives, system primitives, interprocess communication, context switches and interrupt latency.This work demonstrates that it is possible and reasonable to do performance testing on two different operating systems. The implemented tests cover a number of basic functionalities, which appeared to be the most crucial ones for the performance of the systems..
Global Price Management ? Incentives for Implementing an IT-based Price Management System
Problem discussion: Syncron experience a challenge in realizing the full market potential of its newly developed IT-based price management system, Global Price Management (GPM). The system has already been implemented and is currently running with success within the IT-structures of the first customer. The fact that the development of the system has been initiated by a customer, and thereby has left Syncron oblivious of the real underlying drivers and incentives for the development, is part of the problem. Understanding the customers? incentives for developing their pricing process thus reducing the application uncertainty is a good starting point.
Hur skapas en effektiv riskhantering? : En studie av telekomoperatörer
Background: As companies are operating in more globally and complex environments, the need for risk control is accelerating. In an ever-changing environment, companies cannot merely focus on traditional risks, which include financial and insurable risks. To maintain competitiveness, companies need to extend their risk management to include all risks, traditional as well as operational and strategic risks. Purpose: The purpose is to describe and position risk management for Telecom operators, in comparison with the risk management literature, with regards to structure, processes, learning process, visions and benefits. In addition, our aim is to link risk management perspectives with the different strategies for knowledge management.
Locus of control och självkänsla : En jämförelse mellan elit- och icke elitidrottare
Locus of control och självkänslaEn jämförelse mellan elit- och icke elitidrottareHelén BlomstrandBesitter individen en hög inre locus of control anser denne attindividen själv är ansvarig för valen denne gör i livet, medan en högyttre locus of control innebär det motsatta. Syftet med studien varbland annat att se om elit- och icke elitidrottare skiljde sig gällandelocus of control; får elitidrottarna högre förvärvade än traitbaseradeinre attityder gällande självkänsla och locus of control, än ickeelitidrottare, har locus of control samband med självkänsla. Enenkätundersökning genomfördes på 82 idrottare varav 42elitidrottare. Resultatet visade att elitidrottarna uppvisade signifikanthögre resultat gällande inre locus of control än icke elitidrottarnasamt att det fanns könsskillnader då männen uppvisade högre värdengällande en inre work locus of control. Resultatet indikerar även attbassjälvkänsla har ett positivt samband med locus of control.Diskussionen fördes kring om en högre inre locus of control ledertill bättre idrottsliga resultat samt kritisk granskning av gällandeuppsats.Keywords: locus of control, external and internal, athletes, self-esteem.
Belöningssystem för anställda : Når de upp till ledningens mål?
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine if companies? incentive programs for employees is designed in such a way that it makes it possible for managers to reach their goals. Method: Qualitative with a semi standardised questionnaire Results: Our results is that the incentive programs for employees in their present form don?t give the companies a good possibility to effect the employees to perform towards the goals of the system. The performance measures in the incentive programs for employees is suitable in comparison with the goals of the program but the construction and the use of the systems doesn?t give a satisfied result in comprising with the goals.
The Swedish building and property management sector are responsible for about 30 % of the total energy use. In order to take environmental consideration, different environmental assessment tools and standards are used. Miljo?byggnad, Svanen, FEBY12 and PHI are some of these. There has been increased interest to certify buildings and therefore it is of interest to evaluate the assessment of the energy field to see if relevant energy aspects are assessed.
The European Emission Trading Scheme: A Market Perspective
The purpose of this thesis is to bring insight into and understanding of how the market for emission rights in Europe currently works and what problems it is currently facing. The research can be said to be based on positive theory, in the sense that it is grounded more on empirical theory on the subject than normative theory. Furthermore, a qualitative approach to generating data has been used. This has led to a pattern mode of explanation, where understanding a unique and complex field is the focus. The theoretical perspective utilized in this thesis is mainly based on empirical research on similar market-based systems for emission control.
Social fildelning på arbetsplatsen : Traditionell och social fildelning
This paper describes how files and information can be shared in organisations and workplaces. We studied and compared the traditional file sharing in Microsoft Active Directory and the Social file sharing that comes with Microsoft SharePoint Sites. We used qualitative studies based on interviews with system administrators, management and by our own observations to acquire the necessary data. Using independent research, we were able to analyze the data and show the general difference between the traditional and the social file sharing systems. Social file sharing enables the user to easily store and share files in a flexible online environment.
Anst?lldas drivkrafter: Vad motiverar dem att stanna kvar inom F?rsvarsmakten och p?verkas detta av Nato?
This essay aims to examine managers experiences of control at the workplace within the property sector, and how these experiences differ between female and male managers. This study is a qualitative single case study that intends to offer a deeper understanding of a unique case and uses an abductive method approach. The essay is based on two main theories,
Foucault?s (2003) theory of control and the gender system of Hirdman (1988, 2001) and is supplemented by previous studies of the modern workplace. The study is based on eighteen semi-structured interviews that aims to capture the participants personal experiences regarding control at the modern workplace, and the norms, surveillance, hierarchies, and self-discipline that make up this control.
Soil carbon, pH and yield development in a long-term humus balance trial
Agriculture has to be performed in a sustainable way in order to sustain high yields and to support a globally growing population. Functional soil properties are fundamental for high yields and in order to achieve good soil conditions sustainable management is a key. Loss
of soil organic material and increased soil acidity are problems associated with degradation of soils and hence less sustainable agriculture. In this thesis, the effect of different agricultural systems on soil organic matter, pH and yield was examined. The systems examined are a cereal system with straw removal or returning and a ley system, all with different nitrogen levels.
Native vs Webb : En analys av appstrukturer
This paper is a degree project on the C-level, 15 points at University West, Department of Business and IT dept. Informatics. This study is about agile methodology and its impact on IT projects. Requirements management is a process within an IT project, where customer has certain requirements that must be met by an IT system. The difference between the traditional and agile development is in the requirements management process and it can cause problems in a project.