

773 Uppsatser om Male prostitute - Sida 38 av 52

"Om jag tänker efter så läser jag nog mer än jag tror" läs- och biblioteksvanor bland pojkar på gymnasieskolans fordonsprogram samt deras uppfattning om bibliotek

This master thesis deals with reading and library habits among young male students at the vehicle engineering programme in an upper secondary school. Also their overall opinion of libraries has been looked into. For the completion of this study all of the 43 students in question took part in a questionnaire while 5 of them were interviewed. The result of this statistical survey complemented with more focused interviews show that at some time or another all the students read, but their preference lies within the news and engineering pages of daily newspapers and periodicals. Those who read books choose action and fantasy for content.

Vision om jämställdhet - en illision?? : En kvalitativ studie om jämställdhet inom samboförhållanden.

This qualitative study was conducted to investigate how subordination and superiority emerges in the interaction between heterosexual couples between 20 to 30 years old, without children. Eight semi-structured interviews with four couples have been conducted to provide insight into how subordination and superiority is made in the interaction between the cohabiting couples. All interviews were transcribed and then manually categorized along specific main themes and sub themes. The empirical data were then assayed by a hermeneutic interpretation.   Three previous studies have formed the basis for this study, Det kallas kärlek by Carin Holmberg, the anthology, Jämställdhetens pris and Familjer i tiden by Christine Roman and Helen Peterson. The theoretical framework consists symbolic interactionism, and especially the concept of asymmetrical role-taking and also doing gender.

Fysträning för ishockeyspelare

To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.

Bonden i Graven Bredvid - En osteologisk studie av den medeltida befolkningen i Norra Nöbbelöv och deras skador på skeletten

This paper is the result of an osteological study of the skeletal remains uncovered during an archaeological excavation of the medieval cemetery in Norra Nöbbelöv. The purpose of the study is to compare the material from the rural site (Norra Nöbbelöv) with materials excavated from the old medieval graveyards in the city of Lund. The aim is to try and shedsome light on the question of whether there is any difference in the occurrence and frequency of fractures and osteoarthritis in the materials compared. The first section of the paper consists of a short historical background of Norra Nöbbelöv and Lund, a chapter on ethics, general results of the analysis and the methods used. Thissection was co-authored by Ulla Zagal-Mach and Åsa Strandh.

Syns inte - Finns inte? En kvalitativ studie om unga som valt att ej dricka alkohol.

The purpose of this study was to examine how young people who have chosen not to drink alcohol experience themselves and their surroundings. The aim was to find out what role temperance plays in their perceived identity. I also wanted to find out how they experienced the views of them, temperance and the temperance movement in their surroundings. Finally, I was interested in the question about alcohol, witch significance they believed it had for them and their surroundings. As theoretical ground, I used Howars S.

Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se

The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.To examine how the sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages.

Jämställdhet ? en otydlig vision med svenskhet som norm : en genusvetenskaplig fallstudie och intersektionell analys av jämställdhetsarbete i en kommunal kontext

This is a case study of work for gender equality, performed by the Employment and Competence Centre (Arbets- och kompetenscenter) in the municipality of Botkyrka. The aim of the study is to explore how gender equality is understood in the context of a municipality, and what underlying assumptions this understanding is based upon. The questions raised are; How is gender equality understood by the personnel? How do they understand gender? To what extent are women and men seen as homogeneous groups and what differences are (un)visible? What other power hierarchies besides gender are seen as important when working for gender equality? The analysis show that gender equality is a blurry vision, mainly understood in terms of equal conditions and rights, equal results for male and female participants and equal amount of women and men employed. Gender is seen as a binary system and differences between the genders are highlighted.

Den särskilda kvinnan: En feministisk analys av Universella decimalklassifikationen

The aim of this thesis is to, from a feminist point of view, analyse the Universal Decimal Classification UDC, which is an international and widely used classification system. A number of the larger classification systems and subject heading lists have during the last decades been placed in the limelight of various gender studies and the systems treatment of women has been criticized. With this examination of the UDC, I dont merely wish to identify shortcomings and advantages with the UDCs way to treat men and women. The UDC is also used as an example of how the gender problem can be identified and interpretated in classification systems generally. My analysis is performed with a theoretical foundation in feminist science theories about knowledge and norms, together with a linguistic perspective on valuing and emotionally tinged language.

Brott utan målsägande : En diskursanalys av lagtexter om prostitution

 Prostitution has been intensely debated in Sweden for nearly four decades. Two major investigations have so far been initiated by the government and numerous propositions have been put forward in the Swedish parliament resulting in the sexköpslag from 1999 that criminalizes purchase of sexual services. The law aims at punishing the buyer and protecting the women in prostitution, thus making it possible for women to be helped by various social interventions rather than punished. Swedish society has undergone major changes in these decades. Globalization, the internet and the membership in the EU have changed the Swedish society and influenced the discourse on prostitution.This paper has a twofold aim, on the one hand investigating if and how these changes have had an impact on the prostitution discourse in texts produced by the government and analyze how female and male sexuality in connection to prostitution is constructed.

?Vi kanske glömde ställa frågan till killarna??- Skolkurativt stöd till killar med självskadebeteende: Definition, problembild och förståelse

The main purpose for this study was to examine how boys with destructive and self-harming behaviour are perceived and comprehended by school counsellors and literature. The study assessed how boys who harm themselves are defined both in practice and in theory by using a social constructivist point of view and a gender perspective. The study was divided in two parts concerning gathering knowledge of the matter. The authors, using a method called qualitative semi-structured interviews, interviewed nine school counsellors. To acquire scientific knowledge, the authors implemented a literature review and researched books and journal articles regarding boys who self-harm.

Personbilar i singelolyckor med dödlig utgång på Sveriges vägnät : Orsaker till olyckor och rekommendationer om hur dessa kan förebyggas

In Sweden the most common type of road traffic accidents involving passenger cars are single accidents (where only one vehicle is involved). The aim of this thesis is to analyse how these accidents occur, and present recommendations on how to reduce the number of deaths. Data has been collected from the Swedish Transport Administration?s in-depth studies of fatal accidents. Road traffic accidents with fatal outcome that happened on public roads during the years 2007 to 2009 have been studied.

Styrketillväxt med hjälp av vibrationsplatta

Abstract 1.The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects whole body vibrations on maximal strength, power output and neuromuscular activity in m. pectoralis major during bench press.Participants consisted of 35 male and 9 female military high school students (m=23, 1 years). On the basis of initial maximal performances in bench press the participants was divided into two experiments groups and one control group. Intervention groups performed a specifically designed push up program on a vibrating plate respectively a step board during 12 weeks Initial load at 60 % of 1 RM showed an average of 46, 5 kg. All groups showed an average increase of 13 kg for each person after 12 weeks.

Manliga vampyrer och kvinnliga offer. En diskursanalys av det övernaturliga och könsroller i The Vampire Diaries

The purpose of this essay is to examine how the supernatural and the occult are portrayed inpopular culture. To be able to do this, I have chosen to perform a discourse analysis of the twofirst novels in the L. J Smith series The Vampire Diaries. The novels are called TheAwakening and The Struggle.I apply the following questions in my analysis to narrow down the perspective further.?In what situations are supernatural used in the books and what part does it play??How does the supernatural affect the main characters and how is this portrayed in the novel??How is the supernatural portrayed depending on the gender of the character?I will focus mostly on the vampires since they generally are the ones who introduce thesupernatural elements into the story.I am applying gender theory in my discourse analyses of the novels, to hopefully be able togive a wider picture of the supernatural in relation to gender in the novels.I begin with analyzing the main discourses in the story, revolving around the supernatural.Secondly I analyze what impact the supernatural has on the main character.

Kvinnor som brytare : När kvinnor väljer samma utbildning som män

Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på hur kvinnor utvecklar intresse för mansdominerade högre tekniska utbildningar. Forskningsfrågorna handlade om vilka personer som har haft inverkan på valet av studier, vilken hjälp studenten ansåg sig ha fått av studie- och yrkesvägledare samt vilka faktorer som hade haft inverkan på studievalet. Resultaten skulle kunna leda till studie- och yrkesvägledares bättre insikt för vad som kan väcka intresse hos kvinnor att välja dessa utbildningar, vilket i sin tur kan främja bättre jämställdhet på arbetsmarknaden. Undersökningen genomfördes som intervjuer med kvinnor som studerar på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Stockholm på två dominerade av män inriktningar inom civilingenjörsprogrammet. Resultatet visade att kvinnorna till viss del hade blivit påverkade av föräldrar och syskon, men inte av studie- och yrkesvägledare eller vänner.

Man eller kvinna - Låt myter om förövaren försvinna : En diskursanalytisk studie av hur personer som begått sexualbrott mot barn framställs i svenska dagstidningar

The aim of this study is to identify the dominating discourse in Swedish newspapers concerning perpetrators who committed sexual offence against children. The study is based on the idea that the media representation play a significant role to the public opinion and awareness of the perpetrators. The study is based upon a selection of 103 articles published between January 2003 and November 2013, taken from four of the biggest daily newspapers in Sweden; Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. The methodological and theoretical approach in the study has been the one of discourse analysis through which one dominating discourse along with two subsidiary discourses could be identified. The discourse considered to be dominating is the one who presents the perpetrators through the discrepancy between the actions committed and the description of the perpetrator.

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