

773 Uppsatser om Male prostitute - Sida 14 av 52

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.

Läroböcker och genus : En kvalitativ studie av läroböckers beskrivning av genus i religionerna islam och hinduism

The purpose of this paper is to examine how gender in Islam and Hinduism are described in textbooks for high school. The study was conducted using a qualitative content analysis and also using a feminist gender theory and postcolonial feminist theory. All textbooks are written or revised after 2011 when The Swedish National Agency for Educations? new curriculum came into force. Previous research in this area shows that it is most common that gender is treated in isolated parts within the chapters, but that there are textbooks that allows the gender perspective permeate the entire text.

Omstörtande och återupprättelse : begärsstrukturer och budskap i Aurora Ljungstedts En jägares historier

The aim of this study is to examine how the Swedish writer Aurora Ljungstedt describes relations and desire in her En jägares historier, and what political message she tries to send her audience through that description.I have applied Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick?s theory of erotic triangles to the relationships in En jägares historier and found that they are structured in the way Sedgwick describes. The structure works to uphold and, when needed, re-establish patriarchal order in the book. Most female characters in En jägares historier are ? also in line with Sedgwick?s theory ? no more than articles of trade between men.

Staden - fara eller frihet för kvinnor?

This report studies how the divergence between men and women is manifested in the physical space and how the representation of room recreates this divergence. Spaces are coded and women have traditionally been associated with private space and men with public space, leading to that the home is encoded as female space and public squares as male space. Thereby women lack a natural place in public space. The National Board of Housing, Building and Planning (Boverket) wants to change this situation by enforcing safety-creating measures based on gender equality theories.I have studied what potential risks the project initiated by Boverket as well as discuss the potential problems with representation. Can representation be used without freezing the space? I also search for methods for working with a gender perspective without reproducing gender stereotypes and roles and avoiding encoding the private as female and public as male? Also I use a public seminar with urban planners, artists and architects to retrieve how we work with these issues today.I conclude that city planning needs to incorporate new strategies of thought that does not divide space, e.g.

Integrering eller tillägg : En kvalitativ studie om inkludering av jämställdhetsperspektiv i historieundervisning på gymnasiet

The aim of this paper is to elucidate and analyze history teacher's didactic choices in the conflict between unequal educational materials and the requirements of equality in the curriculum of Swedish secondary school. The empirical data consists of interviews with five secondary school history teachers, observations of their lessons as well as analysis of their tests. The starting point was to investigate teachers' didactic work in the role as a bridge between the non-equal historiography presented in textbooks in history and the curriculum?s demands for equality. Three different approaches have been observed in the teachers' didactic work when considering gender perspective into their teaching: that women become extensions in a male-dominated historiography; that another part of the story is presented when a gender perspective is considered; and that the gender perspective is included in history teaching and becomes an integral part of all the content of the subject.Several of the teachers acknowledged that gender equality is less prioritized than the courses core content and related assessment criteria.

Familj eller karriär i arbetslivet, måste man välja? : -en uppsats om arbetstagares skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet.

Pregnant workers are considered at risk in the labor market and therefore need extra protection from employment discrimination . The purpose of this essay is to investigate what protection of pregnant workers against discrimination in employment situations and  if  there  is  no  corresponding  protection  for  female  workers  claim  the  right  to parental leave.The essay describes the national and EU rules on applications and practice, showing how pregnant women and workers on parental leave are treated in the labor market. Through Sweden's accession to the EU , we must apply the requirements nationally EU imposes on its member countries.The essay shows that pregnant employees have a strong legal protection from discrimination in employment , from both DL and by EU directives . Employers who deny workers employment because of pregnancy is guilty of direct discrimination on grounds of sex, because it is only women who may become pregnant. It is not important whether it is a temporary or permanent position .

Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown : det teknologiska traumat i J.G. Ballards The Atrocity Exhibition

This study examinates technology's traumatic impact on the male subject in The Atrocity Exhibition by J.G. Ballard. In my analysis I show how the protagonist uses a fetischistic strategy in order to make sense of the trauma that technology embeds. Paradoxically it proves to be the agent of his trauma, but also functions as his shield. The machine is thus in a position of the hinge, the point in a structural system that both enables and deconstruct the system.

Studentens lyckliga dar : Om representationen av upsaliensiskt studentliv på 1860- och 1870-talen i memoarer

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine the representation of student life in Uppsala in the 1860s and 1870s in memoirs. This purpose is achieved by contextualising the memoirs in two different analyses. In the first, the representation of student life in the memoirs is compared to that in another literary genre, the university novel, and it is found that the two representational forms paint completely contradictory pictures, where in the novels the higher education is depicted as rotten and in dire need of reformation, whereas in the memoirs the system, albeit somewhat flawed, works. The memoirs and the novels thus seem to be competing systems of representation, created in different discourses, wherein the purpose and nature of higher education widely differed. In the second analysis, the examination of the memoirs is based on research concerning the nation building process in Sweden during the 19th century.

"Och vilka ska förändra näringslivet om inte kvinnorna?": En studie av fyra kvinnliga entreprenörer som arbetar med förändringsarbete

Sweden is described as one of the most forward-thinking countries in the world when it comes to equal opportunities, yet still management is being dominated by men. Looking at entrepreneurship and gender, the author has written four herstories about female entrepreneurs working, through enterprise, to bring about change to the male domination of top level management. The primary purpose of this master's thesis has been to look at theories on entrepreneurship/ management and gender to analyse how the entrepreneurs relate to their roles as [i] entrepreneurs, [ii] agents of change, and [iii] women. The findings show that they attach particular emphasis to their roles as entrepreneurs. As regards the work for change, being female is described as both advantageous and irrelevant, or insufficient.

Jag blev glad

vuxnas läsning av skönlitteratur I became happier and wiser: young adults reading of fiction [123[upps-01.gif This Masters thesis explores young adults 18-26 years old, reading of fiction: their reading preferences, the meaning of reading and their access to literature. A study was made by way of a questionnaire, including 56 young adults, and seven qualitative interviews with two groups: one at a folk highschool and the other at a public library. The theories we have used to analyse the results are: theories of gender and youth, theories of literary genres, reader-response criticism, literature sociology and the theories of cultural sociology by the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the analysis the results are compared to other studies of reading habits. Results from this study show that the young adults read fiction from several genres among popular- and quality literature.

Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor - en kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter

AbstractKarin Johansson, Institutionen för genusvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet, 2007.?Bröst, rumpor och kroppsstrumpor: En kvinnas självförtroende är aldrig längre bort än närmsta shoppingcenter?.In Kanal 5?s production Snygg naken, based on the British television show How to look good naked, eight women undergo a make-over which is said to enhance their self-confidence and transform their attitudes toward their bodies. This, in turn, is accomplished with the assistance of a stylist and an undergarment expert. However, the transformations are based on normative structures and ideas regarding the female body, which, on the one hand governs the participants? needs for a make-over in the first place, and on the other hand forms the basis of the experts? authority.

"I just wanna wear this dress" : En studie av hur kvinnor porträtteras i reality-serien The Hills

Denna uppsats syftar till att kvalitativt undersöka hur kvinnor porträtteras i femutvalda avsnitt av The Hills (MTV), med fokus på deras beteende och uppträdande ifrågor som karriär, utseende och relationer till män. Detta undersöks med hjälp av ettanalysschema som har utformats utifrån Keith Selbys och Ron Cowderysanalysmodell för att studera television. Undersökningen vilar på en genusteoretisk grund och teorier som används är blandannat R.W. Connells hegemoniska maskulinitet, Yvonne Hirdmans genuskontrakt,Laura Mulveys ?the male gaze? och en vidare utveckling av Foucaults teori om ?thepanopticon?. Detta kompletteras med forskning av bland annat Rosalind Gill, AngelaMcRobbie och Hillevi Ganetz. I min analys framkommer att det förekommer väldigt få skildringar av kvinnor varsbeteende utmanar en traditionell syn på kvinnligt uppförande.

Krig, mäktiga kungar samt en och annan "påsmetad" notis om kvinnor : En genusstudie av läromedel i historia

This study revolves around calculating the extent of appearance of both anonymously and named men and women as well as determining whether or not Yvonne Hirdman?s gender theory is applicable on two versions of a Swedish educational history textbook called Epos: historia: för gymnasieskolans kurs A (2008) and Epos [historia] 1b (2012), published for two different curriculum. Our qualitative investigation of two parts of the book?s content proves that the two principles of gender system are present in both books, although to a lesser extent in the latter version. Calculating the material, results have shown that anonymous men and women are almost equally presented in Epos 2012, which is not the case in the 2008 version.

Kvinnlig chef på en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats ? En studie med genusperspektiv av folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to see why there seem to be little interest in the management position at the public libraries. Since librarianship is a field that are proportionally dominated by women we chose to approach the study with a gender perspective. This study has excluded men and our main interest is the women?s point of view.

Mating behaviour and hierarchy among male warthogs (Phacochoerus africanus) in Kenya

Warthogs live under natural conditions in matriarchal groups, bachelor groups and yearling groups. Just like all pig species do warthogs have a complex behaviour repertoire. The semi-wild warthog population at Kichwa Tembo Lodge, outside Masai Mara National Reserve, lives in a fenced area with access to food all over the year and is protected from predators. The aim of this study was to observe the male warthogs? mating behaviour and their hierarchy during the mating season.

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