

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 21 av 115

Plötsligt händer det!En av dina kollegor avancerar och blir din chef. : -En studie om medarbetares upplevelser av att ha en chef som tidigare varit en kollega.

In this study we examined co-workers experiences of having a previous colleague as their leader, which is relatively common. We made qualitative interviews with six social welfare administrators who had been through this situation at work. The questions had been concentrated at how they were affected by the previous relationship, what expectations they had, and their view of how the business had been handled by their leader. The result of these interviews has then been connected to two leadership theories. The conclusion of the study was that the experience of the situation differs.

Kvinnliga ledare inom banksektorn

Title: Female leaders within the bank sector. Level: D-level in Business Author: Emma Roos & Fanny Wiklander Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama Date: 2011 ? January Aim: The aim of this study is to examine which factors are behind the low number of female leaders compared to male leaders within the bank sector. Method: We have adapted a qualitative method. This means that the researcher works close to the object of research and tries to understand it. We believe that this is a suitable method for our study since it?s based on seven personal interviews.

Svensk arbetarrörelse och det finska inbördeskriget 1918

The political and civil unrest during the last years of the First World War had a profound impact on the political life in many European countries. Academic research on the Swedish Social Democratic Party and the development of the parliamentary system during these years, often focus on the civil unrest and the mobilization of the labour movement during the spring of 1917, and the impact on Swedish politics of the Russian and German revolutions.This study is an examination of the relation between the Swedish labour movement and the Finnish Civil War of 1918. The general aim of the study is to examine how different levels and organisations of the labour movement acted in regards to the situation in Finland, and how these different levels and organisations interacted with one another. A second aim of this examination is to better understand during what kind of processes of the Swedish labour movement?s history that the Finnish Civil War occurred, and how it affected them.The conclusion of the study is that the there was a disparity between the leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SAP), which at the time was part of the Swedish government together with the liberal party, and the grassroots of the labour movement, organized in trade unions, and in the local organizations of the SAP and the Social Democratic Left Party (SSV).

"Killar kommer alltid vara bättre, så är livet att vara tjej" : En kvalitativ undersökning om kvinnors plats inom sporterna snowboard och freeskiing

For some time researcher has focused their interest on how women are being treated in sports and what impact it has on the development of the sports movement. Researchers in the field have tried to clarify where the problem lies, if it is gender or sex. Are the differences between the sexes caused by how society portrays women or because women and men are built for different purposes. This research paper studied how women in the sports of snowboarding and freeskiing perceived their possibilities to practice their own sports. Furthermore, the study tried to answer if the problems are originated from the culture of the sports, what the possibilities and opportunities women had to make ?it? and what women think is the reason why there are so few female athletes in their sports.

Ledarskapets vardag - himmel och helvete

Aim:               Our aim is to make a critical review of the glorification of leadership, by describing the practical work of leaders, compared to what is written in management literature.    Method:         We have applied a qualitative approach in our study and implemented seven interviews to illustrate our respondents? experiences and opinions. All of our respondents have leading positions with their current companies. To analyse the results from our interviews, we have compared them with literature written in the subject, mostly management literature.                   Results & Conclusions:  We have concluded that there is a connection between the theory and our empirical material.

Det tudelade ledarskapet en historisk studie över kommunchefens och kommunstyrelseordförandens arbetsuppgifter

Background: Municipalities are organizations facing a turbulent environment characterized by social, economical and political changes. It is the responsibility of the topleaders of the municipality (the municipal manager and the chairman of the local government board) to manage the situation and to make sure that the organization continuously develops. Purpose: To explain, from a leadership perspective, how the municipal topleaders'duties have developed during the past 25 years. Results: The municipal topleaders have nowadays got more issues to handle. Cooperation, networks and projects have increased, like international issues.

Så olika men ändå så lika : En komparativ studie med fokus på det pedagogiska ledarskapet sett ur två skilda kulturperspektiv

AbstractEmma Hjalmarsson, teacher studentMaria Talevska, teacher studentTitle: So different yet so alike â A comparative study focusing on the pedagogical leadership in two different cultures.Växjö University, Fall Semester 2005, Department of the HumanitiesGIX 192, Degree project/Religious Studies in Secondary EducationThis paper compares the pedagogical leadership in Thailand and Sweden. By performing interviews, handing out questionnaires and observing class rooms we wanted to compare the relationship between pupils and teachers from one school in Sweden and one school in Thailand.From the pupils we wanted information about their view on teachers; what characterizes the best teacher, what the worst teacher is like and how they would like a teacher to be.From the teachers on the other hand we wanted to know what kind of relationship they would like to have with their pupils and how they work to accomplish that purpose. We also wanted to find out if they put more emphasis on upbringing or knowledge and if there are any religious influences in the education.Finally, we also wanted to see if there was something from the pedagogical view in the Thai school that we could use in education in Sweden..

Kvinnligt och Manligt ledarskap : en studie om kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap i kommunal sektor

I denna studie undersöks det ledarskap som idag bedrivs inom Skånes kommunala verksamheter, utifrån nio ledarskapsstilar som är kompatibla med organisatorisk framgång världen över. Frågeställningen ?Finns det några skillnader mellan manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap i Skånes samtliga kommuner, studerat utifrån McKinseys nio ledarskapsstilar?? har syftet att undersöka eventuella könsskillnader i ledarskap.Fördelningen i studiens population har syftet att kartlägga samt studera de skillnader det manliga och kvinnliga ledarskapet kan ge exempel på. Urvalsgruppen har således fått svara på en enkät behandlande de områden de eventuellt kommit i kontakt med under sin chefskarriär och därmed fått bedöma sitt agerande.Enkäten skickades ut till totalt 101 chefer, fördelat på 54 män och 47 kvinnor, inom Skånes samtliga 33 kommuner. 65 svar erhölls, fördelat på 31 kvinnor och 34 män.

Första linjechefers förutsättningar för att utöva ett hållbart och hälsofrämjande ledarskap

Background: First Line Managers are expected to create a health promoting work environment. Research has shown that the prerequisites for accomplishing a health promoting leadership are not always the best. Aim: The aim was to elucidate the prerequisites for a health promoting leadership as First Line Manager at a University hospital in Sweden based on competence, role, support structures and own durability. Results: First Line Managers at the chosen hospital seems to have rather good conditions for conducting a health promoting leadership. All respondents did have a university degree and most thought that their competence corresponded well with the role.

Den kommunikativa medarbetaren : För att uppnå en ömsesidig kommunikationsprocess

This thesis addresses the subject of internal communication between the leadership and the employees. Communication is a common process and according to Tufvesson (2008), the primary focus has been on the role and responsibility of the leadership. This can mean that, from the employee's point of view, it is not clear what the organization expects, and this lack of clarity dimishes the ability of the employees to live up to those expectations (ibid). Tufvesson (2008) believes that today's organizations need common interpretations, which requires a well thought out communication strategy between leadership and employees. Because communication represents an organization's functionality, the report?s authors were interested in studying the employees? representatives.

Graviditet och föräldraledighet : En uppsats om föräldrars skydd mot diskriminering i arbetslivet

Sweden adopted a new anti-discrimination legislation 2009, DiskL, which aim to prevent direct and indirect discrimination in matters of employment and occupation.According to directives and practices from EU, pregnant workers are entitled a special protection from discrimination during employment situations. The purpose of this essay is to study the legal protection for pregnant workers in employment situations and also analyze whether male workers have similar protection when they plan parental leave. Both regulations from the EU-law and the Swedish law are presented and discussed. This because Swedish discrimination legislation is largely influenced by the EU-law.The study confirms that pregnant workers have a strong legal protection against discrimination through directives from the EU and DiskL. Employers must include this protection in employment situations.

Maktens påverkan i en coachingrelation : En kritisk diskursanalys

The use of coaching is fairly up to date in the business world although it?s relatively new.Despite this, there?s a lack of clarity about what coaching is and what it signifies. Our point ishowever not to define coaching. Based on the normative coaching literature, the purpose is,from a critical discourse analysis to explore the power relations that affect the coach andcoached in their relation to each other, so as to be able to criticize managerial coachingrelationship as presented in the literature. This will contribute to enabling for a more opendiscourse.The theoretical image of managerial coaching described by the literature as a democraticexercised leadership by a certain type of behavior and attitudes, will lead to improvedorganizational performance.

MÄN MED KLASS - En jämförande studie om maskuliniteter och klass

The focus of our dissertation is masculinity which is often a topic of debate in today?s society concerning areas such as violence, sport and paternal leave. Male studies are a relatively new field which means there is a lot remaining to be explored. We have chosen to explore how social class reflects on male identity. The reason we have chosen social class as a variable is due to a focus in the general debate of identity amongst the social sciences towards identities formed through consumption in the world of global mass-media.

Vägen till jämställdhet - Kvinnor i styrelserum eller män i förskolan? : En kritisk analys av den svenska jämställdhetsdiskursen

Equality between the sexes has been discussed in Sweden for more than 50 years. In the 60´s and during the 70´s the discourse that dominated the debate was based on the assumption that both men and women needed to liberate themselves from their traditional gender roles. In this approach information and education was perceived as the key to equality. During the 80´s however, power and subordination became the main focal point of concern within this debate, and focus upon changing the patriarchal power structures dominating society were perceived as the principal key for establishing equality between the sexes. Today, the latter discourse still dominates both the scientific and the political perspective upon equality.

Är spa till för båda könen? : en studie om genusföreställningar bland spaorganisationer

The aim of this study is to from a gender perspective to examine whether spa is a place for both genders or it is focused on female spa visitors only. Also to study the organisation`s point of view of gender performances within spa tourism as well as to see spa organizations views on gender distribution.To be able to answer the questions, the qualitative method was used in our research. The method is relevant to our study since we sought to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. During the data collection we have used previous researchs and qualitative interviews. Overall we had conducted four interviews, one of which was the personal interview, two were made by email and one by phone call.

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