

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 2 av 115

Manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap inom byggbranschen : Skillnader och likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper i en mansdominerad bransch

In the construction industry the number of female managers is very low, only four percent (SCB, 2010). In fact, women with management positions has risen by six percentage overall, the last seven years (SCB, 2010). If women in managerial positions continue to grow at this rate, the proportion of women managers will be equal to that of male managers in 2033. More women are needed in the maledominated construction industry in particular because it is deemed that they have a different way of thinking and acting (Granér, 1994). Nelton (1991) believes that companies can take advantage of female managers to be more competitive on the market, the reason why is because women can see other possibilities when solving problems. Rapacioli (2010) argues that the recruitment of women into management positions not only benefits the individual itself but also the company. We have used a qualitative study with a deductive approach. Six respondents from the same company were interviewed, two of them have management positions and the other four were underemployed.The research question of this paper is: What differences and similarities are seen between male and feMale leadership in terms of their characteristics in the construction industry?The purpose of this paper is to examine similarities and differences in leadership in the construction industry where the focus is on the female and male characteristics. To fulfill our purpose we chose a qualitative study. We have interviewed six respondents at one company in the construction industry. Two of the six respondents have management positions and the remaining four are employed. In this paper we have concluded that there are some differences and similarities between men and women´s leadership in terms of their characteristics.

Kvinnor och deras karriäravancemang på managementkonsultföretag - en fallstudie om varför det är svårare för kvinnor att avancera på managementkonsultföretag

The purpose of the thesis is to examine why women face greater difficulties than men in the management consulting industry when advancing as well as to identify potential success factors that enable women to overcome the existing difficulties. In order to fulfil the purpose, a theoretical framework including gender and organisational theory has been applied to a qualitative case study of two Swedish management consulting firms. A number of difficulties have been identified related to women's career advancement, which are the following: the male leader and the stereotypical Male leadership, firms having higher expectations on women's performance, women's reluctance to self-promotion and to play "the organizational game", women's preference of social networks, men's tendency to promote other men, and the choice and conflict between a career and family life. The identified success factors that enable women to overcome these difficulties are: adapting the Male leadership style, having an extrovert behaviour, becoming more active in professional networks, promoting one self, actively seeking to gain more attention, and prioritising one's career. These success factors can be summarised as women adapting a more male-like behaviour.

"Lite konstig ordföljd ibland men det funkar i stilnivå" : En undersökning om studenters kunskaper, uppfattningar och attityder till multietnisk socio-dialekt

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation

This report addresses the management innovation and how shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : en intervjustudie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose with this examine was to study the teachers perception of leadership in the classroom and also how they experience the conditions of this. The method used was qualitative, and builds on a total of six interviews. Stensmos five leadership tasks in the classroom that constitute leadership context have provided the theoretical basis of this study. The leadership tasks have therefore been used as theoretical tools in this study to analyze the teachers? reasoning about their own leadership style.

How Thai Culture Affects Expatriates' Leadership

To contribute to understanding of how Thai cultural context affects the leadership of expatriates in management positions. Instead of modifying the leadership styles to fit the local (Thai) context, the expatriates tried to push and influence their culture and leadership styles to Thai employees..

Manlig förskollärare sökes : En studie av manliga pedagoger i förskolan

The purpose with this essay is to get a deeper insight into why there is a lack of male educators in Swedish preschools. I also want to know which role the male educators have in comparison to the female educators. This essay builds on four questions, which covers:The cause of the lack of males in Swedish preschoolsIf there are any gender bound expectations on male educators in the Swedish preschoolsWhat the woman educators perceive about the roles of the male educators in the Swedish preschoolsHow the male educator experience his own work in a workplace dominated by womenThe method I have used is a qualitative interview study in which I have interviewed four male educators and two woman educators from three different preschools. The result of this study shows that male educators gave different reasons to why there is a lack of male educators in Swedish childcare. According to the male educators the reason for this situation is that there is a worry to be seen as a feminine person, get singled out as a pedophile and that the childcare sector has low status.

Reklambyråers strategier och attityder kring ansvarstaganden i miljöfrågor och hållbar utveckling : En djupintervjuundersökning

Abraham is the original patriarch. How does his leadership compare with a modern day popular culture patriarch with his roots in advertising, the shopkeeper Stig, star of the ICA advertising? The essay compares the leadership and masculinity of two male leaders from different backgrounds and settings, and discusses similiarities and differences.

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : Lärarens upplevelse av sin egen ledarstil: demokratisk eller auktoritär?

The aim is to examine teachers own experiences of leadership, leadership styles and what good leadership is and to find out how teacher leadership can influence students according to teachers. My questions are: How do teachers evaluate leadership and their own leadership styles?What is good leadership according to teachers?How can the teachers leadership styles affect students in the classroom according to teachers?The method used is a qualitative method based on interviews with five teachers. The reason why I have chosen a qualitative research method is that I believe that this method can give me better results by understanding the world from the interviewees? point of view.I have come to the conclusion that the interviewed teachers believe that leadership and management style play a large role in the teacher's profession and that the teacher's leadership style in the classroom democratic or authoritarian have a major impact on students. The teacher should consider his management and find some sort of balance by exercising both democratic and authoritarian leadership style and adapt it to the situation. And In terms of results regarding good leadership of the interviewed teachers, I can say that good leadership is largely about good relationships between teachers and students and that a teacher can become accepted as leader by winning students confidence..

Ledarskapsprocesser inom framgångsrika organisationer

The aim of this study is to investigate leadership in sports organizations and business organizations. The study focused on common and important leadership components and the most important leadership processes in both business context and sports context. The study also investigated common and important leadership components, leadership challenges and which degree leaders used the transformative leadership. The study focuses on leadership components most importantly from the leaders view, including both sport managers and business leaders. The investigation was based on eight interviews, which are analyzed with content analysis.

Styr partiledaren? : En Interaktionistisk Studie i Mona Sahlins Partiordförandeskap

The aim of this paper is to study and outline the factors governing political leadership at the party leader level, and to conclude to what extent a party leader rules and to what extent the party leadership is contextually determined. The theories used are based on Elgie's interactionistic study of political leadership and Stewart's organisational model of leadership as well as political culture.Thus, the questions raised are if the leader leads or if the leader follows; if the leadership environment is formed by the leader or if it is, merely, implemented on the leader; and what a model of the political leadership consist of? To answer these questions a text analysis comparing Sahlin?s speeches to the party?s political programme is used as well as in-depth interviews with members of the Board of Party.The conclusion shows that the leadership is contextually framed, but the leader is free to implement his or her ambitions within that frame as long as it is coherent to the party line..

Ledarskapets samband med arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and leadership style as well as participants' perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. Sixty-two participants answered a questionnaire containing 56 questions regarding perceived leadership style and job satisfaction. The leadership styles examined in the study was transformative, transactional and laissez-faire leadership. The results showed a relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and job satisfaction but not with laissez-faire leadership. The results also showed that employees experienced a laissez-faire leadership.

Ledarskapsideal : - ur ett demokratiskt-, auktoritärt- och låt-gå (laissez-faire) perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze the term leadership based on democratically-, authoritarian-, and passive (laissez-faire) leadership and find out which of these types are to be preferred among employees. Our main aspects are:Do employees prefer democratically-, authoritarian-, or passive leadership?Are there any differences regarding ideal leadership considering sex, age, length of service and sector?We have chosen to make a quantitative study of two equivalent organizations, one in the private and one in the public sector. Our method is an explorative method were we seek to find new knowledge about our fenomena. Our study is based on the already established theories on leadership and our empirical data is gathered by questionnaires.The conclusions to be drawn from this study is that our respondents to a large extent prefer a democratic leadership towards an authoritarian and passive leadership. Most of them prefer a democratic leadership with elements of the other leadership types.

Kvinnligt dominerade yrken inom äldreomsorgen - arbetsledarnas upplevelser av sitt ledarskap inom kommunala äldreomsorgen

The purpose of this research was to find how supervisors in the care of elderly experience their leadership in everyday work and their view on the factors which are important for their leadership. In the research a qualitative method has been used to do interviews with six supervisors and to do analysis of material. By the help of literature studies, I explained leadership. Result of the study indicate that leadership concerned supervisor should prepared to do the right thing in every situation and to find best solution of different situation that come up on the work. The way to do all this is important to create leadership.

Tillämpningar av ledarskap från höghöjdsexpeditioner : Användningsområde - krissituationer

The institution of Engineering Sciences at Uppsala University in cooperation with Umea? University is working on a project where they will examine the decision-making in extreme situations. A part of this project is to investigate leadership in high altitudes expeditions.This report will discusses the type of leadership used in high altitudes expeditions. Then, to examine how well you can use it in companies and organizations, and the ability to prevent company?s disasters with this kind of leadership.This is done by studying different company?s stories, where they gone bankrupt or fallen into a deep crisis.

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