

1722 Uppsatser om Male leadership - Sida 18 av 115

Value Investing ur ett Genusperspektiv

In light of the current debate on gender equality and behavioral finance, the study aims to describe whether gender differences in financial stock picking can be explained by the different multiples found within the Value Investing Theory. Furthermore, the study aims to determine which of the four portfolios, value, growth, male or female, that has had the strongest return. The results suggest that there is an association between female and value stocks as well as between male and growth stocks. Out of the four portfolios, the value and female portfolio were on average the best performers with abnormal returns..

Vaccination against boar taint - effect of restrictive and semi ad libitum feeding regime on production and behavior

Male piglets have been castrated for centuries to avoid contamination of their meat with boar taint, a strongly unpleasant odour that makes the meat inedible. Today boar taint can be prohib-ited by vaccination against gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) using Improvac®. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination on growth performance and behaviour of vaccinated male pigs compared to surgically castrated male pigs. The effect of two feeding regimes, restricted (SLU-norm) and semi ad libitum, was also included in the study. At birth, pigs (n=206) were randomly allocated to the two treatment groups; surgically castrated and vaccination.

Forget Prince Charming. I want a vampire in a shiny silver Volvo. : En studie av manlig sexualitet i två moderna vampyrromaner

The popularity of vampire novels has come and gone over the years. And the romantic novels seem more popular than ever before. The male vampire have taken the stereotyperole as a sexual object. But what is it that makes the male characters desirable?The vampire genre was developed from defining female vampires as sexual freeand liberal but with a punishment awaiting them.

Personligt Varumärke och Ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur företagsledare använder sig av personligt varumärke i sitt ledarskap

The meaning of being someone and standing for something is getting more important today in the Swedish business market. Our thesis has a qualitative approach that aims to study the usage of personal branding in the upper-management of Swedish organizations. Theories collected from literature and articles include marketing branding, personal branding and leadership. Our main target is to identify components that obtain usage of personal branding which are, attributes and strengths, communication, values, and vision and mission. The empirical data is gathered from six personal interviews with managers.

Utvecklande ledarskap i historien : En studie i nutida militär ledarskapsteori under Senkarolinsk tid

Denna studie behandlar ämnet ledarskap och inriktar sig på den militära ledarskapsteorin Utvecklande ledarskap.  Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om Karl XII:s framgångar som ledare kan förklaras genom en modern ledarskapsteori såsom Utvecklande ledarskap. Detta görs genom att undersöka om de eftersträvansvärda ledarkaraktäristika som nämns i Utvecklande ledarskap även går att finna i återberättelser om Karl XII:s ledarskap under den Senkarolinska tiden.Teorin Utvecklande ledarskap har analyserats gentemot dess föregångare Transformational leadership för att få en djupare förståelse för vad den utvecklande ledarskapsteorin innebär samt öka utbudet på beskrivningar av eftersträvansvärda ledaregenskaper. Här identifieras tre kännetecken som sammanfattar teorins önskvärda ledaregenskaper: Föredöme, Personlig omtanke samt Inspiration och motivation.Dessa kännetecken prövas sedan mot återberättelser av Karl XII:s ledarskap för att påvisa att många av de önskvärda ledaregenskaper som nämns i de moderna ledarskapsteorierna även gick att finna i Karl XII:s ledarskap. Resultatet av studien blev att många av de karaktärsdrag som nämns i Utvecklande ledarskap också gick att finna hos Karl XII med skillnaden att innebörden av begreppen ändrats på grund av kulturella och religiösa förändringar med tiden. En sista skillnad är att dessa karaktärsdrag inte var nedtecknade i en teoretisk modell under den Senkarolinska tiden, då Karl XII regerade, vilket försvårade transferering och utbildning i ämnet..

Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar

Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.

"Det är väl min egen lathet, ambition och inspiration som sätter gränser" : En normkritisk genusstudie om engelsklärares val av romaner till litteraturundervisningen

From an anti-oppressive and a gender perspective, the aim of this paper is to examine whether three English teachers at a comprehensive school in Stockholm make gender conscious selections when selecting novels for their English literature lessons. Through quantitative research, semi-structured interviews and e-mail interviews with these teachers I have attempted to find out if they include both male and female writers when selecting English novels for their students and also what factors affect their selections. I have analyzed the interviews and the quantitative research by using a qualitative and a quantitative content analysis. The theories that I have established my analysis upon are gender theories about the male norm in society, the feminist Simone de Beauvoir?s ideas about the woman as a second gender and the sociologist Raewyn Connell?s gender regimes.

Kompetensutveckling av personer i ledande befattningar : En studie om mentorskapets inverkan på ledarskapet

Title:                          Leadership development of individuals in management positions Authors:                    Carl Renér and Peter Simonsson  Institution:                Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics Program:                   Human Resource Management Course:                      Business administration ? Organization including thesis, 15 credits Supervisor:               Olle Duhlin (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) Examiner:                 Mikael Lundgren (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics) It is widely known that the role of managers may result in stress and a heavy workload. As a result of this negative effects organisations have to counteract and find new solutions and systems to facilitate and assist leaders in their work. A popular method for leadership development has come to show both in research and in practice, especially in recent years, this popular method is known as mentoring. This form of leadership development is often applied in so called mentoring programs.

Murbruket i mångfaldens mosaik - en fallstudie av framgångsrikt ledarskap i mångfaldsgrupper på Swedbank

Successful diversity management has become an increasingly pressing concern for companies and organisations, as the workforce has grown more diverse over the past few decades. Research on whether increased work group diversity has a generally positive or negative impact on results remains inconclusive. It has, however, been established that good diversity management is pivotal in creating conditions for the successful performance of diverse work groups. Although much attention has been directed towards explaining the translation of work group diversity into positive results, less attention has been given to the processes that underlie this translation and the way it is expressed in everyday leadership behaviour. This thesis revolves around a case study, at the Swedish bank Swedbank, which combines qualitative and quantitative elements to explore the successful leadership in nine diverse work groups at the local branch level.

Receving women in the accident and emergency department who have been abused by their male partner ? an empirical nursing study

Introduction:Violence towards women is an extensive and important problem in the society. Confronting women who are assulted by their male partner is a demanding task for the nurses.The aim of the study:The aim of this empirical study was to illustrate the experiences of nurses in the meeting with women exposed to violence by their male partner.Method:This is a qualitative interview study including nine female nurses. The material recieved from the interviews was analysed with help of content analysis. Categories were formed named Comunication, feelings, Ability to recognize the women, Lack of time, Need of support and further education. An application to the ethical council at the University of Kristianstad were remitted and approved.

Manlighet på burk - En kvalitativ studie om relationer och konsumentbarriärer inom kategorin manlig hudvård

The beauty industry has experienced a turnover increase of 220 % the last 20 years (Jones, 2010). At the moment the market for men's skin care is seeing the fastest growth rate in the cosmetic industry and multinational companies such as Procter and Gamble and L'Oréal have identified a "multibillion-dollar potential" within the segment. BUT - fresh research from the category leading company L'Oréal, shows that only 48 % of the male consumers use a skin care product specially adapted for men. It further shows that as many as 28 % of these do not even know how that skin care product got into their bathroom cabinet. The purpose of this paper is to get a deeper insight into men's relationship with skin care products and grooming.

Deltid och kön: En undersökning av deltidsarbetets utveckling under åren 1987-2005

This paper aims at assessing the relationship between female and male part-time employment and the business cycle in Sweden during the years 1987?2005 using quarterly time-series data and two alternative indicators of the business cycle. It further aims at determining whether the share of women working part-time has changed over time. Key results include that the relationship between the business cycle and female part-time employment is found to be significant and countercyclical. No significant effect is however found for men.

Kvinnliga yrkesmässiga nätverks betydelse för ledarskapet och karriären

In today?s society there is an ongoing debate concerning gender distribution amongst the top executives and there is a clear distinction between the men and women in leading positions. The reason for this can be because men and women to a certain degree conduct leadership differently. It is said that men are more focused on task oriented leadership while women seem to focus on a relation oriented and more interactive leadership. A leader?s success could be due to his or her ability to set up and use a network.

Montazami-lockar möter masterminds i Svenskt Näringslivs entreprenörsporträtt : En kvalitativ fallstudie av entreprenörsporträtt i tidskriften Entreprenör

This study has as its purpose to reveal whether female and male entrepreneurs are offered the same kind of conditions in their role of entrepreneurs in their respective media representation. This is studied by analyzing portrayals in the magazine Entreprenör (Br.E. ?Entrepreneur?). Methodologically the analysis will be making use of textual analysis, semiotics and discourse analysis in order to expose the underlying gender perspective(s) in Entreprenör.The entrepreneur portrayals? texts and visuals will be studied in the light of gender and entrepreneur theory, and more specifically on the basis of theories about representation, discourse and stereotypes.The main conclusion of the study is that female and male entrepreneurs are not offered the same conditions in their roles of entrepreneurs in a medium such as Entreprenör.

Konstruktionen av den japanska ledaren: En studie av kvinnans roll i det japanska företaget

Japan is the first industrialized country that is experiencing the threat of a rapidly declining and aging population. This has shifted the focus and the limelight is now on the matter that for a long time has been ignored. That is, the Japanese women?s situation in the society. This thesis seeks to point out the relevance of gender in the construction of leadership in order to get a deeper understanding of the Japanese women?s situation today.

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