10522 Uppsatser om Major Swedish banks - Sida 19 av 702
Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.
In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.
Bristfällig tillbudsrapportering : En sammanställning av attityder och kunskap kring tillbud inom Peab
The construction industry stands as one of the industries in Sweden where most employees tend to encounter accidents. At the same time, the Swedish authority of work environment estimates that there are large numbers of hidden statistics with accidents and incidents that never gets reported. To prevent accidents, the Swedish authority of work environment has decided that every company have to, beside report every accident and major incident to the authority of work environment, keep statistics and evaluate every incident that happens at their places of work.The people responsible for work environment at the Swedish building contractor Peab, believe that it is only a fraction of all incidents happening at their construction sites that actually gets reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reason why employees of Peab do not report incidents. By an inquiry and interviews with both craftsmen and office holders at Peab Bygg Öst 1, the employees? attitudes and knowledge have been studied and evaluated.The study shows that the craftsmen´s knowledge of incidents is relatively low.
Klickers ur ett studentperspektiv : Studenters uppfattning av klickers vid Uppsala universitet
Audience responese technology (ART) often called clickers are becoming more common, not only internationally but also at Swedish universities. No direct Swedish research has been identified, this is however a major area of research internationally. There is both research on clickers positive effect on study results and how students feel about using clickers. This study has taken a Swedish translated version of Cheesman, Winograd, and Wehrman?s (2010) survey to investigate how perception of clickers differ between students in Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy and Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.
Made in Sweden : En studie av svensk jordbruksproduktions villkor på en konkurrensutsatt marknad
Background: The situation for Swedish agricultural production today is characterized by an increased competition, particularly after the country joined the European Union. Swedish agricultural production laws guarantee safe, high quality foodstuffs. However, due to these strict laws, Swedish farmers face higher production costs than their competitors. Meanwhile, cheaper imported goods compete freely on the Swedish market. Swedish agricultural production must find new ways to survive in the increasing competition.
Sverigedemokraterna - isolerade eller påverkande?
This essay examines the indirect effects of the local strength of the Swedish Democrats on refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities. With statistical methods this essay has aimed to investigate if such effects exist and by using statistical data from three periods of time - 2002, 2006 and 2010 ? the investigation has been able to measure effects over time. Based on former research and reasonable expectations the hypothesis for the essay claims that the Swedish Democrats has got an indirect effect upon the refugee acceptance. With the statistical analyses made, the essay is able to conclude that the strength of the Swedish Democrats in municipality elections as well as the change of this strength between the elections does have a negative effect upon refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities.
LÖNSAMHETSKALKYL AV FUKTSÄKERHETSANSVARIG VID RENOVERING : En fallstudie av ett projekt där ByggaF-metoden har använts
The so called ?ByggaF-method? is a relatively new Swedish method to stop moisture from being built into a building. The method should prevent damages on buildings as a result of mould growth and moisture. The purpose of the method is to include moisture control in the entire constructionprocess, from the projecting phase and all the way to the management phase. Up until now, there is no proof if the method is profitable or not and no studies have been made on the topic.
Varfo?r finns det sa? lite svensk ekologisk frukt? : probleminventering av den svenska ekologiska fruktbranschen
Out of totally 1862 hectares of the Swedish fruitacerage, only 142 hectares are cultivated
according to the EU-standards for organic farming. Only 73 hectares are connected to the
Swedish control organisation KRAV. Therefore only fruit from this acreage can be sold as
The aim of the study was to further investigate the organic fruit production regarding
cultivation, market and firm strategy.
Through interviews with 36 fruitproducers the situation for organic fruit and the companies
were examined.
En plats att bo på? : hyresnivåernas nivåfluktuationer 1999 - 2007
The purpose of this paper is to present and analyze the yearly expenses for Swedish rental apartments during the period 1999 to 2007. At the end, it will give the reader a general picture of how the cost-level has fluctuated depending on the production year when the apartment building was finished, and where the same building is located. This paper has the following questions as a starting point:- Can there be an identification of regions depending on where people tend to favor renting an apartment?- How are those regions distributed? That is, where are the cost-levels of the yearly rental expenses highest and where are the levels lowest?Nine statistical surveys from the Swedish government agency Statistics Sweden (Statistiska Centralbyrån) have been used as primary sources for this paper. These surveys deal with price pictures of housing in general, but for this paper the only information that has been used is the one about rental apartments.
Ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna : Är den svenska skattebasen skyddad?
This thesis treats the extended Swedish rules regarding deduction limitations on interest. The purpose for this thesis is to investigate whether the interest deduction limitation rules have potential to protect the Swedish tax base. The thesis also assesses whether the options presented how the extended rules could look liked had been better to protect the Swedish tax base. Furthermore thin capitalizations rules have been evaluated if this is a better method to protect the Swedish tax base.In 2009 the Swedish deduction limitations rules on interest came in to force to protect the Swedish tax base. Despite these rules companies was still able to avoid Swedish tax and therefore threatened the Swedish tax base.
The Swedish food retail market : An econometric analysis of the competition on local food retail markets
The Swedish food retail market contains of three major actors, ICA, KF and Axfood, all in all dominating 75 percent of the total market shares. The scant number of retailing actors indicates that the Swedish food retail market is a highly concentrated oligopoly, which as a fact has given rise to definite discussions and argumentations concerning the market situation. But is the food retail market imperfect and how do we reach a workable competition? Economic theory does not provide any clear answer on these questions, but is rather divided into two fundamentally different approaches to define competition: the static and the dynamic perspective on competition. In an attempt to examine the competition on local Swedish retail markets, the purpose of this study is to carry out an econometric model estimating the situation.
Förstudie: Internt moln : En fallstudie för effektivare IT-administration
This is a report of a prestudy commissioned by a medium-sized Swedish company before an imminent major change in IT systems. The change aims to provide a simplified IT administration within the company through a cloud-based approach.The preliminary study provides an interpretation of the concept of cloud computing. It also covers a review of different models to use in order to achieve an internal cloud. Suggestions on how to proceed with the change process are also provided, and which models might be appropriate for the specific company..
?And so they lived happily ever after?? : en diskursanalytisk och queerteoretisk bild- och textanalys av läroböcker i engelska för gymnasiet
This thesis consists of a discourse and queer theoretical text and image analysis of school books in English used in the Swedish upper secondary school. The whole content of two school books have been analysed from a norm critical perspective but one chapter in each of them has been analysed more thoroughly than the rest. These two chapters form the major part of the analysis.The thesis? problem formulation and objective derive from a personal experience of being a teacher student and part time teacher in Swedish schools. This experience shows the prevalence of a strong heteronormativity both in the schools? every day life and in the used school books.
Biologisk mångfald och skogsproduktion : -en målkonflikt i skogen?
The purpose of this work, has been to examine how different actors in the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry looks at Sweden?s forest policy statement, which claims that environmental goals and production goals should be equal in Swedish forestry. By assembling focusgroups with participants from the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry, we look at if these participants consider the Swedish forest policy goals equal or not. Conflicts do occur between the two forest policy goals, but also between those and others of Sweden?s environmental goals.
Tillvaratagande av GROT i skärgårdsnära miljö :
The main aim of this study was to investigate and compare different methods for the extraction of forest fuel from environments close to an archipelago. The study was based on relevant literature and published reports as well as personal communications.
Forestry has traditionally been characterized by intense efforts to rationalize and mechanize the cutting technique used for timber and pulpwood. In line with the increasing importance of forestry, more concentrated efforts can be expected in the area of techniques and methods, especially for the above-mentioned product lines.
In Sweden, forestry is of major importance and the Swedish economy and standard of living have mainly been created based on the revenues generated from it. Thus, it is vital that Swedish forests are harvested in an efficient and responsible manner.
The demand for biofuel is growing and today accounts for 15% of total Swedish energy production, a share that will probably increase.
This study is based on three research questions, which are described under the heading of Aim. The results reveal that the most profitable method for handling forest fuel is the traditional one, which is also the most commonly used method in southern Sweden, namely the stockpiling of logs in a clearing by means of forwarders followed by splintering at the place from where they will be distributed.
Today, the high cost of barge transport required for the extraction of forest fuel in an archipelago environment renders such operations unprofitable.
Villa Furulid : gamla anor möter dagens behov
The last years? financial situation has contributed to an increased willingness from the banks to handle risks. The most important risk to cope with is a risk that is related to a customer?s ability to repay loans. Forecasts indicate that in the future, Swedish farmers will be facing profitability challenges, which points to a need to reconsider the banks procedures considering risk management in credit granting for agricultural businesses.Today?s risk management will be given two complements in this study.