

686 Uppsatser om Macroeconomic variables - Sida 43 av 46

Sveaskogs möjligheter att utveckla trädbränsleverksamheten i Västerbotten och södra Norrland :

This final thesis is initiated by the wood fuel department at the Swedish forest company Sveaskog as part of a project which also involves two other final thesises. The overall goal of the project is to investigate Sveaskog´s possibilities to produce and sell different wood fuel assortments in Västerbotten and the southern parts of Norrland. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how much wood fuel Sveaskog can produce in the area during the next five years and what that would cost. Furthermore the thesis will investigate the total possible supply of wood fuel from all other possible producers in the area. Treated assortments are forest residues from final fellings, whole trees from direct wood fuel thinnings, non industrial wood and industrial by-products from sawmills. The main effort to investigate Sveaskog´s production possibilities has been made to calculate the possible annual amount of forest residues and fuel from wood fuel thinnings that can be produced.

Effects of shade on milk production in Swedish dairy cows on pasture

Heat stress negatively influences the performance of dairy cattle such as lactation and reproduction. Heat stress can cause production losses as well as welfare problems. Years of research have shown that heat stress is a huge problem for dairy cattle in both the tropics and temperate zones but no such research have so far been done in northern European countries. It seems like shade is an important tool when improving pasture conditions and therefore deserves more attention. The aim with this study was to investigate whether there is a need of providing shade for grazing dairy cows during the summer in Sweden. Two groups of lactating Swedish Red dairy cows (n=15 per group) were kept on pasture.

GIS-modellering av habitat för vitryggig hackspett (Dendrocopos leucotos) som hjälpmedel i naturvårdsplanering på landskapsnivå :

The white-backed woodpecker is a forest bird being critically endangered in Sweden. The species is dependent on older forests rich in deciduous trees and dead wood. The main problem for the survival of this species is present shortage of habitat. Conservation work on this umbrella species is at present focused on finding remaining or emerging habitat networks. Large areas are scrutinized in search for suitable habitats to be protected or managed for the species sake.

Att marknadsföra politik i Sverige : En fallstudie av tre svenska politiska partiers marknadsföringsstrategi gentemot yngre väljare

BackgroundPolitics in some ways has always been about communication and marketing. In Sweden some people believe that communication and meaningful relations with the voters are of no value, instead it is the political content that is of importance. Media evolution has changed the conditions of political marketing; this has meant that the choices of the right communication channels in political marketing have become more important today than ever. Political competition in Sweden has become more even in recent years, this has called for political communication and marketing to be more planed and well thought out. Political parties have therefore begun to spend millions on marketing themselves.

Estetiska lärprocesser och visuell kommunikation : En metodtriangulering för att integrera dubbla perspektiv på K3, Malmö Högskola

Aim: The study aims to investigate the distribution of grades between students in a practical subject and in a theoretical subject.The problem:What is the grade distribution in physical education and mathematics, with respect to gender, socioeconomic background, parental education, ethnicity, and physical activity?Method:To answer the aim of the study a quantitative method was chosen. As the collection method used was questionnaires to 620 students in the 9th grade in Stockholm. Of the 620 questionnaires, 597 questionnaires were used for the static analysis. The method of analysis used cross tables and logistic regression analysis.

Hur samarbetar konkurrenter? : En stude om hur tre konkurrerande banker samarbetar kring en ny teknisk produkt

The buying decision process describes how the consumer makes a purchase decision through a rational process (Markin, 1979) and an understanding for how consumers make a purchase decision can according to Sands et al. (2010) be obtained by increased knowledge for the information search process (the second part of the buying decision process) before a purchase. Today?s society offers great opportunity to obtain information (Rahim & Clemens, 2012; Bawden & Robinson, 2009) and by that there are in other words good opportunities for a rational acting by the consumers. However, there are factors working against that consumers act rationally and seek information prior to their purchases primarily in the form of the concept of information overload (Bawden & Robinson, 2009) which claims that consumers are limited in their information search because there is too much information but also other factors such as lack of time (Wood & Neal, 2009) and ability to find information (Slegers et al.

Millenniebubblan : Vilka faktorer hade betydelse för dess utveckling?

Every tenth year a financial crisis tend to interfere with an economy. Price bubbles with an accompanying market plunge are therefore not a new phenomenon. Such market disruptions have been causing problems for centuries, as history has a tendency to repeat itself. The intention with this study is to learn more about the bubble phenomenon and increase the knowledge in this area in order to, if possible, prevent such a thing from happening again. The purpose of the essay is to identify factors that significantly affected the development of the so called IT-bubble in Sweden and Finland during the years of 1995-2000.

Spåret mot parken : en gränsöverskridande stig mellan torg och park i Norra Sorgenfri

My thesis is a combination of theory and practice, where theory is meant to create a context and a background for my interpretation proposal. I wanted to ?access? the ideas that are always in the background of the reasoning which underlies both planning in a larger scale, and the design of a place. I wanted to make a ?work of ideas.? In the process of shaping the proposal, I wanted to be deleted from the site itself.

Aggregerade kundmissnöjen i informationssystem ? En fallstudie av Nordea Bank

Abstract ? ?Aggregate complaints in banks MIS?Date:                       June 8th 2012Level:                      Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 ECTSInstitution:                School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                  Abdulla Ahmed Ibrahim         Alexis AnderssonTitle:                       Aggregate complaints in MIS ? A case study of Nordea BankTutor:                      Carl G ThunmanKeywords:               Aggregate, complaint, dissatisfaction, content analysis, Nordea, MIS.Purpose:                  The paper aims to develop a model of how Nordea Bank can monitor customer dissatisfaction through aggregated dissatisfaction analysis. Furthermore, the study aims to identify improvement proposals in Nordea based on the developed model and conducted interviews.Method:                  This thesis consists of qualitative interviews. Personnel at the local office in Västerås has been interviewed as well as Nordea?s customer ombudsmen, former office employee at Nordea, data analyst, head of customer inquiries, Professor of database technology and also a researcher in language technology.

Aspekter på flyttkostnader, fastighetsbildning och fastighetstorlekar :

This master thesis has three purposes. The first purpose is to give a theoretical background of how to divide up forest estates and to study how the legal system for these matters works. A literature study has been carried out to give the background and a theoretical model has been made for analysing the law cases. The first purpose also partly touched the decision process in dividing up forest estates from point of view of the law of land parcelling (FBL), point of view. The second purpose is to examine effects of a change of production requirements in 3 cap.7 § FBL as regards dividing up forest estates of private forest owners.

Personen i fokus! En studie i hur individens roll på dagspressens förstasidor har förändrats under de senaste 50 åren

The person in focus ? A study of the changing role of individuals? on the newspaper?sfront pages over the last 50 yearsWritten by: Victor Kennmark, Fredrik Palmqvist & Anders WollnerBachelor?s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media and CommunicationAutumn term 2013University of GothenburgOur purpose with this study is to examine if and how the person-centeredness and personalizationhas changed on the front pages in the four biggest newspapers in Sweden over the last five decades;1962-2012. Our angle is to look at the changes to see if the tabloidization, commercialization, andmarketization having a bigger impact on our media landscape, and media content, in current yearscompared to earlier years.We have used both Swedish and international studies and theories. When it comes tocommercialization we have mainly focused on studies by Ingela Wadbring, and Sigurd Allern. Wehave used Sigurd Allern?s, Ingela Wadbring?s and Josefine Sternvik's theories on tabloidization.We?ve also include Marina Ghersetti?s theories about sensational journalism, personalization andnews values.

Effect of cow traffic system on cow performance and AMS capacity

Robotic milking in Automatic Milking systems (AMS) is proposed to reduce manual labour and at the same time increase milk yield by increasing milking frequency. In order to increase milking frequency, it is essential to have well-functioning cow traffic. Investing in an AMS is a great capital investment for the farmer, thus it is of major importance to ensure maximal AMS capacity. This study investigated the effect of the traffic systems Feed First? and Free cow traffic with and without waiting area (WA) on cow performance and AMS capacity.

Tetratermmodellering och regressionsanalyser mellan topografi, tetraterm och tillväxt hos sitkagran och lärk : en studie i norra Island

This study was made in an attempt to give the forest research centre Mógilsá a producedtetratherm map and a better understanding of how topography and temperature influencethe growth of two tree species. The digital tetratherm map model, covering the northernpart of Iceland, was developed to investigate the correlation between tetratherm and thegrowth of Picea sitchensis and Larix (sukaczewii + sibirica). The study confirms theusefulness of digital terrain models in providing data for a lot of different factors and forthe tetratherm model. Hopefully will this tetratherm map be used in future studies.Secondly, investigations were made correlating the growth of the two species againsttopographic factors representing height above sea level, distance to the sea, slope andtopex. Thirdly, investigations were made comparing the aspect and the ground shape tothe growth.The growth rate of Larix had strong significant correlations to the tetratherm and thedistance to the sea- factors.

Fysisk träning som hjärtrehabilitering efter en myokardieinfarkt: en litteraturstudie

Background: Myocardial infarction is the most common individual disease among people in the west world. In Sweden there are over 50 000 women and men who get myocardial infarction every year and about 40 % of them dies. Exercise training is one part of cardiac rehabilitation and since 1980 Sweden use the guidelines from that time. Aim: The aim was to review exercise-training modalities in cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction and the physiologic- and psychological effects. Method: Facts were obtained by searching through the database PubMed for articles published from 1994 and ten years forward.

Potentialen av värmebesparing i ett avlopps luftningsledning

This thesis aims at determining the heat losses in a property vent stack and its roof valve. Upon request of a company, the vent stack is analysed for possible heat recovering solutions to be implemented, while relining of the drain system is executed and with a suitable payback time for the economic investments. The heat loss calculations are based on data for properties that are located in the Stockholm region, but also easy to change depending on the situation. The calculations are done on pipes made out of cast iron, which still is the most common type of drain pipe in Sweden, and these are the pipes that relining is usually made on. The calculations that needed to take several variables into account have been done in MatlabR2014a and the thermos dynamical properties that were used in those calculations have been extracted from EES.Three different types of heat losses in the vent stack have been taken into consideration in this thesis.

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