

422 Uppsatser om Machine milking - Sida 22 av 29

Vattenlogistik vid stubbehandling i slutavverkning

Water logistics has long been a problem in order to effectively carry out stump treatment in both thinning and final felling. It is important that the stump treatment? equipment is configured as well as a sufficient amount of water is carried out on the harvester to get a cost? effective treatment. The flow control of the equipment has improved and water can be dispensed more efficient, but still the amount of water on the machine is a crucial factor in the total cost estimate. The knowledge of the tools available to bring water as well as the internal logistics of loading and transport to the felling site is deficient. Increased focus on "smart" solutions to manage water cost is of great importance in order to combat Hetrobasidion spp in both thinning and final felling. The purpose of the study is to describe and summarize different solutions of water logistics at stump treatment in final felling.

Prognostisering av utrustningar på Volvo Wheel Loaders

Volvo in Arvika produces wheel loaders, and the production is based on forecasts. When a machine is ordered, the customer can choose what type of equipment he or she wants, and these equipments are also made forecasts on. This is made by giving each equipment an estimated procentual usage that shows how many of the machines that will use this option. Today two people are working with the forecasts, planer A in Eskilstuna and planer B in Arvika. Planer A makes a forecast based on the historical outcome and planer B then makes adjustments of this based on how many options that are ordered.

Är reducerad jordbearbetning ett alternativ? :

Today cultivation of cereal in Sweden has high costs for establishment in relation to the rest of the world, and if this cultivation will be able to continue, the farmers have to control their costs. It is important to see all costs, not the maximum harvest achieved, but the net result. All farmers have different conditions with respect to soil, direction of the farm and were the farm is located geographically. With the right knowledge and ambitions, we think most farmers could change to reduced tillage. In this paper we have tried to find out if reduced tillage is an alternative for farmers.

Fallstudie av kostnader i tornsilo och plansilosystem på en mjölkgård :

I have through a case study looked on a milkingfarm in Dalarna and been counting on what it would cost to increase the silagestorage. Today they have to little capacity on the existing towersilo because they built a bigger farm with more cows. The reason is that two families decided to start having the production on one farm together and moved all animals from one of the farms to the other farm. So for that reason I have looked on the costs to build a new towersilo or levelsilo. The goal has been not only to look at the buildingcost but also which operatingcost that is included with the different alternatives. I have taken tenders from two different towersilocompany, Bjurenwall and Svenska Neuero and taken tenders from Abetong for a levelsilo with roof and one without roof. The overall feed requirements on the farm is on 240 tonnes dry extract and the old towersilo hold 110 tonnes dry extract so the need for a new foundation is on 130 tonnes dry extract. I have through cost estimate been counting on the specific buildingcost for each buildingaltenative.

Miljöanpsassad metod för hjultvätt

In order to avoid harmful substances ending up at the municipal sewage treatment plants, it is important to purify the wastewater at the source. One such source is the wheel washers available in many tire garages which are used to wash the wheels on our vehicles when we change between summer and winter tires. It is important to wash the wheels before storage, to extend the tires lifetime. The purpose of this study is to find a green innovative solution for reduction of emissions of heavy metals at the source, so that the sludge from the sewage treatment plants can be used as fertilizer. The target is to find a wheel wash method which leads to compliance with the guidelines for car washers, and that also provides a better washing result than with the existing method.

Naturlig föryngring efter markberedning med harv eller Bracke Planter i Småland

Studiens syfte var att jämföra Bracke Planter (BP) med harvning med avseende på andelen markberedd areal, uppkomsten av naturligt föryngrade stammar av olika trädslag per ha och huvudplantors medelhöjd tre år efter plantering. Jämförelserna mellan de två metoderna gjordes gruppvis med lika antal inventerade trakter för respektive metod, inventeringen gjordes i Småland under augusti månad 2012. För att fastställa andelen markberedd areal mättes arean på markberedningshögar och harvspår på årsfärska markberedningar (6 trakter). Förekomsten av naturlig föryngring och höjd på huvudstammar (ca 550 mätta plantor/metod) registrerades för totalt 16 trakter. Andelen markberedd areal var signifikant högre för harv än för BP, ca 33 % jämfört med 22 %.

Råda bot på öm fot

There is something magical about shoes?They can create an irresistible desire or be the one thing that we want to get rid of the most at the end of a long day. When people by shoes the chose more out of appearance rather then comfort. The result is a fact. The feet feel tired and soar after a couple of hours and the only thoughts are about the aching feet that firmly object to the way there being treated.

Konstruktion av Gummistans

När ett haveri inträffar uppstår direkt en mängd olika kostnader i form av underhållsinsatser, reparationsmaterial och administrationsinsatser. Utöver dessa kostnader förloras även de intäkter som maskinen genererar samt täckningen för de fasta och rörliga kostnaderna. Alla dessa kostnader skall täckas av de värdeskapande enheterna på företaget och påverkar det finansiella resultatet negativt. För att förbättra ett företags lönsamhet ökas antingen intäkterna eller så reduceras kostnaderna. Trots detta är det för många företag okänt hur stor kostnaden faktiskt är då en maskin står stilla.Arbetets uppdragsgivare är Konecranes Machine Tool Service (MTS), ett företag som erbjuder underhållstjänster och underhållslösningar till företag inom verkstadsindustrin.

Analys och utveckling av boggi till ramstyrd dumper

Volvo Construction Equipment is one of the worlds largest manufacturer of heavymachinery. In Braås, Sweden, they develop and manufacture articulated haulers inseveral sizes. The biggest, the A40, is capable of loading almost 40 metric tonnes.These haulers have a bogie to distribute the forces of the load evenly onto the two axlesand there wheels. The bogie is constructed using a rigid balance beam on each side ofthe frame connecting the axles or an independent solution using hydropneumatics.An analysis has been made in order to establish the forces created during corneringand through the theory, an estimation of the extensive tyre wear and extra fuelconsumption has been made. All due to the effects of the tyres not being inline with thecornering radius.

What traits make Swedish dairy cows survive?

The ability of dairy cows to survive and the economic importance of this have been in-creasing in dairy cattle breeding lately. Increased longevity contribute to an increased pro-portion of cows that produce milk in more productive lactations and reduces the replace-ment costs together with a good health and fertility. Unfortunately it is often argued that longevity has been decreasing due to a strong selection for production traits in dairy cattle.The aims of this study were to find correlations between different longevity evaluations and between different estimates on longevity and other traits in the Nordic Total Merit (NTM) breeding value. The aim was also to compare different traits for cows of two differ-ent longevity groups.The data were Predicted Breeding Values (PBV) from Nordic HOL and SR bulls and records from Holstein (HOL) and Swedish Red (SR) cows estimated by the Swedish Dairy Association.The three Swedish longevity indexes were very highly correlated (>0.89) and the corre-lations between the Swedish official longevity index and the five Nordic Cattle Genetic Evaluation (NAV) longevity indexes varied between 0.73-0.83.In the sire evaluation part, the traits most negatively correlated with longevity for HOL were dairyness, protein and fat index. In SR, milk, protein, and fat index only had slightly positive correlations with longevity.

"The Machine Made Me Do It!" : An Exploration of Ascribing Agency and Responsibility to Decision Support Systems

Are agency and responsibility solely ascribable to humans? The advent of artificial intelligence (AI), including the development of so-called ?affective computing,? appears to be chipping away at the traditional building blocks of moral agency and responsibility. Spurred by the realization that fully autonomous, self-aware, even rational and emotionally-intelligent computer systems may emerge in the future, professionals in engineering and computer science have historically been the most vocal to warn of the ways in which such systems may alter our understanding of computer ethics. Despite the increasing attention of many philosophers and ethicists to the development of AI, there continues to exist a fair amount of conceptual muddiness on the conditions for assigning agency and responsibility to such systems, from both an ethical and a legal perspective. Moral and legal philosophies may overlap to a high degree, but are neither interchangeable nor identical.


Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.

Ny huvöppningslösning för Eco-Logs skördare : Från idé till tillverkningsunderlag

This thesis has been made in cooperation with the forestry machinery producerEco-Log in Söderhamn. The focus of the thesis has been to find a cheaper wayto open the large engine hood of the company?s harvesters. The goal was tofind a solution that could increase the value for the customers by being saferand simpler to use, or, at the least, keep these values at an equal level comparedto the previous solution.In order to make it possible to CE-mark the new solution, it was importantMachinery Directive that came into effect from the beginning of 2010.To begin with, a specification of requirements was set up. Thereafter, anumber of different basic concepts was retrieved and evaluated.

Det gör ont när stockar spricker!

The aim of this study was to provide SCA Forest Norrbotten District with material to assist in their work towards decreasing the frequency of bucking splits in their saw timber logs. SCA Forest supplies the Munksund sawmill with pine timber. Periodically the sawmill experiences problems related to bucking splits in their logs. The purpose of this study was to find an available method to measure the occurrence of splits directly on incoming timber. The ambition was also to gain some knowledge about possible variations between different logging crews in terms of split frequency. If possible, this information could be used to investigate if certain crews produced more splits than others, and thereby making it possible to provide feedback to the logging machine operators. The study consisted of two major parts, a literature review, and a practical sawmill study.

Utvärdering av metoder och modeller för att simulera växlingskomfort i entreprenadfordon

Good comfort for the driver of a construction machine is crucial. Gearshift comfort is an important part of the total comfort. Volvo Construction Equipment Components has a simulation environment of the powertrain, SimPow, which is implemented in Matlab/Simulink. SimPow is mostly used for simulation of control strategies and performance. In order to be able to study gearshifting comfort, Volvo has an interest in developing new models for SimPow.

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