

429 Uppsatser om MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database - Sida 4 av 29

Strukturering av besiktingsfeloch information : En undersökning av besiktningsbilagor

Inspection errors are nowadays usually written with pen and paper during building inspections. A company in Stockholm is developing a method by which inspections are made digitally from the beginning and where the inspection attachments shall be stored in a database. The idea of this method is that entrepreneurs can use the database to get an experience feedback from previous surveys so that they can improve their production processes. One problem that occurs is how inspection errors will be sorted into the database. They have to be sorted so that contractors or clients can use and sort out the information in a sensible way when they want to evaluate and make improvements in their production processes.This thesis examines how the inspection errors can be sorted in a structured manner.

Hantering av viktiga framgångsfaktorer vid utveckling av ett Data Warehouse

Business Intelligence may help organizations in making the right decisions byproviding data for analysis which can be presented to decision makers. DataWarehouse which is a central part of Business Intelligence can be built in severalways but the methods presented by Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmons are considered thetwo main methods. The solution provided by Inmon focuses on integrating the entirebusiness into one large database using relational database development. Kimballhowever proposes dimensional database modeling by creating one or more data martsand integrating these using a data bus. Previous research has shown that the quality ofa Data Warehouse can be measured through critical factors such as data quality andsystem quality.

Automatgenerering av transaktionshanteringsprocedurer

In a database environment, when you create or alter tables you often want to have a basic interface for standard operations such as insert, delete and update. This thesis report covers an analysis of what programs there are on the market for generating such interfaces and compares them against the demands of a real company. The analysis showed that none of the programs were completely meeting the requirements and therefore an own implementation of an interface generating program was created. The result is a PL/SQL program capable of generating files, storing them in a version handling system and executing the files into the database..

Kravspecifikation för upphandling av medicintekniska produkter

AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirbarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .

Dammsäkerhetsutvärdering samt utformning av dammregister och felrapporteringssystem för svenska gruvdammar

A lot of mine waste rock and tailings arise from all mining processes and have to be stored in an appropriate way. Tailings are deposited in impoundments retained by tailings dams. The objective of tailings dams is to retain the slurry from the mining process and in that way prevent spill into the surroundings that might be harmful for the environment. Tailings dams are often constructed as staged embankments so that construction costs and demand of materials are spread more evenly over the period of deposition.The objective of this thesis has been to compile information about and evaluate events at Swedish tailings dams and also to develop a collective database for all Swedish mining companies for all tailings dams and all events that occur at tailings dams.Information about 60 events at Swedish tailings dams has been gathered and evaluated. The evaluation has been performed by comparison between and analysis of individual parameters and also by use of a multivariate statistical method called PLS.

Trendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken

AbstractTrendanalys av rapporterade störningar vid de svenskakärnkraftverkenAnalysis of trends in reported safety-related events atSwedish nuclear power plantsSafdar KargarThis degree project was conducted at the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM)as part of the bachelors program in Nuclear Engineering at Uppsala University duringthe spring of 2011.The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has developed a Windows baseddatabase called ?ASKEN? during later years. In this database more than 12 000 eventreports are stored sorted in three categories, category 1, 2 and 3. The databasecontains events from the start of Oskarshamn 1 in 1972 till present time.All nuclear power plants in Sweden are obliged to report any deficiency in theirbarriers and/or the defense in depth in obedience to SSMFS 2008:1.When a failure is detected or there is reasonable suspicion of a deficiency, the eventreport should be classified as a deficiency of category -1, 2 or 3 [1].The event reports are logged and archived in the register of SSM. The SSM task forceAnalys av Störningar på elproducerande Kärnkraftverk (the ASK-group), evaluates allincoming event reports and categorizes them according to established criteria.The aim of the project is to study and analyze the event reports in the database andidentity interesting observations and trends which should be investigated morethoroughly by deeper analysis to establish any positive or negative trends of reportedevents. .

Om att skapa en databas över Enaforsholms fjällträdgårds 60-åriga växtförsök

Enaforsholms mountain garden is situated in the western parts of the Swedish province Jämtland. This means a maritime climate. After a donation made by wholesaler A. W. Bergsten the country estate became KSLA property in 1937.

Upphovsrättens sammanställningsskydd och sui generis-skyddet för databaser. En adekvat skyddsnivå på bekostnad av informationsfriheten?

Collections, compilations and databases currently stand under a solid intellectual property protection in Sweden. This legal protection is partly a product of the old Nordic ?catalogue-rule? seen in the former 49 § of the Swedish copyright act (upphovsrättslagen) but was further extended by the implementation of the EU directive on the legal protection of databases 96/9/EG and the new sui generis-right. Since major values are represented digitally combined with the fact that Internet serves as the main provider for information a strong legal protection for databases must be carefully crafted. When crafting this kind of legal protection the right to freedom of information is balanced against the database producers? interests of property protection as well as social and public interests such as increased innovation.

Mobilt övervakningssystem : System för internetkommunikation mellan sensorer, webbsida, server och databas

This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with a company which develops mobile sensor platforms. The sensors measure different types of data such as temperature, pressure etc.. They will communicate through the internet with a server that stores data in a database. This system will be controlled and monitored through a web page. The project's aim has been to develop this system and to implement a server, a database, a website and a client application that simulates sensor signals.

Kammararytmi hos hund : behandling ? när och med vad?

Ventrikulära takyarytmier är den vanligaste typen av rytmrubbningar hos hundar. Ventrikulära extraslag (VES), när depolarisationen utgår från kammaren, är den mildaste formen. Flera VES på rad med en hög hjärtrytm kallas ventrikulär takykardi (VT) och kan utvecklas till livshotande kammarflimmer (VF) då inget blod pumpas ut i kroppen. Arytmier upptäcks normalt vid en klinisk undersökning med auskultation följt av elektrokardiografi (EKG). Dessa korta tre-minuters avläsningar kan identifiera en arytmi om den är vanligt förekommande. Allt vanligare blir användningen av 24-timmars ambulatorisk elektrokardiografi (AEKG) som läser av hjärtrytmen under ett helt dygn. AEKG är mycket användbar för att upptäcka oregelbundna arytmier.

Integration av konstruktionsdatabas och styrsystem

The Mission at ÅF Industry in Norrkoping was about optimizing bulk data handling while importing process tag types from their construction database into the Process Controlled System of type Siemens PCS7.I found three different methods to solve the task. Two of them were using different software from Siemens under the premise that the report from the database was corrected as needed. The third variant was manually creating the circuits. All methods worked out fine but there were times when one was better than another.To solve this task I had access to all software presented in chapter 2 ?Programvara? (=Software).

Assassin?s Creed 2 : - En analys av spelets historiebruk och dess skapande av historiemedvetande

This essay analyses the use of history in the video game Assassin's Creed 2. How have the developers used history in their game? The paper also analyses how the game can stimulate, arouse and mobilize the historical consciousness of the player. The essay presents a theoretical analysis of the uses of history and historical consciousness. This analysis is then linked with the results.

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation - Low-level structures of the PDA - PC/PDA communication

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation- Low-level structures of the PDA- PC/PDA communicationThis thesis report describes the continuing work to develop a tool for demographic research at CIDS (Centro de Investigación en Demografía y Salud Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua), UNAN, Leon/Nicaragua.The report is divided into four parts:? Revision of the existing database as a result of newly found requierments? Implementation of the low-level design on the PDA? Communication between the PC and the PDA? A mid-storage database on the client-PC.

Kunddatabas i Java och MySQL

The purpose with this work that is the basis for this thesis was to help Nattavaara Economical association to develop a program for handling invoices, customer information, and storage. The program and this thesis have been done in cooperation with the economical association in Nattavaara. Some of the demands on the program are that it shall handle customer information, storage status, invoices and diesel consumption. The program must be able to printout invoices, reminders, delivery notes, a customer list and a storage list. All information will be stored in a database.

Portning av applikationen Vasasvahn

In today's society it is important to easily and smoothly get accurate information. Withthe help of the application VasaSvahn it is possible to get expert help for Crosscountry ski waxing. The application VasaSvahn has been ported from an existingversion for iOS to a new version for Android. The application uses a third-party Webservices to obtain necessary information and support distribution of information. Theapplication is also connected to a database.

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