

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 60 av 462

Hur påverkar New Public Management en organisations effektivitet?: En fallstudie av Stockholms Stads Parkerings AB och Stockholms Trafikkontor

This thesis investigates how the level of implementation of New Public Management affects an organization?s efficiency. According to theory, a high level of implementation leads to a more efficient organization. This thesis is based on two case studies conducted on two units within Stockholms Stad. One of the units shows a high level of implementation of NPM and a high level of efficiency.

Skolbiblioteket och progressionen inom grundskolans användarundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to examine progression in user education atprimary and secondary school levels, specifically the role played byschool libraries, librarians and strategy documents in securingeducational progression. Progression is examined in the user educationprovided by the five schools, part of the same municipal schoolmanagement area which share the same strategy plan. The area, NorraFäladen, was awarded School Library of the Year in 2011 for its work,making it particularly interesting for this essay's purpose. The studycombines interviews with the area's three school librarians, who dividetheir time between the five schools, with an analysis of the strategydocuments that regulate user education within Norra Fäladen. Theanalytical framework is based on: AASL's model of progression in usereducation (Standards for the 21st-century learner); Ekström's model forsuccessful and active strategy documents; Kuhlthau's theory of thelibrarian's role in the information search process; and Limberg'staxonomy of the role of the school library.The study shows how a number of concurrent factors and prerequisitesinfluence how goals for progression in user education are met.

? Det handlade egentligen om att någon inte tog mina problem på allvar?? : En studie om ungdomars psykosociala hälsa och skolsituation

In July 2010 the curriculum Lpfö 98 was readjusted and was enhanced with new chapter, and the purpose of this essay is to study how preschool teachers discuss and describe how their conduction to the new chapter 2.6 of the readjust Curriculum Lpfö 98. I want to understand how they experience their work with the documentation.My question formulations are:How do three pre-school teachers reason around what they document in the pre-school?Which practical conditions do the pree-school teachers claiming to have on the pre-school to perform the documentation?How do they describe that they use the documentation to advance the tutoring in the preschool?In order to find out more, I interviewed three pre-school teachers, and analyzed the results I got based on prior research on documentation, and quality in preschool. My results show that the main focuses for documentations are how the children interact with each other, how they react and behave with new materials or activities. My informers emphasize that the main purpose of documentation are to be able to show the children their own process of learning.The practical conditions differ among my informers, which can lead to consequences when they want to make documentation and/or use the documentation for its purpose.  My results also indicates that the documentations are used to plan the pedagogical activities in regard to the children?s interests and according to the curriculum Lpfö98 rev.2010.

Inomhusklimat i skolor- En jämförelse mellan upplevt och uppmätt inomhusklimat

Students? performance in school is dependent on the indoor climate. This report studies four schools regarding air quality and thermal environment. A survey was made at the schools as well as measurements of carbon dioxide, dampness, thermal climate and, as an indicator for the furniture?s capability to collect dust, shelf factor and fleece factor.

Det handlar om att höja statusen! : en studie om vad män som arbetar i grundskolans tidigare år tycker behövs för att få fler män att välja att arbeta där

The purpose of this study is to stress what experiences men working in the earlier school years share about being a minority group and what thoughts they have about why other men tend to avoid this profession.In this survey I have interviewed four male teachers in the earlier school years. In previous research it is claimed that men choose not to get a teacher training for the earlier school years partly because this profession is known to be dominated by women where it is difficult for men to feel at home. It is also claimed that teachers in training choose the later school years in order to focus more on teaching than looking after the children. None of the interviewed men sees it as a problem being a minority group, neither during training nor in teaching. What the men in this survey state as the main reasons for why other men do not choose to become teachers are the low levels of status and salary.

Religionsundervisning i en afrikansk kontext : en jämförelse av tre olika skolor i Accra, Ghana

I denna studie undersöker och analyserar jag religionsundervisningen i tre olika skolor i Ghanas huvudstad Accra. De tre skolorna har alla olika profiler, varav en är muslimsk, en är kristen och en saknar religiös profil eller är icke-konfessionell. De tre skolorna är således Islamic Educational Unit, Presbyterian Boys Secondary School samt University Primary School.Studiens syfte är att jämföra hur religionsundervisningen ser ut och bedrivs i de olika skolorna, vilka olika religioner som presenteras i undervisningen och hur man ställer sig till olika aspekter av religionsundervisningen och religion i allmänhet, och hur ämnet är upplagt. Jag vill undersöka huruvida religionsundervisningen i de olika skolorna domineras av någon religion och ifall någon religion helt lämnas utanför. Detta är viktigt för att ge en bild av hur skolornas karaktär ser ut och hur man prioriterar i undervisningen.

Effekten av arktiskt klimat på inre kvalitet hos bär

This project is a literature study with the hypothesis that Arctic climate has a positive effect on the accumulation of metabolites in berries. Plant metabolites are often divided into primary and secondary metabolites. Primary metabolites such as proteins and nucleic acids are essential for cell function, while secondary metabolites are often non-essential, but have important functions regarding reproduction and survival. The berries mentioned in this project are from the families Ericaceae, Rosaceae, Elaeagnaceae och Grossulariaceae.The conclusion drawn from this literature study is that it is not obvious what favours accumulation of metabolites in berries. Other factors aside from climate affect the production of secondary metabolites, such as time of harvest, cultivars and ripeness.

Aktiv bullerdämpning i ventilationssystem

Active headsets have been on the market for years and now it is time for something else to enter the stage. The technology of active noise reduction can for exmple also be used in ventilation systems for reducing ventilation noise. An active control system principally consists of four important components, namely the downstream error microphone, the upstream detection or reference microphone, the digital signal processor (DSP) and a loudspeaker. The upstream reference microphone listen to the primary ventilation noise and sends it to the DSP which makes a phase shift to the signal and sends it to the loudspeaker. The loudspeaker sends out the opposite waveform of the incoming one and reduce the primary ventilation noise.

Barn i terapiskola : en mixad studie om föräldrars upplevelse av sitt barns utveckling på terapiskolan Liljanskolan

This study is an evaluation of the school Liljanskolan, which is a ?therapy-school? for children between the ages of seven and twelve with psychosocial problems. These problems can concern difficulties interacting with adults as well as children, acting out, difficulty concentrating and anxiety. Liljanskolan has a high number of professionals, both teachers and treaters, and few children. The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of how children that have attended Liljanskolan have progressed during their time at the school with focus on their behaviour in school, ability to interact with adults and children, anger management and self-confidence.

Skolkuratorers handlingsutrymme i en pedagogisk kontext : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study has been to highlight how school social workers experience their discretion, and furthermore how they feel about working in a context mainly dedicated to teachers. The study is executed with a qualitative research method where ten interviews with school social workers, in eight schools in the area of Stockholm have been conducted. The theoretical framework used to analyze the results was discretion, street-level bureaucracy and human service organizations.The main findings of this study imply that the most important ambition of the social work that was conducted in the schools was to help the students reach their knowledge goals. The assignment is, however, not clearly defined, which has lead to school social workers defining the mission and goals themselves. They all have wide discretion and great possibilities to decide how to execute their work, but how they use the freedom that was given seems to vary among them.

De handikappade och de normala: En studie om social identitet hos elever på riksgymnasium för rörelsehindrade

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the social identity of students at upper secondary school for physically disabled students. The youths I drew my attention to suffered from severe physical disabilities and therefore received specially adapted education in small classes, but integrated at an ordinary upper secondary school.By "social identity" I mean how the students view themselves as a group, how they value their membership of the group and how they relate to non-disabled students at school. I wanted to investigate the connections between these students' social identity and the problems of marginalization of disabled people in society.According to qualitative methods I interviewed five physically disabled students, aged 18-19, at upper secondary school level taking part of especially adapted education. The study showed that these students regarded themselves as a segregated group at school. None of them associated with non-disabled students at school.

Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.

En textanalys om förståelse av våld i skolan : Genealogi, diskurs och intersektionalitet

This bachelor thesis investigates the discourses on violence among pupils in a school environment. The overall aim is to gain knowledge on how it is researched, interpreted and understood. The methods employed are genealogical analysis, discourse analysis and intersectional analysis. The analyzed texts consist of research reports, articles, dissertations and government authority guidelines. The theoretical framework drawn upon is post modernistic theory, social constructivism and intersectional theory.

Ordning och reda! : En ideologianalytisk studie över Folkpartiets skolpolitik mellan år 1990 och 2010

The purpose of this study is to examine the critically raised concern on whether the Liberal party of Sweden, in policies regarding the compulsory school, really represents a liberal policy or if it actually functions more as an ambassador for conservative ideals. An ideology analysis is employed for the purpose of answering the research question, which asks if the party?s changed viewpoint on the compulsory school between the years of 1990 and 2010 could be understood in terms of an ideological alternation. The analysis is carried out by an examination where the party?s policies are linked to common definitions of the two political ideologies, with the assistance of an analytical tool consistent of a series of educational philosophies.

Konst och kultur : Möjligheter och hinder att använda konst och kultur som rehabiliterande metod inom primärvården

Background:There are future challenges for public health and health care in meeting the needs of a growing and ageing population. Today there are evidence of how arts can contribute to health development and of the connections between arts, health, treating and rehabilitating measures. To be able to meet the future challenges there is a need for new methods, perspectives and views about how to stay healthy, enjoy our existence and for wellbeing. Health care has an important role in rehabilitation through the broad contact with the population. The background of the essay is the pilot project Arts on Prescription that was carried out in order to try a new way of rehabilitation with arts as a factor.

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