

6921 Uppsatser om Lower primary school - Sida 47 av 462

Gymnasiebibliotekarien ? informationsspecialist och pedagog: om gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll och dess angränsningar till lärarrollen

The purpose of this study has been to examine different aspects of the professional role of the high school librarian, especially the educational role, and its delimitations to the teacher's role. The methods that were used were studies of literature within the subject area and qualitative interviews with high school librarians and high school teachers of social studies. Andrew Abbot's theory on the system of professions was used in the analysis of the results of the study. The high school librarians who were interviewed enabled access to information, both intellectually and physically. They helped students develop information seeking skills and they functioned as educators and counselors.

Skillnader och likheter gällande mobbning mellan flickor och pojkar i en monoetnisk- och multietnisk skola

The purpose of this study is to explore the differences and similarities regarding the causes of and approaches to bullying among a number of girls and boys in third grade in two schools. One of the schools is in a mono-ethnic area and the other in a multi-ethnic.The purpose isto compare the results between the schools and the questions proposed are:What is the reason for the bullying?What are the differences and similarities in existing opinions on the practice of bullying?What are the differences and similarities of students' opinions on bullying in a mono-ethnic and in a multi-ethnic school?I have chosen to use gender and ethnicity theories and the study was conducted through qualitative group interviews. The results have shown that boys' explanations for bullying are more aggressive than girls, although approaches to bullying were more related with violence among boys. The multi-ethnic school uses more direct bullying compared to the mono-ethnic school where indirect bullying occurred more often.

Skolbiblioteksmodeller: en studie i två kommuners sätt att organisera skolbiblioteksverksamhet

Our purpose with this master thesis is to look at school libraries in two separate municipal contexts and with the help of case studies try to reach understanding of how the municipal organisation in general influences and co-operates with day to day reality. In order to achieve this objective we have posed the following questions: What importance are school libraries given in relation to questions of overall management and goals in the greater organisation? How are resources distributed and management allocated in the two cases? How are the various school libraries in the two municipalities organised when it comes to workload, employee role assumption and teamwork? In the section dealing with theory and previous research we present the theoretical viewpoint and the literature of importance for our subject. This includes a short history, reports and laws, and also some research and theory on school library organisation. Our method has been to study the circumstances in two separate municipalities, Varberg and Växjö.

Får högpresterande elever den utmaning de har rätt till i skolan? : En empirisk studie baserat på lärares åsikter om arbetet med individualisering med fokus på högpresterande elever

The purpose of this study is to investigate five teachers? opinions on the work with individualization with focus on above-average pupils. I have issued four questions based on the purpose of this study: - How do these teachers define the theoretical concepts of individualization and above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason about the concept of individualization with focus on the above-average pupils? - How do the teachers reason regarding the work with individualization in the Swedish language? - Do these teachers consider that there are difficulties to individualize the work so that it will challenge above-average pupils?The method used to conduct this study was a semi-structured qualitative interview with five teachers in primary school. The theory and the theoretical concepts this study is based on is: what defines the above- average pupils, the zone of proximal development, the concept of individualization and motivation and the importance of cognitive and non-cognitive abilities.The study shows that the theoretical concept of above-average pupils is hard to define and it shows a difference between how the teachers choose to define it.

IKT i undervisningen : En studie kring innehåll och visioner utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The concept of IT has developed into ICT (Information- and Communication Technology) over the years. ICT has an increasing impact in society and the Swedish curriculum (Lpo 94) highlights the importance of school to convey lasting knowledge that constitutes the general frame of reference that everyone in society is in need of. The purpose of this study was to find out how teachers perceive and use ICT in secondary school and discover the teachers? vision concerning ICT.The used approach for the study is a qualitative research with a basis of interviews. Four interviews are made with teachers from the early years of secondary school, at two different schools.

Automatiserad laddning och plundring mellan magasin

This thesis has been carried out within the bachelor program for mechanical engineering at Karlstad University in collaboration with BAE Systems in Karlskoga. The purpose with this work was to design a mechanism and associated parts for loading and unloading of shots between primary and secondary magazine in BAE's new 40mm's ship gun.Parts designed or redesigned among other things a transfer mechanism for shot at loading and unloading, well as a hatch mechanism which makes the shots do not fall out of the primary magazine when making separate use. Various important details have been designed to maintain a good functionality of the mechanism.The construction work has mainly been carried out in the CAD software Solid Edge and its associated FEM module. The construction work has also been carried out on rough calculations for constructed details in order to ensure that they meet the stringent requirements of military use in tough marine environment. Two of the most critical parts of the structure where analyzed with the FEM module for estimating the stresses in the material at the applied load.The final design, which is a result of the thesis, meets the requirement specification and the set targets.

Resursskolans betydelse för eleverna

Students who regularly cause trouble in school, how can they learn anything? That is what we asked ourselves after having visited a special school for ?troublesome students? (in Swedish resursskola). Our main purpose has been to find out how these students have experienced the help they have been given in those schools.We have interviewed students, parents and a social worker in order to find out if the alternative pedagogical methods used by those schools give the students better opportunities to perform their schoolwork. The interviews have been made two or three years after the end of their studies in compulsory school (grade 9). We have used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews and also an evaluation model.

Föräldradelaktighet i förskolan ur föräldrars och pedagogers synvinkel

AbstractThis act is about how five children with dyslexia consider and understands their diagnosis. It is also about their self-image, future sights and about how their school life is compared with before they got their diagnosis. The study is implemented autumn 2011 on a medium-sized school in central Sweden. The survey was implemented through interviews with the five children, of which four was girls and one was a boy. The study shows that the children understand their dyslexia relatively well, but that they experience that it is bothersome to live with dyslexia.

Stödtecken i förskolan

Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur pedagoger använder sig av stödtecken och i vilket syfte de används. Vi belyser begrepp som kommunikation, språkutveckling och interaktion. Vi tar vår utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Vidare beskriver vi vad ?Tecken som stöd? (TSS) och ?Tecken som alternativ kompletterande kommunikation? (TAKK) står för.

Våldet i skolan - ett verkligt fenomen

The purpose of this study is to examine how pupils in high school see on the subject violence, and see how their experience of the subject is. The purpose of this study is also to see how common violence is belong juveniles and to examine their attitudes among the subject. We will in our examine and research among violence in the Swedish schools get an insight of how the violence in the school looks like and how wide spread violence really is. We want threw our objective sight and by using quantitative and qualitative interview methods give you readers an insight to the daily school world, we want to find out how the pupils themselves experience the school environment and what cautions teachers and other staff take to reduce this problem. Our main question is: ? What kind of vision do the pupils have on violence in school, and what can be a factor to the increasing violence in the schools of Sweden.

Vänsterhandsteknik för klassisk gitarr

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra lärare förhåller sig till pedagogiskt ledarskap

The purpose of this study is to analyse the attitude of four teachers to leadership in the classroom. The main research questions asked were:What are the teachers` views on leadership in the classroom?What does good versus  bad leadership mean to the teachers? What factors influence the teachers' leadership in the classroom, according to themselves?The method used is the qualitative method and interviews, which is my empirical material, I relate to different theories and previous research of leadership.The curriculum for the compulsory school system, the pre-school class and the leisure-time centre, Lpo 94, says a lot about how both the school and the teacher must pursue a democratic activity; the teacher must have a democratic leadership in the classroom (Lpo 94, s. 5). At school, the pupils should be met with respect, they should feel safe and be motivated to learn.

Jag lever som jag vill, eller jag lever som jag lär? En enkätstudie med avseende att undersöka 15 åringars BMI, kost-motionsvanor samt socialisationens påverkan av dessa

The habits of living are seen as important factors for public health, and are related to the primary socialization. Exercise and food habits are two main factors for development of health or ill health and are both related to the overweight epidemic. The overweight increase among children and youth has been given particular attention. The aim of this study is to examine how 15 year olds Body Mass Index, food- and exercise habits are connected to each other and also how they are related to socialization. The study is a cross sectional survey among 208 pupils in ninth grade, Kristianstad.

En komplex historia : Elevers övergång från grundskola till gymnsium inom det samtida skolväsendet

Being a student in the educational system is in itself a challenging exercise, considering the various parts that may matter in different extent for the students. There is a syllabus, there are different backgrounds and contexts for each student and there is also the knowledge in the subject to consider. This study sets out to explore to which extent teachers and students reflect about the transition from public school to upper secondary school/high school, specifically in the context of History as subject. What do they think about it and how do they work with it?By interviewing five teachers and letting 94 students in upper secondary school completing a survey about this subject (the transition), I can conclude that the matter is complex, both for students and teachers, however still a significant and important issue to discuss.

Kalibrering av mätöverfall - För mätning av flöden i nedstigningsbrunnar

This essay examines middle school students? understanding of a text read aloud to them in English and the connection between the degree of listening comprehension and the expected increase of vocabulary throughout middle school. The same listening comprehension test was carried out in grades 4, 5 and 6 in a middle school in order to survey differences in English listening comprehension in regard to the ability to reproduce the content of an oral text. The result shows that there was a progression from level to level when it comes to comprehension and the number of words reproduced and that this progression was most noticeable between grades 4 and 5..

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